Will Never Be Without This Simple Laxative m> amwin ??tli[r.i1 Her Babr WV? Nothing Etee Would. Little llu PendertrMt !? now ^our year? old, and a IJne healthy boy. When but a tiny-baby, "In fact almost from bhrth, ha suffered a Rreat daal from constipation. Hla mother. Mrs. Carl W. Pendergrast. Red Kay. Ind.. heard of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, obtained a bottle of It from -the drug store, and with It was able ?to auLekly correct this condition. Mrs. Pendergraat saya Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin haa eared them from caljlng the doctor many times, and that she will never be without a bottle of It In the house to use when needed. 8he found It equally effec tive as a laxative for herself and othjer members of the family. - Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin la a combination of simple laxative herbs S with pepsin, pleaaant to the taste, mild In action and positive In effect, i It does not gripe or strain, and con tains no opiate or, narcotic drug. It ' is the Ideal family laxative, mild and j pleasant for baby, yet acting quickly] on the strongest constitution. To arbft Imitations and Ineffective substitutes be sure to ask for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's signature and his portrait appear on the yel low carton In which the bottle Is packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. S. Caldwell, 455 Washington fiL, Monticello. .Illinois. CLASSIFIED ADS. IiOST: A LARGE FOLDING KEY. Finder please return to Dally News office. \ ll-24-itc. I FOR SALE: A FINE HOLSTEIX cow with two months old calf. Ad . drees A. V. Woolard. 217 E. Sev enth street. 11-24-lwc. WANTED: YOUNG MAN WHO HAS had experlenco in the dry good? | business. Good position open, and chance for advancement. Address "M." care of Dally Newa. 11-1 1-3 tc. WANTED? GUM IXXM OF GOOD quality. 10 Inch wi and np at email ?nd. Pamlico Cooperage Co. M-ll ' /jALE: THREE HOU3TETN !bull calves, three-fourths pure; mothers heavy producing cows. HO.QO each if taken sow. Phone 2830. Willovla Plantation. ll-|2-2t?. WANTED: A STENOGRAPHER. Must be quick and correct. Wanted to begin work by January 1st. Ellison Bros. 0 11-22-1 wc. WANTED: A TOBACCO FARMER tenant, good home and good wa ter. Addrees Ira J. Alllgood. R. P. D. 2. Waahlngton. N. C. 11-2 0-1 we. flTALL FED- BEEF, THE FINEST kind; all pork eausage, hog bralne. pork chona^Hc. Call Cossens Mar ket. PsJffe 278. 1 1-21-2 tc. TOUR FRIENDS CAN BUY ANY thing upon the market and pase It over to you and call It a Christ mas present, except your own j ? photograph. No other gift so per sonal. No other gift so near your ( own gift. No other gift so lasting j No other gift so Inviting, No other' f\tt carries wltfc It such a personal touch of true- friendship as your photograph. BAKER'S 8TUD10. 11-22-tfc. Til ANKBOIVTNO POOTBAU. O.WE , O. N. O. rm. U. V. AT RICHMOND. For the abora occasion the Atlan tic Coiat Line will i?ll amnion ticket* for all trains on November J 9th and for tboM scheduled to reaeh Richmond op to ItlO p. m. Novem ber tetfa, at $8.00 from Waahlnsto*. limited returning until December t. For schedule*, iImpIdi ear aeeom modatlena ahd any farther Informa tion deal red, apply to 8. R. CLARY, Ticket A Kent. Washington, N. C. 11-1? to 11-lt THIS MAN MAY BE JEAN CRONES Spalding. Neb.. Nor. 13. ? A man, who the town marshal believes an swers the description of Jean Crones wanted In Chicago on charges of hav Ing poisoned soup served at a ban quet in honor of Arch Bishop Mun lelln, is under arrest here. Brace Up! Do you feel old before your, time? la your back bent and stiff? Ho you ?uffer urinary disorders? Don't de jpalr ? profit by Washington j.pxper ences. Washington people yecom oiend Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's a Washington resident's statement. - Mrs. R. W. Moore, 609 E. 8erond St., Washington, says: "I had rheu matic pains In my back, shoulders ind limbs and was sore and stiff- My head ached and I had dizzy spells. The kidney secretions passed too fre luently and gave considerable annoy ance. My anklee and feet were swol len and I had to walk with a crutch. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved the rheumatic pains and th^. other symp toms of : 1. A. M Dutn.r, Cashier of the above-named bank, do aoleawl y ewssr that th* above statement Is trp* to the best of mf knowledge sad ballet. A. If. OUMAT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 33nd day of November. 1813. W. L. VAUOHAN. Notary Public. I4y Commission .retires February 80th, 1818. Oorreot Attest: O. M. BROWN, J A, FCWLlt. mm mm mm m ARMY AND NAVY FOOTBALL GAME The body also demands certain' salts such as are found In many of the vegetables If they are not robbed of them by being soaked in water before or during the process of soaking. These constituent parts of the diet must be Intelligently proportioned. We must urge our educators to teach children of understandable age the scheme of selecting a rational com bination of foodstuffs. At present we want real all-around family physicians whom mothera can consult as to how to feed their flocks including the grown-ups of the household as well as the small chil dren. A Nervout Woman Find* Relief From Suffering. Women who suffer from extreme nervousness, often endure much suffering before finding any tehef. Mrs. Joseph Snyder, of Tiffin, O., had such an experience, regarding which she says: **8lx months I ?u bcrtfxst v.lth nervous prostra tion. I had sink ing spells, x cold, clammy lectin? ? could not atar.d C h ? ?lightest noise. At times I would almost I fly to pieces; | stomach t e r y weak.. l!y hus band InsUted oa my taking I jt. Mile*' Nervine. and I b#f*n ?o Improve before 1 had finished the firat bottle until I wu entirely cured." una. JOSEPH DTTDZR. 2?2 Hudson St.. Tlttn. Ohio. Many remedies are recommended for diseases of the nervous i, stem that fail to produce results because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. Dr. Miles' Nervine has proven its value in such cases so many times that it is unnecessary to make claims for it. You can prove its merits for yourself by , getting a bottle of yot?r druggist, who will return the .price if you j receive no benefit a MILE* MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Intf. -Jiaye You a Safety Deposit Box? ' Sow aeed HMf too hure *nr Mhukle p?p?n. The low note] la ? bii?or MOlMvjtion in QDta INSURANCE Will not UF?v?ntihe fire, but.it will give you a mighty thankful feeling / after tke Uames beve, cleaned you out. C. Morgan Wtllittms W ASB4NOTON, *K JC. Are the Best Values