Our IT ^ TT '>4 1L J. M Jl OF fm & DRESSES , Thursday fs? Friday October 11 th. 12th & 13th Our buyer, Mr. itewis has just returned from the northern markets, and we are go ing to show on the ahove days Suits, Coats, and Dresses at $19.50 that will set a new mark in modern merchandising. A great many of these exceptional values would retail in any first class store for $27.50 #nd a great many of the 300 models we will show are worth it. By waking foe\th>e BXHfBiT you fire eure of purchasing a Suit. Coat or Drees that hat received the award of approva} atbemg correct in style, from the leading Fashion Centers of the World. You therefore have no risk to run. And (he price on thie great array of garments ie of great importance $19. SO and featuring the emea-ttet etyl# nier tbowp here. Remember the Qatte* Wednesday, Thursday 67 Friday , Oct. 11th , 12th G? 13th - And the attractive price of SUITS. Co. Washington , N. C.