SCHOOL SHOES For Boys and Girls * The building of i>?P nhoe b?ulM? Is neither spasmodic nor t?n pAnrf. We propotte i? repeat the shoe tradr mcceaa that we have built. To do this we tnteitd to command public confidence. We have Wtoeted Solid Shoe* to sell you for your children. The beat that money fan buy for m little cost a* circumstance* will permit. This is the secret of these shoes price*. SI.OO to S3.00 - HOYT ' Pk\-Ups C. A. Flynn l??.i \*ain. C. A. Flyuu. who .m ronrtn?'d to his home with a alight attack of tll nea? during th?? eurlj part of the week, le out again. Here frmn Cho milnity. W. H. Patrick, o: i'hi?i-u\vinity. is spendiug tod h y in the unending to business matters. R^turmil friHii lt;ilf*igh. Scott Frizzt-le has returned from Kaleigh. where h?* represented Orr lodge at the run-ral i?r John Drewry. grand secretary of the North Carolina grand lodge of Mutton* Mr. Frlzzeie state* that the funeral ser vices were attended by .1 large num ber of prominent citlseu* from every parf of the atate. Here from \en Hern. Mr? William Gray Jordan. or New Bern, who Is known to many <>f our ; residents, is spending a few days in the with friend* Admitted to th? lUr. Alfred Walter Bailey, of Bath, wan sworn in as a lawyer at Superior court session yesterday. He was presented by Harry McMullan. Here from Ilollyrtdfc*. Miss Jessie Eubanks. of Holly ridge. arrived In the rtty yesterday for a visit with friends here. VUltliig frtnn Ro? ky Mount. Mrs. Clarence Little and children ol Rocky Mount, an* upending a few day* in the city as the guests of Mrs. Utile'* mother, Mrs. Xorah Bowen. Here from Aurora. I?. T Thonipnon and W. If. Gna kins. of Aurora. art* Washington vis itors today. Here from South Creek. W H. Mayo, one of South Creek's prominent residents, is spending to day In the city, attending to busi ngs* mat tern. COMFORTS & BLANKETS COLD WE.tTIIEK IS NOW OOMINti AM) IT Is TIME F<>H IIKAVIKK BEI> ? I.OTIIIM.. IN THIS l)KP.\RTMKNT OFK LINE IS NEW AND Ml >MK a >MI*LKTE THAN EVER. A I.I. WOOL BLANKET**? In Whit** with roloml border. s itnil other colors M.M to #10.50 SOLID IX?W\ roMh^RTS? Sdtin lined anil llnish. beau tiful designs JM.00 to ? 112.00 Nothing would Ik- more acceptable as a wedding present than either of those. WE INVITE VOI R INSPECTION OF THIS LINE TO SEE THE VAI.I ES Wl. HAVE TO OFFER. J. F. BUCKMAN & SON DOWERS AND THE RED SOX RESTTOOAY (By Cnlud Prm>' New York, OcL ^ 5. ? Triumphant after their am ash in drives down the stretch of the pennant races in the two major leagues, the Boston Red Sox and the Brooklyn Dodgers are resting today, taking a final breath before the opening game of the world's aeriee Saturday in Boston. Tearing their way through >?very obstacle, fighting off attack after at tack. holding up their heads when It seemed that victory could not be won, these teams have proved their nerve, their unflinching hearts. They go Into what promises to be one of the moat Interesting series ever play ed between clubs of the National and American leagues, after the tightest race since the never-forgotten finish in 1908. when the Cubs and Giants fought down to the last day. The driving finish, the bitter clash es with rival teams, the nerve-wreck ing. heart, breaking strain of holding a lead by the margin of a fqw points. All have been surmounted by these two premier baseball clubs. They jwill go into the series with the ad miration and Interest of a nation be hind them. Wherever there are base-, ball fans there will be eager watch ing for the returns of the crowing event of a season. Trip to Norfolk. Caleb Bell and S. L. Laughing house left yesterday on a business trip to Norfolk. Here from Vandemere. Mrs. S. L. Laughlnghouse and son. William Biount Laughlnghouse. of Vandemere. are spending a few days In the city as the guests of relatives. H. Iloyri in the City. H. C. Boyd, of Pinetown. who is well known locally, was among the out of tow? visitors here today. Visiting Mrs. Uriditemitn. Miss Mary Carrow Herring, of Wilson, is the guest of Mrs. Henry Hridgeman on Went Second street. Visiting Friend* Here. Miss Mary Elisabeth Uriffln. of New Bern, is visiting friends In the city. SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWb saoniKiML jijbww mm ( By Correspondent at River JfflLmm* Station) J **? T%e protracted meeting at ><??! church cloned I an* week. Tifn new aiMlbers were received in the church nod baptism w*s administer ed to one infant. Uirge congragar tionn attended the aervicee. several person# coming from a Ions distaaiee. Rev. Mr. Lewis delivered excellent sermons which were much appreciat ed by an nttentive audience. Daisy, a little child of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Alligood of River Road, la very 111. Mra. J. B. Alligood and son. B. F. Alligood, of River Road, went - to Pinetown Wednesday of lost wfek and were guests of Mr. and Mra.- J; N." atubbs. Mr. Stubbs waa very. 111. L. M. Sheppard and family. v: of Holly Glen, motored to Winstead ville and attended the speaking and picnic Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mra. Mode Alltgood, of Pinetown. were guests of his parents Mr. and Mra. A. B. Alligood. on Bath road Sunday of last week. Miss Katie Plnkham of Pinetown. who has been visiting here, has re turned to her home, and waa accom panied by Miss Loasle Alligood of [River Road. Mr. Paul, of Pungo, when en route jto Washington, spent one night with Mr. and Mra. J. D. Ward at Magnolia. H. E. Pinkham and family of Pinetown. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Alligood of River Road. Mlaa Mary J. Wonlard and broth er Moses, of Hawklnsvtlle, were the gueeta of Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Alligood of River Road one day las* week, j L. M. Sheppard and family of Holly Glen, motored to Washington and atteuded services there one night last week. J. D. Ward of Magnolia went to Smithwlcka Creek to attend services there last Saturday and Sunday. J. B. Alligood and family of River Road, went to Pinetown last Satur day to villi J. N. Stubbs who is ser iously ill. 1 am I u>re ready to ?erve you. J. W. WKllR, Vetcrinirijui With J. E. 11 alow Haaaell Supply Co. 9tablea. Calls filled day or night. Animals railed for and delivered. Phono 08ft. WaMhinglon. N. C. L?*? wtlk kl* ?mu. Hr.uil Ml*. is: L.. WooUrtl of Tto* farmer* la thli Hdaltj ma I to W aallalad with tlx produc* o I their (arm*. jjj'.W* are having rmrr toM, windy "w eether much Ilk* winter; a rain ?twn Tuesday night and Wednes |day. u Luther Ailigood Of MMnol!a, ha* purchased a fin* horse . - - ' We seldom have any thing ynusu [al or comical happen Bare. The moet sensational occurrence' recently was the slaughtering of severs! large snakes neat* the homee of some of the realdenta. One snake la a fre quent visitor at onr home. It la a King snake and said to be harmless and will destroy or drive away other snakes. > It will not allow a rat or mouse to live on the premises. L M j a IN LOVING MEMORY OF HV8TACE ft. BROWN. From Father. Mother, Sisters and Brother -(By Rev. J. B. Brown) J>jt . GONK. Gone from "father and mother. Gone to be at rest. Gone from stetera and brother, Gone to live with the blessed. Gone from tQll and Borrow, Gone to a place of peace. Gone to Joy of tomorrow. Gone where troubles cease. Gone where they need no sunshine. Gone where they need no moon. Gone where all are kind. Gone where we'll be soon. ? Gone where they need no crying, Gone where they need no tears. Gone where all souls cease pining, Gone whoro they need no fears. Gone where the angels are singing. Gone where all Is love. Gone where the harps arc playing, j Gone to his God above. Gone to the fleld of Glory, Gone through the Pearly gates. Gone like the old. old story. Gone for his Lord's dear sake. Gone from this world of sin, Gone from a home of friends, Gone where the Lord recommends, Gone where there'll eb no end. Father, mother and brother. Sisters, friends, don't sigh. Grandpa and all others. We'll meet some day by and by. I God grant our work may shine, ' God grant our work may stand. Give us peace and pure sweet minds, Till we meet on God's right hand. " Bye-bye to you. my child, Ab you pass within the door. We'll see you In a very short while. Never to part anymore. ( 10-4-ltp) TWO T1MKS AS IMPORTANT AS DOLLAR DAY! A XEW AND HIGHLY DEVELOPED EVENT, LASTING TWO DAYS, l-EATCRING HARGA1NK AT THAT WILL Sl'RPASS VOI R FONDEST HOPES! FOIi FRIDAY 4r SATVRDAY! Tin- i5'? <1 ? >l? 1 "Dollar Day" has pmo! In its place* eomef, the now "Dollar went offering greater-than-ever dollar bargains t". .r I'.vo 'In \ - inMi-ad ? I' f"r just one. Rain, threatening weather, an important engagement. temporary illness or soine urgent business may have k?-j?r ynu away fr??rn the store ? I n ri utr our lust Dollar Day. making it ini}>o8siMe for you f? pot your share of tho remarkable bar gain* nffered. Surely nothing can keop you awav from the atore dur ing tho two flays of this Dollar Days event. ' " '? * * The-** "DOLLAR DAYS" bargains an- truly remarkable! Wholesale prices are still going up under war influences, and good p.**!- rin- *-arp at any price in t.he whole-ale and mtail markets t^day. Ilc-ro you are offered choice reasonable goods of absolutely depen dable ? 1 1 1 n J i t y and correct style at 2.V to $1.00 or even $2.00 leas than real value! KYKN TIlorGII PRACTICALLY EVER YON ES INCOME IS LARGER THAN EVER, NO WOMAN CAN AFFORD TO OVERLOOK THESE C \ PRECEDENT EI) ECONOMIES! Slf.KS AMI KA KICK'S THAT T1AVK NEVER BKIORR SOU) KOR A TKH.I.A K r*h'?ioo now w'r-n<.?. in faM c?]i?r? uit'l liaiir|>nm^ <|r><>ifrim now jirii'fvJ for V'?f* tir-i t.i ir?#* a' You can SEE that thfhfi fabric* air'- worth many Him*** more! Wrw>) I f i Is. tIiji' ar*' worth inorf. all color", 40 ' ? Ml inc-hr* wi?l#? $1.00 All Silk Mf?*Mi]iuffv. that ncli now f-> r tl.r?0 per ynnl. very ?pr-cial at ... . $ 1 ,00 IT'S KP UPRISING WHAT GOOh IIOKI KHV $ l .00 WILL HI" Y. It s time now ro get n nnv ?np ply! 1 1 ore a r*' the upwntl and l?est colors Ami rn"*t 'If'jK'ii'liiKIr frrx'li*. priced at $100. Value* a re ?nperl? ! 'I In* f**r Silk Hose in the ritv f??r . $1.00 Special ? Ladle* Hoot* Silk Ih?ne. in hlae.k only, nlitrhtlv damaged ft pre. $1.00 A DOLLAR WILL BTTY REMARKABLY FIXE UNDERWEAR All crisp, dean, now frn rmont* ? the kinds fall faahioair drmuuHi that* you have. Tliereia a largp aeaortinent to choooe from. containing -real hargaiii^cixchjsively. These are sain plw?- - HiavY Flaawl Lined TJndorwifW, that will sell for 75c this season, priced 2 for $1.00 Ladies Medium Weight. ttnd^rwear, in panta and v<wt?; al*o I 'uion Suits . .. . . 2 for $1.00 VVIIITK GOOPS \T SM.W KXTRA (WHAT VAI.f'KK It haw iinvr lirtln to ki? cure now and prHtv cloth** fur Jrftby ! Oitmw fr??m lartrr* fl.-^rt fiient*-- you'll unrflv find whiit von WUrtit. "A!? White Ono?l*. iimt. rhc thine for Hpbv*n rlrrHuwH. in plain aii'l clr 1 '?II wirltln. htwI v ,m . 20*' vanl., -?v , a! ir?ln (nr. ... .&1.0O <? LOVES voir (Y)n,DN"T EXPECT TO HI' Y FOR $1.00 LoatWr prima have <u?arod to unknown height* yet h?re are the n^aaon'* nvwt fashionable glove* worth in the whole sale market. t'?day hut a fraction lm* than the dollar you are /wkfld t o pay for them now ! Ladioa* Kirl Olovea in blaek, tan and (fray, all *12:**, reg ular $1 .50 trali 1 or, f?>r two day a only we offer at. .... :$1.00 ? WAISTS THAT A DOLLAR NEVER BOUGHT BEFORE Charmingly pretty new mofleh, dainty, ehic and in the height of They're worth so much uioro than a dollar that you'll he and bny amoral 1 This icrt of Waiot* oonaiftts of Or/randie?, Silica, Voilf* and Mix ture Silk, is oo|or?, alao white;, ^ttltoveetylea. tpmial for. ,?1.W I. H - MOK R1S Ladies Suits Coats & Dresses Are one of the many fea tures of the Big Store this week. Big shipment of new garments by express today. MAYOR you haven't Keen the SUIT. COAT OR DRE88 you like ax yet? 1'erhaps your idea of a Suit, Coat or Dress In n little hit different from the general run of wearables. IN YOUR mind the garment you buy should be out of the ordinary ? Just a bit different from the rest. Then we suKKent that you visit UOW'KKM BROH. (X). where you will not only find garmenU of individuality, but hundreds of stylish models to make your selections from. WE MAY also mention that every department of our lnnco store is stocked heavier than usual. This enables us to All every want that you should demand. Drop In, We'll Gladly Show You Through. Bowers Bros. Company Washington's Best Store Advertise in'tHe Daily News and Watch Results FOR THE WEDDING! We carry a most complete stock of appropriate wedding presents. " ? ' i < ?'? Newest Cut Glass Baskets "Silverware in the latest designs. A large assortment of Cut Glass. \ Mahogany Trays Hand-Painted Chinaware And many other appropriate ar ticles that will' delight both? bride and groom. 'Stewart's Jewelry Store Markets.. W-Hngtoo. K C.

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