SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EDITION .Y .Y .V .Y FORTY P AGES TODAY Hundreds Of Opportune Gift Suggestions. Read The Advertisements Of .Y ' .Y The Local Merchantss And Do Your Shopping With Them THE WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS LCMi II8K WASHINGTON", N. C\, MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMUKU 11, 1U16. NI MI KU 100 ENGLAND'S: premier: IS NAN OF THE HOUR ! ?NTIHE NATION IS ENTHUSIAS TIC OVER CHANGED OIT- j LOOK WHICH HE H %8 BROUGHT ABOUT. MORE VIGORRCbS IN WAR , (By United Press) LONDON. ? The re-organizlng force^of Lloyd George's magic touch is electrifying the nation. Wh.le the aetr war director has been/forSfed^jo take to his bed on accouilt of a ser- 1 ^ouV-attaqk of chl 11b, London is in a i fever of cbthusiasm. V for changes.] which have w?en seemingly Impossi- 1 ble with the ha*4-?U?il British con ?nrvatlem, havo been mad" and pre- j iiaa been tHsfarded*-*? -? The more that England's limited war council idea la gaining support, the more Lloyd G?>orge Is being re garded as England's man of the hour, ?ngland is not wanting time In pes simistic reflections over the Ruman ian and Qrek situation, but the entire ttatlon Is setting Its Jaws, more firm ly demanding immediate action. Eng land. according to high officials, will get Info the war with new enthu- j ?lasm and new effectiveness. 8-HR. LAW 10 BE TESTED ON JANUARY ? (By United Press) ? WASHINGTON. ? The Supreme Court will hear argument* mi the Adajn?on LlgliUIfutir law teat ca*o on January H. The law will become effective on Jan uary 1. Visiting Relatives lTnre. Mrs. Claud In Hill" and son, of Rlv ?rview, are In the city on a visit to r?!aUvog and friends. TODAYS PROGRAM ? at ? New Theatre "The Secret of the SobnuyW Two Reel Serltl Feature Alio "HU Marble Bait" Triangle Comedr A Great Program Aim ISSIOH .Be Ml M* Show aUrta at t:?? ?h?r? VMM d?lW M ? fk a. WE TAKE ALL AND GIVE BUI UTILE Comptroller William* Draws (Ym pariaon Hetwecn War Trade and Our Gifts to Europe. (By United Presa) NORFOLK. VA. ? Tbla nation must be ready after the war to stand both as Samson and the Good Samaritan In relationship to the world, Comp troller of Currency Williams today told the Southern Commercial Con grew, In session here. Ho at^ed that "wo must be strong but mag nanimous. Mr. W :111a ma also drew a compar ison between the fattened purees of this nation as the result of the war trade and tho country's ?ontrlbu tlona to Buffering Europe. "Our gifts." he said, "are one-twentieth of one per cent of the pro Ut wo , make." Explain* Ulch Price**. Tho ; buormal growth of tho urban papulation, especially through mi grations from the rural districts city-, ward. la ono of tho "most fruitful caiiHos" of the high coat of living, according to Congressman Joseph Ransdell, who addressed the Con gress thiB afternoon. He' said that the niieratlos of many ij farmers to Canada also has caused tho soaring of high priceE. , Thirty years ago. 70 per rent of tKe people In^ the United States lived in the. ru ral sections. Tod.'y, there are only 53 per cent. I "It la an interesting fact," he con- j tlnued, "that the South is the mighty balance wheel of the nation at the present time. If it were not for tho South, with 77 per cent of the people living In -the country, prices might be even higher. In tho fertile South, with large numbers of food produc ers. Ilea the nation's strongest hope for solving tho high cost of living." Tho speaker also urged that the Wobh bill be paBsed, which would lawfully permit tho formation of a combination of American exporters for forelpn trade, made by assistant secretary of the treasury. Mr. Peters. MRS. D. T. PERRY DIED VPSTERDAY MORNINGi .V.Uilrii Ihiith Causal Many Rumors | 7 < liv Circulated About tii?* Streets Today. The sudden death yesterday morn ing of Mrs. I). T. Perry, who live* on Eighth street, caused a number of unsavory rumors to be circulated about tho streets today. It was generally reported that Mrs Perry had taken carbolic acid ond that death was due to this fact. This report, however, has been dented from authoritative sources. Mrs. Perry, it appears, has been suffering from indigestion for somo time. Her death, It Is claimed by her hupband and immediate relatives, was duo to an acute attack of Indigestion. In Visiting Miss I?(hsm. Miss Hilda Chesson, of Roper, la In I the city as the guest of If Isa Lila j Ruth Latham. Here from New York. Captain J. M. Wallace, of New York City, arrived' In the city yes terday and la visiting at the home or Mr. and lfra. A. B. Fslfprd. Visiting Mrs. Arthur. Wra. HuM-lf. ol Norfolk, U I. th?| etf T ?? th? *o?irt or Urn.' J. A. A^ | thnr 6a West Second street VILE CRIMES COMMITTED BV YOUNG MAN (By U ai ted Press) DUUIIAM. N C. ? R. R. Jones, white, 23 yearn old, la being held In 11. ?? o jail, charged with attempting criminal assault upon a 1 2 -year -old girl in that city Satur day. Ho is believed by the police to bo the same man who last Tues day assaulted the 13-year-o-ld daugh ter of John Beeker, of this city. Jones left the local hotel myster iously early Wednesday morning, following the crime. Miss Beeker Iijr gone to Greensboro to identify him. Feeling here is intense. RUMANIANS WIN BACK POSITIONS PETROORAD. ? By vigorous roun ter attacks, thu Rumanians have won back th>? positions whleh th-y | along the high road from Polessto to >* ' f ? ' I . according 1<j otiu'ial t>lali? ipents. ^ _ (.??rmaux Capture Bridge llmui. SOPrA*. ? The caputre of the w? s*. j bridge head at Cernavoda wxt, o2D?*- 1 tally announced today. 10,125 BALES ClfiNED iN COJNTY TO DEC. I Cotton reports for Beaufort coun ty show that th"re were lu.125 b;il?H of cotton, counting round as h:tl * bales, ginned in the county from the crop of 191$ prior to December 1, ? as compared with 1,211 bales ginned! to Dtceuiber 1, 1915. Visit i n/z Mrs. Fnlfnnl. Misses Mirtha and Bertha Hawk. ?f New B>*ra. were In the city yester dr.y as the guests of Mrs. A. S. Ful *nrd at her home on West Second at roet. NATION-WIDE BOYCOTT ' 18 THE ONLY REMEDY FO THE HIGH PRICES; WASHINGTON. ? The Department! of Justice practically admitted Its' holpleB*n*ns In reducing the cost of living by legal process and appealed to the people of the United States to join In a nation-wide boycott against high price*. Federal District Attorney Ander son, chief food price Investigator for the government. In a statement to day declared that ff the poople of the country will eO-opeTate In boy cotting the food which the specula tors have run up to peak prices, thw' back of tho high cost of living will I break Within a week, and prices Will come tumbling to normal. The meas ure advocated by Mr. atitutes probably tfca hughest boycott d eel art ton la the history of the coon try* Declarat'on of the nation-wide. boy cott by tho government cbi?*f Invrs- 1 Itlgator will not halt proceeding? I against speculators. however. Attor- 1 noy Oeneral Gregory torlay gavo Mr. j Anderson fro? rein In ordering grnnd ! Jury investigations, and Mr. Ander-j son announced that be will call suc$ ' Inquiries by the middle of th*? woe^j In New York, Chicago and Detroit. ! Mr. Anderson said today that the. people should not expect too much to be done in ttfe way of apprehend ing speculator*. Ho declared that the laws under which proceedings can be Instituted are inadequate and Strongly Intimated that chief reliance tpy ;*lfef froip tfce present food price sltantlon must come from car rying out of the boycott for which he appealed. r chants Advertise Christmas Goods ThgUtily News appear* this afternoon in rather erilarp<?d f--nn. Ic of forty pages and onlains the advertisements of the liants in Washington. ll hj tilled with excellent Christ mus The edition is tho larpe.st ever issued in this part of the Si ate. It took over a week t o print it. There are scares of special advertise ments in it, many of them bein? full rage ads. This <diii"t? is being given a wider circulation than the regular edition ??f the paper. It will reach practically every Louie in Beau fort count v. ' | T ollowi:.*: la a Hat of the adver- ] tlBcrs In today's issue: Bower* Bros. Co. Su3klt: A; Horry. It. S. Sllverlhora. Peerac. -Watson lidwe. Co. Beaufort County Hldg. Loan Astm. Hank of Washington. ltuss Bros. j J. S. Campbell. Cherry Furniture Co. McKeel-Richardaon Hdwo. Co. Crystal Ice Co. R. H. Hudson. Spenc? r Bro?. 11. L. Stewart, Ideal Pr? ssirig Club. The J.effersou Co. J. F. Bucknjan & Son. Pamlico Chemical Co. Washington Electric Pljuit. E. K. Willi*. Lewis Dry Gojda Co. H. T. t?tl)anf. Worthy a- F.:h?rldge. Harris Hdwe, Co. J F. Ailams. sS.iv.npa & Tr'jst Co. \Vaa!.ini;tun-Beaufort I?\a<l Co. Home Hid?. & Loan Assn. The Palnm. 1. H. Morris. Virginia Carolina Chemical Co. F. A. WriRht. J K. Hoyt. J I'fferson Standard IJf?j In*. Cu. Blounts Pharmacy. W. M. B.-II. Oo. Haekney, J-. Morh Planing Mill. Maxell Supply Co. South< rn Furniture Co. Lee Da^e::pont. Greek Tt< staurant. Calais Clothing Co. Wa-shinirt'in TtScl^r. & l>?an Amu. George GantouR. Walter Crcdle & Co . ], E. Win*lo\r. F. G. Paul A firo. C. L. Carrovr. ffiC C0NSTANTII1E ISSUES DECREE OF MOBIIIZATION BERLIN.? Latest advices reaching here from Salonlkl say that King I Constant! ne of Greece has Issued a decree of mobilization. A correspondent at Saloniki says this indicates his alignment with the Teutonic powers and will no doubt render Impossible any amiable set tlement of the situation in Greece cxct |it ua ?h" basis of romplete capi tulation of the royalist forces. Ccjii>': vative estimates by Vtfnl zelos staff officer* place th?> maximum number of troops available for tim lunK'x urir.y at 75.0m0. The royalist army in said to have supplies ami ammunition available fur a two, month's campaign. The.se shuuM! easily pr<>\^ snflicli-nt f'"r the driv?< through Larlssa. Entente correspondent? atnfn pointed out that this movo may en danger the sucecsft of the entire op erations in tho Balkans. Tb *y urged imoiCdiat:- aiiud action. Tins hax al ready resulted in rigid measures be |-!i . > wk--n to proton the rear of t li ?? allied armle3 operating la and around 'SaJomki. Withla a few days, according to; London, many thousands of troops '; will !>?-? avaiiuole for uh? against K;iig| Constantine. A strict blockade Is *?->- | ing maintained, and no ve.wl Is a! 1 lowed to enter or l^av* a ay port Jr. old Greece. I Uoysliat n-'w^^pfra In | eay correspondents, are publishing Kloij?-H oj I ;?o um'..iuq -.i.tory m Uu-f mania. They predict a German of-| fnnsivo through Monastlr and a Ger- ! man Invasion of Kussla through Bea sarab'la. 10 DELIVER LECTURES j AT CHRISTAIN CHURCH; I>r. W. 8. Martin, Bible Instructor at tha Atlantic Chrlatian college, Wilson, N. C., arrlted In the city to day and will deliver a series of Iocs tures at the Christian church. The first of these lectures will be delivered tonight, the subjoct being. "The profits and pleasure of Bible study." Dr. Martin is a most Inter esting speaker and the public Is cor jdlally Invited to hear him. ' GREECE HAS SEN! THE ALLIES AN ULTIMATUM STROXCi XOTK Is sKN'T. DFMA XIX INCJ THAI li-'/t'KAlM1. i?F Glll-II K INHtlH UK UFTKD A I (INCK. PEOPLE ARE iND.GNANT ( II jr Unit.*.! Prtv/i ATHKNS. ? Kiik^. Ci .;i*tnntlne'? haa * t pro ;? -t to t\.- ai'n-.i ]...v nt ladiLf tiie : ' xV..? allied tiloi ku-'le. Till' pr?t ?' 'A . :< nt thU :;u>nuri4. 1: id in li. nuturt* of u ultiuiaturi and u i.j :*? ;? : t.iat It fc.ati- at luvt: i .l r--l ;? uU-*a th?"- alliL'8 immediately !::t t!. ? ijlock a<l a. The people have b-a-n ilii.-iorltt? fnr tills bi-clnn for -a! dr.ys. la <li?:rtail<>n atv. nst manner 1b whieh tlin all:*"* li.ivi? a.on i ?f (Irvrf-' TV - uihsm* nr?? elamorlne f:>r tin- Kiivfrnnifat t? exert I1? Independence. A reply la ? shortly. F"i-]:ntr atrairust rh-- Alii"? t* ex ceptionally t>i 1 1 ?-r at the tlm*>. Several *mall outbreaks. im which casualties have occurred, ar* reported from several of the *e*.po?< towns. LLOYD GEORGE !S REPORTED 10 BE ILL <Hy T.'njted J#ONI>ON. ? fr-u. .-: I. !?.><! r;.-r,ri?e ! * Htaffi-rinp from a . ? vt ? < |t J'hy itfr'anii h?ivf o~rt? r<-l !.l:u l?> rentals Indoor* throu^'nji ? , Hit** '.linos.1* !;? the r- ? - ;i?<-rhu mail ??fr ?rty t a re ? n rnrt 1 ' <? rot er.irn'nt. It :????? J : v .! ? ? 1 be attr.ek w-Vi y?r- - - i.u?t for any tf r? at l? nrf'i nf t - .? LNCREASF PRICE i DEMURRAGE Of CARS Owing t" th" aVi-tV-*" t>' f ' Tht **ars. rallro.vlf* nil ? ? ? r ????* f??u:?try have IncrracfMl t' ?? rat'* on *1 * i.mr r; iro, In order ? ?. i?i.\ r. \ir? r? cular uprvlc. T, Harrey M.r^rn, ln'-nl acnt for the Norfolk Si/itheia, today rt rclrKl the following prbed'jlo after the flrrt forty-eight hour*: For the flrnt day. |1 For the nt-cond day. 12 For the third day. For the fourth day. IS Each aucceedlng ?lay. 16 With thl* *cele of prlcr* In effect. It will be neeeaaary for mnrrhantf and other* to unload thHr car* aa noon an they arrlre In erd*?r to avoid the payment ef thin acal* of dpmur rage. SEE OUR BIG PAGE AD ON THE LAST PAGE OF TODAY'S ISSUE. i Many Christmas Suggestions Offered. - - - Calais Clothing Company

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