["* r ? - - 1 f ? (Br tlntted Pr?w> KL PAEO. ? Tho entire atate of Chihuahua la now dominated by villi. Men can oflldaU har? an nounced that tho city bf Chihuahua, the key to northern Mcitco, fell Mon day. CarranalaU defenders were cdt to ribbons. When Ufa' VI Da troopers nnally manugod to force an Into the city, the deracto t"r?? (a all direction*, divided and many fled Villa la now la entire tk?oitr. aaalety la felt bare for el* Americana, who .CtilbeuOiun at the outbreak Enr-^l la reported that aent bortertrart? D." 8. *ov L agenta are demanding news of the A at erica na from CArranaiataa acroee the Rio Onuido ?I Juaiisa, but nothing authoritative * caa -fee learti It le reported that Vina entered inn MIT *t ?ve crolo lib the after noon after are day? of Ylforous bp ?leeeroent. TJ?. entire jity ^as. oc cupied afwra brfifhand to hand conflict with- the CafrataliU*. /] 1 In addition to tn<\ Americana Jn Chlh??l"i?. there w*ro also a ntrtii ber of Germans, rronch and CklKM. Latest report, also British consul, Cap! tha rrenoh c?nnul ' It la bdlertd that M's Kenerfit, "?tth has Itcd-norchward Commander Tre Tlno. wjth 700 men. aceordtni: to , escaped aouthward. that ^ AltK tn IK VOTE TO CHBCK ?nrr; hjch cost of Lirrxo (By United Pre?' d WASHINGTON.? The ?r Agrlc?Hur?. C j offlce and t many leagued In th* o_. hlBh rn^t of living. the result of appeals hy the ? ? nd ioycottli. Dictatorships aro arrt6ng 'tie S markets re r OP STATE SHOW FAR Sili| Thll OMUOd the railing Off to **? toco Vu Drought to Washington [ncreaae la aalcs orer The local uitit la of Ua laat year's fact that the crap leu than laat year. ?too. Rock* Mount, ' ?tter bl*?arkata If thl. the Htate ? . baceo Board or Trade waa ? tarday and much satisfaction pressed' orer the r?mlt ot the yeafe work. It la believed thftt next year, with a normal crop, the local market will probably double Ita aalea. ^ P r The srtae conteat at tha Central much lo f actor In keeping op the lo Ther will etoM their ?ekjoo on December U- ? ???UisH city will be doe account of Thanke Of Ttannomvllle, l? in th. city, attend BarrtaTown. By The Daily News And United jPress] I The ittna alary to glron prominent display on lh* front page'ol the State paper this morning. I 'ally. Mows yesterday stated that the location of tlw term loan bunk* would be announced Within twenty liars. t acije 8tat? ytpar thla morning tarried the headline on the Hake Known Dikh. Locations In Twenty Dart." l^BEBBflgtorTaatftder ea aeroplane flying oyer ?gfclffcatwMfSr this moraine ^rrled- the aame story nnder hatob**drcOTjfc on ??gllth capital." materdsy told of the protest that the United ptaief'VooNrihsia to Pafelnsi oyer the deportation of Belgians ' The 8Ute~"|w? this morning tarried the headline: "New Representations lo he Made Regarding Belgian Deportation." And last, but not least, tho JJiOy News yesterday announced that Villa had cs^torcd ChlhoaAla. The SUte pap* this morning xsrrled the headline: "Nothing Definite from Chihuahua." . U .ljas not yet fonnd ont that th? ?^>Sa?heen oftrtnred, although the United Press carrled the knnonnetmant twwn Hr hn?r. -?"? - MIS MADE ? V (By United Pnu] IIAZELTON. KAN.? Four l bandlte today dynamited the ule In the Hrzelfon state bank and escaped with $11,000. They bound and gag ged two male telephone operators In the local exchange and kidnapped them In automobile*. 0 navy today ntracte {or eighteen coaat Six wIU be built by the Company for |Mf,000 ?ho Lake Torpedo Boat ?Cpwrfiny tar 1104.000 each, three by the California Ship Building Com pany rafcWM.OOO each, one 800-ton ?uhmarlnS by the Electric Boat Com pany *111 eoat ll.18t.000 and one by the Lake Company will coat ?1, m.ooo. ? KJUSQISINm The ehurchcs of the city will hold special Thanksgiving services toinor row and the public Is urged <9 be present- The following jtonounce monts were given out t hi#* morning for tbe day's services: 'Si-' Episcopal Church. ? ? Services at 11 a. n. Rev. 1C 0. Daugh trey will assist tbe rector. Spccial offering for the Thompson orphanage at Charlotte. Christian Church. Preaching at 10:20 a. m. by the pastor. Subject: "The Alabaster Box." A special Thanksgiving of I faring .wjtfl be taken up for benevo lences. There will also be an offer ing of small garments for tbe or y Baptist Church. Thanksgiving services tomorrow nlghts'at 7:30 o'clock. A special of fering will he taken for tbe orphan age. There will be no prayer meet ing services tonight. Methorilftt Church, j Preaching ast 11 o'clock by the pastor. A ipedal offering will bo taken up for tbn Methodist orpban l*rr?bytftrtan Church. Special' Thanksgiving services wHl be held tomorrow morning At "H >. m. An offering will be taken up for the orphanage home. ; ? Republic (By United Press) OTW YORK. ? Boycotts In New York. Boston. Philadelphia and other cities axe rapidly causing a hi* drop *ia the price of eggs and turkeys Pittsburgh dealers today of* a pound as liv?"tnrkeys arrived I In the city. The situation Is without pp-allel in the history of the country. It Is believed that other boycotts will soon follow on various articles of food. Dealers are "up against it" They are forced to sell their poultry, eggs and other food stuffs and as the boy cott on these articles has cut the demand for them down to a mini mum, the dealers are forccd to cut prices on a big scale. The boycott movement Is spreading rapidly throughout the*~ country. it. W: _U usually begins with the boycott on aomo single article until further no tice. Within a few dsy* the price is ; cut down * by the dealers and then , the people are told to buy. (By United Press) WASHINGTON. ? The Chambers of Commerce ol Qoldsboro, Xlnaton and Fayetoville, N. C? eooperatlng with the Carolina Steamship Com pany, hfcve aaked the Interstate Com merce Commlaslon to permit the company to establish docking facili ties at New Bern and Wilmington. N. C-. furnishing direct water and ran route from Inland North Caro lina cities to Baltimore. (By United Press) Washington.? tome of the re gal splendor of the court - o i the Hapshttrgi:wa* displayed here today tt the solemn rnaea for th* repose of the soul of Rmporor PraflT Joaef. The President. Hra. Wilson, Supreme emmi high nary and amy Aetata, diplomat* and member of (fie cabl- 1 MARS MAY YET TURNJDE CRtT* OP SITUATION HAS AR RIVED. IF ADVANCE W STOPTED, RUSSIANS OAK HELP. MACKENSEN SM ADVANCES With Che Aid of the RomUm the Rnmimlim May Torn Retirement Into Victory tt They Can Only PKUrm of Ten tons. (By United Press) LONDON. ? The progress of Oen oral Mackensen's forces from Qlurgla across the Danube brings about \J ?aaassi aa? ?? Mirth, Mystery anil Mnfrle 8*-*?rTdl.