WASHINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY" AFTERNOON, JDOTt 84, 1B1& w e re tn our ?\eu> ot ore Hi W, MAIN STREET FO\?LE BUILDING . ' A cordial welcome is extended to yon to ?iait us in oar new quartern We are proud of tbem and they enable us . to aaro you better in everyway. EVERYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF AT Ruis Bros. Variety Stgayre Buy Your Goods at Home * . and get the best, which can be found at STKW ART'S JEWELRY STORE ON MARKET. ST. Repairing Done Promptly and Owanlud. (Buy It At Home) STEWARTS JEWELRY STORE "CRYSTAL" Trade wfcere your money comes beck to yon-r-Tmde it ffyrcaa Crystaliio the passing moments into pleasurable ones-, *?" Order Strawberry, Peach, Vanilla, or any 6|fcer, flavor. And Crystal Feat while yon think it over. PHONE 88. WASHINGTON,- V. C. we MODI toiiii wins ... And want tour business. ? " OM DOLLAR ST ARTS U ACCOUNT. 4 Tier Cent Paid on Thn* Depoadta Bank of Washington WASHINGTON, N. 0. Put Money in the Banfc Bj Avoiding Mail Order Houm? and Patronizing Home Merchant*. ? - DEPOSIT WITH The Pirs t National BtUSk WASHINGTON, N. 0. TO BE SOLD A T ONCE REGARLESS OF COST TWO EMERSON MOWING MACHINES. Exceptional Bargains to the persons who need good machines Pegram- Watson Hdw. Co. Phone 190. F. G. PAUL & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers ? Highest Prices Paid For ? EGOS, CHICKENS, BEESWAX, TALLOW, GREEN HIDES AND ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SELL GREEN HIDES, J5e per lb. Money Spent At Horns Drift* Back to Ton Again. NO BETTER TIME THAN THE PRESENT To Mcnre Summer Clothing at prices no mail order houte can touch. Watch oar window ditplajrt for attractive bar (Buy It At Home) THE HUB SUSRIN V BERRY If Economy Means Anything IT MEANS TRADING AT HOME AND TO SAVE MONET. MEANS TO TRADE AT THE MONEY SAVING STORE. - ( Trade at Home) B. W. BERGERON & SON Have Your Suit Made at Home Every suit made by me is guaranteed both aa to Material, Workmanship and Fit Why spend your money for m? thing nnaeeat - 'i V' OEO. ARAMOONIE LAD.IES AJfl) MENS TAJIOR -'ig >> ? Att Kind ? of Altering. Cleaning and Pluming. Rodman Boilding.Eaai Main Street ? J. K. HOYTS Great Jane-July Clearance Sale. 18 GOING AT FULL StfcfcD. Dct M to loot over *e m*ny money ?vipg appo^utu. try J. K. HOYT THE MERCHANTS WHOSE HAHESlPPtS i THIS PAGE A8E M1BIBTED IN THE . UP-BULMIW OF WASHINGTON i . r7^ ? - X Their Advertisements Contain Items of Interest to Every Reader of this Paper. They are Washington's Leading Business Men. Along the border of this page, there appr tr the adv?rtiaements of men who ire amoag the most prominent citizens of Vfuhinftoo, who realize that iho mail order houses dope their customers into buying unsatisfaetory goods aad who arc working to help W ashington and Beau fort county grow' and prosper. Hun your eye down the list Yon will find the advertisers to be those men who are en gaged in every work of development that ia brought up. They give both time and money to help the community better itself. I A re these men not worthy of your patroitago? Is it either just or fair to ignore their . place* of business and send your money off to I the mail order man, who does not know you and . who cares nothing for you ? except to get your monoy? "TRADE AT HOME" is now the slogan of every citizen who ia interested in his home eommunity anal who wanta to see it grow. IS IT TOUR SLOGAN? Let's Bring Down the Dollars that are Flying Away From Us. Is. them any way to stop- this flight! How many communities are making an effort to check this stampede of money that flies' &ut 6i their home town? What is our community do ing? What jrould all tW? tiMTOy mean yon and me, if it were spent with our own business men? The picture is no divdrri or fancy, 'the artist has simply brought home, to us the hard facts. Let us face them as thoy are. The group of men with rifles provides ?the right action for ns. Lot us organize tn> stop this flight. Let each one of us .wnemher this: That home ?alues increase in proportion as we spend oUr money at home. That home values disappear with every dollar sent away. t He Saved Money, Didn't He? A customer ordered from a Mail Order House six sets Tobacco Truck Axles to save five cents a set? thirty cent*; but bad to pay SOc freight. The Mai\ Order House pays no town, county or Stats tax In North C??oHaa. We pay hundreds of dollars. Don't we save you money? McKeel-Rlchardson Hdw. Co. A GUARANTEE Hfarrte Harduwre Co. , /THE big JUNE ^ SALE NOW GOING ON -S JAMES E. CLARK Trade At Home *nd trade at the store that keeps just what jo\x want, and delivers the goods just when you need tbem. We will appreciate your buainoHL ] CLAUD A. LITTLE THE STORE AROUND THE CORNER. trade at home And bo sure to Bee our new fixtures. We have recently spent & great deal in helping our town, and we are willing to spend more should the town need us. Out prices are always right, and wo appreciate your businei* J. S. CAMPBELL PHONE J83-J. ? ? ? p? ? ? ? ? Ocean Breezes by Wire Think what a pleasure and comfort it is to have cool occan brt3e7.ee delivered into your home by merely turning the switch of an electric fan. Quarter of a cent per hour is all it costs to run a portable 8-inch fan, which can ^ carried from room to room. A 12-inch fan costs less than burning a single electric light. Electric & Water Dept. Phone 39 J PREPAREDNESS IS IN THE MR The best individual preparedness is character. The next best is education. The next best is a bank account We are at your service. Savings & Trust Company WASHINGTON, X. 0. - - B. 0. Moss, President J no. B. Sparrow, Cashier THE OPEN DOOR To tho most delicious products of Nature's girdgpc W? carry the Finest Fruits and Purest and Best GrooMMrthat money can buy. ADAMS SUPPLY CO. Phone 97. The Militia Is Going They have been called to tho border. A number of Washington young men have enlisted and they should leave photographs behind them. It will make it easier for wife, mother or sweetheart. BAKERS STUDIO A. J. COX tS COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ? ? Heavy and Fancy Groceries ROPE, RUBBER GOODS AND SITOES, NET TWTNE and Fisherman^ Outfits. Hay, Corn and Feed Stuff. WASHINGTON, N. a LADIES AND MEN'S WHITE SHOES 8pecial at $1.25 to (3.00 MEN'S PALM BEACH SUIT8 *5.00 to *7.50 SPBMCBR BROS. ^Summer Floor Coverings Evorvtiins; M?ded for the floor, in DEI.TOX FIBRE, RAO aiid High Grids TAPESTRY and VEI.VET; a SEE OUR EAST SHOW WINDOW. J. F. Buckman & Sod "The Shopping Center" KEN'S PALM BEACH AND KQpL KLOTH SClTS In every new pattern and ityle. We are (bowing a beautiful link Gome in, we'll gladly abow yea. BOWERS BROS. COMPANY WASHINGTON'S BEST STORE

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