TEOTOKS CAPTURE STRONG POP FIBROB BATTLE DURING' THK NIGHT BE8ULTB IN THMUi AGAIN HO LADING THIAl'MONT. nCHT ONAUItONTS work*, northeast of Verdun, by ft powerful assault, early this morn ing, according to an official state ment, Fighting still rages ftrouad redoubt. During U? nl?ht. ? ter rifle bombardment and At* vio lent attacks of large foreee were directed agalast the French positions from Fleury to Thiaumont. The at tacks in the vicinity of Fleary ware repulfed . A Joiot attash_w?s also ? new shell, with "fragmentation" into ton or fifteen thousand pieces, has btsu Introduced. Formerly, the shells of this type only exploded Into five or six thousand pieces. ' It ts believed that the Germans tried glass ?hells to secure high "fragmenta tion." Powdered glass has been round. Theee testa, however, proved unsuccessful and have been abandon ed, because the fragments were too minute. Tests of German shell* show fragmentation of less thsn one hundred- The advsntage or the French, therefore, In this respect Is Immense. Nsval Battle la Adriatic. Berlin, Aug. 8. ? Austrian and ltaHa? fleets engaged on August 1 In the Adriatic, says an official state ment. The Austrian ships were not damaged, but the Itallsns disappear ed after the Auetrians had register ed several hitq. They escaped during the night. * , Tnrtt* Deny Reports. Constantinople, Aug. I.? An offi cial' statement of the advance of the Turktsh troops makes no mention or the grant defeat which Is claimed by the British east of the Sue*, and which stated that the Turks wsrs driven back eighteen mltee and three thousand prisoner* had been captur ed. The .statement ssys that the Turks have progressed as-far aa Ro Ixmdoa. Aug. 8. ? Heavy Italian attacks on the Isonso marh the br glnning of a powerful offensive, in the opinion or Home correspondents. Petrograd, Aug. 8. ? The Russians have eapturfrji the Oallclan -town or Ttumae*. ' tea miles southeast of 8taals|an In ? powerful new offen sive along a seventeen-mile front southeast of Lemberg. London. Aug -Threatened with an enforced retreat from Ore strong l^elpvtg redoubt and fortified villages of Thlfpvsl, the Qerrnans In sttempt lng to dislodge the Australians from tftll No 180, 'on tiie f?o?lere^Tbfepi PSOWttld LKBfltMK ' TMES US OWN UR GERMAN GUN CREW IN A BOMB-PROOF German gun crew operating a machine gun from a bomb-proof o t earth, graas end timber. The gun Area 000 bullets a minute and la raklqg th? ^???ay'a pita 2u0 metera away. The gun la mounted on an elevation 'made at plaoka and filled with earth. Moose Rush to Democratic Fold % ? National Chairman McCormick Says Wilson^ Will Get Big Majority of Progressive Vote New York. Aug. 8. ? "A Bull Moose stampede lor Wilson" has set In. according (o an official statement is sued from Democratic National Head quarters last night. It began, de clares the document, immediately af ter the Progressive conference at Indianapolis. National Chairman McCormick authorised the publication of a list oi former Progressive* and Repub licans who, he aays. have written him or the President that they will support the Democratic ticket. In conjunction with (t was asserted: Reports from the Pacific coast in dicate that practically the entire; Progressive vote of several of these States will be cast fof, jLtaJTreeldent. The communities tKkt'Vere most en thusiastic in following Theodore Roosevelt us the Moses of political reform, are the moat bitter in de nouncing hia surrender, and the most determined now not to be de livered back by Roosevelt. Perkins, et a], to the unregenerated "crooks" of 1912. In Washington, the Progressive and Republican stampede to Wilson is most pronounced. Wonften as well as men are Included. Prominent Idaho Bull Moose who have declared themselves for the President are P. Monroe Smock, can didate for Congress In 1914, and Hugh E. Mi'Blroy, candidate for Governor. The California stampede of *be Moose, led by Francis J. Heney, Pro gressive candidate for the United States senate, extends to ^very cor ner of that State. 0. K. Sim URGES I - - DIUNTf COTTON GRIIDER Edward. If. C-. Aug. 4. 1910. Editor Dally News. Dear 8ir : RecoKni*inrrfthe fact that you are (?suing a rfaper Independent In thought and foreceful In action, I wish to present the following idea: That th* Com ml Ml on era Of Beaufort county 'employ a cottQj grader for the eounty. I have warehoused cotton for two years In Washington and whenever t Mid, the mah who bought my cot ton graded that cotton. 1 don't care If that man was as bonest as any of u? and that la as honevt as somebody has individual environments will permit, fie that as It may. the principle Is wrong. The man who buyt my cotton ought not to grad? | that cotton. Tf to reimburse Beau- ' fort coVQty'a treasury wo have to 1 pay a opmj&al price on every bale, that ^puld,be satisfactory to m* but we ought to have a disinterested gradnij, paid by Beaurort- couflty. c* : Very truly yours. . O. K. 8TILLEY. CONfEST WINNERS WILL TAKE HUP SAYS ARMENIANS ARE DEVOURING HUMAN FLESH . '? ' _ ' "-*1 E^oltnn Aug. ? 1 1. ? IUth?T than ?Istts to doth. th? AmMluu ara eatlag hUttan lleah. arrnrdtng to ? r*ble from ? M?h diploma Moauttxn Mr la Turkor. He earn tbat the Ar menlaoa hare practically killed off nil animal life and have devoured Um ho4l?a of (heir eihau?(ed conn !*??? ?U-fc Thursday will wltneaa the depar ture of a happy group of young la dles from WaalilnKtoA 011 a trip to Norfolk, Washington. Niagara Falls, Wew York ciijr, and other poUala. They are the winners of the. big eu beer Jpt Ion vote cob teat / which itm held by the Dally Newe and Relhavea Journal thle spring. They win be gone for about twelve days and dur ing that time will rlalt hundreds of point* of Intsreet. The trip promisee to be ope of J supreme enjoyment. The winners have been looking forward to It for fraeks And are now making final preparations for one of the moat de ?oufite vacation trip* 'in the conn wucftiaii rp Tp* Kpw* t l.. -i J. 1- - ! <- ?- i 'BK Hwmiy Of npMEN ARE III FAVOR Of STRIKING r (Br Uttttsd PreM) ! New York, Auf. 8. ? Ninety-four I per rent are in favor or a strike, ac cording to an o(MnI*tabulritlou bal lot by the Brolheijiood of Trainmen. Nearly nlnety-nlae^per cent of the employees, presidents of four Broth erhoods and I iipiyiitatlvea of 225 railroads met herf?toda> to attempt a settlement of thip?reatened strike. .The Brotherhoods fre not favorable rto government lafcrvention. Thev Are also dissatisfied with recent awards of arbitration board, bat not with the prlnelplf^lnvolved. They oppose the Interstate Commerce In vestigation on the '(founds tnat the commissioners are -M>t equipped nor empowered to fix wipes. WOIO SEKD Ml LETTERS HI WIST HEMISPHERE FOR TWO-CENT POSTAGE (By L* nl ted Pr e?w ) Washington. Aug. 8. ? Postmaster Oeneral Burleson to&ay announced hi b Intention of tnakfgg the two-cent stamp carry a letter Anywhere Is the western hemisphere. flk?s would In clude all point* in North, South and Central America. It la expected that this cut In postage will go Into effect during September. IS HURLED TO A HORRIBLE DEATH! . (By United Press) Gould. Ala., Aug. 8. ? Thomas P. Cravette, superintendent of a tur pentine plant, wax blown by an ex plosion against a brick wall. He rebounded into a vat of burning oil. It killed him Instantly. MUCH INTEREST OVER UNIQUE "COW CASE" Action in Which K. A. Gooper Was Plaintiff and J. (>. Swaaner De fendant llt-ought Up Yesterday. A suit Involving six cows. In which R. A. Cooper was the plaintiff and J. O. Swannor the defeniant. was brought up be/ore Arthur Mayo. J. P.. yesterday afternoon^, - Swannsr claimed' thai Cooper-* ha? meandered orer his (fad* Considerable damage. He (pUjr Jmpounded the aniiuals and. d to deliver them to Cooper, the latter called for them. Tper decided to let the law settle matter, and the case was brought Mr. Mayo as a result, imltted that the cattle to Cooper, hut demanded damages and $14 for the upkeep ke cattle A host it witnesses were present and the oMe wis argued tar over three hours. _ *;? Mr. Mayo took the view thai be cause there were no fttioet In that section ? and for other reasons ? Swannor was not entitled to any damages. case has been ap pealed and will be brought ? up In Bfeperlor court Daniel A Warren represented Mr. Cooper and Ward * Orlmee appeared for Mr. S wanner. VAtTDBVII.KR THVfMDAT. | FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "Croes Currents s flre reel Tfi- ; angle preset tint Helen Ware, one of , the most powerful emotional actress es of the American stage. Is the at traction at the New Theatre this ?yenlog. , On Thureday. Friday and Satur day nights the Ct>ni and Walter Oredle'a ?tore. A representative of tfce Civic Clnb urged the bosrd to pssa some ordinance, which would keep the boya off the streets at night. No ac tion was taken on this matter and the elub waa requested to appear at the next meeting with further de I tails. ? YOtJR CLASSIFIED "AD" should ?tin purr the trautmkiM tuk fot .H* ? . -"v-? ? STRIKE (N NEW YORK IS NOW AT END vnTom is tiu: <;rfatest that II KVKIl BKKN WON BY \N V l.MOX IN THE Wl'XTRY. TRAFFIC IS NORMAL * Si rift Cur Lines TFe~Again Ronnlig liv^iilnrl}. < lunmiUco of iSm plujifm nnd Compu; official* Meet to Ihsiunxt Differences. < by United Press T New York. Aug. f ? Normal car tralhr was resumed in the city today iifier more than a week of strike. The companies refused specifically to recognise the "Amalgamated Elec trical Street Car Employes of Amer ica." bm recognized the rights of the lien to organise. They agreed to re ceive a committee of men to discuss ? settlement of differences Involved. The victory in the greatest ever von -*>>* And union. It folhnrod riumphs in Chicngo and Boston, lone of which, however, were as )euci>ful as the one here. MEXICO IS WILLING TO BROADEN SCOPE OF NEGOTIATIONS MEXICO ua ? H> Coifed Pr?m) Waxlilnciou. Aug. 8- ? Mexico is willing to hroadm her scope of con ference* rl?v DENIES CHARGES OE FAVORITISM AGAINST PRESIDENT WILSON ' Hy I'nMed Presa) WhMilr.etrrti. Autr 8. Congress? tub n Harrison. of Miixlmiippl. tort ay rt'-n ??n authority of the state flpp: