THE WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAYS. En u ml a* ?rcond-clasa matter, August 5, 1909, at the pot^P. *f Washington, N. C.*, under the act of March 3, 1870. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Month $ .25 TItw M ..vhs 75 Si- M-iit*. 1.50 Ou? Y ? n* 8.00 Siibi??rtp?ioii.- h?? paid for iu ???Ivttnco. If paper is not re #?ived pmnpilv 'rl? M! or write this utfire. Subscriber* desiring ?hi p*p??r diwontitmod, will plt?a^ notify this office, otherwise it will he rontinued at regular subscription rate*. JAMES L. MAYO PuorniEroK CARL OOERCH Editor WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, NOV. o, 1910. Be at the court house tomorrow night and get the election returns as they are given to the Daily News over the Postal Tele-graph Com pany wirw. There's many a politician, who's making a big noise today, who'll crawl into a hole and stay in it for a mouth or two after tomorrow. At any rate, the defeattxl candidate for President will havf> the consolation of knowing that he can make a fortune if he takes to the vaudeville stage or the Chautauqua platform after tomorrow's bat tle is over. It's a good thing not to ho too positive in your election predictions. It Un't vers- nice to ran up asrainst a crowd of these "I-told-you-so" fellows on Wednesday morning. LOCAL POLITICAL FACTS. Tomorrow the* voters of Reaufort county will ca*t their votes for every office from tlie President of the I'nited Scales to Town Cou ntable. From a local standpoint, the vote in the county will n^t he mater i a 1 ! v different from what it was four year* ae\ President Wilkin will undoubtedly receive a hie majority anil ^ will Rii-kott and the other candidate for state offices. Am mr the candidates f?>r county offices, there has been some hot campaigning, hut the general belief is that the Democrats will win out. This i-- tint ?nid for the pur we of influencing any person in the caatine of his ballot. it i4 merely what wo believe to bo a statement of fa-t. Th** m?^t interesting race in local politics will he that l^otrvoen W. R. Winllov and Horace Cirler for the office of sheriff. This promises to lv? rather id vse. Some hot* have been made in Washington at even money oil the outcome . f the race for the sheriffs' office. While the county will again pro Democratic by a l ie majority, the pmeral sentiment appears to be that the Republicans will show a sub stantial increase in their vote over that < f four years ago. THE ARTICLE OX MR. SMALL. In Saturday's e^'t'on of the Daily Xews there appeared a lengthy article, criticising Congressman .Tohn II. Small's record as Repre* tentative from this district. Several readers, in speak in? of thi* article. have remarked that thev were surprised r1 at the paper all*o;v.?d it t. ? he published. They appeared to think ilia? publication should have lnM?n refused. No paper could v.-rv w#?!l have due that. A newspaper is sup posed to bo the mean^ of expres^ine th* oninions of everyone '-n any ma*ter they desire to discuss. A publisher i* r.ot neee=sarilv obliged to publish every thine that 5* sent in f>?r publication. but when payment is offered for the article, it run* a- an a Iverf i -?nnem and must there fore be given f?pace. This is especially rue of political matter. We could no more have refused to publish the article that appeared in the paper Saturday than we could refuse to a^eept the advertisement of on? Washington merchant and that of another. The publishing of these articles under the label, "advertisement,'' should not be taken, however, as an indication that the paper approves of the sentiments that are expressed. Many times the management of n paper may hold just the opposite views but he cannot give this fn^t a* a reason for refusing publication to those articles which do not meet with hi? approval. A LITTLE CONSIDERATION*. Th* roads in the county are being improve! to a considerable ex tent and it naturally follows that vehicles arc enabled to prr>ceed with r greater amount of ;>peed. This is no reason. however. why automo bi lists should make a rai*e track out of the roads and drive? alone at breakneck speed through the country. ,\\? one care* much whether they break their own necks, bur there are other people to be consid ered. It is rather annoying. to mv the least. f..r a person to }>e walking along a dusty road, hear the "honk-honk" . .f an auto and then be en veloped in a cloud of dujfc as the car goes tearing by. It is equally annoying to be driving slowly along in a horse and l>n,riry and then have to cough and chokc for five or ten minute?* <?n road dust aft?r an auto has gone by at a high rate of speed. It wouldn't he so awfully hard for the driver of nn automobile t>.i slow down his car a little when he is approaching a ji" le-trian or an other vehicle. And if ho would really lik?- t.. find out the truth al?ont this, let him get an old horse and buggy .itid go out for a drive m some dusty day. The fellow who can't afFord an automobile iuid has' to drive a horse and buggy or walk, ha* just as much right, to th< road as the owner of a high-powered ear. The latter should u?e a little consideration ami nhould have some reirarl f-*r the feeling of the other class. In other words, it's anotht r ease where the Golden ? Role works in nicely. A RIGGER FAIR TITAN EVER. 1 Word comes from Aurora that, the people r?f that serf ion are going^ to "show something'* in the way *?f a fair this yar. The bit? event' will take place next week and. jmlgint? from reports, it is going to eclipse anything that lias ever been held in Reaiifort county. Many exhibits have already b"?n received in nil departments. The livostrx-k anrl crop exhibits, it is reported, will l?e c* peri ally large. The ladies are also preparing nn exhibit of needlework, preserves, etc.. that will lie of a far better quality and far larger quantity than those of past years. Every visitor at the fnir will }#? assured of a cordial welcome. The citizens of every part of Reaufort countv should make up their minds to be present at least, during one day. They will not regret it and their presence will he an encouragement for the people of Aurora to <Jo even greater things next year. Remember the dates, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Novem ber 14, 16 and lfl. Make jour arrangements now so that yon will be there. MEXICAN BANDITS ARE EXECUTED (By United Preas) Pajy. Not. 4. ? Colonel Roo* irio Garcia. Vllllsta leader and two of hla follower! wore executed at day bwak at Juares. Before facing the firing squad he declared that he was not a Vllllsta. but a Constitution alist. He asked that his family be cared for. One of the bandits, shot with him, was only 17 rears of ag*. . {How Delightful is WASHINGTON PARK! For the Children's Soke let's build there. A. C. Hathaway. PINETOWN ROUTE a. (By George R. Boyd) | There was qulto a large crowd at j White Plains Saturday and Sunday ! to attend the union services. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bowen of Roper attended the union and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Boyd (Saturday night. Mr. Joyner, of Greenville . spent Friday night at the home of Rufus | Boyd. Mrs. J. W. Oden and children and Miss Annie Myrtle Latham of Wash ington motored to White Plains Sun day and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. V. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. V. Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Boyd spent a ! while Sunday evening at the home of | George R. Boyd. Rev. Mr. Ambrose spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. David Boyd. Miss Mnttie Boyd, of Surry, spent a few days last week with her par ? r.'s and returned home Sunday. There was a new arrival at our postoflice a few days ago. It is D. T. Junior. ! I wish to state to the public about j ?he- serious accident that happened it my home. ??Fairview," early Sat urn iv morning, to my 3-year-old Hon !.::cy. While engaged in digging po 'ntoes with Fred Boyd, who was working for me at the time. I was in :i hurry to get my potatoes in so as to help Bob Boyd bale hay for me, '.b he was most ready to start. I took my boy In the cart with me and lrore out in the field to load, and took him out of the cart and motion ed to Fred to come and help me to load so we could get through quick. About the time we were almost half loaded aud my little boy was play ing with a dog that was along with uh and In some way unknown to eltht-r one of us the dog snr.pped at him and jumped under the cart and caused the horse to become frighten ed and he Jumped so quirk that one of the wheels knocked the boy down and passed over his body. It happen ed so quickly we couldn't tell much '.bout It. We took him up and ex amined him and fouud that he was n't hurt fntislly and no bones broken but was painfully bruised about the body. He suffered untold agony for a while. He is getting on nicely at this time Although ho cannot walk I r*ny yet, but we have good hopeB of his walking in a few days If nothing unforeseen happens. It was a nar row esrapc of death. IF BACKACHY OR Eat less meat and take a grass of Baits to flash out Kidneys Drink plenty water. Ur!e Arid in meat excites the Irid pya, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like tumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy ; tne bladder is irri tated, and you may be obliged to seek re lief two or three times during the night. \\ hen the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll bo a real aick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery In the kid ney region, you suffer from backache, nick hcadache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheu matic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less moat, drink lota of water; al?o get from any phaimacist four ounces of Jad K? Its ; take a tablespoonful in a glaas of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from (he acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with litnia, and hns been used for generations to clean clogged kidtMtfS snd stimulate them to normal activity, slao to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer is a source of Irritation* thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in iiire, makes a delightful effervescent lithia- water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say thev sell lota of Jad Baits to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. , WOTICB. The undersigned as administrator o<tKe estate of B. T. Oodley, deceas ed. will soil on the 9th day of No vember. 1918, at the home place of the said B. T. Oodley all of the per sonal property of the deceased. This Nov. 1, 1916. W. I.. tlODLKY, Admr. of B. T. Oodley. 11-1-tte. A SENSIBLE CIGARETTE IS EASY TO "DIGEST" No word can describe that mean feeling which often follows smoking a poorly-blended but otherwise good cigarette. Such a cigarette might be called "indigestible." <fl On the other hand, Fatimas always give comfort. They "digest" easily, smoothly as only a delicately balanced Turkish blend cigarette can. Cj And best of all, Fatimas leave a man feeling fine and nt ? yes, even after a long smoking day. <| That's why men call Fatimas "sensible . FATIMA A SENSIBLE CIGARETTE Ladies ?? Misses COATS See our East Window for a special display of attractive garments. All sizes and styles to suit each individual taste. THE HUB SUSKIN A. BERRY The Town Gossip (Sent In by a Citizen of Aurora) DEAR EDITOR: I SAW In the. GOS3IP COLUMN. SATURDAY EVENING. THAT YOU would like. TO HAVE some of your readers. TRY THEIR hand At writing. THE TOWN Goasip. AND I'M doing It. AND I'VE Just come In. OUT OF the fields. AND HAVE been. WORKING HARD. AND MY wife. AND THREE children. ARE LEANING. OVER MY shoulder. AND ARE offering (suggestions. AND THEY want me. TO WRITE aomethtng. A'BOUT THE Aurora fair. OR ABOUT the hear. THAT MR. Thompson killed. THE OTHER day. OR ABOUT the fire. IN THE ginning mill. LAST WEEK. AND I'VE been telling them. TO LEAVE me alone. AND THEY won't do It. AND I'M getting mad. AND I hope. THAT WHEN you write. YOUR TOWN Ooaalp. YOU DON'T hare a wife. AND THREE children. HANOINO OVER your Shoulder. AND ROTHBfUNG yon. AND IF you hare. I FEEf4#aorry for yon. AND I hope. > THAT BOTH you. ANT) YOUR family. WILL COME down. TO THE Aurora fair. NEXT WEEK. AND IF you do. WE'LL SHOW you. <?A BIG time. AND GIVE you. ENOUGH TO write about. SO YOU won't have to worry. FOR A month. , ABOUT WHAT to put IN THE Gonslp column. AND WE all enjoy It. DOWN HERE and hop?. YOU WILL keep It up. FOR A Io/ik time. AND ONE of the kids. HAS JI'ST fallen oil. THE TABLE and li bawling. TO BEAT the band. AND I gueaa. I'D BETTER quit. AND GO TO bed. AND I'VE written a whole lot. AND HAVDN'T really said. ANYTHING YET. AND ANYWAY. THAT'S THE way. WITH MO&T Koaalp. MUCH OBLIGED. I Don't merely "spare** a little time ror looking orer the ada. Allot am ple time for it ? for thla should be p?rt of your work aa the "baslnefl* manager" of your home. tcMctrbc to ma daily urn Professional and Business Cards 8. C. CRATCH Attorney-at-Law Thompson Building AURORA. N. C. _ IT. W. CARTER, M. D. I Practice limited to diseases of EYE. EAR. NOSE & THROAT and the FITTINO OF GLAS8EB. Office over Browc's Drug Store. Hours 9 to 12 a.m.; 2 to ? p.m. except Mondays. WASHINGTON. N. C. I A. D. MacLean, Washington. N.C. f W. A. Thompson, Aurora. N.C. MacLEAN & THOMPSON Attorneys-at-Law > Aurora and Washington. N. C. 0 0 Jno. H. Small. A. D. MacLean i S. C Bragpw W. B. Rodman. Jr. i SMALL, MacLEAN, I BRAGAW & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Law Offices on Market St. Opposite i City llall. Washington, N. C. o ? ! N\ L. Simmons W. L. Vaughan | f SIMMONS & VAUGHAN LAWYERS j Rooms 13-1 4-1 5. Laughlnghoiis* j I Building. Washington. N. C. j 0? (, j 11. 8. Ward Junius D. Grimes WARD & GRIMES j Attorneys-at-Law WASHINGTON. N. C. We practice in the courts of the , First Judicial District and the ! Federal courts. 0 I W. C. RODMAN Attorney-at-Law WA8HINO?ON. N. 0. 0 ? E. L. Stewart P. H. Bryan I STEWART & BRYAN Attorneys-at-Law WASHINGTON. N. C. \ 0 0 Southern Medical Association at Atlanta, Oa. Ibxnul Trip Pare from Washington Ticket* will be sold to AtlaaU a> above by the ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South. NOVEMBER 12. 13 and 14 Limited returning until midnight of November 19. 1916. Proportionate fares from all stations on the A.C.L. Por further Information, sched ? ules, sleeping car accommodations, 'etc., call on 8. R. CLARY, Ticket Agent, Washington. N. C. NOTICE. By virtue of the power*of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deod, dated April 4, 1914, and exocuted by A. L. Edwards and wife Annie B.. to the undersigned. I will offer for Bale for cash at the court house door in Beaufort oounty, on Wednesday the first day of November, 1916, at 12 M. the following described tract of land, to-wit: Beginning at a marked pine In J. W. Arthur's N. line at Leroy Dixon's 8. W. cornor and running North 22 poles, then West to the old Ssnd Hill Road; then southwardly with said road to J. W. Arthur's N. W. corner; then East to the begin* nlng. Containing Ave acres, more or less. Dofault having been mado In payment of the debt secured by the said mortgage, a sale Is to be msde to satisfy same. This the 2nd day of October, 1916. M. L. Lane. Mortgagee. C. C. Archbell, Owner of debt. By W. A. Thompson. Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having Qualified ss administrator of Eunice A. Clark, deceased, late of Beaufort County, N. C., this It to notify at) persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or befors ttye 14th day of October, 1?17, or this notice will be pleaded la bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme diate payment. This 14th day of October, 1916. CHA8. E. CLARK. . ' Administrator.

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