Y NEWS Un?ettl?d tonight. Prob able ihovm tonight. . mix, N .C.. FRIDAY AFTKKXDOX. SKPTEMHKR is. 1816. Road Work Item# Don't Correspond | Where Road Commission Claim $9, 271 I(or Equipment, Vouchers Appear to Show Only $8,061 <***% [ .:? , i &R' " .-V > HAKES ROAD COST ABOUT (1900 PER HILE v fflr . f j -Urli ? - ' : ? xCaRr ? ?" The Washington a township rotfd commission today makM public Its statement regarding the work that ha4* been done to date. Thin state ment appears clue where in today'* l*sue. We had hoped that the commls bIob would give an ltemlxed state ni en t of what they classed aa their - equipment account but failure to do this leaves ua as much In the dark as ^before so far as this particular item 1b concerned. I -Without nny ulterior motive what erer except endeavor to get the moat possible for the money spent wo will - t*k?up th.lr nUt.meol, ^ First, they say thstrs Is a full and correct statement of the progress ? made and expenditure*. We take issue with them On this until such ttme as they may give to {he public a- complete itemised statement show ing of their equipment aocount. They claim $9,27101 for equipment and culverts on habd. We are unable to find 'items amounting to more than $6,091.70 Which would properly be classed Into this account. This leaves . a difference of S1.S99.S1 which should be added to the 94.SSt.99 which the commlialon admits has gone into road construction making a total of $??.9,8. SO and we still con tend that they get mope Cor their mone?v1*#tfe' future than they have In U p past I which we hope they WllH-ft Will require 9S.000 to complete thprfour miles of road lead ing out Market streot. making s grand total?ot*$8,03ir.30 less $509.00 which they claim to have spent on the Oath roa4- ,e*Tes * balance V of 97.5S8.S#, /or approximately 91. 900.00 per mile, after making allow ance for the 'll.S19.9S spent by Mr. C. T. Hardtson which we fallod to do in our former, statement and which we are Informed was money well invested. In attalnlag their figures on coat U appears that the commission de sire to take inventory of stock on hand by referring to amount of fee4 purchased and on hand, claiming that this should he deducted from their cost. We are willing that thejr should do this If it will enabtiT them to make a bettev showing but if it Is their purpose to give ? correct stattynent and show the exact cost of the road work why not take a com plete inventory and show the market Value or sll equipment on hand? They are not entitled to a credit of f 477.71 for the feed purchased which they clsJm will last until Oc - tober 1st as there only remains about * IS days of September; the faad for this time would, be worth about 1115.00. ' V;? A reference to our article ot Sep tember 11 and a careful reading thereof refutes the statement of the commission wherein they say we charged that the roadt were costing H.750.00 per mile. We did say "it would prbbably require one month to complete the four miles at sn addi tional cost of not less than fl.pt *.Qft which will make approximately $11, ?00.00 for this distance, or about |2. 780.00 per mile JTOt A DIRT HO AD. This was has**, on the time taken on the worlt caiapeltst only method by which we ooatd cal sulate. We know of no reason why we should change these ftgurti ex cept to make allowances which we have hereinbefore referred tb, which Would reduce the average to about ft.DtO'.M per mile. tc the Item at 11.188. IS tor In tel-eel referred to in the etelement of the cimmiMion. we (tre imp nn toil. [deration. ?? It *II not Included, In oar. figure* sor *m It In ?n?t??r referro* -to. ?. -I ' The Item of' culverts on tvnnd we the Bath toad we would be glad to have the commission show us where J^elr engineer surveyed the proposed o?:e In a straight lino frocn the top ?f the hUl on tha Washington town ship side to the top of the hill on the Lon^- Acre side, connecting with both road*. We hare been on . tho ground an (f failed to And any *uch. 4unrey. Wd would aUo^lke to .hare them show us where tefrtfoot cut 1b neeeeaary and to tell us how far U would be necessary to. make a fill of ? feet In order to 'secure a Z% per cent grade. The commlslson state that It wj>uld be .more costly to build thla road straight and a great deal more cost-, ly to maintain and that they would encounter seepage. 1b this connec tion we desire to propound a few luestlona which we hope the com mission will answer for tho benefit of the public, of whom, they are trusted servants. Is It or is it not a fact, that to make -a straight road there, would be 1900 cubic yarda. of dirt to remove from the cut, and place In the All on the Washington township side? , Would not 20 cents per cubic yard be a fair price for the removal or I this dirt and placlng.it In the fill? At this price would not the cost to | Washington township be for the con struction of this piece of road $380? Have ydli not stated that it Would eoss sbmtt ftl.m 1# *l>ld the *ec? Hf road which you hive selected As the proper route? Do you? not,' cut Into the side of s hill on your route to a depth of 7 feet and do you not | have a fill on the opposite side of the road of more than ? feet, which will require ah "additional expense for maintenance? Is there any seepsge i on the old road near where the- cut would be made had the straight course be#D selected? Ib it not a fact that within about 100 feet of the rlo the nil on the straight route would be only 8% feet and within 316 feet from the run thorp would be no fill at all? 'Would not 600 feet of construction [complete all the road building nec essary on the Washington township side? Are you not building 1660 feet or ro*4} on the route selected? Is it not a fact that there are fills in the roads through Ohocowlnity, made by the county convicts which will exceed 10 feet in the Mass character- of sell? Haa there -been any coru|^aini . of JnMesive mainte nance on thfcee filWI Now. ?eotte:nen of (the commission is It not true" th'atv rffter meeting with the Long Acre road commis sioners you would bare adopted the straight, shorter and lees etpenaive route but for the fact that your en gineer and yourselves were not will* lag to admit that you had made a mistake and did not want to- accept the eritlclsm for having spent the, $400.00 for work done prior to lhat time? The News has endeavored at all itimee to be fair to the road commla aion and haa boosted them on every i occasion until inch time as It was shown that criticism wae necessary. We get no pleasure from having to criticise nor db we believe thire are many other cltlsens who do.. We are of the opinion that the criticism which has been made will result in i gfeod for the township and If It should j we shall feAl amply repaid for what-' | over criticism may fall to our lot. BK KTUHIS NUE ON SHALL INVtSTMENT ,v * ? It New York. Sept. 16. ? From an ortftaal investment of S1600 in Gen oral Motors, about a year ago. Wall etfmrt IKTMtW. tOfUy foll.rlwl wtml la.MM to l>? th? UrgMt Dio#t tnr in . tr.M.KIon on lh. Nm. VorH liock I'W p| K 1 ^-5 (By United Pmn) New London. Sept. 1&. ? The pro tection of the border wan thrashed out by Qederal Bliss, assistant chief of staff, before (be peace commission here today. Hs described- th?* prac tical military advantages and disad vantages of several suggested plans, assuming that protection should be accomplished by the fewest possible IfcttEf-*"". 4 The Mexican members of the com ?nission faror a neutral constabulary ? a sort of mounted poHce, with broad powers. The Americans con curred somewhat frith tbis Idea. The Mexicans also believe that Villa is still alive. They agreed to patrol their side of the border snd to frame up a scheme for keeping Villa bottled up. It is believed thst th? plan Includes a neutral sone scheme, with alternate patrolling and recip rocal crossing privileges. After working for an hour or two in preparing some peppers. Mrs. M. 0. Singleton was taken violently 111 yesterday afternoon. Her condition gave-ber the most scute pain and sbs suffered terribly for almost five Dr. IX T. Tayloe. who attended her stated thrfl the case was the first of its kind that had ever been brought to 'his notice. He believes that the peppers in some way were drawn through her hands and got into her blood. Mrs. Singleton is much bet ter this morning. SAYS HE WILL SUE THE ROAD COMMISSIONERS ? W. A. Mish Is Detormhwd to Have Sign PmW Erected at Croes Roads in the Country. W. A. Mish, -through his attorney, has given notice to the road commis sioners of Long Acre township and the county commissioners to the ef fect that if sign posts arfe not placed at the various cross roads, pointing the way to the nearest town and giv ing the number of miles to that tqwn, he will enter suit against them. Mr. Miah has been trying to get sign posts, pat up Tor some time but so far his worlr.has not met with suc cess. CAHKANZA I SWIM UfcCRBF, FOB THK ELECTION OF OONORKHS BY PBOri.B Mexico City, Sept. IB.? The- most Important decref of C a rr ansa's en OMmbency in ofUce, providing for the election of members to the national eontTM ?. pitm the war for to rwuin* hrr pl?*? HI ? republic In th? VMttrn horriltphere. Th? rfoefw. onlllng for tho elMtlon at o conttltu tionii eongroM imiim tomor Tipperary Gives In To New Song On Rattlefronts (Br United Press) London, ifpt. 1*. ? "Tipperary" is giving way to a new Bong on tho battle front. tta? theme of which In "the bullets; always get the other fellow." .rt'to sweeping over the army and gqos as follows: The bells of liell go ting-a-llng-a-llns For Ypn, fcrnt not for me. For me the (uigels slng-a-llng-a-llng. They*T6*'g|>t the goods for me. Oh. Death, ?here la thy sting-a-llng ? Oh. Grftv^, thyyletory. The bells of hell go tlng-a-ling-a-llng 1 For Yon, pqt not for me. foreman on I ROAD WORK HASpGNED It was authoritatively announced this morning that Mr. Clement, who has been foreman In charge of the road construction work on the road leading out on Market street, had tendered tys resignation, to take ef fect a* soon as possible. Mr. Clement has been actively engaged In super intending the work since It was be gun. The reason for his act is not know**-* '* - v - . . , . . . MEXICAN ASSASSIN MEETS HIS DEATH ( Qy United Press) . Mexico City, Sept. 15. ? Alfonso SanjihanoH. who assassinated Jesus Carranza, nephew of Generfcl Carran; za," and who killed General Rafael Equilla, waa killed today at Quartel. Zihuatlan. by AureJIo Hernandez. AUTOMOBILE HITS BOY ~ ON BICYCLE: UNINJURED An automobile, belonging to Mr. Parrott. of Raleigh, this morning collided with a boy at the corner of Second and Gladden streets and passed Completely over his body. The boy, who Waa riding a bicycle, was Caleb Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bell. t The automobile was going along Gladden street and the boy waa coming down Second, riding along side of a W&JtCT* Neither could see the other. The wagon turned Into Gladden, coming toward the automo bile. The boy kept on down Sec ond and Just aa he cleared the wa gon, be collided with the automobile. Mr. Parrott put on the brakes aa fast aa he could, but. due to the wet street," the eaf slid for several feet. It passed over the boy. but he waa ?o small that the bottom 6# the en r merely scraped him. He was able to get up and did not appAr to be hurt any. '-ammL'jfiJBk. > jlu BIC DEVEL6PHENIS IN - THE BAIKAN CAMPIUGN (Br tilted PrMa) London. Sept 1?. deld Marahall In auprenw rommtad of Ik* Teutonic oparatlpna In lh? Bal kana. arrived on the Uerniu-Biil ?artan front today' to direct tft? d? fonno L*r*e hodl? or troop* are ooncMtratod In th. Vardar rail., arcordlna to (Ulonlkl d1ap?t*fiea r ore** In Mac?*onla tiara been tiae tUr rajruuHd to mart tba r?pwt?l allied offeoalre. Fighting grown more violent telly. The rapture of ? salient ol Bulnars Mouthweet of' Dorlrtn. la the most important British victory to date %*[ Qr?-e| intervention Id the war in delayed by flfloniatit negotiation* In Athens. A premier, to guide Greece la the war. Is being sought. At the same Une. it Is hop?d to nftlte the faction* I* fytftt : - ? w Claim That the Present Road Being Built Will Cost Only A ^ o***' $1,000 a. ^ DEFEND THEIR WORK ON BATH ROAD: SAY STRAIGHT ROAD WOULD NOT HOLD To the Editor of the Dally N'ewsi On account of a statement that appeared on the front page of your iaaue of the 11th Instant, entitled "New Roads Are Being Built Under Very H?*avy Expense." 1 and another Item that appeared on your editorial sheet In your issue of the 12th inat., the Washington Township Road Com mission feels constrained to .request that you publish the statement below which wili give to those interested In the road fund and the work being done a full and correct knowledge of the progress made and the expendi ture of the fund to September first. We note in your criticism that you criticise first, the results accomplish ed from the amount of money ex pended. stating that the roads have cost $2760.00 per mile. and. second, the engineering that wan done at the hill going down to Runyons Creek beyond the County Home, oa the Bath Road. In answer to the first criticism we beg to submit this statement: Of the $50. pOO. 00 bond issue voted in Washington Township for the improvement of roadH therein. $16, 680.46 had been apent to September first in the following manner: Equipment and expense Incl dcra4ai--to bond lasua ?... $7 .62 9.08 Amount spent on convicts for two months while at work on Uaidlaon school houae road under supervision of C. T. Hardison 1,316.93 Interest on bonds (which will be refunded out of taxes when collected) 1,253.13 Culverts on hand 1,641.93 Total $11,851.47 Balance on road construction under Snowden, engr. . . 4,828.99 Total expenditure $16,680.46 Itemised statements showing to | the cent each of the amounts above j mentioned can be found in the Reg- 1 ister's Office and In the office of the| Chairman of the Road Commission and we will take pleasure in going over them with any one interested in ascertaining the facts. I With the expenditure of this $4, 828.99. and depreciation to equip ment added work has been done for five mll"a on the road leading out of Market street. Between $500.00 and $1,000.00 will complete thin Ave miles. In addition' $E>60.00 of the above amount waB spent on the Bath Road by the County Home. In ad dition out of the above amount $477.73 worth of mule feed was purchased last month, on account of the r!?lng market which gives enough on hand to run to October 1st. It will, therefore, be seen that the ro&d work to present Is coating Ground 1 1000.00 per mile, and not M750.00 per mile, as stated in the items above referred to. Thla. how ever, Ig too great a coat. We are got, and Ijave not been satisfied with the cost. They should be built for not more than $76?. 00 per mile, and we will not be satlafled with any coat above that. it must be borne in mind, however, that this covers th#> organisation period; that for two wblta the<fe<iul?rnant was com 4nn and w? irjf re getting Jabor. 18 ftulea were eating -and a man was attending to them; the team was fh*n ?oit. ? nd tifh weather hot, and ?everal,"' from tlrrte to time, w?re out j of commission on account of alckneas and medicine apd doctors bill were !char??d ngAinst the fund; no ?o1l jnear by could be found for the red ''ftlll by the cemetery and sand had fo b^ v.-ught and hauled from the wharf In Washington; ther* has bee* ah oxceastve quantity of' rain during this period that makea coad build ing mor* costly Jost as it.doea farm ing. These are some of the things Utat W9 Imit# been up against that we hope are now over come and lead ua to expect cheaper roads per mile Hereafter. As lo the engineering In reference to the Bath road beyond the County Home going down to kunyons Creek, we have thin to say: ?When thia Commission -was first formed the Individual members as laymen desired to see the road straightened from hill to hill and sent Mr. R. E. Snowden. the engi neer. to this place as his first work, to make survey and profile of the proposed straightened route. After muking same, he reported to us that it was inadvisable to build the road straight, and made a survey and profile of the route now being con structed. He reported the other route necessitated a nine foot cut in the deepest part and a six foot (111 to re duce the grade to three and a half per cent: that this would be more costly to cdhstruct, and a great deul more costly to maintain. He fur ther reported that we would encoun ter seepage water In this heavy through cut which would still add to the costs of maintenance. After we had commenced the work on the other route, the Long Acre Town ship Commissioners requested th*l we meet with them and consider the proposition of making the roud straight. We held up' the work. l??d our engineer to come hack and tlxed an engagement with the Long Acre Commissioners to go further into the matter. After the hearing and after the Long Acre Commissioners had presented their views to us and our engineer, he still advised against a straight road, and we were still of the opinion that to ms're the road straight was unjustlflai ae good engineering. Of course we realise that it is desirable to straighten [roadH, everything else being equal. ! <?pntlnued from p ;e 3) ROAD MEN TO HOLD MEETING Members of the advisory commit tee have been notified by the Wash ington township road commission of a special meeting, which la 1o be held Saturday morning at 1 1 o'clock In the office of E. A. T>aniel. The pur pone of the meeting is not stated in the notices. but It la mentioned that Important business la to be brought up and the attendance of every menv ber of the committee Is urgently re q nested. TODAYS PROGRAM ~ AT. ? ? New Theatre ? ,i . ISth episode of ' "TIBS IROR CLAW" 'fjTrlabdl** Ke/*ton? f omiytr . "Hl? AITO BnVATKW" Foaturln* Muck Swain Show atarta at 7:45 p Di. 4DMIM1ION v aad I Or

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