w= *?sr tMlStl *M?-I ^MATTERS I aqtxiiirltu. wm Abo Be Takes Cp and Ambunmdor Will GIW President'. TIe*? on Till Matter. U^ni December B. (Br jtattftM*) ' WAfllONQTON. ? Ambaasatfor ' am wni carry vigorous . (he deportation at B?.? to Germany when lie leaves (or lln on December *. outline of U lor.imofafi position *111 be clvcn - Oerard b/ President Wilson. BereiStl refills to t ormer orotosts have been recelvedl These ai fi nnsatla(actdry. Jfj Gerard <? eipected to kee frealdMit WUaoj^tfcu after nooi to got inatroe "F*? luded In (be outHne la this kot -t'? attitude en the submarine 11 ? fct&Inst th* ?Staffer' r,*<? 1 WfSbiW , IWo v pkaldeUtS ?* la coalaraln* with Amia??ador OararcJ, Secretary Lena! a* sad Prss Ident Wilson. "J" , j .*? vJ? . , tONDON. ? Two -Seppellna of S I fleet which raided the eastern coun- | tlee qt ICngland yesterday, were de-< stroyed, according to an official | Uatement ghren otit today. One 1 downed on the coast. off Durham. 1 fchd the other orf Norfolk, Admiral Preach, the home commander, stat ed. Both were headed seaward at the ttaie they .were downed. Thj damage done to th*. machines was' rtlght. Thl? makes the twwftjMBfrj cnth raid on the eastern counties this yes?. ? "KEE, (By United PressV *^,""^",1 LONDON? The SllernUn H a*. k was rnniU 'today An Importaat .Meeting of the Bual isms Men's Association will be held tonight at the Chamber of Com cortrlbnted to the fund by residents or yesterday. bringing the] batlona up to (I0.40. '.will be ThsnkwtTlncI The people ot this secilon. u I ?hole, here much to be thankful ] for. U Is hoped that they will eon tribute their '^hejre ?f the lunt-?to morrow for the reHet of the rast number of Armenians ant Assyrians who are suffering and starring. The fund to date la as folio**: sly reports^ . 0 Iradj/ ...... .10 r. Braddy SO f.? i ? i . >4 ? > ? ? " J>D0 ? tw Mr*. T: a : W. b; Warnc! President J. K. Hort haa Imed an > .ii F " > Pttnn>SNT OH*tfOES J . TIME OF MKKTIKf) ? . | son RIB CABTVETl t-ujA?fir rolled Press) Washington president wn amr smashed another precedent to announced a change to The meeting at m*n ? , -? f ?' r.r WWJ ARE TO GIYE OLD I to tteetfj Paxtilliee Im th* City. A. project la on fool it tit* jrrrtlM achool to h*?e ?rerr one, who has old ana dlacarded clothing, ' ami* them (o tlie Washington public school on Wednesday In order that they may be aent to. thft needy families Of the community, alonr with the ooato tnary Thsnksgirln* baeltete. Was Janet WTietmore win be In chstrge of thla work and will see that all Incoming contribution arc sent to the proper families. It la hoped that a tar** ngmber of local rlllsens will respond to the i'"4 5^ * "1 WTJX ANNOCSCJ? FABM lOAN hanks I* iwmWft ?**?] - ? - ? my United n WiBHTOOTON? Th > twelve r?irlontl f -<By Cnl(?d Press) LONDON.? The orderly retreat of the Rumanian armlet contlnuea. This to th. only aattoto?4?ry pa*,fcit tha EiauUii attwlDg. No attest to being mads bare to minimize (be Abandonment of this Alt Hw lines was forced bjr the turning o( tha left tank of the TeiUohle forces against the Rumanians. Jt to expected that the Rumanian! will retreat to the Argechu river. consolidating th?lr feferispE&p r? Alllea Hulfcr Small Losses. LONBON.-^The heavy and cohtln nons shelling agalnat ' Brltiah poal Uona north of Ypres resulted In small losses for the allies, according to official statements. Southeast of Boucheeft the British Exploded mines and consolidated their positions In the shell craters. Rand grenade at tacks of the enamy were repulsed. The lindlCH* AW Society of the M. H. cbnreb w*I. hold a* htza.1r PrlJ,, afternoon ana nlrht'at the ?tore for roerl)- occupied br Lewie A Calala on Market street.- U.'la requested that All fancy work >roml?ed be banded S? either to ?itae ?f tbe committee or taken to the .tore Wednesday af ternoon. Eatables vromlaed Ibuat be carried to tbe store Friday morn la*. The patronage of the public .-IB. Cnitchflcld. who baa b?en ig M artlre manager ef the local Vlknt during the laat year, haa 21 and ? Judge Brown Discu$Bes ^|?g Special Tax Bonds for W hich Cuba is Now Suing Raleigh, *L a. Nor. 27, 1910. To tho Washington Daily New.: j ? I ?m you desire Information con cerning the special Uz bonds involved | In the petition -Mod- In tho Supreme ) Court of the United States by tho Republic of CubajngaSoat the suite of North Carolina. 1 do not believe that the President the Cuban Republic dnderatands attempted suit. If he did. I be- | Would have It withdrawn at aa It will aerloustj'. Injure that ibllc In the godd'oplnlon of; the . to of thta country. It la strange, too, that such action : Id bo attempted by a friendly .nation for whose Independence j North Carolina soldiers, 8hlpp and I Bagley, shed their blood. The latter j yaa the brother-in-law of the present | Secretary of the Nary and was the first American soldier killed in the war for Cuban lnde$4tt0fico. These Special Tax B (flfeo have been ofTered to nearly ere* In thej onion by holders' and' hare beeil re fnsod because of tWHr\ well known fraudulent character. They have no ! relation to the bonds involved in Mnrl South Dakota suit. Tho latter were valid bonds ant v*re aoetfred b* a' pledge . jat tho StgtoO*- stock- In ?*w North Carolina Rnttroad. U was tfc 6tj this latter ground bnl? that the Supreme Court of the United States assumed jurisdiction. NO question of taxation waa Involv derstand that, con ti Ing the eaae of Nortel Carolina, 192 All those boxfds had 9 mlsed except S2?.tid6 n In that case Chief 'Justice Poller and Justices McKenna, Day and White diaaented, all of whom exeept Fullor are on the present bench. The only Justice now there who voted olth the majority la Juatlco Holmes. The dissenting opinion of White, present Chief Justice, is regarded by practically the entire profession of law as onanswerablo. He demon strates Conclusively that to permit such suits against a State upon bonds tt%n?ferjed. t??mnother State or for eign natiofi for purposes or suit la a palpable evasion and violation of the ltth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. These Special Tax Bond*, amount ing to fourteen million dollars prin cipal were all Issued by the Conven tion at ' l$tS8, and the Generaf As sembly of i ltd. The history of ihem . If tfVen In beRonlhac Hamilton'" history of Reconstruction In North Carolina. Chapter 11. The Legisla ture of 1870 appointed a Frand Com mission to Inventlxnte these bond l? ?nen. They reported, and Prof. Ham ilton setA out on p?k^ 427 or his book j the Immense bribes and to Whom paid In order to secure the pssssge of I?1 tu I. 1.TIM la ??!. Act authnrls enfranchised negroes who wer? f Illy controlled by a few unjcn- ? white men aad Induced t<* V this great fraud up*4- <}&&* of North Carolina. ' i When the BtaU institution of 117* was adopted, It wu provided that not a dollar ot these fraudulent bonds should ever be paid ind no tax levied for that purpose unless ap proved. by a vote ^of the people. | The Legislature Will not and can not levy any tax to pay these bonds and 1 do not believe the Supreme conrt of the United States will At* | tempt 1L I believe that court wlllj dismiss die petition of the Republic or Cuba. The matter is to be argued on January 8, 1*17. Our Governor- ! elect lfr BliVett, Judge Manning and Cameron Morrison will represent the State. 1 presume that the principal argument will be made on behalf of | the State by Blckett as he Is still at- : torney general. Our State Is ablyj represented. Only some two and a half million of the bonds are lnvolv-, 1 ed In the Cuba suit. . _ | j Those who read Prof. Hamilton's book will see what a prominent part tFO distinguished cltljteos of Beau fort county played in the Legislature faUflltiM?t*?t oMWI, itcncUmLOof s?nt*riT%Jfnfoft county in the House I of Aepresehtad ves. add was one of | the ablest of the Impeachment man agers. JUdge Edward J. Warren waa tn the Senate and I believe provident pro tempore. He was a lawyer of great ability and was one of the ab lest of the Senators. M. (r r jK* OEOROB ^ BBOflfN. ?aM The annnal Lodge of Sorrow of Greensboro lodge No. 60S, B. P. O. E will be conducted at the Piedmont theatre In that city nest Sunday af ternoon. John H. Bonner of thlr city will make the principal address Referring to him the Greensboro Dally Newt has the following to say: "The address of the occasion will b? delivered by J. H. Bonner of Washington, N. C.. one of the prom inent attorneys of the state; ud therfc wlfl fcrtlo# three euloglesCfpr the members of the local lodge who have passed to the Great Beyond since the memorial servloe of a year Mr GERM A If AKROPLAfTE ?**>-' v . MOPPED BOMBS O* CITV OF I-OKTOPN (EAR THAT CHIHUAHUA - HAS FALLEN KO NKWS FRQ^, ^ COT ? CAUSES GRAVE FKA^fc FOB THE FATE OF O AREAS ZA'a 8OLDIER&4 M -r U. STRftOPJ NAY REMAIN )f Vttl* CftUn*. .Control of tfcp City, It May Be Some Time Before Per ?hlng's Men Will Be Withdrawn from Mexican Soil. ^ VILLA HAS GAINED f. POSSESSION OF?. .. CHIHUAHUA; CITY *?- ii 5 (Special bulletin 8 p. A.) EL PA SOV- Villa la 1q'|omm. ?ton <rf Chihuahua City. <#Miernl Trcvlno la fleeing. ?onthwafd, at tempting to Join his ro&opce meuu, according to repcfta re (By United Press)? EL PASO^? Because of tn lack of news refcardlpg the siege oBChlhua I has City, authorities here fiar that I the capital of northern Mcjfitco may have-.. fallen to Villa. NoVni au thentic has been heard of ]&<f great battle today. Yesterday It wB known that Villa had Jh? adzuM* aid that the CarrtHwr hard pressed. 8everal lnr*e detachments of defacto troops arc oi^U^r way to Chlhauhua. but It Is roared jpialthey vlll not arrive there. In timfr.toVe of xny material aid ?; 16 the i&eeleged .. ?> S May Allow Troops to Retain. WASHINGTON. ? The nitration at Chihuahua Gltjr, where th?$Carran zistas and .Vllllstas are billing Is considered suc? that it wllftferobably halt the plans for the evacuation of the U. 8. troops from Metfjcan soil. It was learned today from^the war iepartment. IT had[ Mn (topected that seversl^egmetfU'vAuli be aent home this week,- bat it was learned tpday that these orders had been countermanded. Officials prefer to wait the outcome of the battle he fore permitting the guardsmen to Re turn. If Villa gains poitataaion of Chihuahua, it will mean th?. starting if "real trouble," it is said'ihronfh out northern Mexico. If the bandit chief is crushed, however, Pdrshlng's men will be withdrawn within forty days. 'i TODAYS PROGRAM itifu) selected

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