NGE FOR 19 THE ERCE STORM >AILY NEWS THE WEATHER Fair tonight and [ooorm.| I Ught rarUble wind*. . INTHE RANKS OF THE BEST CIT IB8 TO LIVE IN.' WASHINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 18, 1916. tSatfl NUMBER G4. j?G STORM 8 LIVES BEN LOST ttotxw DRMOLI8HKD ' BY HIGH Ms'Xnd euvxv are re ported KILLED. VELOCITY OfwiD 98 MILES Storm i a One of the Worst That Has Hit the Coa?t In Some Time. Schooner Found Floating on Side. Much Damage to Shipping Feared. (By United Press) Memphis, Oct. 18. ? Seven are re ported to hare been killed wh?n .a house vas demollahed In Mobile dur ing the fierce Gulf storm thai is now V raging. The wind has reached a ve d entitled schooner Is Hosting on Its aide In Mobile Bay. It is feared that several other vessels have been lost. Oreat damage Is reported in Biloxi and Mississippi City. The storm Is said to be one of the most violent that has struck the Onlf coast In some time. Detailed reports are as yet not available. BIG DEHONSTRJHION 10 BE GWEH TOMORROW -An interesting demonstration will take place at Roebuck ft Jackson's ?tore, at the corner of Main and CHftidden greets tomorrow afternoon Sfeft evening, from 2 to 9 o'clock. tUM demonstration will doubtlessly be well attended, as It has for its object the betterment of relationship between the merchant and the con- ! sumer, affOVding an opportunity' to inspect s complete and sanitary groc ery and also tends to show how the high cost of living can be reduced. Fifty prises will be given away. Tickets must be ilgned and delivered : tti person at the store. There will also be plenty of goodies to bo sam pled and a cordial invitation has been extended everyone to be pres ent. The following firms will be represented : ^ o I Mr. Weir of the National Biscuit Co., showing a complete line of their progressive firm's products. (Mr. Chnrch of SwlXt ft Co.. meat and canned goods packers. V. a. Llpton, of the Tolftdo Scale Co., showing a line of self-computing -*< honest weight scales. Postura Cereal Co., with their pro ducts. Poetum, Post Toastles and i Orape-Nutn. Mrs. KIdd with Pin Money Pickles. Chero Cola Co., Chero-Cola. ?Robt. Respasn with , Liggett ft Myers Tobacco Co., showing Duke's Mixture and yelvet tobacco. Mr. Turner, of C. W. Anthony ft - o?? jrwnriw of www c?> br*?d ?Mate nood.. ^ "f ' >? <? attend thb Accnoi* Wednesday, Oct. II, 10:80 a. m. Hear good tanslc by the Atlantic Coast Realty Oo.'s "All Star Brass Hand." 10-ll-tfc fp. SVBSCRIBB TO THB DA CUT MBWS King Aifonso Meets In Conference With Aftied Ambassadors (Br United Ptom) Pari., Oct lS.-TTKucbjpecu latlon ha. bo.a?Tona?d ofer tb< arrival of Kin* Alfoiwo at Baa 8ebastlan, Spain, gplMdeat.frtJh the arrival there of uur ^anlah ambassadors of France, Russia and Italy and- other foreign diplomats. * ... It la generally believed that the conference la of cr#at Im portance and th^f It will decide VENIZELOS TO APPEAL FOR RECOGNITION (By Unked Pr ess) Athens, Oct. 18.? Venlselos and his leaders have' decided to appeal to the allies to formally recognise the new provisional government, which has fe$en established at Salonika and vMA ut(i? fnterrentltm of Greece In the war. This decision was reached after two days' serious dis turbances In the Greek capital, in which mobs threatened to attack the allied marines. 81tnntloa Is Tense. * Threatened with attack by a huge crowd of anti-ally demonstrators, the French marines, who occupied the Municipal theatTe, have beon forced to abandos the building and are now encamped In the Zeaphaleon Gardens, near the royal palace. Greek troops are still patrolling the streets and are guarding the palace. TJto.sltqatlon Is most tense. Anti affy waders are working among the denouncing, the allies for i seising Greek warhsips and are at tempting still further demonstrations against the allied sailors. BIG MEETING HELD ATM CREEK Was One of the Most Uttc^sw^al that Hjw Kver Rem Held lis thai BsrtloB. One of the beet political meetings that has ever been held at South Creek took place at that point last night. A large and enthusiastic crowd was present and all of the speakers were heartily applauded. B. R, Mlxon, candidate for county treasurer, made his announcement. W. M. Butt, nominee for the legislah turf, made a most Interesting ad dress, telling the people what he and his party stand for. His talk was full of "ginger" from start to finish. L. "C. Warren, nominee for the'i State Senate, spoke at length, calling I attention to the financial' conditions of the eoanty and contradicting and ; correcting many statements that hare' been made recenly by Republican nominees. Joseph F. Tayloe closed the meet ing by taking up national and state affairs and showing ths achievements of the Dem oeratfc -tarty in both state and nation. THR OOW PROPTCRTT RtJBI>IV Into T* ch?IM> lot! Will b? ?old at auction Wad., Oct. IS. at 10:10 a. m. 10 l?-tf?-fp. SUMCRIBI TO THB DAILY HEWS whether Spain. la going to enter the ?u oo ti# aide of .the illlee or not. For eome time there baa been a strong sentiment abroad through Spain, ufglng that the nation cast Its lot with the allies. It Is further stated that.hl^h officials hare brought pressure to bear recently against Ring Alfonso, urging that Spain join the ranks of the warring nations. JURY FINDS NEGRO GUILTY OFRETAILING For the first time in several months a Jury yesterday convicted a man of violating the liquor law In the city. Joe Perry, colored, was, the defendant. He was charged with having liquor In his house for- the purpose of sale. The Jury found him guilty and fined him f 50 and costs. WAVOME CLUB CEliBRATES ITMJISTIMMftSM Enjoyable Meeting and Banquet Held In thsltooma of the Club Last Night. ? large number of members and visitors were present at the banquet which was given by the Wayome club last night jn celebration of the first anniversary of the club. The meeting was called to order Sy the president promptly at 9 o'clock after which Edward L. Stewart was introduced by the president. Mr. Stewart made an excellent talk, glv- ' lng the club members good advice regarding the operation of their or ganization and the means for better ing the same. He was followed by J. C. Meeklns, Jr.. who also made an Interesting address on kindred top ics. Several members of the club made short talks, after which re f reel) meats were served. The Elks' qoartet composed of E. "L. Stewart, John femlth, S. F. Burbank, Jr., and Isaac Hughes, rendered several selec tlops. The Wsyomfc Club Is growing rap idly and all of the members are tak ing a hearty Interest In. the work ef the organisation. HUGHES ftMKM (By United Press) Chicago, Oct. 18. ? Governor Hughes Is on his second excursion to Michigan. He la In the best fight ing trim aince he was chosen stand ard toearer for hla party and is high ly 'pleased with the Impreasion that w^ made at Blenx City last night 1 Ner?r before has the presidential nojninee been more earnestly empha tic, more dramatic or more forcefnl than when he hurled a vltrollc de nial against the charges that he was associated with "an Invisible govern ment." fM will emphasise tariff question* lad labor Issues In Michi gan. To Give Lecture Here. I Commodore 1. H. Hchlomberj la to (It* a lecture in Waahlagton in ' the ttenr future end will vrobablr jalao (tlve an exhibition on the moat efteotfv* Itfe-aartnr methoda. The commodore ni 11 thla office thla morning. He elated that he had not ret majle arrangementa aa to the ume and place w>ere taia lecture or ^detnonatratlon la to be glvaa ?? WICK SMUT OVEN 10JEWAL DR. THACKE CHBD THE FIRST SB p UNION RE VIVA IflGHT. URGE cnt? Evangelist Makes Favorable Impres sion. Will Speak Tonight on 'The Cur?." Two Services Dally. With a congregation that almost I ailed every seat of fee large audltor luni of the Methodlal church, tlie un ion revival services of the Presby terian and MethodJbt churches be ?an last night wltfcr Evangelist J. Ernest Thacker fllUfcg the pulpit. Dr. Thacker ttialp a moot favor* ible Impression In via opening ser mon. He has an excellent delivery md a strong vole* which can be lieard distinctly lnatvary part of the church. There lircfeo question but Chat he will arouaa considerable ln ;tejrest<and enthuataajn In the revLval f*tid.will be' atftfcesogif 'la ills, work j here. . J. W- Jfelks, chorus leader, led the slnglag last night and also tang a pleasing solo, flo Is the pos sessor of a rich tenor voice and his uorvlces will be a feature of the meet ings. ' The sermon last night was of an introductory order, explaining the I benefits of evangelistic work and the necessity for this style of work In successfully carrying out Christ's In structions and spreading the Gospel. No Invitation was issued at the con clusion of tho sermon. There will be two services held dally: one at 10 o'clock In the morn ing and the other In the evening, be ginning at 7:46. Tonlght'B subject will be "The Church; Her Complaint and Its Cure." Dr. Thacker has' urged every person to bring a pencil with them. He also made the state ment last night, by way of a gentle hint, that he had heard an old preacher say that most women look ed better with their hats off. SEVEN CABINET MEMBERS HE TAKEN STUMP Church; Her Complaint and Its Washington. Oct. 18. ? Secretary McAdoo left today to speak In Illi nois# Indiana. Ohio and Tennessee ontll November 1. Bee retary (Baker left today to apeak In New Jersey and New York until' November 1. Secretary Daniels left today to sptsk In Indiana, Kentucky, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas until Novem ber 1. Postmaster -General Burleson leav es this week to speak in Indians and Illinois until November 1. Secretary Wllnon has feeen speak ing In the Middle Weit since October I, and returns November 1. Secretary Houston leaves this week to speak In New England. Secretary Redfleld returned today, after Speaking In New Jersey. New York, Rhode Island and Connoctt IH* TO TMR DAILY NEW? out Cotton Reaches Highest Figures Since Civil War I (By United Pros*) New York. Oct. Cotton today reached nineteen cent*. Prices on all future* advanced a cent a pound during the Inst twenty- four hour*. RECORD PRICES PAID. New York, Oct. ,18 ? Potion today continued Its record mak ing advance at the opening of Uie c\rhan?e. 3I?ny for 18.8.1 rent# n pound. a culn of two <]oUat8 on (lie bale. Tho cotton market In \V/i*h in^ton reached a new high level j "??'?)?. Lint cotton In ?e1)lnK j from 17 4 to 17?i. Heed cotton Is selling nl 7 4. Cotton *ee?! | Is bringing fc'O nnd p.", 7. HOlfNT FIGHTING i ON WEST FRONT, (By United Press) Parla, Oct. 18. ? The Germans were violently attacking the French positions south of the 6omme at five [o'clock thlB morning. After a heavy bombardment a few German detach ments reached the French first line 1 trenches, but nil were either killed or captured. Following attacks were checked by screen fire. British Mnke Advances. 4 London, Oct. 18.? ityty'tbstand lng tho downpour of rain, tho Brit ish advanced along several points during the night between the Albert and Baupaunie highways. An?tro-<rorninJi Attack. Uuchareet, Oct. H. ? The Austro Germans are attacking alonrr* the' whole Carpathian according to ? an official statement. The attack j thus far has been unsuccessful and . reports are reassuring. South of j Krondstadt the Rumanians have re sumed the offensive and are driving back the enemy. Stubborn fighting 1 continues. I HEATHEN CHINESE ARE IN MORE LUCK (By United Press) 3t. Paul, Minn., Oct. 18. ? 81.1m Lin* Lee who "makes washee, Mlon day, Wnesday, Fliday." Isn't worried about h. c. 1. Statistic* showing thn cost of food ha* advanced 50.7 per cent In St. Paul in one year, on fllo | today at the office of Angus J. Cam? I eron, secretary of the St. Paul Hotel Keepers association, also show that rlec Is about the only food not aero planlng. , "PA8QU ALE" THE ATTRACTION I ON THE SCREEN FOP. TONIGHT A great Paramount feature In an nounced for the New Theatre this evening, being "Pasquale," a 6-act drama. *r Coming: "The American Qlrls Co.* here Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, featuring Lewis and Root. This is tho company that played here during the Elks convention. Thpy delighted then and will delight again. The admission to the O'rln company will bo 10 and 20 cents. ltrldnl Conplfl Fftnrn. Mr. and Mm. Arthur O. Elliott re turned yfate rday afternoon from their bridal tour to New York. Phil adelphia, Washington City. Atlantic City and other point*. They will re main In Washington until tomorrow, when they will leave for Warrenton. ? where they will make their home. FREE PRIZE* HIVES AWAY AT the auction aale at the Qrtot prop erty. Wed. Oct. M. 10: SO a. ra. OLD SAIIOR PASSED AWAY AT OCRACOKE Captain Georuc Howard Died an the Island VcM<-rdu.v After Short ItlneM. Captain .George W. 'Howard, aged ,76^ died yesterday morning at his home at Ocracoke. Death was due to heart trouble. The burial ser vices were hold today on the. Island. Captain Howard was one of the best known characters along the coast of the Carollnas and Virginias. He was well known In many other porta, having sailed the seas ever since he was a mere boy, He has been to almost every part of the world and his life has been an ex tremely venturesome one. Numerous times he was shipwrecked and his experiences were both harrowing and thrilling. He Is survived by his wife, three sons, George, who In sperlal detect I v?? for the Norfolk Southern. Bennett, of Ocracoke. on-' Henmon of Philadelphia, and twr ,'aughlers. Mrs. Kelly of Bclhaven. i...d one re siding at Rocky Mount. GARDNER HERE TOMORROW It I* e*pecte'd that both Democrat* anrl Republic* na will turn out In lar*e number* tomorrow nlcht lo hear the adilrean that 1* to be deliv ered by O. Max Oardner. candidate for lieutenant .-governor, at the court house. The mectSnK will start promptly at eluht o'clock. SHELBURNE WRITES Prices on my floor continue lo bo higher today, which in shown by my floor average on all tobacco sold making the high average of $23.22. Below I give some sales* N. H. Lewis. 22. 2R. St. 4*. 49. 50. Ave. 444 lb*. $34.44. A. R. Cox. 18. 21. 22 2b. 28. 32. 37. 48. Ave. 724 lbs. $27.60. EJcklln A Prvor, 20. 20. 27. 28. 29. 34. 36 Ave. 632 lha. $26 90. Orlffln Proa.. 17. 22 24 '4. 31. 3R, 36 Ave. 1336 lha. $26 10. Theao tobaccos wer?? not fin* wrap- ; per?, but were sound. Urine me a load this week or n?*t I will guar antee to make you the heat aale you have made this year. Yours truly, v. n sitci.nunNB. THE CJltlHT KflTATK PROPERTY In West End, on Main. Second and Third streets, will be sold at auc tion We4.. Oet, 26. 10:30 a. m. 10-18 tfo-fp. . . _ v. ? LUSITANIA CASE HAS NOT BEEN SETTLED SECRETARY POI.K DEN" IBS THE STORIES THAT WERE CARRIED IX MORMN'Ci PATERS. POLITICS MIXED IN Claim Marie That the Stories Were Published Merely for n Partisan hir|)oso. Case lias Not Vet llcen Settled and \o Telling When it WllL (Dy United Press) Washington, Oct. is. ? Germany's memorandum. delivered last Febru ary, and intended to settle tho dip lomatic differences over the torpedo ins of tho Lunitnnld. hrtg not been .\crepted by this government. U will not be made public. acting Secretary jf State Polk announced today. "The reports that were made In ili!a morning's papers," said Mr. Polk "were made for partisan purposes. Tlie note has not been accepted and St will not be given out. The State Department does not propose to be drawn Into the discussion over the issue at this time." Di purtineut officials consider tho publication of the Btory tills morning ins a political move to tinbaraBS the department In conducting foreign af 1 fairs. They also made clear that the department believed that foreign In Iluence is also seeking to advan tage of the political situation in bringing up the Issue at this time. Although no ofllc'.al will Ray when the L'iMt.inia ccbi? will he settled. lndlc*llor?M aro that it will not bo concluded until afnr t lies ?loctloaa. Polk's views coincide with those of Lanafn? nnd Wilson acalnst th? Injection of forelirn uffalrji into do mestic politics. Tlir *iorjr to which Polk referred to rlaimod that ^er 1 ninny. In her note of la*t February, expresned r^trrct over the lotus of American li\-es hut held that the act wan justifiable :ib a retaliatory act against Rnfrland. This was said to he satisfactory, taken in connection thn payment of Indemnity, according to the story. ATTFXT) THE AITTKlN SU.E ON WfdnoBflny. Oft. 25, in SO a. m. 10-1 8-tfr-fp. Arivnrtlp# In th? Hallf N?w?. rODAYS PROGRAM AT New Theatre Paramount Foatur* "PAHQIAIiK" Prwientpd Irt B ftclfc- r :':^? Thiimlny, PHila; f Hatnrdajr "A mwlrnft (?lrln ('otnpnnj" Prlee* I Or ? 20c Return Onto AOMIHHION' He and |% Rhow Mart* at 7:46 nhar? Martina dally *t ? p. m. WEAR A PAIR OF B9H&I ShOes ANWWALK WITH COMFORT, EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. Calais Clothing' Company,

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