Them Coine of Virginia In my own Orchard. PRICES: 35 cents per peck 65 cents per half bushel $1.25 per bushel $3.75 per barrel .0 And Eat One On Me Jno. E. Walker s VERTJSEMENTS IN THE AILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS WANTED: OFFICE WORK AT | night. Address. "Night." ear* of Dally New. | 9-SS-eod-tfe. f & WARD MS UP BOND ISSUE! (Continued from pace *) divert tills moner for the support of the Insane atrium. Institution for the 4uf and dumb and blind, and con- 1 ricta la the penitentiary, and the ex penses of the state government; thus repudiating the payment of the In terest and applying the monoy to the general purposes of the state. Now, are thess bonds legal liabili ties. as you say? The answer depends ] upon three questions: First, Were | they Issued by a duly constituted leg islative suthoxity for that purpsse? 8econd, Did the State receive any value for them? Third, If not, did the holders take them with notice that they were issued without auth ority of Taw and were fraudulbnt, if they were, and that the State derived no advantage from them? Let ua answer these three questions by facts that are of record: "FIRST, (a) The Iceconstructlon Aet of March 2, 1867, was quoted above for the purpose of showing that the government which It created was purely a police government and limited in Its organic functions to the 1 protection of life and property and ] the preservation of the public peace and the effort to set on foot tho es tablishment of a sound economic government. If the State was out of the Union when it was passed rb the Southern view of Secession contsnd ed, it was then a territory and the act would have been valid for the pur poses which it set forth on its face, but for no other. If it was not out | of tho Union, because of the Webster view that a State had no power to secede, then the civil government ,ttnder the administration of Gov. Worth could not bo usurped by the act of Congress except to assist It in preserving llfo and property and pre serving the publ'o pesce. The bond issues of this legislature ^oro there fore issued by a strictly provisional pdllce government to which was nev er delegated expressly nor by Impli cation the power to administer the economic policy of the etaib. MAIL ORDERS wiU be filled as care fully and satisfacto rily as if you selected the goods at this big store in person. GOODS SHIPPED BY PARCEL POST ? no delay or disappoint ment. Wc fill every order prompt ly and guarantee safe delivery. Dp Your Xmas Shopping By Mail ? From This Big Store-of A - Thousand - Gift - Suggestions AVOID the tedious round of store after store that makes gift buying a dreaded task. Instead of the hustle tnd bustle of crowded shops, sit down comfortably at home, look over this adv. and pick out the gifts for all of yofir list. Then mail us your order. Isn't that infinitely better than the old way? And you have larger stocks to choose from ? with lowest prices as an added incentive to play Santa our way I Don't wait ? mail your order early ? today if possible. We will gladly answer your inquiries and supply additional information on any items named below. For "Her" Stationary ? Whiting and Eaton Crane and Pike, in all fashionable fabric finishes. In attractive boxes, at 50c to $10.00. Bridge and Whist Sets ? In leather cases, complete, 50c to $3.00., Address Books, Guest Books. Shop ping Lists, Visiting Lists? leather covers, in s variety of styles, I5o to $5.00. Diaries^? for 1917 ? always welcome for hlih or her, 10c to $1.00. Card Index Cooking Recipe Files ? handy far keeping choice recipes, ' 1tc up. Engraved Calling Cards complete, with Plate, 100 cards{ $1.65 and up. bend for speoimety and select typefaces. Card Cases?great variety to choose from, at 60c upward. Saving, Ban h, ? Three coin. regis tering. a good home bank, ?I.T5 Work H? hw ? apfendld itylea and at $*.M to *4.96. Saah. Tan. Card, and Tii^"Cord?(orPlTiig up gfft pack jy&i < lw?i| J ages, lOe spool. Jewel Cabinets, leather and plush corsrad, with lined traya, $8.00 The gift that eerve$ a t a daily reminder of good judgement ? untainPea PCN* ALWAY- ... ?VMY MM CUAKANTlio We carry one of the largest assortments in the South at frdm $2.50 to $35.00. De scriptive folder, showing tome of the most popular styles, mailed on request. Make someone happy this year with a Waterman order it now. Place orders now for DIXIE LAND LINE PERSONAL GREETING CARDS CxqtUtily engraved decoration* in natural colore, with appropriate senti ments for the season and your nam* engraved beneath. Write for descriptive booklet and prices and place your orders at once to incurs prompt delivery in time for Christmas. ENGRAVING Emhaarinf, die stamping. for wedding and ?oris I offiwm Beat of workmanship, executed la oar own big engraving plant, where only the meet expert artist engravers are employed. Write for apeci me na and price*. 100 ear^a wipawJ frees your own plate* OSa^eei pehL For "Him" Bran Ink Stands, 50b to $5.00. Brass Desk Seta, $2.00 to $25.00. Brief Cases ? extra well mads, in varied styles, $2.00 to Smoking Sets ? an appreciated gift for him who smokes, $1.00 to $5.00. Book Cases ? sectional styles, per section, $3.75 ? ask for illustra tion and prices, complete. Chess Men ? finely carved, $3.50 to $5.00. Dominoes ? 50c to $5.00. Pinochle Seta? 50c to $3.50. Loose Leaf Books ? $1.00 to $5.00. Boston Pencil Sharpener ? should be tn every home, $1.00. Filing Cabinets ? Shaw- Walker sec tion, all in wood and steeL Prices on request. Blank Books ? speciaJ ruling for every purpose, Drinking Flasks and Cups, $1.50 up. Brass Cuspidors ? $1.50 ujfttards. Automobile Record Books? just what he wants, 75e up. Waste Baskets? Wood, Wicker. Wire and Brass, from 50c up. Loose Leaf Books? great variety, st from 50e upward. Ingersoll Wstchss? reliable time .keepers, $1.00 to $3.00. Drawing , Instruments ? complete sets, in case, $S.75 up. VIRGINIA STATIONERY CO., INC. Engraven - Printmn . Stationmrl - Bookbinder* , 913 EAST MAIN STREET, . RICHMOND, VIRGINIA I . | M I.I M" ' Most Eff&tzive Remedy Mother Had Ever Used Dr. Caldwell's Byrnp Pepsin BcUerea Baby When Otbor Mertlefa? Failed There la nothing so necessary to a child'* health and comfort aa regu larity of the bowels. All children are especially susceptible to stomach trouble and any overstrain of the sentltlve organs has a tendency to obstruct elimination. This condition is responsible for much of the illness of childhood. To relieve constipation a mild lax ative should be employed. Cathartics and purgatives are rtolent in their actions and should be avoided. Mrs. Alfred Du Bols. Mt. Holly. N. J.. aays Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup Pepsin Is with out doubt the most effective remedy for constipation she has evtr used and that It Is the only remedy she could find for her baby. Little Earl was badly constipated during his first year and nothing she tried seemed to help him until she got a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Now he Is a fine, strong, healthy boy, and she thanks Dr. Caldwell Tor it. Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup Pepsin Is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, free from opiates or narcotic drugs; It acts gently with out griping or other discomfort, and Appeals to children because- of It* pleasant taste. Druggists everywhere sell It for fifty cents a bottle, and ev ery mother should have It In the house for use whenever Occasion arises. To avoid Imitations and Ineffective substitutes always be Bure to ask for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's signa ture and his portrait appear on the yellow carton In which the bottle Is | packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. 'B. Caldwell. 455 Washington St.. |uontlcello, Illinois. (b) If now they were fraudulent' they are void. If not held by innocent ' purchasers. What then la the real fraud alleged? It will be seen that these acts above eited provided for the delivery of the bonds by the state treasurer and Uovernor to the corporations on proof that a certain per cent of the capital stock had been subscribed and a certain per cent thereof paid In la eash, or that a bona fide contract has been made by the corporation for the construction of the roads. Jkl. S. Llttlefleld and Gee. W. Swepson were the two arch Incendi aries of this drama of abominations. They were both carpet baggers and both insolvent. The Influence of Llttlefleld over the whole state ad ministration was greater than Wil liam Pitt ever enjoyed In the Brttlah 1'arhaMent. Llttlefleld made bogus contracts with' Insolvent persons, many of them negroes. In behalf of the W. N. C. R. R. Co.. for its con struction. and exhibited them to the .itate treasurer and secured at one time 1308.500 in bonds. The treas urer, of course, could have known If he had wanted to. that the contract was fraudulently obtained and sign ed by insolvent phrties and never In tended to be executed. He and Swep son also had insolvent persons to subserlbo to stock to meet other re quirements for the delivery of bonds, nnrt used fictitious names on the sub scription list, and exhibited the books nnd obtained bonds In figures ap proaching millions, the amount of I cannot accurately give. After do Ing this, Llttlefleld the state. Ai the June term, '94, after this crlmr had been unpunished for six years the grand Jury In Wake county pre sen ted a bill of Indictment, of whicl the following Is a copy: "The Jurors for the State, on thel< lonths, present tlfkt M. 8. Llttleflel' nnd Geo. W. Stepson .... did com bine, conspire, confederate and agre together and with divers other per Rons to the Jurors unknown by di vers false pretense* and subtle mean* and devices to obtain and acquire to themselves and from the State of North Carolina, divers bonds to be Issued by the Stste with coupons at t ached of the value of 11000 each. (Continued on page 6) CAN'T LOSE n.UH Twenty Years from Toottle at Worthy & Etherldge. Mall >rderB filled by Amerl an Proprietary "3o., Boston, Mass. ? CVT Tins OUT. ? ? FREE to show how quickly ? ' MUdredlna Hair Remedy acts, ? 4 we will send a large sample free ? ' by return mall to anyone who ? ? sends this Coupon to American ? ? Proprietary Co.. Boston, Mass.. ? with their name and address and ? ? ten cents in silver to pay postage ? *??????????????? Notice To The Piiblicl A atatement appeared In Wedneaday'n Inane of the 'Dally Newa, giving the details of an agreement which har! been per fected between the garage and auto-repair men of the city. Among the Hat of aignaturea which appeared underneath tbla document, there waa that of "Claude L. Carrow, per W. O. Black." I desire to atate that I knew nothing of thla agreement and that I have nothing to do with It. 1 am not In the ropalr business and therefore could not be connected with It In any way. Mr. Black, who la In the repair bualneaa and whose bua lneaa la operated In the aame building as mine. Hi distinctly aeparate from me In bualneaa, ? aa much ao an if be wnn In alto gether another building. He probably entered Into tho agreement with thq other garagemen, but, aa I have aaid before, thla In tto way affecta my end of the bualneaa. I am making this statement In order to explain my aide of It to the public. I have nothing to aay regarding the worthlneaa or unworthlneaa of the agreement, but 1 am an otitalder In It and therefore do not want to have the Impreaaion that I am In teracted In It. C. L. CARROW Loco) Dealer to r Wttfuu. Bui etc I f Dodge Car ?