NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 00 CHECK OF PHIS IN NEW YORK ?" , Albany, Aug. 7. ? The greatest in casase shown for a half day line? the . Infantile paralyala epidemic atarted w?a made pabllc today- Forty-one new caaee were reported to the State Department of Health. This brings tl\t total .number of caaee up to <16, ^ oqtaide of Greater New York. Two depths were reported today, one at P^ughkeepeie, Dutchess County, and , one at Hamaroneck, Westchester I county, making a total of thirty-live. j This data shows clearly that In raft. of the. stringent effort? or the Ffderal, State and local health au thorities the child plague In increas ing upstate steadily. The new cases Nwere reported from these pla^B. j REAL UVE MODELS, IN BATHING SUITS AT CHICAGO SHOW (Br United Press) . Chioago, Aug. 7. ? Lire models ? the livest of whom wore bathing suits and were exhibited In a special foun tain. characterised the Pall Style show of the Chicago Garment Manu facturers' association which opened tQday and will continue all week. Wholesaler 'sinrltatlons to buyers to attend the show at Bismark gar den* dwelt particularly upon the group of feminine swimmers In up to-the-minute bathing costumes. Why the bathing suit display for fall wear no one knew and none seemed to care. It was a great attraction. Chicago store windows were 1n the beginning of a week's boycott on out-of-town goods sad gave their en tire window space over to the dis play of "Made-ln-Chlcago" products, taking this method of doing .their share to booat the show. A half hun dred garment manufacturers of this city had entries In the display. Each manufacturer was allowed to enter fonr garments ? provided they en tered them on live models. Frt>m 6.000 to 7,000 middle west buyers are attending the style show. A feature of the show Is a revolving stage which permits quick changee of scenery. Dinner will be served esrh evening, after which the show will be held. BAD TO HAVE A COLD HANG ON Don't let your cold hang on, raok your system and become chronic when Dr. Bell's Pine- Tar-Honey will help yon. U heals the inflammation, soothes {he cough and loosens the phlegm. You breathe easier at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Is s laxative Tar Syrtip, the pine tar balsam heals the raw ?pots. loosens the mucous and prevents Irritation of the bronchial tubee. Jost get a bottle of Dr Bell's Pine-Tar- Honey todsy, its guaranteed to help yon At druggists. Figure the probable cost or a classified advertising campaign through which yon can eell that property ? snd the VALUE to you of that result. HID EXFEIITS PERFECT OIL DM COBTE FOB IICHS (By United Press) # '| Washington. Aug. 7. ? Concrete ma a road-bulldlng material la of "par-1 bapa mora universal adaption than ' any other material now in uaa." aald Uirwtor Logan Waltar Page. o t the Office of Public Roads of th? United State* Depart meat of Agriculture, today. Concrete, aa slaed up by the de partment. haa the .following adran tagea: 1. Durability under ordinary con ditions 2. A smooth, even surface, not too ?llppery. 2. Practically ao dust. 4. la easily cleaned and maintain ed at arnall cost until a patching or resurfacing becomes necessary. a. A pleaaing appearance. C. Forms an excellent basin for other materials when resurfacing be comes necessary. Us disadvantages are as follaws: HUGHES CAINS BY HIS STAND ON SUFFRAGE New York, Aug. 7. ? Women throughout the nation have been keenly aroused by the unqualified In- 1 doreement of women's suffrage by J Charles Evans Hughee, Republican! candidate for President. Reports from most of the States where they have th* vote Indicate | there will be quite a general lining , | up of women under the Hughes ban- j ner. DRY CIIY UNABLE TO CURE WOMEN DRINKERS ?? i Denver, Col.. Aug. 7. ? Drunken ness among women has been slower 1. Noisy under horse traffic. >. i/lfficult to repair. 3. Cracks must be given prompt attention or deterioration will en sue. Improved concrete for road build ing as well as (or other purposes, that Is proof against water absorp tion has been announced by tbe de partment In oil mixed concrete. After extensive experiments with a view to producing a non-absorbant concrete mixture, the department found that the addition of ten per cent of heavy mineral oil to the Portland cement paste acted as an effective repellent to moisture. The susceptibility of concrete to water absorption had long been recognised as one of its inherent weaknesses mm a road-bulld Ing material. The addition of the oil does not lower the tensile strength, the department has found, and has the further advantage of making the mixture impervious to ih> Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company Home Office, Greensboro, North Carolina. J. A. Ratcliffe, Washington, N. C., Gen. Agt.