Stirring Scenes in our ? Ready-to - Wear Department With it's feast of sparkling Novelties in Coats, Suits and Dresses, fit firmly in your mind this garment sec-" tion of ours with one buying vent'- Not a gar- > ment but has stirring value to it. It is worth something for you to know this NEW COATS, SUITS and DRESSES Arriving by most every express Always Glad to Show You J. K. HOYTj ' SPECIAL PRICES ? FRESH MKAT8 7] Perk Ste?k <. .40c All Pork Sius?(* Pork ('bop* ..'..80c Native tod Pork 20c rfxmdaiK*. liny vwr All Pork SauMge .4 30? from u. -? y?9WT.,>al Walter Credle & Company DEPARTMENT GROCERY -5- PHOKBS 80n4lt PROMINENT STATE ATTORNEY BARES FACTS IN CASE 1 C. C. Broughton. Brother to One of North Carolina's OUtinguifthed I Bou, Tells Why He's For It. I ? ' ''Z* j Few tons of this grand State ha*? jwoa greater distinction f*kal Comedy Succev by Paul&owe and. Jeaal THE GIRL WHO SMIU Six Months in the JLonqacre Theatre Splendid Supporting Company, Best Singing, Beat Dancing ind Best Looking ? Chorus en Tour. Entire Production Carried Elaborate Costumes. . SEE THE TEMPTATION WALTZ Seatj on Sale Monday at Worthy & Etberidge's Drog ?tore PRICES: 50c. to Mrs. Macon Tooly and Ulnu VIr ian Swindell and Elizabeth Stearns of Belh&ren. afe In tho ytity today. jtr C. W. ifencel. of'Mhiwn, I* among the out of tow? rlafttort IB uxu,. ^ : Washington s Shopping Center Ladies Suits, Dresses and Coats Tomorrow And A}] Next Week We Offer For Your Approve1 BOWERS BROTHERS COMPANY Washington's Shopping Center ; f.' - 3 Womorrow And All Next Week i " , ?/ /.'? '... ; ?; Are the days wo have set aside to show the ladies of Washington and* vicinity the largest display of l^ady-to-Wear Cairo en ts in the his tory of our ten years in business. Not only a large display, but a display oT wearables which carry the late sty lea?style? that have materialized in the last few weeks. Every garment positively? dif ferent from any you have ever seen. Make it a point to viaifc*1?*' early in the day. ? , ^ The Largest and Most Complin* A-sortnunt ..f Late Style (laruient* (-ver displayed at one lime in Washington. It will be to your interest to visit our Keady-to-WiHr Department a? 4M?n as possible. One feature of tliis display i- LADIKS*. MISSKS" A N D ('III LI ?REX'S COATS. There ia too runny atyie* to even mention. The late style* seem to lean t< lar^e collars, either of fur or of same material a* coat. Trimmed with fur or velour. ea**h and nverv nne at lieaniy. and la-t ?rf all. the price? are moderate. Visit lit SATl'ItDAY, M OX DAY AND VVKKK. a* tin- assortment will Ik- at its U?Ht on those day?. ,?* Childrens and Misses Coats Your attention is al?ovplled to COATS FOR CHILDREN. This assortment is tWwjonnoui, and yxna will not have tronlile in fitting the little mis? in just tho coat you like. Come yourself and bring the children with yon. , BOWERS BROTHERS COMPANY Washington's Best Store - THE BIG STORE ? Washington's Best Stofe Jtist Received This Week 3 Solid Carloads 1917 Models Four Cylinder Touring Cars>' ' - - v $ 915.00 Delivered Six Cylinder Touring Cars - - $1135.00 Delly? The price of either model advances $100 on and after ! HACKNEY & JACKSON j