DAILY NEWS I? THE RANKS O? THE BEST CITIES TO LIVE IN." 10, 1616. THE WKATHKX ' ? fair tonight with rising tem perature tomorrow. NUMBER 133. We Start Moving Monday MEET US AT OUR NEW QUARTERS IN THE FOWLE BUILDING ON JUNE 15. RUSS BROS. IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN THE JEWEIJIY LINE You can find it at our store, and can see it before you buy. You do not have to order a thing in our line, and our price* are right (Buy It At Home) STEWART'S JEWELRY STORE SEE OUR Increased Varieties IN THE FOWLE BUILDING AFTER JUNE 1STH. Russ Bros. Variety Store WE KNOW YOUR WANTS AND WANT YOUR BUSIKEM. ONE IKJLLAR STARTS AN AOOOUNT. ?1 Per Gent Paid on Time Depoelte Bank of Washington WASHINGTON, N. C. Put Money in the Bank By Avoiding Mail Order Houses and Patronizing Home Merchants. DEPOSIT WITH The First National Bank WASHINGTON, N. C. Leonard Cleanahle Refrigerator WATER COOLERS ICE CREAM FREEZERS PORCH AND LAWN SWINGS Pegram-Watson II dw. Co. Phono 190. F. G. PAUL & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers ? Highest Prices Paid For ? EGGS, CHICKENS, BEESWAX, TALLOW, GREEN HIDES AND ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SELL GREEN HIDES, 15c per lb. Money Spent At Home Drifts Back to You Again. f -T- z~r-"s?- u? MJHW WW?? NO BETTER TIME THAN THE PRESENT To secure Summer Clothing at prices no mail order house can touch. Watch our window displays for attractive .bar gains. (Buy It At Tlome) THE HUB SUSKIN V BERRY If Economy Means Anything IT MEANS TRADING AT HOME. AND TO SAVE ' MONEY. MEANS TO TRADE AT TUE MONEY SAVING STORE. (Trade at Home) B. W. BERGERON SON Have Your Suit Made at Home Every suit made by me is guaranteod both as to Material, Workmanship and Fit Why spend your money for some thing unseen ? GEO. ARAMOONIE LADIES AND MENS TAILOR All Kinds of Altering, Cleaning and Pressing. Hodman Building East Main Street Washington's Greatest Store 8TRAW HATS in all the new Shapes and Btraw 76c to $6.00 SHIRTS Dross, Sport and Work Shirt*. New Cloths and Patterns 60o to #3.00 Palm Beach Suits Extra Value* and qualities. Made of Oon. Boach Cloth ?5.08 UP. mJ. K. HOYT FIRST HUM DOWN THE HOME TOWN In tfie period from 1900 to 1910, 768 town* lost in population in the State of Illinois, 039 in Indiana, 464 in Iowa, 677 in Michigan, 540 in V*8?ouri, 1136 in Ohio, and 1520 in Penn sylvania; or a total of 5864 in these seven statos. Thetie figures were compiled by Flint Gar rison, Editor of "The Dry Goodsman," of St. Louis. Increased transportation facilities and mail order trade being the forec at work. Mail order patronage means the doing away with country towns. What will it mean to fanners to have only a few large cities at a distance of five hundred or a thousand miles? What are they going to do with the children, who are de manding even better conditions than they had? Tot trade at home is not a matter of loyalty, neither is it sympathy, but should be viewed from *Jt>u&inesa point. If one can do better else where, it is both their privilege and advantage to do?o; but when all things are equal, you owe it to yourself to trade at homo. Wo have examined the prices of mail order Anises. compar ing them with the wholesale cost, and find, with the exception of a few leaders, that their bus iness is done on the same margin of profit as the local dealer, and their prices on some lints, quality considered, even higher. Remember, a few live stores in a community means a high school ; add another store or two. and they support a ball team or perhaps a band ; still a few more, and a public library is made possible; as the town grows and prospers, so will adjacent farm lands enhance until they double in value every few years. On the other hand, as we tear down the homo town, we inflict an injury upon ourselves. WHICH ROAD? Which road ? This is the question ?very country community is facing today. In our community there* are only two kinds of people. And they travel on just two roads. There are "home town patriot*" and the "Out-of-Town patrons." There is the "Trade at Home" road and the "mail order" road. Which class are you in? What road are yov, taking:? It should be easy to decide. Every time wo fail to patronize home interest* w pi are boosting an outsider. Every time we take the mail order route we a^e boycotting our hotne town. Which road f Tho only answer for wt is the road to the right. KEEP YOUR PORCH COOL WITH VUDOR PORCH SHADES And the KUchen Cool with a BOSS Oil Stove. See our new adjustable Oven r McKeel-Rlchardson Hdw. Co. A GUARANTEE We guarantee our price? on any piece of Hardware we carry to be equal 01 less to that of any mail order bouse In the United States for the same qual ity of goods and on the same terms, delivered io North Carolina. Harris Hardware Co. THE BIG JUNE SALE NOW GOING ON JAMES E. CL/VRK J&ude At Home a .ade at the store that keeps just what you want, and delivers the poods just when you need them. We will appreciate your business. CLAUD A. LITTLE THE STORK AROUND T1IE CORNER. TRADE AT HOME And l>e sure to see our new fixtures. We have recently spent a groat deal in helping: our town, and we are willing to spend more should the town need us. Our prices are always right, and we appreciate your business. J. S. CAMPBELL PHO^'E 3S3-J. $2.00 AND $2.50 STRAW HATS $1.19 BIG SALE XOW GOING ON. Lewis & Calais , Market Street s">r? PREPAREDNESS IS IN THE AIR The best individual preparedness is character. The next br>t is education. The next best is a hank account. We are at your sen* ice. Savings & Trust Company WASHINGTON, X. C. D. 0. J toss, President Jno. B. Sparrow , Cashier THE OF* EM DOOR To the most delicious products of Nature's gardens. We carry tho Finest Fruits and Purest and Best Groceries that money can buy. ADAMS SUPPLY CO. Phono 97. Says Baker: how my Morrir does water n For a drink of that cold ice water. Free to all who will call and pet it at. JjAKER'S STUDIO. A. J. COX <? COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Heavy and Fancy Groceries ROrE, RUBBER GOODS AND SHOES, NFT TTOE antl Fisherman's Outfits. liny, Com ami 1'VmI .V ,,ST WASHINGTON, X. C. SHOES Men's, Bova, I. amies' am! Misses' Shoos in all kinds and stylos. Ladios' Shirt Waist* in n.l rr.lors and slylea. PRICES THAT MATT, ORDER IIOrSES CAXXOT COM PKTE WITH. SPENCER BROS. W*l\ ARE OFFF.KJXO FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS EXCEPTIONAL VALUES I N LADIES WAISTS Your rhniro of any lot up to $1 ..r?0( Clearance price. . .95c. SEE WEST SHOW WINDOW. J. F. Buckman & Son "The Shopping Center v Wo can save yon money on Wrarahlos for the whole fam ily. Mako u s prove it. We'll show you the largest assortment in Washington. BOWERS BROS. COMPANY

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