VOLUME EIGHT A Want Ad In THE DA111 NEWS Brings Sure R?ault*. / ? WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS "WASHINGTON : ? FIR8T IS HEALTH) FTRflT IN WEALTH, AND IN THE RANKS OF THB BEST CITrK8 TO LIVE IE." WASHINGTON^ c, SATURDAY .JFTERNOON, ?EPTESIBER 1?. 1916. TOT WSATHKB Cloudy Tonight. Fair To?or. ow. Light VarUM* Wind*. NUMBER 88. School Supplies TABLETS. COMOPOStTION BOOKS, PENCILS, PENS, CRAYONS, INK. COMPANION BOXES. Everything for the School Child. Russ Bros. Variety Store 316 W. MAIN STREET FOWLE BUILDING Beautiful New jewelry We have just received a handsome line of ? JEWELRY, DIAMONDS AND CUT GLASS and invito your inspection. Most suitable for wedding presents. ( Buy It .'If Home) STEWART'S JEWELRY STORE ii i rri n waai? w Trader at Home DON'T ALLOW TITE MAIL ORDER HOUSES TO FLIM-FLAM YOU OUT OF YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY. WASHINGTON MERCHANTS GIVE THE BEST VALUES. BABY'S PAIN HAS VANISHED No more running to and from the hot kettle, no more dan ger of bums. The Westinghouse Electric Heating Pad takes the placo of the hot water bag, and does its work bet ter. Ready for use at a moment's notice ? temperature al ways uniform ? never too hot or too cold. It is furnished either with rubber cloth cover, or felt, coverrd with wasliablo slip cover. To convince you we will send one ou trial. Costs 1-2 cent an hour to run. Municipal Electric & Water Dep. FOR THE LATEST IN Columbia Records ? : SEE Cherry Furniture Co. I NDERTAKEIiS AND EMBAL1IERS OUR JOB DEPARTMENT la fully equipped to handle every order ? no matter how largo or complicated. We turn out work to your satisfaction. The Daily News ksef" --T^scsrsssnaB Acceptable Presents They are the kind you will find at our store. A complete and beautiful stock of the most handsome wedding presents that bride or groom could desire. It wijl Ihj well worth tho time to l?n>k them over. W. Ivf. BhLL, Jeweler Edison Mazda Lamps More Light For Less Money Pegram-Watson Hdw. Co. Phono 190. F. G. PAUL RO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers ? Ilighesl Prices Paid For ? EOGS, CHICKENS, BEESWAX, TALLOW, GREEN HIDES AND ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SELL GREEN HIDES, 15o per lb. Money Spent At Homo Drifts Back to You Again. Fall and Winter Clothing A special showing of Wearing Apparel for Men and Boiy*. Suit* to fit all size*. Prices extremely reasonable. Ilato, Shoes, Underwear and other furnishings. THE HUB SUSKIN ftf BERRY Washington's greatest Store' KUPPENHEJMER CL0THINO FOR MEN 0R088ETT SHOES FOR MEN . RED CROSS SHOES FOR WOMEN AGENTS PICTORJAT. REVIEW PATTERNS a. K. HOVT TRADE AT HOMJi All Visitors Speak of Progress W ashing ton is Making at Present T ime '* Almost every visitor who comes to Washington}', has something to say about tlie progress and development of the town. They comment ovi?r the new buildings, the new residence* and the evident *i*rns of a busy and prosperous city. We have a right to feel proud of Washington and of the n Ivancemcut she is making. And every citizen should endeavor to keep the city in tu> etridu is going. ?Cooperation among SOME ??f the people has^hclipd u? ibis far. (V-operation am?n,' ALT- tflie people will help us still further. fgf When a man trades at home, he is helping keep Washington dollars in Washington. -He is CO-OPERATING. When he sends his money off to the mail order house, ho is "going it on his own hook." Bo fair to your town and to the merchants w&a are largely responsible for the making of your town. Trade with them. The money will emne hack to you. It's a great thing ? this Co-operation ? and it U worth while. ? t Buncoed Again Here is a man who hat paid out his good money in advance fo? .1 suit ??f el-'thea he never saw. If Ihe bad only beon wiae in the first place, ho would have bunch: tlint suit of clothes nt home*. Then he would have been assured of a pood fit, the same quality of growls at a lower price. Yes, the home merchant can beat the catalog man on priors evoiy ti nie. That, has l>eon proved time and again. ? Hut people are only very slowly beginning to know it. Ilio gataU g business is so huge, its arguments are so impudent and overbearing thta many a man i< per suaded against his own judgment He is carried off his feet and literc.Hy xiampcilrd into d<>in?? things he would not dream of doing if loft alone to think it out by himself. Neighbor, don't be stampeded by that picture. Tear it out and bring it in to your Ivmie dealer. Figuro it out with your home merchant. Qet together with Aim. He trartfo to give you a square deal. Keep your money in your pocket till you are sure. Bargains in Water Coolers And Hammocks-we have a few left and will close out at reduced price. McKeel-Rlchardson Hdw. Co. A GUARANTEE We guarantee our prices on any piece of Hardware we carry to bo equal 01 less to that of any mall order house in the United States for the same qual ity of goods and ou the same terms, delivered in North Carolina. Harris Hardware Co. WITHIN A FEW DAYS I will have u special announcement to make. An an nouncement that will interest every woman in Beaufort county. Just now, 1 am in Xew York City, preparing for this event. I. H. Morris WASHINGTON, N. C. GOOD liEALTH IS ESSENTIAL TO YOU We have a vast number of customers all ovor this terri tory. They are -teadv customers bccau?e they like our goods Mid our service. But wo want VOL" for a customer, too. Try our groceries next ? when hungry. You will couio here ugdin Ti ev all do. ' C/ *fJlTTLE ... .UiOfND THE CORNER. DIAV13\DS! DIAMONDS! I have just received a nice line of diamond-1. both loose and mounted. \\V have diamond seales and can weigh the *u?iies ?*? that you will know that tlje weight i* absolutely 4-i.:r?N'f. Besides. we believe we kif-w rhe grade of a stone when we see ir. And when we sell one. we do so with an ab solute gun run leu that the quality is us represented. Buy it at home and at our store. J. S. CAMPBELL "CRYSTAL" 100 lbs., 200 lbs. and 300 lbs. NICELY FiAGGED AND PACKED. OIJDEIJS TAKEN DAY OR NIGUT. Crystal Ice Company I'nONE 83. WASHINGTON, N. C. Would You Throw Away 81,000? The man who could save and bank $5 per month and doesn't do it is throwing away $r.u per year ? the gross earning power of $1,000 at fi per cent interest. Why not start nn account with us and conserve this "$1000 earning?" Savings & Trust Company B, G. Moss, President J no. B. Sparrow, Cashier I o Our Country Friends A nf I<*f? Water await- yoi all the time. Wo invito v'.-n to make our store your lu/adquan. rs whether you w ivli '?> l??i v anything or not. Wp carry a full lino of the best there i- in Gr?K*eric? and Fruits. We sell everything on a money hack jp: a ran tee. Give 11 s a call, prices are fight. ADAMS SUPPLY CO. Phone 97. Fill1 and Winter Goods F r --men and Children. New articles arriving oailv. The i. .*t romplcfe stork \vc :.;???? cvi-r -!; ?\vn. We o.nliatl y inv. vr?iir i nonaction. SPENCER BROS. A. J. COX & COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Heavy and Fancy Groceries HOPE. Kl'RREI? ooons AND SHOTS, X KT TWTVE ami Finlmrtnan's 0 11 ! fi tp. II IIV, ' urn unit I'tci] Si 11 IT. WASHINGTON, N. C'. IF YOU CONSIDER I'UK'K AM) QIWI.tTV. IT X ATt'IIAT/ I. V KOl.l.OWS THAT vol' Wil l. PCK CI1ASK VOI'I! GUOCKKIKK FliOM B. W. BERQERO V & SON Put Money in the Bank By Avoiding Mail Order IIoiisob and Patronizing Home Merchants. DEPOSIT WITH # The First National Bank WASHINGTON, N. O. you WILL EVENTUALLY WHY NOT NOW Bowers Bros. Co.