1HINGTON DAILY NEWS = Fair tonight and Fri day. N. * N. W. u WASHINGTON, N. C., THTTRSDAY AJTEBKOON, JrtJl/* 80, 1M?. 11 I 7 on* ADVaVcK CAVALRY DB tUR8. NO 1 I- arrnmutn.^'' i .1HW. ?* yfSftjgy^K, V; rjf ,f AusrauB snr mum (By United Pre?) fcoadoa. July 10?T?. Aua.la rlllaie of Ka&, H araa oBclaUy announced. AU liitwa 1 the eaony ka*T ~ SAT THAT BUCK U5T J INCLUDES 8,000 NAMES (By United Pnm) Mew York. Jul j 10.?That the British blacklist against American fra^B with German connections 1? not r complete, but Include# In faet 8.0*0 names, which will be publish ed from time to time, 1? the state meat attributed to a prominent bank er" fcy the Journal of .Commerce. The bla*llstin* or other Xnterloaas Is said to depend upon how the publfco recti res the flrst list. Ifathla* tickles me so much as for Ttafr friends to ooms to see jrotl. And for r?u to take them down to see me. i BAKER'S STUDIO. r\ > Want Ad Cost is Less Than Vacant Room Loss . Toa can rent your furnl.bed foom to a lodger who la "good tar." Whs will appreciate a food place te lire, aad who frill STAT If the room maka 1 good hrome. 1 The COST per day of a want ?d la entailer than the LOSS Shr day through ha.1 eg tka Mom _ narented. Aad a .(aw dara of. wata. ad ooer will trer.nt a g^at agar 4M ff JACANT ROOM IX)?8. STARTLING RUMORS btt&y ail morning. tryiu^ to run down rumors which were liiijiiH on the atreeta, - regarding a btg-Ctorm and disaster at Ocracoke H* WM unee?(oL It w** reported aro an d town -early 4W? Horning that two shipe had hftrned over and that nine lira? jhad Men lost- No ona appeared to Aow1?*froaB the news came. reporter was referred from m person to another. Ha inally ?are It -tip asa hopeless task. In nri^iio maka certain, however, ha t^ltphotrtid ftji ltew Bern and Bean fort, thinking that line .veea*l from SS&SS?P**-" " ?r ?ip r* ?*.m of tk? ibg af any accident IHHH ;' There to ' no otW' way that the new* could have reached bere, for ?no boat has oomf tft^from Ocracoke in the lut two 4*W The *ary fl. waa doe here laat nhrfct, -hut the has iot ret been heard ftott. It,la be lieved that she found It too rough to flsh and therefore did not make her appearance here laat night because aha had no cargo to bring in. TO SOB) IP SOWS TO BEAUFORT COUNTY ? I Hog Raising to be Started on a Large ^ J. M. Barr, one of the large land owners In the Terra Cela aectlon of the county, and one of the moat progressive farmers In the county., was In the city thla morning on a brief Tiait. Mr. Barr stated that atock raising was bound to become the blg.indus try In Beaufort county If a market could be Vcured so that the farm era could sell their atock. % . "There la absolutely no Induce ment for a farmer to devote his at tention to falsing atock uQl?W' he can sell It,'* he remarked. "T'or thla reaaoq, r think that we ought to try our level best ' to haite',a> packlng: plant built In WAahlngton se as to take care of our stock," Mr. Barr has at present abddt 400 head of cattle on his farm and an eqnift number outage. - He >ia tu craaaing L* number arenr.yahr-^ Ih speaking of the bl? "Potter ranch In hfs neighborhood, -Mr. Barr stated that he hfcd learned that -Mi'. King, manager of (ha ranch. Intended ship ping ^,600 sows'here "as a starter.". Other farthers In that aectlon are becoming Interested In hog knd cat tle raising, ] Ik! NH CHIUI UBOR Nli ? (By United Preas) Washington. July 10.?raced with the filibuster, Democratic leader in the Senate Kern today told Preaident Wllaon that If a compromise la pro posed by the Repnblleans. the Dem ocrata will set a date early In De cember for a vote on the Child La bor bill. Advocatea to the compro mise say that thla would take the bill Qnt of ^politics and resaft In a adjournment. ?Ill out of po ouch earlier CANDLED EGGS * 1 '-n. -.?> ? . * * ? I ? * Evfiy Egg Guaranteed Order your Eggs.from it*. Prompt delivery. F. G. PAUL & BRO. WASHINGTON. N. t UW KALIS (HER WAV i A big land deal, involving the neighborhood of 40.000 acres, I? in tke course of consummation and take? in. a big tract lying in Beau fort and Washington conation.' Kie land la owned by Che Roper Lumber CMftpany and It ia understood tkat It to being sold for JJiam ky John Wilkinson of Bel ha vac to M. W. Potter and assoelste*, among tke latter bain* s?*r*r prominent New York t? aooo WATER '.laksvlUe. JuIt . *0.?Additional M41e> found today in wid?ly avpara fa* districts of North Carolina brought the number of deaths from the recent floods up to approximately 50, with six persons mlsaing and be ttered to be dead. Seven of the flood victims ware drowned at Rood a, near Wilkes boro in the overflow of the Yadkin river. They were in two houses cast ashore at Ronda after having been washed 15 jplles from the point where they originally stood. The other deaths occurred in the Bat ?ave and Chimney Rock rectipn southeast of Asheville. where the scything before it, and near Bel mont, on the Catawba river. News is coming In slowly from the Tadkln river valley, as well as from other parts of western North Caro lina known to have suffered from the high waters, and it is feared the number of deaths will be materially increased when full reports can be had. The crest of the flood has been | passed ih South Carolina, North Car-1 ollna, Virginia. Tennessee and West i Virginia, leaving In Its wake demor-| allied railroad and wire communi cation. and armies of repair men are | working in fin effort to restore nor n%al ? conditionh. Many bridges and j miles of roadway must be replaced. HUMS or SOAKS SEEK Off VIRGINIA (By United Prfess) - o'-U Philadelphia, inly 10.?Hundred* of sharkk. sopie twelve and fourteen feet lfcntf, wera atghted off the Vir ginia coasf fey c ?k? British steamer. Coopac; on docking, here -todtfy. The hungry rfibrfstern followed the vessel so closely all the way into the Dela ware capes that the sailors hit many of them with blocks ol wood. Six Oarranaa Troops Rilled. El Paso, Teat.", July SO.?Six gov ernment soldiers wsre killed in the | Villlsts attack upon 4 .Gftppu&lsta I supply train at on Monday, according t patches hers today/-* 1 conflicted with pr Chihuahua City, wbkft" indicated the | attack took plass Other reports reachta? h eta . that a band of about 50 < der Nicholas Hernandes.-nlan/la t sratlng In ths vicinity of which Is about 2S miles of Chihuahua City, and miles east of Santa Ysabet. nd about W TOBACCO HEN HERE ft S. A. Gravely and son, of Rocky Mount, returned to Washington tO and will at enee begin i?king; Ive preparations for ths visit a large number of ths farmsrs ths county and "talk tobaoro' SHY BRITISH ! SEIZED MAIL FROM LINER ! ' (By Called Preaa) Berlin, July Yt?T%m BrtUah eon flacated >11 af th. llrat-clae? mall. ? which ww Tlllm lim^l from th. Ualtad Scale? abound the liner Noor Itam. an Aroaterdam report, received bara tod?. d<*W. Tha Noorham. Maud New iTork to HolUnd. waa ?tapped by a Brltlab cruiser It if aaaertryl, and all; of the mall waa teke? (ran the liner M KRUH Many Heuttlonal Mnrdevs and tel. ! cid?w Hare Occurred Lathe City During the burnt Few Week*. I Th? Hague, July SO.?A ghtfstly wave of murders and other crimes of a horrible character Is sweeping over Berlin. Menta) depression and In sanity, due In some Instances to the loss of relatives in the war. while others lack proper food. Is held by criminologists' and alienists to be responsible. During .the last few weeks, a sen sational murder or suicide'has oc curred nejuiy every other day. Many of thjam bav^ been hushed up, while the -war news.. SAY EUOPE WILL COME AFTER GOLD RESERVE l ?. Hot Export Trad? Through Co j Urged That United Staten Mold on to Operative Measures. (By United Press) Washington. July 10.?America's vast gold reserve will be the chief point 'exporters. The coutactl has been warned that Europe Mil also try to get back the export trade that Amer ica has built up dnrlhg the great wrr. The statement explained that Europe's efforts will be nlong co operative lines and that therefore co-operation should be permitted here. WON'T BUILD NEW STABLES F,jj _ ar MtB#a hart HprlaW^ Plan* tor 'Jm K. Wln?l..w'a M? atahlea. which are to be local?? on TblM atraat. oppoalte th- Uaaa.ll Supply Company, ?are revealff tb|> moralni by w. B. Patrick. who will .rwreaent m. Wlaalow In Wlflkit* taa Mr. Patrick baa baaa ronoaatad witb Mr. Wlaalow la Oraenvlll? CM a large aula bar ot yeara an* It an expert In an fatten peYtaUalnc to the aala of hereee and noire ?"We don't Inland btlldlnc aaw ?tabla? ?tli next aprtai," aald Mr. Patrick thla moralna Tar the praaaat we Kava raw ted the Haaaall Sapplr Company atablee Wa bare found that t baaa wlU awawar atfr iRftt&xraR _ (Ml. ?. fc-M-l rata? erclualrety to th, mle ?< harm and mate?." | WASHINGTON (US MUCH PIIPIY Papers of Tha* City Advertise Visit of B?m?M rn^nl Thin Town on the Front Page. * That tbe visit of th? Bartceani to Richmond is resulting In much pab-f llclty to this city Is shown by the j attention that the newspapers of J Richmond aro paying to th? visitors.i Th? following article, under bead-1 Unas of large type, appeared on the) front page of the Richmond News Leader yesterday: UTTLK WASm.Vr.^" 1.1 BXCURAIC ?r* HU8T North Carolina Town la Well . AdvertWo By Visitors In Richmond. . Little Washington, as a thtir M^K JOwn In North Carolina la ??MlJIarly kaown. buj qot be *? Urn u some of Dm o?ker#Wr< ta that state. b?i.?lTlmn?inlr ^ WrClt, tr pemajje th*re ar? u ?l*t, M the I?'?- excursionists who ^?me here yesterday to re main, pntll tonight. The excarstonJtte came it-re aboard e train, chartered by the Methp4[?t Baraca Ctats of Wublkstos. Those accompany In?, the sightseer? include W. R. Percleal, president of the class; W. M. Kear, teacher, and E. E. Phillips, secretary. A little booklet is being dis tributed by the excursionists. On the front page are the words: "The best towns In their states ?Washington, North Carolina; Richmond. Virginia." - "Laat but not least," sayB the booklet, "we have tbe prettiest girls In the world."" The rial tors were entertained In the Monument Methodist ... efcMcfl. Where. ..Frederick Richardson made a short tftfk to them, and in the home?of the Toung Women's Christian Asso ciation, where they partook of a supper last evening. Automo bile rides to points of Interest ' were features, planned for the pleaaure of the visitors, who say they want to come to Richmond on many more excursions. MANY PEOPLE NEGLECT TO TAKE TREATMENT Comporativcij Few Have Taken An- 1 tl-Typht?M This Bummer. I>r. , Hlount Expre.HfteM Opinion | on th? Matter. Although the treatment la abso lutely free and tbe danger of typhoid la well known, comparatively few persons In Beaufort county are tak ing the anti-typhoid treatment In Beaufort couutjr this aummer. l>ast year, there were between 50? and 600 vaccinated, but from present Indications there_ will not be any where near tni* number vaccinated this season. "It Is absolutely appallng to hbte how the people will neglect this lm* portant matte;.' said Dr. J. tifj Blount, county health officer, this morning. "I have talked with a Istge number of peraons and' have tried to get them to take the treat ment, but they keep ptitting it off. I know of two cases last year, where the vaccln^i!?n WM Put 9ff *nd- aH a result, those two men la^ at death'f door for several weeks. ? "Every person In the county ought to guard against typhoid by taking the treatment ~sd men of family should see that their wives and chil dren take It. Too much ImpefUnc* can not be placed on this matter. It the lives of many of our THOUSAND PBOPIJC IPJ.R W , SAUAHURY INTO TO fliOODS Salisbury. July Si.?Many pas sengers held up in Salisbury since] Runday on aeccuM of the floods were taken to Aahftvllle laat night by the ?ottWn on special cars operated via l*ynchbnfg. Rrlatol. Knoxvflle art Msrphy roc* oi^*nra? ~air eintlifr th' tenaat-eeeklnf luk far BST9 ARE ATTACKS) 6N M^M URJTV