; N. C.. Aug. f. J?M. M*N? tr>? T. Ackuon, Dartd | Btow. Charlie Baker, J. H. Don. aaa. Alow Eborn, R. I. Orant.l Wut Oraaa. rtut Jackson, J. H | Jones. E. B. Novell. Pater M. Wll WOMEN ? If las Dorla Cradle. Mlaa Hand Campbell, Mr*. J. W. C?. Kn JL L. Edwarda, Mlu SteUa Oarreu. Mia Panj Hela, Mrs. Ida R. Jonea. Mlaa Lller Jormer lira. If. Lewla. Mrs. Oora Moor*. Mr*. Uler Maah burn. Mlaa Mlnate McMalllaon. Tar- 1 ?o Stan call, Mlaa Jo* Fene Stales. I Mia* Amanda Wateou (I). . "MM Ttieaa let (era vtlt be sent to the I ?'?*a?d latter offloe Am. II, tut, u I not delivered before. Ia ?llln? for | the abore, please W "Adrertlaad." ?lnn* data of Uat. . K. HENRT MOORE, P. M. CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED: HOUSE W GOOD LOCA tlon by September I. Addreos P. 0. Box 68. S-1S-Stc. CHILDREN ARB MADE STRONGER and healthy by ofen air tnrdat. The piny ground! of Waahtagton Park are J net the things. See ?. C. Hathaway and batld at once, f-ll-ltc. W? RWfT: H<>r8K IN WASHING - to* Put. Apply H. B. Harding * Bob. *-10-lwe. WANTOD: SBOOITTX-H A ND BUGINB between 25 to 50 hoTM power. Cablaet Vtnwr Co., Oreenrille. N. C. MO-Us. AKT nOMOK MAY OWN AW Au tomobile without Inrartlns one cant. For Infonuntlon ftddrem Auto emr? DaUjr N*w?, Wubiniton. N.C. 8-10-dh. AN AUTOMOBILE FREE: FOR In formation ad dree* A a to, care the Daily New*. Washington, N. C. S-10-4h. DO YOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILK without cost to yon? Writ* Auto, care Daily Nm, Washington, N.C. t-10-dh. liKTTKH KIT AMD BETTER MADE If roar rait I* made ?t home by Aramoonie. I-Mwe. FOR SALS: STANHOPE CARRIAGE In food oondltloa. Price rMaon *bl?. Addreaa 8Umbop?. car* of Dally N?wa. 7-tl-tfc. FOR 8AM: DRY WOOD OUT Short length*. 8. R. Fowl? 41 Son's mill. t-4-tfe. HA VK YOUR F?U AND WINTER .suit made by 0?o. Aramoonie. 8-t-lwe. IF YOU ARB HARD TO PIT COMB to Aramoonle, ta? will lit you well. 8-t-lwc. (TIK4P OH1GKBMH: 144-BQtt Of. phur Incubator and Brooder, in first cUm order, for sale cheap. J. HAVENS. l-8e-Tu-6a-Jtc. WANTED: 10 GOOD MBS TO WORK !a log wood. 840 J. F. LYNCH. Simpson, N. C. l-10-tfr. FOB HALE: 19 HOKHK |*OWHH motor boat. Will Mil cheap. See | Jm A. Huekney. ?-1 1-lwc. KXOVMION ? Vl? ? IfrtRPOUl SOUTH KR* NORPOLK, VA. TVE8DAV, AIK1UHT aa, 1?10 Module and Parea: Lr. Vancoboro 10:00 A.M. fl.SO Lt. Obocowlnlt? 10:50 A.M. I. SO Lr. / Wftftbtnffton 11:0# A.M. 1.10 Lt. Plnatown 11:11 A.M. 1.16 Lt. Plymouth 11:11 P.M. MS Lt. Bolbaran 11:10 A.M. MS Lt. Pantcgo 11:11 A.M. MS Lt. Ropar 11:18 P.M. 1.16 Lt, Columbia 11:11 A.M. MS Lt. Trarla 11:11 A.M. 1.11 Lt. Crntwoll 11:41 A.M. 1.11 Lt. Miek?T? 11:IS P.M. 1.11 Ar.' Norfolk 4:10 P.M. Para la aamc proportion from ta tarma^laU atalloaa Raaular train* from Balharaa and Columbia eoonwrt with apaelal faat train leaving Maakaya 11.51 p. at., TBBBDAf, AWJC8T Jlnd. arrlrlnn Norfolk 4:30 p. m. aama data. Ra luralBC apadal train will laara Nor folk 10* *0 a. m. THURSDAY, ADO UflT 14th. connecting at MMk?n with ractriar trains for Ralharaa, Columbia and IntarmadUte point*. For additional Information consult naaraat Norfolk Soatharo Agant Of ? note the SUPERIORITIES that make this NEW Studebaker the HOST Power ful Car at its Price To any man who knows anything at all of motor design, it's enough to say "Look at that illustration." For there are the reasons for this new SERIES 17 FOUR'S great superiority in POWER and flexibility. And no other 4-cylinder car on the market gives so much power at so LOW a price. In flexibility, this Four equals most SIXES on the market Like to prove this to you ? on any hill that you THINK this new Studebaker can't climb. Why not come in today? SERIES I? FOUR 40 horst power Tpassenger P. O. B. Datrolt Hackney & Jackson DEALERS INFANTILE PARALYSIS IS SPREADING IN OTHER STATES Eight States, Besides New York, Re port Large Number of Cases New York, Aug. 12. ? A revised I report of the States which are fight ing the infantile paralysis epidemic, shows the following cases: New Jersey. Trenton. N. J., Aug. XI. ? Dr. Ja cob C. Price, director of the State Department of Health, reports that l,StO cases of infantile paralysis have thus rar been reported in the State. 8trict quarantine measures are being prepared. Heretofore the matter baa been left to local health j officers. No definite action has been taken aa yet, but it is probable that ] the opening of schools will lie de layed at least one month. Connecticut. Hartford. Conn.. Ang. 10. ? There are now SOS cases of Infantile par alysis reported from various parts of the State. Pesuwylvanla. Philadelphia. Aug. 11. ? State Health Commissioner Dixon ha* re ceived reports of Sit cases of infan tile paralysis in the State. There hsve been fifty-four deaths since July 1. A strict quarantine la ob served at houses where cases have been discovered and at the State I border. Children under sixteen years must have health certificates In or | der to travel. The situation sppears to be Improving and ao decision hn*| been reached regarding a possible' postponmeat of the date of ichool j ****' ' RIMMe Intend. I Providence. Aug 1 1 -Forty-one cases of Infantile paralysis have been; reported in this State, with seven deaths, ffo quarantine regulations have been enforced as yet. but that are being considered by the State Hoard of Health. It appeara probable that the schools will opea oa sche fulness instead of drastic measures. M ommac h usetts . Boston, Aug. 11. ? Since June 1 there have been 153 cases of Infan ttle paralysis reported In the State, with twelve deaths. Individual homes are put under quarantine, but there j has bepn no State-wide action. No decision has been reached regarding possible delay In opening the srhools. New Hampshire. Concord, Aug. 11. ? Only three cases of Infantile paralysis have been reported In this State. There is no general quarantine. Children from New York are kept under observa tion tor two weeks. Marylaad. Baltimore, Aug. 11. ? Thirty-one cases of Infantile paralysis have been reported la the Btate this year, with seven deaths. All persons having the disease are Isolated, but there Is no general quarantine. The schoavid H. Kincheloe, of Kentucky, Democrat, and Kdward W. Gray, of New Jersey. Republican. "Uncle Joe" Cannon al most fainted when the pink stockings dawned upon him. !and family of Kenly. are visiting their mother, Mrs. R. L. Bonner. I Mis* Nell Broome of Kinston, Is visiting Mrs. Walter Hooker. Miss Helen Guilford has as her house guest Miss Adlaldo Watson of Aurora and Mr. Bryan Phelps of Isewiaton. Mrs. Lewis Oden of Petersburg, is visiting Mrs. Walter Hooker. Fishing in good this season. A party went out laBt week and caught 2S6. There was a party from Washing ton at the Beach Sunday on the boat Cora, consisting of Mrs. Lind say Warren, Misses Mary Hill, Pat Harris. Mary Clyde Ilnnnel, Janet Wetmore, and Messrs. WUtlara Maugham. Enoch Simmons, Dave Hill and Henry Jackson. AMERICA SEEN AS BRITISH ALLY BY REVENTLOW By COUNT KRVKNTliOW. Afiwiclato Editor of the Deutsche Time* Z4?l tun#. Berlin, Aug. 12.? Wherever and whenever a voice ha* been rained In America since the beginnig of the war they have, without exception, cried; "Germany must not conquer; must not be too powerful." Thin attitude is partly due to the growing conviction that the Panama Canal la a failure and never will be avallabel for hattleahipR. and thus America has more to fear from Ja pan. ( Had the Americana really desired the freedom of the seas it would have been In their pownr to secure It. but America has plated Itself in oppo sition to the German Empire for fear It might harm, or. Indeed, anni hilate Br! ?rh-Amerlcan traffic. Moreover, Just as a strong Amer ican tloet in the Pacific la essential to Britain, so Is a strong British fleet In the Atlantic necessary for the United States. In the future the Anglo-Saxon na tions, perhaps marching Indepen dently, will stand oppose^ to the German Empire and the German . people. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Young men recking an education which will equip them for prao tical life in Agriculture, and all it* allied branches; in Civil, Elec trical, and Mechanical Engineering', in Chomiatry and Dyeing; in Textile or other indurtriea, and in Agricultural teaching will find excellent provision for their chosen camera at the State'a great tech nical College. Thi? College fits men for life by giving practical instruction aa well a* thorough scientific education. Four year eourabs in Agriculture, in Chemistry, in Civil, Eloc trical, and Meohanioal Engineering, and in Textile industries. Four year, two year, one year, and summer Normal couraca in Agriculture. Numerous practical short eoiimea. Entrance examination* held at each county seat on July 18th. For catalogue, and entranoe Masks, write E. B. OWEN, Registrar. . fg ,v ^ Wert JUle^, ?, Q. Pure and Wholesome THINGS TO EAT 'NONE BETTER ABLE TO SUPPLY YOUR TABLE" THAW Roebuck ; & Jackson Phone S3 J. LJCON WOOD 4AJUBH W. OOLB Member* New York CoUon Kxchjuige. J. LEON WOOD & CO BANKERS AND BROKERS Stock*. Buod#. Co(ton. Grain and Pruvlaloo?. 7k Plum* Street. Carpenter Building. Norfolk. Va. Private wlre? to New York Stock Exchange. Chicago Board Trade and other financial oeoteri CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED investment and marginal accounts given careful attention. FAMOUSIRAMP : 1$ NOW DYING i Milwaukee. auk. 12. ? William Newman, "the millionaire traiup" 1* dying In the National Soldier*' hojnt here today. A few year* ago he wa* one of the mo*t widely known and most romantic figure* in American trampdom. j "Big Ben" an he wns called. wni born in Denmark and graduated from the University of Copenhagen. IT' cftmo fo the United StateB when 18 and traveled about the country, mak ing his expenses by lecturing on re form ideas. He visited nearly every city on the face of the earth an<1 paid only 11.28 railroad fare. H< was arrested 60S times. He lectured on child labor, prison reform and abolition of white slav ery. In 1913 he wan Instrumental in having 250 children removed from sweatshops In Jollet. III. For three years he was the companion of Jack London. "I have done my best to make the world see Its evils and to correct them," said Newman. "1 have fought the good fight and I aui near the end of my race. 1 can't win against the white plague." Big Bon's life Is going out very rapidly. It is believed he can sur vive only a few weeks. One of thfl romantic characters stories in Amer ican life will be written to Its end when he dies. BLACKSTONE HOTEL ? 50 East 58th Street NEW YORK CITY O A Quiet, Exclusive Hotel in the fashionable Plaza district, offering exceed ingly low rates during the summer months. <3> We will especially en deavor to make your com fort a personal matter. 0 Exceptional Cuisme Moderate Rates 0 S. L. ROOT, Manager^ PROM WASHINGTON. WEEK-END EXCURSION FARE* ttft.OO to WllnilDgton. to Norfolk. Tickets on sale for all train# on each Saturday aud for forenoon trains ot each Sunday from Mar 27 to Sept. 11. inclusive, limited return ing to reach original starting point prior 10 midn ght of Tuesday next following date of *ale Si MM Kit EXCURSION FARES 97. 7ft U ? U nirl.t^vlUt- Beach. #10. 113 tu >l> rclr Reach. Tickets on sale from May 16 to October 15. Inclusive. limited re turning uuiti October 31. Liberal stop-over privileges. , Schedules and further particulars ? cheerfully furniahed upon application j lo S R CLARY, Ticket Agent, i Washington. S. 0 IT1.4VTH' COlttT T TKB CRYSTAL ICi: AND CREAM We have fresh Peach Cream today also Strawberry, Vanilla. Chocolate, Cherry, Caramel and Grape. CRYSTAL ICE ( OMPANV Phone 83. Washington. N. C. Wanted ? A Name Beaufort Farm Co. will I'ay $15 First Prize, $10 Second Prize and $5 Third Prize For the best name for its suburban property now being developed. Names to be enclosed in sealed envelopes and ad dressed to W. T. HUDNELL A disinterested committee will be ap pointed to award the prizes for the three best names. No same ending in "Park" or ' Heights" is wanted and the name selected must aot have more than two words and all suggestions must be in be fore SEPTEMBER 1, 1916. : L; *V- ? ? '*? - ?' khv,