* A Sale . * Investment ! ? Building and Loan Stock is a safe sensible investment which should appeal to every person. The new series of the W as* inglon Building and Loan Association will open Satur day, February 3rd. 1916. Subscription books are open at all times. Begin an invest mnt now which will enable you to build a home later. LOAN ASSOCIATION First National Bank JAPAN HAS CROW 10 PICK WITH II. S. AFTER THE WAR By U.MJTFI H. TLItMIU. (TTnltrd Pre? Staff Corrv* ??ii.lenr> TOKIO ? Japanese approval is irlven here today to Ihu riftti'Dieni ?ado In Atactica by Baron 8ak."U.- jiI that after the war Japan ?r:>uM at tempt to bring about a RctUeiri'-nt oT her immigration problem with th?' United States. While the Japan* *e never liav ? ?oleed the dealre to break the Gen tleman'* Agreement. they fp-l that U la a moH* unaatiafart'try arrange ment. With the rino of Jr.pnn'a pow er and her world commerce, the aentiinent that the American ruling la discriminatory becomes stronger. The belief that a revival of the quo* tton is Inevitable lp expressed by the Toklo Asahl. regarded by some per r' ?ii.s a t fifc I'Mi'lnc; nauspuper of th<4 capital. j .ron Sikatant only voiced the, neaii::tunt ot the Japan.-?*'* nation." ' ftj'i tl:*1 Aurthl in spcnkiQK of the! liir' ii'B declaration In the Uiilti-d ? K'ates. "Why should the JapanPB^ | Kinhnsny have fonml It nuqp-ssary to deny Mm statement? That the Jnp nnese-Ani?rlran problem iiiunt b fi)lv? fl v. as a most representative opinion f'?r Huron' Sakataoi tr> Rive. ?""Me tJrrAh-Men'H Agreement was j I .i_;'i*.':i!aiueotn1 solution. It was ?? * it i; niporl2lr.t method. Haron Sakntnni "xprcspod th.* wishes of the . \?r? nation that the two conn (ri*-d tome to a perfect understand- J Ini? of en? h oth^r ho the lustra !?-? :?.?!- j Inn may be solved Hatlafuctorlly to ! all concerned." CARDINAL CALLS SUFFRAGISTS ENEMIES 10 THEIR SEX WASHINGTON. ?"I regard 'wo man's rights' and tho new school of female progress as the worst enemies of the female sex," Cardinal Gibbons declared in a message to the National j Association Opposed to Woman 8uf , frage, which held Its first national ' convention here last week. The Car- ! dlnal's message read: "The Insistence on a right of par ticipating In active political life Is undoubtedly calculated to rob woman of her grace of character and give her noting In return but masculine boldness and effrontery. Any occupa tion. however alluring In its specious pretense, which draws woman's at tention from her most exalted duties of motherhood will result In detri ment to the nation and the race. "As far as I haye observed It ap pears that woman suffrage to the ex tent that it has been granted In this eonntry has not changed tho reeult of the olocioln. There ha* been a larger vote, but the renulta hare been the same art they would have bnen If women had not voted. "This In seems that our political life haa not been benefitted or purl* fled by the entrance of woman Into the political arena, though the do mestic life of those engaged in this political work must have been neg lected or at least impaired." Children GreatMt Aw*?t "The moat precious, undeveloped sflsel'of any nation Is Its children. An all-wise Ood, through the law of na ture, has committed this precious 1 treasure In a special manner to the mother. Women cannot vote Intelli gently unless they give time to an In telligent study of politics^, questions, and all such time taken from the houMiold will be Injurious to the fu ture generation, without firing to the present generation any appreci VILLA EXPEDITION IS COSTLY UNDERTAKING WAS^IXG^ON. ? Th % henvjr coki ? "f the nr.vlO .?m'? Mix'cun p?d.cy ? when tin- :.*.?!? * :ire i).**n<uN.l to longi *.'.l itwto: iith lliat b..?i>\ iu \i"W of rh- i.ki !; ci MCCompl.oMuicni ih-t L.a* a't iu"<J :!?? <*t;>endi:uiv. *i ht* ?*lToii ??? ? aj.iur* Villa ?K 'ti 01 alive : ad p -c. ent that ?'u;vpvjjj!nK ' ?-?? : : i \ uv.k, i : i?-n border, of the United 8t:'t?*:' ? a- . ?? *1 la: ? x 0 -1 i I. ' ?? .?r, i*h h., .? hi ? :i ?' 1.1 ;.'t ur dseli r-u.i :1k- i. . .. h i uis u i... a ?? .!i Mo. ?i a- j O.i til.' liOl.l, . :i .v n. l.v..v?'S <-i Mh . :i'*? i:?r si'-Vn- .-; other di?uLili;y *?.ri munt?l ?? i ? Lit,." i ? ? :*j? -fi l.? J) -r T.V 1\- I.JAVV. ?). iv Hi .. -t Wi." I'Xti'.i.J. it. 1 J; i a:.t:i?.i*l *; V.J .iflirrrsi w?T?- -.1 lo r ?pti -or various 1 ..?..ocs. a. |- r ?Vy t\;ae!v.'d the bur- 1 1 1' r . Of t ?? s*.- 117 \ve? p'ljaiciilJy | -.inubleil- The rimriiudir wi re al- ' \?w i'd iv? r di^'n be<*auru th y h;:d r.ini!ll?*s di-pi-udent upon *hi -i The: fctau-s in whhh th?-r?' ?*????<? t! .? ' . i'< niiMbi .* of res; r-* ii iti.. >? wer.- i New S3; III no a. 2- . A' th.v. ... 2'i. lV!in%jlvaai .24; It a. 22; m. 19; rCtufiKky. 1?: 17; Micl>i-uu. I'i: ttoan ?ciJ?-ut. l'J; Virginia, 11. f?n tmrv I'-ivea of f ???* ' J- -? a: i other physl. ?! I 1 I v v.f -1- I.'r! to n". : r t i-r.H | * . -t Imp w * ? ieivr: ;;>??: * 1 mi -.Isle t> tab'.il..' th? . ! GEOGRAPHIC BOARD '.v As51!!.\'? :?>N. The thortfftt tiiii.it in -ii*' world .?? that of the is luii?l t. . uii -it Kui'uii'i;o?dI. Ti:t? -plilc ti??- pi o- j v a*:i' oi w.fcieh in to &et the nei? . il I Lfttiivn '? r.ll iii the world l>-r I I'nrln Fntu, found t!ie name. , The ii'Ii-.nrt U is not very well known, Inn ic is off the Qu<lpart Is land*. b lit 'In ti> the fast ?md ri";xr th?* south n> ''o.'.s; of Chow n. which imro w.t> Kurt-u. The board li.:s bren ;n ? xlst.-nce *'<w ? 1 ^ . and hf.s established thr?u nl' Mir. i : ? I nauieK. Soillt oi these came out r ?? heated ar^umimtH. ( ; j? - ih? .*??? v-. n furnished by Pi.?s-i burp, or Piltsbuiph, an St lnslst"d on | I.P11K ||i i|. T'.e board h?d deeld-d to l-.p the "!i" oJT the Smoky City's name. ' Uut that Pity obj->etrd. Senators. R p i rcs nlatlv ?. the commercial rlubi j and the Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburg protested. The board fin- j ally (l''(:lilfil that although the olfi* j plal name would bo without the "h." the PittsburgiteH could still hav? their "h" If they wanted It. Many curious facts are contained in the board's latest report. For ex ample, Colorado, which 1h officially "dry," hau a short range of moun tains officially named "Wet." "Ten." It Is found to mean more than an affirmative answer to a ques abl* benefit In the purifying of the ballot^ "When 1 deprecate female suffrage I am pleading for the dignity o? wo man, I am contending for her honor. I am striving to perpetuate those peerless prerogatives inherent In her ?ex, those charm* and graces which exalt womankind and make her the ornament and coveted companion of man. "Woman la queen. Indeed, hut her empire la the domestic kingdom. The greatest political triumphs she cquld achieve in public life fades Into In significancy compared with the se rene glory which radiates from the domestic shrine and which she Il luminates and warm* by her conju gal *nd motherly virtues." 'I pcai' h.ivvh wi'ie dever.il hundred I in nu iti her. The ll^urcb on physical disabil.ty ;tx tin- bonier fori?.s r' paaent o*l.. t:io Jinvn ??!? us ?a? th?* of I ; ? ? rj. Tl.o iiun.'oeB o; ? ?t im a j ;iu *.v .e hill <J. who <iL.*a of vouui] ? ' ??r d!s?- .u- ;io-l who v.*.re sttick^u I '.villi 111. s i. *- ver.il t . tiicH ?ic:tU: 1 ' i .* 'i Jii t b?'i' of o!H ? rn. ,\l. ?::? (i. ? 'ho ;tuu?vr- Ti luMlf tl-.-.t ? ii? 1 '!'h ^ 1 ; ? in ,%t v:'n .iifi '? >?i! r. woro ronsidcrabl/ au represented by the war . ??f ;?ii>s ic.il dis.. bil.ty i->: ;? t.??t .i. j ..I Wt.r.'.k fa*. : i < :?.!!? ;ir? ? ? . v r?oflitlon alone hare ?' . l . dou.ihi". * .rf ?i t !;: ^ J.jv ? ' t '?ii o.i.ii ? . : v!-l..bli: !itil?*at ?l*: 1 i ? hi l.n >. rii. tmtin;> ; < r|. r Ti-iivilvd -I l>l> Uwi<-5 111 | ? ?? t'" -n t.'iO ? -O.i'O1' lias b-*?m ? ?i. V.v : ?..iS;r. iii ?a .i . ' 1 ' Vivrt 'I ;.*uur?l. iin : ? !'. ? '.'.i <j i f-'xPl-rtnC" &TC j ! ? ? y ollioers i oil .Hi-! ;u.? ?!?.? ? ns.? ! v t .*? v' -luuil' j ? I li'.::.. :? ??? ? :? tliuc A '.:ier! r:i:m on: o.' Mo* . ? cMiJitiaii# in north tin M > ? v. orse instead of bettor, t!. .?.? . no telling when there will b?* a rudii' tlon of the direct cr.-: of M^xlran ..narchy to the Amerlnn people. The cos? of 'nalntiiiolr.g pr.ice w;?^ ! M'-xl' o f r tie last t?-n inortfi* | h -n ^rr;it?-r than the ci>st of em- J *'ruc?: tlji! i'unama Cnn'-l ?lur : : ? any *. ? <!.i- i riod of tiim*. If th. prem.-n* rate of expenditure ve*. tf'r 1-e.i'e poli'-y will h iv?? <*.y t more than the I' nama run;. I. At th-v j f.imc lime, it to doubted wketl.or the] pence of this Mt.oa i? *mf more ? -r t i! in it was In tho beKJnni^a. y ^p: urn to re) 7:1 m Mexico with Inereased violence. t ... li .s the name of a b.*y in I: - :?:??; uliO ft Village OtJ tl ?? J ??:: Ai . .yl..ml .v f ms to r.in to animal : : ' fur it calls one of its points, i. > ('li.ii<o:oaguo Day. "Cony??,"j " :1m;:" i.< ?n inland in the satne State. T!)e r- ?;>??.?! also fives the lnformation t'';.* "r.'.rtonjrechayhe" Is the proper ?;* -'.it j. a civck In Mahoon county, N r. Th" v.-ar h::a runs a great many chanc*** In the names of places in belligerent nations. The board's re port chronicles the change of the capital of Russia from St. Petersburg to Potrojjrad, a Ml ethers of the same type. o-.m? of th** most interesting fea tures of the board's work !? in th? campaign for the unification or sytn *???) h i maps put out by the vari ous nations. Notwithstanding the progress of the war. work In this re p r-1 is colni? on with the belligerent For Chiistmas Shopping MAKE THE ^ our h<'a<l<|u?;rtc] s <'!;jin?j the holidays. Wo will close out all mens hoys and chil dren* clothing ami shoes at half price. dome to our store and save money, we sell it chi-apcr. For Women and Girls. Coats, Dresaat, Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, a* J other Nece**ary articles. For Men and fto\s. A Suit, OTercoat, Shirt, Hose, Suspend?, Hst?, C?p?. Shoe3, 1 ies etc. Do your shopping hew- ami have money for Xmas. Geo.Gcintovis, 1 ;r. Next to Western Union Telegraph GfJ'ne nations ami th?* neutrals. li>o. When nccoi:>pl:?t.i4 it will rrsalt la nil (OLitrlM havlnt; i? aps t be symbols of which will So inttlliglMc ;o cili- j zeni of any other a.ition. CONGRESSMAN HAS ONLY 44 CHILDREN LIVING (By United Pre*?,) I run l?E J A N K1 RO.? -Cotnea .1 ?t o ry from Ypacural. department of Paraeuari. Paraguay. t^al Jaciotho Chllawrt. merchant an<l congress man. and his wifu arc liu- P'oiid yar i-Dtfl of 4 4 children. who have be^n arriving for twenty yearn In ?<iuad8 of two. throe and even four, inil arr all living and In good h? alth. COMMERCIAL (MESS WILL CCSVEHE TODAY I Uy Vn-' .. , NOllFlILK , Vj .. i i:.>' ehtiac i ??<! <>::llook." n ' : ? : tiji? Euro jp-jan w*r, :#? Souther* | Oorcir.iTi'ia] ,? ro - .-ni-e hrsr? tod.iy will pv into t it* qt. fllion of ? ? i- . . .1 r>. ?<?/>? r<Mln??0 10 1. 1' ? l l.'i" .-hi / '? S r :t- throat ootnp'-tiion fr-ir'i t!u* *att*r? wltli t lie ??(..! ii ? Kconotnir. f! -1 . i ?. ? osrimituraL ami r?n >iij?T i. l t?; ? ?: {'.?? prob -HI Will bi' sli^ u :?>? ? xr"TtP fr'iiB Ihls country :.inl I ? - ? ? . ? .*1 \ number of thf th'hI noi.jM- n.?*n of th? country ar* h???J jl- i t .? uJrlr*** th? ConfrrriiB. "There's a Reason" NOT A HEADACHE IN IT

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