A Want Ad la THE DAILY NEWS Bring* Sure Results, DAILY I Untitled tonight. Pratat showers Tuesday. South wlada. "WASHINGTON :-FIK8T IN HEALTH; FIRST IN WEALTH. Am> FIRST IN THE RANKS OF THE BEST CITIES TO LIVR IN. VOLUME 9. WASHINGTON, N*. O, MONDAY .AFTKIi.VOO.V BRITAIN'S ANSWER DOES NOT REPLY TO U. 8. MAIL BEIZUKE fBOTKHTS EVADES PKINCI PAIi ISSUES OK AMERI CAN NOTE. AIOIHER NOTE DEMANDED Amb?m?dor Page Will Be Instructed to Inform Forpljjn Office That Note Received Yettterday 1m Xot a R4al Reply to Our Demand*. Raleigh Follows in the Footsteps of Washington ; Wants a Packing Plant Paper in That City Urges Business Men to Work up In terest iu the r.ojcct and Secure a Plant. Cites Success of the Mbuttric. Plant (By United Press) Washington. July 2 4.? The State Department will Immediately ac knowledge through Ambassador Page at Lendon, the receipt of the Brit ish "mall seizure" reply and will in form him that It is not considered a real response to the American note. The request for a better response on the principal issues involved will be repeated. This was the official de^ claration at the 8tate Department to- 1 day. Officials characterized wild ru-i mors ta ttie effect fte~Vnf States might conro> American mail carrying ships with war vessels, as "absurd rot." The direct relation between Brit ish tuail seizures and blacklisting of American Arms was pointed out by State Department officials after the " in's preliminary mail Impatience which the United States feels over England's reply to mail protests was due partially because it was thought that It was through the alleged Illegal practice of ."opening the mall of American firms that she obtained such information on which the blacklist was based. Officials say that the mall reply received yesterday was wholly un satisfactory. because It ignores all principles and expected the Ameri can note to doal only with specific cases, which have no bearing on the reform of future British practices. Unlets a satisfactory reply is shortly fprthetiming, Ambassador Page will be Instructed to make a peremptory <"deift?nd on the British foreign of 'Tlce. reply. The extreme ' Raleigh. th$ capital city of the State, having notlcod the agitation fur a packing plant in Washington, and realizing that 'such an institu tion would be a good thing for the farmers, has also begun working for a plant, as an editorial in yesterday's issue of the News and Observer goea to show. The edlotrial was brought to the attention of a Dally News re porter by one of the prominent busi- 1 ness men of the city this morning.' j I "It looks as if every city in the State was beginning to keep nn eye on Washington. " he aald. "Just aa soon as some project is brought up here, the others get busy working on the same thing. They evidently look up to Washington as the leader." The editorial referred to readB as folfows: Nerd for Packing Plant. At this t^me North Carolina Is im porting from the packing houses of Cincinnati, Chicago. Omaha and St. Louis several million pounds of beef and pork annually. Only a very small percentage of either fresh or cured meats consumed in produced on the farms of the State, and none of it put In condition for holding any length of time. Something like 8.000,000 pounds of beef and perhaps an equi valent In pork and cured bacon and hams are brought into the State an nually, requiring a large amount of mbtfey if rested by the Sale of 'cotton and tobacco and manufactured goods to pay the bill. Indued, our meat and grain purchases each year de plete sadly the balances in the sav ings bansk or the State. Under the stimulating work of the farm extension bureaus of the A. & M. College, the work In animal hus bandry directed from Washington and the rapid atention being given o grains and forage crops in por iona of the State that have been giv ?n over entirely to the all-tobacro or all-cotton system, the number of hogs ?nd cattle owned by the farmers of North Carolina la Increasing not alone in numbers but In character. With a farm land bank in operation, enabling farmers to obtain long time loana at low interest rates, thousands of farmers who have been prevented from going into the cattle and hng Industry for lack of capital will at oncc apply for loana with which to stock up their farms with the beat beef breeds. With the animal Industry under fair headway Raleigh can very wisely direct attention to the location here | jof a paokirv* house, bo planned and constructed that units may be added an the offerings of livestock Increase. Five years Ago a small plant was es tablelhed at Moultrie, Ga.. and to day the farmers around that place are among the most pronperous in the South. v^ptton Has given way to the cow; sagegrass to hog pastures, and in the adjoining county of Brooks the farmers have advanced from mortgagees to mortgagors. Early In the spring of this 'year a packing, plant was started at Andu lasia, Ala., local men furnishing the enpital. and farmers 1ft Alabama and Mississippi are flnding-the Institution an admirable market for their sur plus cattle and hogs. Last month the Armours announced they would build a plant at Jacksonville. North Carolina cannot afTord to ship meat on the hoof to Cincinnati and Chicago and buy it back again. No State In the country even if it has the marvelous recuperative pow- 1 ers of this can stand such an unwise economic policy without eventually exhausting itself. A packing plant in Kalelgh would not only prove a profitable Investment under capable management, but would offer an av enue of prosperity to the farmers of the State that could not help im proving business conditions through out this territory, any anything that [works to the betterment of The farm owners in a hundred miles of Ral eigh works to the improvement of every line of husincsH in the city. BREMEN nAS NOT YET ARRIVED: SOME FEARS ASTO HER SAFETY ( By United Press) Baltimore, July J4. ? Official* of the company which own the Deutachlnnd, 'today confenscd that they are In the dark an to tho whernahoutn of the Bremen, ?later ahlp of the Deutachland. But in the Mine breath they declared that thoy have no rea son to believe that she met with an untimely end. It haa boon reliably stated that the Deutach land will not sail until the Bre men arrives. BRITISH MAKE - MORE GUNS IN THE WEST | 'm?m?mm (By United Preaa) London. July 14. ? Amid a blast of artillery lira from their great Run* tha Brltlah foreea have ndvane 4d further In thalr thruat around Po?ler?, General HrIr reported to day. Heavy fighting continue In thl# taction. Landlord* are nometlmee aa anx lottf to find better tenant* aa good tanfcnt* are to And better landlords Rdvor^stDi ?WVM ftotb. WILSON WILL SIGN RIVERS HARBORS BILL (By United Presa) Washington, July 24. ? President Wilson will sign the Rivers and Har bors bill. In spite of strong objection to certain ttenm. Arter a talk with Representative Simmons, the Pres ident indicated that he would let the Democratic caucus determine wheth er the Child Labor BUI shall be put off until December. to th* daiut Jk U.8. LEADS IN BUILDING OF MERCHANTMEN ( By United Press) Washington. July 24. ? The Amer ican output of mrrrhnnt ships for the calendar year will exceed that ol all the rout of the world. Chamber lain, chief of the United States Bu reau of Navigation, today predicted. It will be the first time in flft> yearn that tho United States has led in ship building. Figures show thai 351 steel ships, with a total ton nago of 872.00 ORroBS tons, have been built or are being built. Half of these have already been launched NOT MUCH CHANGE IN MR. VAUGHAN'S CONDITION Reports from the Washlncton hos pital this morning said th.^t \V. L Vaughftn. who Is scrlounly 111 with typhoid, spent a comfortable night I p. Bt night and stftt*?d that he was slightly Improved this morning. He Is not yet out of danger. \ Other C?Mn at the Ifoapltal. Miss Eva Mao Potter of Vande mere, who baa beep a pat I oat la the hospital, leaves today for Tiot "home. Willie Hooker, of Aurora, suffered from blood poisoning, Is con?**''or*Mv Improved. Josh Hardlaon, of Old Ford, was brougnt to the hospital yesterday. Mra. Dave Berry, of Swan Quarter, who underwent an operation, has re covered and leaves for her home to day. BUSINESS MEN'S MEETING I A meeting of the Business Men's Asnoclatlon will be held In the rooms of the ChambeY of Commerce tonight at e'ght o'clock. An urgent request has been Issued for all mem bers to be present. FOR HALR: ON BAIT MAIN HT. South aide, one dwaj^Jna house. Will sell at a StrgJUn: Write care Box 116 I well near held headquarter* ui the American bane eaiaii-ln jltcd States soldier Is versm lie. lie can get himself mil or (anient Willi only the natural resources of t li?? fount ry hi In*, aler secured from the wvil* .1* of better qunlity iliao thai irlioles mi<] livers. Copy of Great Britain's Secret Trade Agreement i? a copy ot" an t m<*iit (irent Britain forced Ann rieaii importers and r\jn rici- to enter into to insure non-inrerf<*hroce with rheir huoincss. li illustrates clearly the sovereignty Gnitf-ltritaiu assume* over the seaa : "Hi*. Hiitunnic Maje.?ty"s ( '? nsnl-(*cnoral. "New York. "In consideration of vmir eonseutiuc to the delivery to ?i? of ihe rubber -|?f *?-i !i? ?? I ? n psi^e I whieli we have pur chased from wo hereby trivc you the following underiakimr. which shall remain in force -o ioiip a* (treat. JJritaln is ai war willi any European Power: ? "We will n t export from the I'nited Stales any raw rubber. reclaimed rublier, or waste rublier, whether the satin- lias l#?cu imported fr? in the Uritish Dominions or not, otherwise than to ihe 1'nited Kingdom or to a British Pos sesion. "Wi will not -ell the rubber now delivered by von to any dealer or other person or person* in the 1'niicd Slates, hut will use it for our own manufacturing purpose*. "All order* received by u- for manufactured or partly manufactured rubber gi?ods to be sent, to neutral European countries shall be executed fr >m Mock- maintained bv us in the United Kingdom, or b- executed by shipments to the ("nited Kingdom and rc^hipwcnt from there, under license torbo obtained for export therefrom. "We will not execute any orders for manufactured or partly ma tin f allured rublier go^ds to be -enf. either directly or indirectly to any country or State at war with f?reat. Britain. "We will not sell any manufactured or partly manu factured rublier poods to any person in the T'nited State* without satisfying ourselves that there i.? no intention on his part r?i export, or resell the same for exportation. to any countries in Europe other tan Crt-flt Mrihrain. France. K na si a or Italy, otherwise than by shipping to the 1'nited King dom and reshippinp from there, under licenst to V?e obtained for export therefrom. ''If we export any manufactured or partly manufactured rublier poods ro a destination outside Europe not 1 K*i u cr in a Hiitish Possession, we will, prior to or simultaneously with the shipment, (five you particulars of the poods so .shipped and their destination. "Alt riioKer tyres exported by us or sold by us for export, shall. bear a distinctive name or mark, which we will com municate 'to you, so as in identify thein as lieitifr our man ufacture." ON AUGUST 1ST ONLY A FF.W MOKK DAYS LEFT. A NF.W SERIES OP THE WASHINGTON BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION WILL OPEN Absolutely the best saving plan there is. Money to lend on homes. Shareholders can borrow on their accounts. For further information or de tails, see It F. BOWERS, PWS. ? JOHN A. KAYO, SECY. HOME OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BIG VJOT FOR THE " RUSSIANS IN EAST HAVE PENETRATED THROUGH THE LINES OF BOTH THE GER MANS AND THE AUSTRIANS. ONE OF BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE WAR (By rotted Preen) Petrorrud. July 24 ? The Ruaslan armies have blasted and battered their way through tin- German line belou Riga and have rhattered the Auvtiinn resistance to rurther Rua xlan advances toward northenstei u Nia, lo make it bv nlxty mllex. !!?? wan forced to liuht at fholm. I'?*l.?nd .and **ub promptly rap tured by the OfrnianH. While flying over. Berlin, Mar tha II dropped a derlnlve procla mation to the Germ a a people, which landed in the Mreelfi of I he city. Campaign Promises to Be Extremely Lively Both Republican and Democratic Leaders Arc Confident of Victory in November V, aahington, July 24. ? Willi b-*'i> allies apparently extreme!.- ronflc'-nt of winning, the- roming n? r Ioiih I CE Mpaign bid* fair to no one 01 the h? u h? ever waged. Democrats and R pr! th" Trf.f of September and that i from then on Hie battle will wng<- i font and furious up to the very rv 1 of election da>. As far as ontv.'arrl j.i*nn go, the Democrats have ih?' J;imp on 111" Re publieniiK. for they already have their organizatior i *?t i??-t atid they nre work in;; night and ?1ay. Their bpeak'TR bureau *?rc running full ! blast and fieir publicity bureau in busy Rondli-ir mr'e-inl all 01 or the country. The Republicans, on the other hand. h-.v?? m:ly the nut'leu* of an organization Their speakers bureau is :ih yet lllioi g m'z ?d and th??y have not nam?>d th?-ir director of pulilie- | ity. So. to all om|v Hid :tppr;ir:in?-es. the Democrats are carrying the fleht to their opponents. This faet aeema to worry certain Repuhllrana no little and nnc Ir con stantly hearlm: complaints thai fhp Repuhllrana nr? waatinu time. Lead ing Republican* on the Inside deny thia They aay Hurhet and h's ad vlaers are merely biding their time until they get tTielr oijtanlzntlon | formed and thai once It in In work ing order no Republican in the coun try will b* oble to And fault with It. The truth ia that Hughe* baa had seven! opposing faction* to bring together and he bun pi rfet red to do that first and start out with real harmony around headquarters rath er than run affef the campaign gets under nay The latest reports Indi cate thr.t the Republican candidate has not been sueeeaaful In hi* har mony efforts and that everything Is not runn'ng sifloothly at the Repub lican headquarters. If this Is ac complished. It will not take the Re publican* Ion* to whip their organ isation Into shape. The Democrats have by far the heat organisation tk?r li?v? hud la ? ?#)r jrw*. Md .'?j. ti* th?- < '?jnpMyn lr adquartern are rnii ? d. ci'.' li p w ty should h.-vp ur: .1 hr":i!;. T'.r ]? Mi.in.r t rp t. ,1 and peopl" will have to :l?- itl' whirl: m! r ?i ?? iwo men It like* n. r, Kn'i nol which of the two |?u(|i|ii! p;uli"a. , Thr* Ik'iinicr.'its will rely upon two lo n'-?jl?T| Wilson. Tholr most j I in prtriu at dotrr.n will lie, "He kept I us out rif w?r ." In addition to that | Mm y ?-.|l ?'ii l? relation that has ? fin ird ainoe TVIIaon became | PrcKldonl A\ St |f\FR IS SKI7,HI? II Y CJKRMANH London. July 24. -The American *'-hon*H>r Prinen Yaldr-mar haa b?en ruptured by n fiermnti warship on its way rrom Philadelphia to 8weden with oil. arcnrdlriK to a dispatch from Cop??nliaK??n. The achooner waa tak pn Into Swlnoniundc. MIIBRCKIP.IC TO THE DAILY r*ITWf?