Distinguished Suits & Overcoats ABE YOU ONE OP THOSE MSN WHO PKT7R CLOTHES THAT ARB NOT COM MONI'l^CB ? THAT POSSESS MANY EX CLUSIVE REFINEMENTS? ? K CPPENH EIMER* and 'STYLEPLUS* hare attained these result* In thft suits and ovmoatt wo are now showing. Jforrity Idoaa ? Sr.Q| fitting, graceful models, soft rolling fronts for tike young men In life. Snita for r^nserrotive men that embody Just the right combination of modern style with dignity. Come In ? slip In one. ?STYLKPLUS' SUIT or 0*00AT 817.00 * ?KUPPENHE1MER* SUIT or (VCOAT S20 to $40.00 eJ. K. Hoyt ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS Up Before the Recorder. The following cases were tried be fore the recorder yesterday after noon: Allen Bright, drank, $2 and coats; Charlea Perry, colored, retail ing. not guilty. Received Today By Express 75 Head Young Broke Horses & Mules Fat . Blocky and Ready For Work OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT & WE CAN MAKE TERMS TO SUIT YOU. We have also just received a Car of PIEDMONT W KGQNs and a Car of the Famous -t1. W ashing ton H orse Ex change Company' ru'r L. Susman, Pres. Washington, N. C. TUHTlHft THANKSGIVING DAY fUBTTBEIN YRS." Bays "Judge" Wrightcnberrj, Who HBb?f8?hrMoMD>7. He Gained to Poanda on tibiae. "2 will eat turkey cm Thanksgiving Day "tor the flrst time In years;" said "Judge" Wrightenberry, "and ' on Christmas Da y I'll he 76 years old and will celebrate by haying a bottle of Tanlac on the family dinner table, In appreciation Of the wonderful re lief I have gained through it." "Judge" Wrightenberry owns a 117 acre farm on the outskirts ol Greensboro, and is a Confederate Veteran. His numberless friend* take him at his word when he says: 'Tanlac Is worth more than a hun dred tlmos what 1 paid for It, be '? cause It Is the only medicine that ha? helped me." I "The last doctor to attend me told j my wife, as 1 lay on my sick bod, jthat he feared It I would live until jhe returned to his office. Then 11 'was that a 'neighbor dropped in and told of bin success with Tanlac. 1 told Mrs. Wrightenberry to get som? and, bellere me. I took It. "Soon after talcing Tanlac 1 Im proved so that I "told the doctor he needn't come back. Why. 1 can di gest the rankest bacon now. My sleep is as good as any person's and my regained strength enables me to work again. 1 let njy hired hand go because I didn't need him any more. My weight has increased 20 pounds and there Is nothing too good I can say for Tanlac." Genuine Tanlac Is sold In Washing iton only by Davenport's Pharmacy.; ^Belharen, H. F. Noble. FASHIONS it DISCUSSED [On? of Moat Intere?tlnR Meetings of the Creadto Club Held Yesterday. | Mrs. Frank Bowers was hostess to i the Cresclte Book Club Thursday af ternoon. The literary program was | one bo much discussed every d*y ? l"Stylea." First paper, "Changes In Fashions during the Laat Fifty i Years," by Mrs. William Rumley, brought laughter and exclamations from each member. Then followed a very interesting sketch of '^Ex treme Styles of Today" by Miss Mary Belle Small. Last a beautifully writ ten paper on "Architecture" by Mrs. 1,ee Davenport and read by Miss Mary Cowell. The club liberally contributed to the State Endowment fund, the Sally 8outha!l Cotton fund and to the membership of the city. The hostess served a delightful naiad course. The roll call was answered by many interesting current events. The next meeting will be with Mrs. E. L. Brooks at 3:30 Thursday afternoon, December 7th. RECEPTION GIVEN , VISITING GIST j A reception was glven'on Monday by Mra. E. 8. Marsh, of Belhaven. N. C.. In honor of the visiting gueata | In the city to attend th$ Marsh-Olaen ; wedding. The guests were received In the hall by Mrs. B. F. Steam and Mra. Tom Marah and shown to the gift room whore many beautiful pro senta were attractively displayed on lUCblei Jt#M*d by glimmering candles of pink and white. The evening waa a moat delightful one and the con clusion of many showers and recep tions given In honor of the hostess' popular daughter. Mra. Marsh was assisted try Mr*. D. W. BUmut, Mrs Th.d fllaoot, Mr*. I. B Cl?r* ?4 Mr*. B R. Way la aorrlak MMM leraanr .?) brld. eak* to tk? many ?*m*# dnfln* U>? 'oraaloK. AbooV?<**ty in nambar-w*** mtTM. - tx Twnw? ?>waii??i im ud ul Mr*. ArUmr WltMt at Wkrren ton. N. C.; Mr*. S. R. WlndMr *ad Mr*. W. A. B. BrtMirtf of ?>fchln* ton. M. O. TIM cm*. t>Mr+*rt<fc-. Hot. C. C. K?lM7 mad wlf*. and * halt of frUsdi and r*l*<lr** ?ri ek*ra>. In*ly aaMrtalnod and th* rrrali.* will llB(*r lone la tVr mwnofy of all a* oa* of thV aiOot d#ll(thtfol aortal l?th*rln*? of th* *0010 a. ? }'?>" ?* '? ? ? ' to n^urnm> ; t* t* ????? ** toTc'SI *?* itf right. H. B. MA TO. - ? ll-14-tt*. ' _A{r [??' ?* Conprlee (he bwt mb4e# m abo?*ylii a* broad rariecj ?tjpfae In the beet fihede* of n?y?lT fabric* such m gabcr 814-95 to 39.75 The Coats _ Mjled larlac (ran to hn, with Ura* Other. In belted mod veloor doth, Bolivia Md other*. $9.75 to 75.00 I. H. M O R R IS Successor to Jag. E. Clark Farm Property ? * ? ' ?>??- i"*. .V; '".V *y?' J" '^* * needs Insurance a a well aa town property; yoor dwelling, your bdrna, vtafclee, team, corn, hay, ate. Don't leave them on protected. . Jtaaure them with Bragaw. fioM fid or drop no a poat^l? and we'll Me yon aboat It. ,? /, i ? f* ' Wm. Bragaw & Company, First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C v A Woman's talaore. \r * I We' art caughfc between an old tna? ' dltion of married nf*, which insists that a woman'a time la tally oocn pled, and the new facta of married llle, which holy the tradition, If we could forget the tradition' and look at the facta, our whole attitude would change. As it fa, this .large margin of time, continually and in creasingly ours, ta, aa It were theore tically nonexistent. It haa not yft received official recognition. There fore, being treated aa ?omafhtna con tingent and accfdenta tflbtalW Of something expected and calculable. It haa no dignity, no ooherence, In Ita uses. It is like the reading done ta a doctor's office while wa wait We are like children who receive frequfegt hut undesirable gifts of pocket-money, yet are given no stated allowance. Th^ money la spent as K oomee ? caaually, without special plan. It is the rare, child who will make ftjcfc accidental fortune serve any large ends. So' it haa been with women's tfihe. Having no theoretic leisure and much actual leisure, they have filled.it with what ever chances to importune moat t? ?latently ^-Atlantic. 2Jenttlv WTERESIING PAPER READ MM. J. K. Hoyt'a CB North OuWlM'i Part In Bwoloiion B-Jor* tor. O. Hmrx Club. , -r ~ i Mrs. C. V., Campbell, Jr., peoved a moat delightful ho*t?4i I* the meet ing of the O. H?ozr AUik? iield yee^ terd&y afternoon at ker home. The study for the afternpqn waa "The Revolutionary Period." Vra. J. K. Hoy t hadi prepared a most ex cellent and Instructive paper on North Carolina's pi^t in the revolu tion, which waa ably read i>y Mrs. W. A. B. Branch. The . gueats at the meeting were Mrs. Morgan of Ral eigh and Miss AJIU03. of Mocksvllle. Quotations froniffie framers of the constitution were given in answar to tha roll call. After th* business session a social* * half-hour waa enjoyed. The . sMli^ members and visitors were ushered Into the dlnittfc.rjMtt. tastefully dec orated. ig, red and white, where a de llefcjfca^lad course was served. At- , tractor little were given as + favors. Red and * white candles lighted the room. Stomach ills rcannteed by money- back offer. Teetee Sn?, cota ? trlfle.% Mlnrod .nywlm. br carWuMijlw DUoibUMm Blowfa PWbhc7. PVm* ADVDRT1?B IN m DAILY NT5WI Broken in the Fall and Winter Produces Better Crops

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