WHY WAIT For the fire aJarm to found before get ting (hat insurance? May be too late :? (Jim, Phone Bragaw for it NOW. * Wm. Bragaw & Company, Firl.tn?nfly m W aahiggtomt N. C PERSONALS Motored to Seven Sprlnjf*. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Woolard and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Thompson mo tored to Seven Springs yeisttirday. The "Mrs." were left there, where they will spend abotu ten days, and the "Misters" returned hume last night. V tutted New Bern. Two auto loads of Washington men motored to New Bern yesterday to witness the horse races, which were scheduled to be held in thnt city. The races were rained out. but the parties had a good time, never theless. Torn Laughinghouse hud in his car, William E. Baugham. Dr. Sugg. Enoch Simmons. Hrfit?<y Cur row. Sheriff Mann of Hyde county, and Greene Singleton. Dave Fowle had In his machine. Dave Tayloe, Itoy Hear und Dan Simulant*. Returned from WiUmt. Setli Maugham, who ha* been j upending some time with rrlenda in ; Wilson, hat* returned home. James \ K. Maugham and Commodore John , "Wells are expected from W:l.?on thin! evening Hjw (ion** i?? Xch York. M1? Hattte Hem by lo't ye*t?May afternoon (or New York. where she will p>jr"hn*e goods for ltnrr*tr iiml Hart* field, with whom she lias ac cepted a position in Wilson. N Motor*"*! ??> Now Itcrii. raptnin and Mrs Hill. L>a*?? I'rll, >! Lizzie Hill and .\hh* n?'? Kelly Mljoywl an automobile trip to \.?W Mvrn yesterday. They h:ni roiih* Flichr trouble with the ear at bnro. hut otherwise the tiip wuk iin tnarred by any accident or inixhap. Had Ankle Crunhnl. ?I. r Cl. pp. forei lan of th?* e?m- ; stru^iion unil rennir departmeni ofj the Wanhineton telephone ex.'hnnte. I j? r on 11 tied 10 his home with a badly I crushed ankle. Mr. Clapp was at ' work in the vicinity of Grluieslaud , and a telephone pole roll on his loot, i Mr. Malonc in To? n. H**v. (' I>. Malonc* of Chorowin i?>. id in the clly today. Mr. Mulone hae h?*en away for a short vacation frip H* ha? returned considerably improved in heal'h and is looking ?fxccpiionally well. Visitors from Savannah. Mr. and Mrs. Harley G. Sparrow and won art? expected here tomorrow from Savannah.' They will np^nd Rome time In the city, vl^ltine rela tives. TonrNtu at N1n??nm. A telf>?ran? wai received r hi ?? morn : up horn James L. Mayo. niwt in K that ilif Daily N*?wh louriHl.H had arriv-d safely at Niagara Falls and were having h flue time. Went to \pw lU-rn. Gt?nr?e Sp^n^er, Dick Hudson and Police f'hlef DErk Roberts motor?*(1 to .Ww Bern yesterday to wllnm the horsp rare*. The rac**s were post poned until next Tuesday. Cotton in (Jmirt Sh;i|?? I. oral cotton men derlar" that the rrop in He&uTort county ih Miowins up renin rkahly well. It in penorally hdifved that the quality of t li ?* !??>?. pl?* will be excellent and tha* pricc-H will .he hij(h FOR YOUR RUTA BACA turnip & COLLARD SEED SEE ; WORTHY & ETHERIDGE E. Carolina Teachers Training School A Ptaffl school to train teacher? for the public ffcbool* of North Car olina, Every energy l? directed to thie one purpose Tuition fro# to . Alt who agree to tMeh. Fall Term begin* September 2?. 1916. For catalogue and other lnformatloa address, ROUT H. WRIGHT, Preafcfeat, Ormrflte, W. 0. Mr*. Hard j In tin? City. | Mrs. Ira M. Hardy, formerly a I Washington resident, but now of Kinston, Is spending some time here Jvlsltlhg relatives Mr?. Hardy states (that Washington ts Improving rapid 1 1y and that the local stores are far ' superior to those of Kinston. She 'says that our streets are too narrow. ! however. EVERYBODY Id Beaufort, Pitt and Martin counties who have friends visiting in their homes this week or next tell them of the Baker's Studio. Tell 'them what they can get. Tell them j what Ihey can miss. Tell the truth, i Toll only the truth ? and enough is J said about Baker's Studio. (irwDvllli1 lU'ducra Market. ; Although seven warehouses were ?operated in Greenville last year, when j the market opens In that rlty next l week, there will be only five houses .doing business. Oyster Seu*?in Near. The beginning of the oyster sea son is only a few weeks off. From uIobk the conbt come report!: that the "crop" of oysters last year wan rather small, h much larger and bet ter yield from the beds is expected duri.ig the coming season. <*. K. Jordan Im III. Clunde Jordan. Sr. is confined to h? hone on Wrt*' Second street with illness. Mr. Jordan's health has not Im m pood recently, and while his liferent t lines* i? not believed to be Sertoli*, it prevents him from attend inn lo his work at J K. Hoyt'st store, Returned from lleaufort. V"s. r. R. Windley. Miss Laurie IV ?r.rh and Mrs. Charles Sprulll h:?VH r?*nji 'T'd from Beaufort, where the* have h ?en spi-ndinc wme time. Thi*>- report a most eujoyahle vaca I r<' Home from Ocmroke. O. C. Waters. Jamie Williams and Kobert Stiuill, brown as Indians, have [returned from Orracoke. They claim | to have broken all records for catch ing Ash VUIHur In \'*w O-rn. j M1?n Klizn Brunch left ypnt^rday , 7i ' !?? moon for N'ew I3??rn. where she j' "Vll he I 'if truest of MIm Matilda Hancock. Herman C'arritw l?s Mark. Hermnn Car row. prominent In lo r;i1 ehureh clrrles. who 5* at present employe! in Richmond with an auto mobile rnncprn. in home for a few rlays. Mr. C arrow itatM thBt he Is prospering and In enjoying himself In the Virginia City. IliOaies for Orenn View. Hunter M. White leaves tonight to ? RP'-nd the we.-k-end at Ocean View. He will return t <? W'aH<iinirfon Mon j day RiinifH Tohurro Here. Tl. F. Butt, of Choeowlnlt y, came [to tr.wn this tnorninsr with a sample of the toharen whleh he ha* rained 'on hid farm thin yen v. n \H without f*!ne?tlon the fln***t iliat ha* been ? brought vet |t !? on di?pUv in the I Hank of Washlnrton and in attract Inc tmjrh attention. ATTACK OF TIIK (;KIIMA.\H HAS IIKKX HK.I'l l.SKI) i lljr I'nlted Pi ? i I PiiriM. Auk 12 Tfenvv atiaekH by the Oermnna on both aide* of the iftomrne have been repulaed. The Teuton* al*o lost heavily In fhr-lr ettaeb agpln*t the Auatralian* 'at Pojtiere*. MEDIATION IN STRIKE IS OF NO EFFECT BOARD OF MEDIATION ANNOUNC ES THAT IT 18 UNABLE TO SEE PKOSPBCT OF SETTLEMENT. N ' ANOTHER CONFERENCE Arbitration In Suggested. Employe* Have- Already Refused to Coeaidarl It. Brotherhoods Are Meeting la! Kxecutivo Hmlun. (By United Press) .New York, Aug. 12. ? Media tion hao fulled In the contro versy between representatives of 400,000 railroad employes and managers of 225 rullroads, af fected* Thin was formally announced by Judge Martin Knapp. of the U. 8. Hoard of Mediation and Conciliation. In a communication to the trainmen. The communication read in part aa follows: "In our Judgment, after two days of consideration of the dilllrnltiPN Involved, there In no prospect of settlement by medi ation and we therefore suggest arbitration." Immediately after this announce ment wan made public, the executive hoards of the brotherhoods went in to executive Mission to consider the suggestion. A previous statement by the em ployes stated unequivocally that they were unanimous in their decision not to acccpt arbitration. The ad mited failure of mediation. It is be lieved. will develop omnious moves in the situation- The railroads, it iii believed, will face the consequenc es of a strike, rather than abandon | their plan of arbitration. ENGLAND DENIES SHE TAMPERED WITH CABLES (By United Prows) Washington. Auk. 12. ? England ndignantly denies that "she had di verted to her own use the cabled Htissiun business orders, which were intended for U. S. firms, as charged by Chicago and other American con cerns. The loss in the Russian trade during the last eight months h?e been 1 100.000, 000. claimed through' British interference with cable or ders." AUSTRIAN AVIATORS RAID ITALIAN CITIES (By United Pr*?8B ) Home. auk. 12. ? Tile battle of Jaonzo has nprend to rho region of Plava. north of Qoritz. while a third Itnlian army continue* to sweep the Austrians from the river bend to ftfttltt) of the city. In revenge for their defeat. Austrian aeroplanes are raiding Venice. Orado and other cit ies. doing material dnmage. First Christ inn ( litirch. Bible School 10 i m. W. O. Ellis Supt. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Morning nubject: "The Angela' Voice or Thundera." Kvenlng nubject: "The flood Shepherd." Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. David Davis, lead er. Indies Aid meets Monday 4 p. m. at the church. Teachers meeting Tuesday evening at Xhe parsonage. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. F. A. 'Lilly leader. A full attendance of the choir la requested Friday ev ening, Plan music for meeting. A cordial Invitation to you. FURTHER PROOF THAI STIELOW WAS INNOCENT (By United Preea) Auburn. Ky.. Aug It. ? Further proof of the innocence of Charles fltlelow. who would have icono through fling fling's "little green door" to death had not an eleventh hour reprieve saved him, waa adduc ed today when Clarence O'Conael nuhatantlated the confeaaloa of Irv ing King, the peddler. admitted that he wavwtth 1 the latter romn denied that claimed mroltted the m?r<Wt, b?t h. .?.( flrtt ,?<K>n. Ompuu A at Um Bin lal.oirj ua.ttu hlfca from on. < All Kill is ma TOM (By United Preea) Washington, Aug. 11. ? Tbe Ww! Department today issued a general order for all militiamen still remain ing hi their respective States, to pro creed to the border aa soon fa trans portation can be obtaiittd. WILSON WANTS TO CONSULT WITH RAILROAD MEN (By United Preen) Washington, Aug. 12. ? President Wilton has advised the railroad em ployee, who are about to strike, that he would like to coniult with them before they taken any drastic action. JEN PER CENT TAX ON MUNITIONS IS ADDED BY SENATE TO HOUSE Bill Washington. Aug. 12. ? At a meet ing of the Democratic members of the senate finance committee yester day It was decided to report an addi tion to the emergency revenue meas ure carrying a 10 per cent tax on all war munlUons. The tax. it 1* cal culated, wllt^Valse in the nelfrhbor hood of 45 million in r?venue>and is designated to meet the copper tax and munitions tax provided [a the house bill. The amendment agreed upon yes terday provides a 10 per cept tax on the net profits of all corporation and concerns- manufacturing muni tions of All kinds Including projec tiles, shell* or torpedoes, cannon, ma chine guns, rifles, and bayonet*, eloo trlc motor boats, submarines or s u tu rner sible vessels or boats, or an f parts of the above mentioned nr#*" rje* It would likewise Impose a 10 per cent tax on the net profits of all corporations or concerns supplying material used Id the manufacture of munitions. The tax Is to apply to i hp present Calendar year and remain In effect until 6tte year after the termination of present- Europe an war which shall' b* evidenced ? .Wy the proclamation ofthe President of the United SUtea. If Is estimated that the senate revonne bill when flnaHy ddtfiplfled will raise approximately^ I9f.,#00, 000 compared to Uie anticipated re ceipts of HfiT.OOO.Oftfi , under the house moasnre. ' J'j' HnlHfth. An*. II.? The State Boar< of Health makrs the fcn noundement that the name* of/ill hotel* Of the 8t*te making the ftrtule nf excellent. which la a e?ore of |rom 90 to J 00. on belni Inspected bjr'llie Stnte fioard of Health, will be llshed monthly In U?e Health t in. The Board la of the option that the ptihlle should know wWeti hot rig.' are sanitary and aafe. and (hat all hotela making this score are entitled to this recognition. The Board began its laspeaUom^ work (U| week and already a aom* her of hotels hare been rlalte4 and thoroughly Inspected. According to l>r. O. M. Cooper. who recently tamed fr? nan Inspection trip In ?h? *a?feh?.part'of ^tUte. *?tt of the hotel# are iho*i*$ u* fafM ?bl' , ?.* , : RUMCKItB TO TX daily line 3,000 cms WTO WHOTE SUM, CLAIMED frTtU }- > ?' * __ _? , i* "King of White Slave Trust" Has - Been Arrested. Startling Confes sion Has Been Made of Methods Used New York, Aug. 12. ? Using well dressed young men aa his agents. Tubs Botwln, confessed "King of the White Slave Trust." was the means Of luring *.000 school girls frtim their homes Into dens of vice during the last ten years. Many of his vic tims wire only sixteen years of age. They were generally from families to6 poor to provide them with good clothes and entertainment. Botwin's agents loitered around school buildings and flirted with the girls who wore most attractive t* looks. After an acquaintance had be?n struck up, the men gave the J Universal Military Training Seems Certain (By United Press) Washington. Aug. 12. ? Unless pol iticians thwart it, universal military training will arise for the present border altustlon. Is the opinion of many men. .. The present system is only about SOUTH CREEK GIVES BATH A TROUNCING Interesting Baseball Owe Palled off at Bath. Booth Creek Slugger* Live up to Reputation* I South Creek. Aug. 11. ? The South Creek bane ball team defeated Bath yesterday on the latter'a ground, the acote being g to 0. The game wm Very close until the seventh Inning, neither team being able to score. In fthe last three Innings the South ?reek boys hit Wallace at their will, Stephens and Hollowell leading In 'the slagging. The nt*tB feature of the game was a beautiful running catch made by 8! Messick in center field, when Bsth had three men on and two out. It was a line. drive and looked good for a home run. The South Creek team played an errorless game. Tfle batteries were: Hath: Wallace and Arn<n<^ uputh Creek: O. Weet Sawyer and West Th? No* TbootJ* ohouM 't>?W t booto tonlgUt for r>ult M*r<l, aim 10 1 -?*?? world'. gro?t*ot cs&fe&fe&i Dooror, Oota., Auk 12. -Afefalto lion IB tb? Dol Mo mlBM (Vatoorfr tafe mtlod 8r? minora sod Injofod ?r?n oftwi All Of th? bodIM h?v? fan roeororo*. Tho tapw of.tho MpoatoB hu not r?? boost dotonM*< I girls boxes of candy and took them 1 oat on automobile rides. In the end. these trips would lead to restaurants in the white light districts sod would ' #ldS* up "by spending the night in' some hotel. ' The girls were then In duced to writ? notes to their moth ers, saying that they had eloped. They were next taken to some near by city for k few weeks and were then brought back to New York, I where they were placed into disor derly houses. / Sensational revelations are ex pected in the investigation which has been started. I thirty or forty per cent efficient. I Thin is believed to be no reflection ^ on the spirit of the men, but the j system Is faulty, it is slad. It places an unfair burden on a few. Secre tary of War Baker believes in "unl- [ versal obligation." MUM *. VJ. FLOOD (By United Preen) Charleston. W. Va., Aug. It. ' Ninety-two persona are known to pertehed In the floods, accord ing to an official report to Governor j Hatfield. A COUNTRY CHAT ! (By W. A. MIHH) A stranger called Id to aee ua the other day tired and Jaded out from his long journey through the coun try. Well, ft waa hot and sultry and I had been working pretty hard and I thought I would "kltl*; a Jtttto time And try to cool off while I quitted I htm relative to the politcal situation. Well, he Informed me that the political horicon was fair for fhel Hon. Woodrow ,Wll?on thi# fall if hi* frlenda did not "tabodo" or free*e him out and he told ua implicitly that h ? did not ?ee a hue of hope for, | Hug he*. I We'll. IM( did ?Mrprtfe it ?hock IT' the leant patiVle In an* I parllcaiilr. Wb that Wltnoo I'M* ? JjKdliit. rmrr<tm}rt, prudantJ "tlwttttH country ?.? in ? ?tat. ot'unkitfAud ? i. A nt perina ?ad poaal da''' ptrttaUt li m I to nAW tot ? without,?)! JMtrroaa PjAt tM. um.w. had coolfd off and I had not *red o?r rial tar efther Our J attention was attracted by the buttar lllaa making butter and tb? traaa boRpera making ?raa? and tk.a oal? plllara making eata. Wall, ail tkla l#ad proved ao Intanaalr talereatlag that wbM we referred to our frland ha had rartlahed 'gi* toft" Jnat Ilka " " will thla fall, (By United Pres.) London. Aug. II.? The advance guard of the Ruaaian rorce that oc cupied Stanlslau. haa pressed on two miles northeast of the city, crossing two rivers and advancing to eighteen mils* south of Hallts. .The Teuton resistance Is veaJt. They are re* treating to Hellts. Two Russian forcse are now converging on Hallta, which Is General betcMtak'a imme diate objective lnfcls.drtveto Lcm berg. Dispatches indicate that the Russian drive has ,?ot> ? "fcven'' been slowed up. It la said to be the most rapid advance of the war since the Teuton's Balkan campaign. In four days, the Slava progressed twenty mile* over, _ bjwl . f oada and croaalng three river*. They captured twenty towna. 5 ?? '* ? Ad vires from both Petrograd and Rome auggeat that the Asutrian de moralization may be greater then suspected. * " How Farmers Get Rich IMPLEMENTS that in crease the output IMPLEMENTS that re duce the expense. IMPLEMENTS t&at make labor light. IMPLEMENTS that swell bank accounts. These Are Money Makers And We Sell Ttmn Pea Thrashers Mowing Machines Hay Rakes Hay Binders Clover Seed Har vester Manure Spreaders Ontario Seed Drills' Emerson 1 horse Drills, with or without fertilizer attachment. Wagons Wagon Harness Carts Cart Saddles Delivery wagohs ' Buggy harness I m pie me ii Is of all tfl T i j m - . i Wiije any helghth. See the Hsssell Supply Company ? r ? . ?

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