THE WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAYS. ' Entered as 8econd-cU? matter, August 5, 1909, at the peetoffioe of Washington, N. uudor the act of M&rch 3, 197#. i SCBSCRIPTION RATES: One Month .25 Throe Months 75 Six Months . v 1.50 One Year 3.00 Subscriptions must paid for in advance. If paper it not re ceived promptly, telephone or write this office. Subscriber? desiriugi the paper discontinue*!, will please notify this office, otherwise it will be continued at regular subscription rates. JAMES L. MAYO Propriictok CARL QOERCI1 Editor WASHING' to\. NORTH CAROLINA, OCT. 5, 1910. Wonder if Taft and Roosevelt, at their recent meeting, had any thing ?/; ?? topic of conversation that was discussed between tlu ?? \. .v.: h Carolina and the Governor of South Carolina. 3 i<>t i nil**-* . ..tuprtiiinc," sounds like the noise that is made by a' >4? drnit.. .Hi i ;? likely to souud the doom of the Germans' aUnc the western i *ier. Judcin^ fr?nu (?' . . ? evt nts in Washington. the words of that well known smut. "I \- i i :tle Movement" ought to be changed to "Every Little Part* La*, .i M ,?ning all it- Own.*' Ptcsidcnt i.*i*lares lit* will not stump to aid his campaign. Thai's n?'ihing. I I !? ? ?-?,velt has al?*? declared that he is out of jn 'lit i ?*. And now the announce that alcoliol will be used as a sub stitute t'.?r trus*?lii??-. m runtiittir an automobile. A no infrequent sight in the future will i < ,i -branded auto on the n?adsidc with its driver mumbling: "Can"' ?" 'he ? hie hing started ' Ain't got u?> ? hie ? >tutT to run lev w ?! \vh.\i r:;. okkiciaks owe the itopi.e. rj?. !???? ???!?* ??! i ? si" vera! If luili l ? ii art* Ii* , itreyr ? A- rite i :: ' -In.iiJ.l *iio i ? |t *r I ? *' ami in??re imh'fK-mlwn t-- ;i of" franchise than ev A v-mr i- -l? inir ;i In- fi.r ii man ? 'In* 'mket which iii< V..r.-r happen* f.. i-. a certain ? ? I ! :? sUpp.-e ? nf e.ltV iill I Mr. V. last- ?:? : f ?? .l-Mlli! ? ra ;? ? !Matr .11* the intere-t*. ? .1* t |j? *t?rv? ?l U-t. in t h i - ii When ill-- voter- ? wi' !'? ?| rluir rK?-> r.. ril! :i;.. WHAT HI Kill P ?in* ticker wlmtu tin which lie a-p:r?-. t itrk^-r shoe Id rh'-ir fs-arv to make :i it *? \ "Momrv :i 1 1 ? 1 I'vcrv -tiMe lisiv * :i ? i : H f ti? demand ' ??.in the iiH'ii thev elect to orifice. Among rhesc :n? -?rj? ! ity an. I conrtesy. r:in> iiijiror, f lii if a mat tor which everv xv.ter .-?i-Tii?^r his ballot. Parti-an politic* are more tiiinjr of rhe pas? and the Voters arc boo tiling ? M- ami srreater degree in exercUin,; :h?*ir rialil r iH-t'.iiv. ?: ii i'l-ri.-i' it. hi ni-4*l t' an. I r?. hi- ttnumunitv when mply Uraiis' that man'- name happen* t?? he on v. ter 1ms -ii|.]H?rn*.l in the pa-t. Suppose Mr. .1 I). im?*rai ami i-uppnso then* i;t (Miupdilion for ? *. ii a I >i*iiHN*riirif candidate anci a Republican. | ? r that the I>eni??cratie eandi?late is a mail who's u i.i- affairs art' sueJi as n? bring almiu t*fi t !?. living tin* life that he should have lived. Woulrl riirlit thing in castimr hi- ballot for the TVnit *T I5I*:< 'A I'SK nr. IS A DEMOCRAT? Arc .???nun mi it v, the ?*i>iiiit v. the state or the nation ;i5: n?*r We ha nil v think so. ? ! It'ioi t> ?rt mitnty if" t.? the polls on XovwiiliCt' t??r tin' nun \vh'"tn they think are ; m--i ?""! i 1 tliey an* -coking. RE<?ARI>I.ESS OK I ! i ll S ARE! It there i< a man'- name on ?? r . [? *es n? t think qualified t?? till the po*itmnl ? s ?? ? -r owi*? it to himself t. . vote the opposition .?] .!;???- :i man who has tin* <piu!iticati< ns neo : t i ? ? . . ? 1 1 1 ortifcr. A r - i wl.-f i < f 'ho i-oni-rrs . W'i i* | .j. Tvm prin Whfii rl.o fvir -J ? an-1 p:i* in i!k* rank* ti.i'i ?!:- '.'.'.'i- -ii r t.. pa\ 1 pri"e- {'??:- .? ei?|?i??l;+t?. -n-.r t .. Jnitf** prof!-.. !?.. -t. tit ? ! t! a' u.-rr* in r|4*tiiiHr.'. Ji Hit* f-l i-ll Jn pti" lr ???!'( !?' uh n ?* ? olimli wu -hipinon'- al.roa'l, I-u1 Jfor Ufa use -*t' j ? . E?.r -oinr* rf?-- n '-r t'ovorninrnt i'hor?: ? * h'.i iirl I Wn<hintrt' u ?. 1 1' an . iii'.arK,r ha'l U ? ? I rf- f. rrfi| ??? pfiv ('??or u c iifer). A mi ?! Jroiih|r?s an?! for i Jh* <j> ar<* for?*e?| to U-ar tfi<- i E < AI'SE OE IT AM.. ! ? ri . i f.?r staple artiele^ of foo?l a-kftl on ?n3a; a- against price?* for the same otiiUM'Mli ? ,. i-. ,i -f- averatrinjr from forty to .>ne hnn.lml rainrinir >i- Ii ijrh as tivo hiitt'lre.1 pi-r cent. 'a* Y * *rk i- lariiely true of every other section .niiirei-c]fiiteil inr*rea-?* in 'lie i*ost of living?} Ki r-t. thi- 2*ree?l -<f rh?* "liit; interest- ' of tin .nre ??!" ? iir uovernnn'iit t^? take n han<l in the] ? ar .011. men were taken from the fields ?lit- fr*?nt. The t"'H?.| -upjily of the warring -horteneil ("iii-i.h' They were willine i.i*a t . ami other proHnefs. ami sarnie of onr a-lvan?air?' ? ??" tlii- opportunity for ohtainintr ? -hip jvrot. ihe Atlanti<* all of the arli**les What the result? Our own crops for ' i ? i n ? I f" i ie -li>.ri and, a- a result-, the price* l ii?- I'apitah-r- marie >?i ?r money out of tlieir ne inas-t's of ??ur own |?e??ple were ma?le *'? iier. no atreinpt wa.? tna>le on the part of r,,ir - iriiranfi'* -hipmrut of f.KMUtufTs ahoarH. il ? hav?-. i*r*al i/ft| what was Uniml to take plflee. j ? I .n*e. I oh ilif-f ?shipments, we woul^ not now :..r*v to ? 'lie hou'lrotl per cent more for the -r.itr- of affairs is al-.t i)ie eaine f?-r onr laU?r f-ral 'li-snti-fnfti?tn among th'we elafwea that ??<!. ii of it all, THE P. EST SIONS OE PROGRESS. Peaufori f?miit\ i*. :?j,ikii?Lr rajml str'nle* in providing U'tter wh?K?l faeilities for its ehihln n. aiol in this may he seen one of the most, eore-rete examples <>f rr?nl pr*>grfw* ' *" Several new sehool h'-n^r^ have !>ef^i Imilt recently? one at Olrl Forrl another at A n r'?rn an'l a t-hiftl at Winstearlville. Other have Seen enlarfferl ami improved. Several special whool tax cler tioti" have Wn held. f n every part of the connty. the keeneat in terest m U- ? r i rr inaiii feurrvl in the nchooU and the patmna in every dis trfet t?eji' ?! -NTni'med ii. -uf that the l?cst. is provided for their chi I rli*en. It it a spirit whieh de-r-n-e<* the highest conimenrlation. T'?r> much, money cannot l>e ?pent in providing the he?t educatirmal facilities for the cliildrrm and wc are tr|a?l ^ that the residents of ?nir connty" appear to feel that wav aU.nt it. T ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE ~ DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS It Always Helps ?ays Mrs. Sylvan ia Woods, of Offlon Mills. Ky? hi . SS2* fintni my back-Ud bead~we?ld hurt so had, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardlyvtle to do any of nfrhouseworfc, AHeraririitg three fcotttas of CarduL 1 began to fed like a new woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mllL 1 wish every suffering woman would give CARDUI The Woman's Tonic a trial 1 still use Cardiri when I feel a little bad, and it always- does me good." Headache, backache, side ^c he, nervousness, tired, wom-out feelings, etc., are sure sign; of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! ... Let's Build in Washington Park THOSE SUITS That you will find in our store for men and boys are the kindthat YOU WILL WANT We want you to drop in and look them over. Quality and prices will suit you. THE HUB Suskin &. Berry The Town Gossip Editor Town Gossip: ? My wife ar.d I enjoy reading the Town OoHslp greatly. We have often diacufifted your column and we wonder how you think up all of the thinga that you put in It. . It must be consider' able of a job. Would you mind letting ua know? ? J. L. L). DBA It J L. D. I'M GLAl). THAT VOL* AND YOUR wire. KNJOY READING. THE FOOLISHNESS. THAT GOBS to All up. THIS COLUMN. AND Art you say. IT IS. NO EASY Job. AND I can't tell you. HOW I think. OF THINGS. TO WRITE about. AND SOMETIMES. THEY Jl'ST come to hip. WITHOUT ANY effort. ON MY pnrt. AND THEN again. 1 HAVE to nit. FOR AN hour or more. AN I) I wiRglc a round. AND LOOK through the window. AND READ the papers. AND SMOKE my pipe. AND GET nervous. AND THEN directly. SOMEONE WILL come In. AND MAKE some remark. AND THEN. I'LL GET an Idea. AND IT only takes. ME A minute or two. TO WRITE It off. AND I thank you. FOR YOUR letter. FOR IT gave me. SOMETHING TO write about. I AND IF It hadn't come. 1 I MIGHT have had TO SIT here. UNTIL LATE tonight. AND MISS my supper. AND GET my wife mad AND MISS the carnival. AND GET lost going home. AND MAYBE be held up. IN THE ALLEY. AND LOTS of things. I THANK you. A llttl" TTMEIjY Arivertlntoft AS SURES the continuity of that little income you derive from that for ul*hf*d room. SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWS Our New Store Is steadily gaining in popularity with both residents of the city and county o We Have the Goods That You Want at the Price You Want. o Special Offerings This Week On Men's and Boys' Suits. All sizes and Most Reasonable Priccs. R. S. Silverthorn Loca|ed at Rum Bros. Former Stand. UBiHFUIMB (By United Press) Oklahoma City. Okla., Oct. 4 ? Uacl? 8am, ml NtiU dealer, hu ? 08.000 acres of Choctaw and Chick mv Indian laad on sale ehr? today and will do buslasss unUl the end of the month. No person will be allow ed te purchase more than liO acres classified as agricultural land nor more than 040 acres classified *as Kraal ag land. wirr-taxe $10,000 FROM AH AMERICAN tfew York. Oct. 6. ? Among the passengers on the Swedish-American liner Stockholm, In yeeterday. was Mans Lagerloff. an American cltissn. I who Is on his way Co Washington to protest the action of British officials In taking from him 910,000 In cash and a number of cases of rnbber goods. Lagerloff is secretary of the Scandlnarlsn-Amerlcan Trade Com pany. . . "At Klrkwell." he said yesterday, "the British authorities' took my cash and goods from me despite the fact I am an American cltlften. The i rubber goods I had were gloves, nip ples, etc., for use in Swedish hospi tals. I had a British letter of assur ance with me, and the original bill of sale. The letter was from British ' officials In this country guaranteeing me a passage without Interference. I protested without result. I am now I going to Washington to see if I can get satisfaction." NOTICT TO TEACHERS APPLYING FOR STATE AND COUNTY CERTIFICATES. The public examination for teach er* of the county will be siren at Washington October 13 and 13. Schedule of Examination. For High School Certificate*. Thursday, Oct. 18. 9:00 o'clock. Theory and Practice of Teaching. School Law of North Carolina. English. American History. English History. Friday. Oct! 13. 9:00 o'clock. Arithmetic. Algebra. Plane Geometry. Latin, or German, or French. General Sciences, or Physlca, or Physical Geography, or Agriculture, or Botany, or Chemistry. County and State Certificate. Thursday, Oct. 12, 9:00 o'clock. Theory and Practice of Teaching. School Law of North Carolina. Spelling. Drawing. Reading. Arithmetic. language and Composition. Friday, Oct. 13. 9:00 o'clock. English Grammar. Geography. Physiology. History of North Carolina. History of the Unitod State*. Civil Government. Agriculture. These subjects will be Riven ex actly as scheduled, and cannot be taken at any other time. All exam inations for the Renewal of State certificates will be given at 9:00 o' clock on Thursday. Oct. 12. and can not be taken at any other time. No teacher will be allowed to take any part of any State examlnntions who haa not made application to the State Board of Examiners and who haa not received from the State Board of Examiners explicit direc tions as to the subjects required. Each applicant for the State certifi cate will therefore be required to bring the notice recelvod from the Board of Examiners. These regulations are Issued by (he State Board of Examiners and cannot in any cane be altered or set aside. Please do not ask me to make special concessions, for ! have no authority to do so. W. O. PRIVETTE. l-30-7tc. Comfortable FATIMA S ennible. C icj a.rettc CLASSIFIED ADS. CUT GLASS OP ALL KIND. MOHT acceptable waddle preaenta. ? new showing. If. BELL. 9-28-tfc. LOOT: OPAL AND I'KARL RING} somewhere on Main atreet. Reward If returned to Dally News office. 10-3-ltc. MISS MARGARET MORGAN, Hoiric teacher at Washington Collegiate Institute, will give leaaona Wed nesday afternoons and Saturday mornings at the home of Mrs. Jo seph Ross, 316 Eaat Second 8t. For rates phone 93. 9-28-lwc. NEW SILVERWARE, PLAIN AND attractive patterna. Just received. W. M. BELL. 9-28-tfc. WANTED ? GUM IXXiK OF GOOD quality. 10 inches and up at small end. Pamlico Cooperage Co. 9-4-11 TIN WORK. REPAIR WORK; Stovee put up. J. C. HOUSE. 1 0-2-1 wc. WANTED: OFFICE WORK AT night. Addreaa, "Night," caro of Dally News. 9-26-eod-tfc. FOR SALE: THE HUGHES IHOP erty in Chocowinity, N. C. If Inter ested see or write 1. W. HUOHBS. Waahington, N. C. 10-6- Up. NOTICE OP SALE. * * Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Beaufort County, made In the 8peclal Proceed lng entitled W. W. Bow en. Adminis trator of Emma Ellaa Os bourne vs. Martha Moore et al.. the undersigned commissioner will on Monday, the 30th of October. 191<, at IS o'clock noon, at the Court House door In Washington, N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bidder Cor cash, an un divided one-ninth Interest In that certain tract of land lying and being In Long Acre Township. Beaufort County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Ou Long Acre Ridge: beginning at a pin# In the edge of the went dismal In the Rufus Wallace line; thento with said line and the Rodney Harris avenue across the main ridge and with the road to the Rodney Harris line; thence with said Harris line to the John O. Bowen line; thence, nearly west with said Bowen line to the west dismal, a pine; thence with the edge of the dismal to the first station, containing forty acres, more or less. This September 25th, 1911. J. D. PAUL. Commissioner. 9-t8-4wc. WANTED: A MAN WHO IS W1LL lng to work; quick In figures. Ad dress in own hand writing. D. Q. I.. Washington. N. C. 1 0-6-3 tc. HOUSE FOR RENT: WEST SECOND ? street. Mrs. J. E. Swannef. io-4-atc. HALKEBY'S FRUIT STORE is sell, lng apples for 30c peck. Phone 430 10-5-lwc. SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWS IF YOU BREAK - YOUR GLASSES Bring them to us for repaiis. We have a diamond drill press and caji drill your lenses. We are also pre pared to take care of your BIFOCALS In the way of recementing or can furnish new ones from our stock. J. S. CAMPBELL JEWELER PHONE 383 J. And They're Still Fighting MAYBE THE retwn, WHY THEY'RE flfthtlnr OVER IN Europa. ' 18 BECAUSE. THEY DON'T know. WHAT PEPSI-COLA It. AND WE'D b% willing. TO BE THAT I r they had. ONLY KNOWN. ABOUT PEP8I-COLA. THE KINO of England. AND THE Kalaar. WOULD BE playing. PlNOOHLE. WITH THE Ctar today. AND THM may tourfd. RATHER FOOLISH, TO TOU. BUT IT lin't at all. AND YOU can aea. FOR YOUJtflBLff. THAT IF that Barblan boy. HAD OFFERED. THAT AUSTRIAN prlnca. A PEP8I-COLA. INSTEAD OF a buUat AUSTRIA WOULD not hara. DECLARED WAR. AND IF thou? other monaroha. HAD ONLY gottan together. AND DI6CU88ED things OVBR A crata. OF PEPSI-COLA. THE FRENCH paopl*. WOULD BE aa4ing aanarkraut. TO THIS day. AND THE JJnltad Stataa. 18 AT pe?c*. WITH THE world. AND MILLIONS drink PEPSI-COLA. AND HUSBANDS are. AT PBACB wit* wlTM. BECAUSE THBY all drink. PEPSI-COLA. AND THERB'B nothing. THAT WILL Mttl?. A DISPUTB. 80 QUICKLY. AS A bottl* of. PBPSt-COLA. TRY rr. THE NEXT tim?. YOU OBT out of sort*. I THANK you.

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