THJE WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS PUBtaBHBD r8 VKB Y EXCEPT SUNDAYS. matter, August 5, ItOt, a< the posioffice! N. C., under the act of March 8, 1870. 8UBSCRIPION RATES: One Month ,vl J5 Tliree Month. : 75 / Biz Months * 1.50 One Year . * 8.00 Subscriptions must be paid for in advance. If paper is not re Mined promptly, telq^hone or write this o#ce. Subscribers desiring the psper discontinue, will please notify this office, otherwise it will be continued at regular subscription rsres. JAMES L. MAYO Pkoprixtos CARL GOERCH Epitos WASHI N'GTOy. NORTH CAROLINA. Jl'LY 10. 1916. Se?\>nd street it* gutting in rather Iwd shape. There art* innum erable little bumps ami holes ? small at prcfcnt but growing larger I all the time. Some steps should be taken to smooth them over, before the street gets uiueh worse. One reason why belter and more effretive work ha.* not been done by the con vie? force of the county. is because the men arc not per mitted to finish whatever work they start. For example, they were putting down a tine pure ?>f road a: Tranter's Creek, but wore forced to abandon the w ?rk at the first ??f the month and are now laboring in Long Acre township. As ai result, the Tranter's Creek work is iii an unfinished state. Thorp ari? several miles of good roads and then the unimproved roads occur again. The convicts ought at least to have been permitted to tini-li rheir work as far as Latham's Cross Road*. WII.L THK NVAK K N I > WHEN PEACE IS DECLARED i The nine allied nations of Europe propose : been declared. If the Allies. in adopting this plan, agreeing to trade only among themselves, refusing German goods and building economic walls around the Teutonic power*, intend their action as punishment for the Teutons ami compensation for themselves, they had better find some other way. The proper punishment for Germany's aggressive militarism is to be administered on rhe field of battle, and the proper reparation i* to l?e arranged in the peace conference that will close the struggle. The war should end wirh the laving down of arms. The Allies will not even compensate themselves for their enforced military expenditure* by a trade conspiracy against Germany, for it i? folly for ow group of nations to imagine that it can gain wealth bv impoverishing anther group, [f ihov persist., they will only hinder their own development. while they drive their foes to despera tion and itnjH'ril again flic world's prosperity and peace. KSCAPrWO TI! K! K ITXISTIM F.NT. interest ha* l?e*i? ar.?jwnd to await trial. Tho inoli. which lynched the liPtrro. was composed of a larir" num ber of mm ? probably in the ueichlmrhfxid of ;< hundred. ft wa* openly reported that rlie nvmU r included "prominent rp*idpn?s" of Orwii county. Anil yrt, the ??nlv man who has* been iirre-ted ?< a poor farmer. ?a man whft i* without influence and friends. It i? more rlinn likely that the "prominent rPsidpnN*' will cheapo fhe punishment ^.vlie-li thry dp?prvp. They niidonbtpdly fop! thpm selvp* quite spenre. It would In1 a l-iir surprise to rheni, however. if they wprp sentenced to the road* f<>r a fpw years to answer for their crime. And wp sincerely trust that Stocks will not. l>e made to suffer fp present at thp meet ins and take part in tii** discussion* that. will tie hftmirht up. Thp onp hijr trouble with thp organization in thp pa-t linn been that not pnotiifh nipn have interested tliem-flves in thp work flint Iwih bocn undertaken. Everything that ho# lieen accomplished. ha* been ?lon?? hy a handful of men. There U plenty of work to hp done during thp coming ypar. hut whether iT will done or riot, dfjiends lanrelv on tho interest mid enthusiasm that i> manifested. With any degree of co-operation and with a determination to assist in Washington's protrn^M and development. wonder* could hp a from plkhed fliiring- thp pominir \par. Two i*r thrpp mpti pan't 1?p pxpcvtpcl to t of thp R#i1 Hill tfrtad. aprr-pinp hpld up. The rpiPHtion that the ffltrunittpp han t/? annwpr i* thi?: "Shall wp atart immcdiiitflT and pu| down a nonrrpfp road, taking tho riak of loain^ a povl part- r>k at it. Waah injrton would nndoiibtedly W* much tohappo, if thp road wpre plo?od up nntil Oetober 1. On the other hand, there will he considerable diaaatixf action if nothing ia done until next ypar. The btat eonrae to purau# would prohahlv he a 4 'half- way-bet ween/' Put off the concrete work until next year, but in the meantime im prove aa much of the road aa poaaihle, doing- it in and^a way aa to make it prefimma/y 4o th# concrete work, : ' Like a snack before bedtime / When you "rob the ice box," you know bow you relish tbat last "bite" before bed time?it does satisfy! When you smoke. Chesterfields .do exactly the same thing ? they satisfy! Yet, Chesterfields are mild ! This is something entirely new to ciga rettes? eona, carried away with the applause, discarded her bathinp suit, the police Inter fered. A Doctor'* R< medj for Cough* As a cure for coughs and colds Dr. Bell'p Plne-Tar-Iloney combine tli?ne remedies In juft the right pro portion to do the most good for sum mer coughs or colds. A trial will prove the value of this splendid '?ough medlclnft. Dr. Bell's Plne Tar-Honey soothes the Irritation, stops your coSgh, kills the cold germs and don* t0u a world of good. A 26c bottii) will more than con vince you ? It will stop your cough At druggists. Best Goods -AT POPULAR PRICES Stationary. Rubber Good a. Toilet Ar ticle*. A compute lla? of Pat?*t M*41ct?i??. m?ar?, Tobur* Boat !?? CruB Mid ronnuin Drinks The Palms , J. LKON WOOD JAMSN W. COLE Member* Mew Vork Cotton Exchange. J. LEON WOOD & GO BANKERS AND BROKERS Stork*. Bonds, Cotton. Grain and Provision*. 78 Plnm* street. <"*rpenter Building, Norfolk. -Va. Pri**te wire* to New Tork Stock Eicbang*. Chicago Board Trad* *n all who agTee to teach. FaH Term begins September 19, 1916. For catalogue and other Information address, KOBT. H. WRIGHT. I>r-klent, OrMarim N. O. Daily 'News Classified Ads Bring Quick Results DRINK COCA - COLA In Bottles When Tired and Thirsty ' There's Nothing so Refreshing and Invigorating EVERY BOTTLE ABSO LUTELY PURE Coca-Cola Bottling Company WASHINGTON. N> C. F. E. Mayo Proprietor ? - ? ? ? " rrw things from Germany In tnef last two rear*. Why. they even make Frankfurter sausage* right here to Ixindon these days, and serre them with Teutonic-style* potato salad and saaer?kreut. Germany began robbing darkless in favor of daylight on May 1. by setting all the docks in the Empire ahead an hour. Great Britain fol lowed by doihg the same thing. On October 1 the clocks will be turned back again. There Is a' yearly gain of 164 hours of useful daylight, equivalent to 1? working days of 9 hours eath. Gas bills are much lower, both in the home and in the factory. The total y earty saving to this Item alone Is estimated at fit, 600. 000. Railway, -ompanlee will save about $600,000 a year In cost of lighting, and will benefit by increased passenger traf fic. A longer period of leliure before sunset Is afforded the women and girl workers. Tired business men are_ able to play golf an hour longefr in the evening. Eyesight especially will benefit, daylight being better than artificial light. The scheme was introduced by having every public clock, on churches, town-halls, post offices. railway stations, etc., set for ward one midnight to one o'clock. The change makes the difference between clock-time in London and New York six hours. Instead of five j ss at present. TROOPER'S FAREWELL HUG BREAKS GIRL'S RIBS Altoona. Pm., July 10. ? One of the members of Sheridan Troop wu a little too violent in the farewell ca resses of his sweetheart before leaf ing for Mount Qretna. It has just been learned. The young Tyrone woman, whose name Is withheld to save her embar rassment. complained of severe pains in her right side for several days after the trdoper departed. As It seemed to get worse, she. consulted the family physician, who discovered that the parting "squeeze" had frac tured two of her ribs. The Nemesis. Admiral Peary has withdrawn his -andidscy for the Senatorshlp from Maine. Has old Doc Cook been threatening to run against him? Will Sloan's Liniment Relieve Pain? Try it snd see ? one application will prove more than a column of claims. James 8. Ferguson, Phlla., Pa., writes: have had wonderful relief since I used Sloan's Liniment on my knees. To think after all these years of pain one application gave roe relief. Many thanks for what your remedy has done for me." Don't keep on suffering, apply Sloan's Liniment where your pain Is sod notice how quick you get relief. Penetrates 'without rubbing. Bny It at any Drag Store. 16c. SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWS State of North Carolina. Beaufort County. In the Superior Court. John L. Roper Lumber Company, a corporation, x Vs. W E. Alien et al. To W. D. Bowen und to aU to whom It may concern: The parties above named and all other persons Interested will take notice that on ths 1st day of June, 1916, the above named petitioner filed a petition In the ofllce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beau fort County to ha^e the title to cer tain lands therein described regis tered and confirmed pursuant to Chapter 90 of the PublW Law* of 1913. snd that summons has been ssued returnable #at- the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beau Tort County on the 10th day of Aug ust, 1916. Said land Is situate In Pantego and Long Acre Townships, leaufort County, State of North* Carolina, and adjoins the lands or 9. F. Bowen, W. B. Bowen, L. S. Res pass. O. 8. Respass and R. R. Respass, the lands of John L. Roper Lumber Company, the Norfolk Southern Railroad (Mackeys Ferry, ws, to- wit: Beginning at an Iron n\arker -tanding in the county line between Reanfort Aid Washington counties* | tanding North 86 deg. 40 mln. West lf>9 feet from a stone monument In . im> a ? STEWART * BRYAN ? ? uioiiqm^U* ? ? WASHINGTON. N. ?. ? ? ????????-?? ? M. L. Blmnoni W L Tu|kn ? ? 8IKMON8 k VAUQHAK ? ? uvnu ? ? Rooaa 1S-1MI, UigklaitoiM ? ? Building. Waahlngton. N. ?. I ? ????? ????? ?OA. PHILLIPS k BT.O. ? ? riRl INSURANCE ? ? ' WASHINGTON. If. f. m ? JOHN H. B01TN1M ? ? Attorney-*t~Law ? ? W A RHINO TON, M. ?. ? curve of said railroad right of way j to a point of tangent of said right 1 of way, the long cord of which curve , bears Sooth 20 deg. West (30 feet; 1 thence South 14 deg. Weet with the | line of aaid right of way 3711.8 feet to an iron marker atanding in said i right of way line 100 feet from the ; center of aaid railroad track. It be- | ling the point where the line Of the land of R. 8tokeabury crossed eald : jrlght.of way line; thence 8outh 44 j deg. West 930 feet to an ?ron mark er; thence South 40 deft. 80 mln. East 846.5 feet to an Iron marker in the Western line of eald railroad right of way; thenoe with the aald line of eald railroad right of war Bouth 14 deg. Weet 11887.8 feet to an Iron marker; theaee South 88 deg. 50 mln. Weat 6181.6 feet to an Iron marker; thence Bouth 8 deg. 10 mln. Hast 1786.4 feet to the center of the Intercepting Canal, paaelng an iron marker at a point on aald llffe 40 feet from the oenter of aald canal; thenee with the center of aald canal North 48 deg. 88 mln. Weat 10416 feet and North 48 de*. 48 imln. Weet 16888 feet to a marked line croaalng aald Canal, known it the Joseph Dwight patent line; .thence with aald line North 88 deg. i86 min. Beat. paaaing an Iron mark er 40 feet from the center, of aald canal. 7874 feet to an Iron marker; thence North 6 deg. 80 mln. Weet 2002 feet to an Iron marker; thence North 68 deg. 20 mln. Weat 1864 feet to an iron marker ttaodlng In the county line between Beaufort and Washington Countlee, South 86 deg. 40 mln. Kaet 6288 feet from a atone monument on the Weat aide of the Acre Road marked "B. A W. County lfn?, 1818"; thence with eald county line South 86 deg. , 40 mln. East 28487 feet to the begnnniug; ' con taining 8686 acrea. Said parti ee will- take notice that the petitioner claim* an eetate In fee In aald land; that the aame la free and clear from any and all.*nenm b ranee* wave and except a deed of truat to Bankera Traat Company. ?aec**?or traatee for Manhattan Tra?t Company. All pereons aaaert Inr or elalmlnr any fntareat in aaid land are notified to aeeerf their claim to the Mme by Ullng anawer or oth erwise with the CWk of the Snp*r lor <"otirt of Beaufort County. ( , t vi?Tk Hunoflor court 4 - ,v-;as