v A BC* ? ? . *, ? - ' . ? sfe*" ? ' V > ? ?'??.. zZ H^r "" -s-".'. ? ? -"?? ?'?: >: ; v ? . !-* *& < VJ.-" ' NOV. 14, 15, 16, 1916 The management of the Fair this year has made arrangements for a bigger and better fair and the accommodation of larger crowds. I AMUSEMENTS The National Amusetnent Company, consisting of 8 Big Shows has been secured for the occasion. FERRIS WHEEL, MERRY GO-ROUND. , . 'S' ' ? ? ? ? o>. ATTRACTIONS Mrs. Pontiff with her big Dog and Pony will give an exhibition daily. BIG MIDWAY Excellent Music Will be furnished by the AURORA CONCERT BAND. Come yourself and bring the family to these three days of ^Pleasure and profit. .v- . ? > \ y .'fy. * Special Trains will be operated over ?-UA ? r _ w v me Washington & Vandemere J. T. WILKINSON, - Secretary ? -