wASHIKGTOMFIKSirg.N a?iWH; FtH8Typj _____ f ? - ' :v WAfiHIKQfOK, mij&M bow. KIR THAT THIS GOVERN. MBIT WILL MERELY PASS NOTES ALO.NU. mm silent (By United Praae) WASHINGTON?Whit part tfc* Uultad Btatee wilt pay In turtherlnj; Oermaaj'a nxceatlDS for peace par ley I? aa yet undetermined But the** three biff Idea* toward it are ntndf: "l ?d her ht at leeu to cam 1 to < hATo to be bacifed by a gtiar mmttti of world peace. Tblri?That the United Matea will not be ?nm$Bd*d In (Ida On tike whole, aentlmaat her? at the present la that the United States ought merely to be meaaenger- boy for Germany and ?aw on her urojpSa ala. President WJlupn la yn decried closest foliowera, how"SVer, Wtiafe that the nation oaght to kd|*w whM, the allies think before pkaklot^anyj more. Furthermore. they aay frank- J I ly that they bellevp that England f _ will acorn Germany's oiler, especially If baaed on the terma announced by the German smbaaay. which are of fldaL In these clrrumatancea, Amer icana course must be cautlona, offl?? m. . , .-1 WAR COSTING FRANCE OVER ill* BILLION I,- ^ *_ PARIS.?Baoul Perot, former Min uter of Commerw*dtocn??In? In the j Chamber of Doputlea lot evening the budget for the flr?t three months of 1???. pointed out th*t.Fnmc? wfll hare Incurred expenditure? of 71, ?00,000,000 franc? (?14.620.000.000 between the opening of hottUltlw and the end ?t March next, while Great Britain In the sama period will have had an outlay ?< 90,000,000.000 franca-($ll.oos,ooo,?oo). Thli ?tatement drew exclamation? from the Depntle* to the effect that. "Great Britain 1? lhu? prored to b*v* collaborated cordially and com pletely." ' >' ' t i mmerce 1 Wy Money ,4 protesting against the legi* U^w from their, present diitributioo ist 9>e-Blat? highway?, vers adopted W Hight: lei ally brought to the attention- of thc Washington Chamber of Commsrori, that an effort ? being made by liuamnbe and aome of - the other weatem counties along the State Highway to memariaUu-the next General. Assembly of North'Caro lina' fcrr legislation, the purpose of which will be to dieeat the anto inobile tans from their present method of distribution, and. have all of the revenue derived -from thia source applied to building and im prori?t ?id SUte Highway ;and, WHEREAS, in the eowid judgment of this Institution, such pro posed legislation would he unfair, harmful and prejudicialte road work in Eastern North Carolina, and particularlyAi those counties which do not lie adjaoent to the State Highway; NOW THEREFORE, he It resolved by the Washington Clamber of Commerce, in meeting assembled, that it is the sense of this meet ing that such legislation ought not to be passed; that it border* on class, or sectional favoritism, and'is not in keeping with the true spirit of dAaecreey that is supposed to inspire all legislation in. North Carolina. Thai the best interest of Road. Work in North Carolina will be promoted by having the autoMobile tax money in North Carolina, distributed pro rita among aH K the count!? of thejState, under the system -now i? operation. We do further urge upon our Representatives in the General Assembly, to counsel, and vote against such legislation, and invite aH similar institutions in North'Carolina, to urge upon their Representatives to do likewise. SM LOOCES REPRESENTED J AT HEETUG OF HASGMS "4fca Most Worshipful OrSnd tO?g* mm: t &*?!>, Mffc.th? mmtcti?* rtb Carolina assembled la the Metropolitan M. B. Zlen char* for ?eselob of their an nual convention for* yesterday ?t OBoa. ** ' ' ."3| The Orand Muter. Dr. Rv B. Mc Rary, of Lexington, N. C.. fsllcU?Jta*l his brothers Id the (aad fortune that wu their? In meetlaMn the historic city of Washington, tka horns of the I lata moat worsblpfal Orand Master. L. R. Randolph. There ara mora than 600 lodges In t hi a J u r ladtction that ara raytaaaatad by their constitutional represents Uvea or by proxy. Thar soma from every corner of the Stele aad till? la I poaalhlr the largeat and moat repre sentatlve* body of nsgroee arar aa aamblad Kara. All callings aad *ro Dr. C. B. Brown, the efficient Orand Bseretsry. la looklag after the cleri cal department of the order tn da tall. while faithful Abraham R. Mld dleton la treasurer. At I o'clock yaaterday evening. Dr. Ball, prealdlng elder of the A. M. Tt. ZIon church, preaentad Mayer K. T. Stewart of Washington, who WSJoom ed the delegates on behalf of the city. Rev. W. W. Rollins, pastor of the church, waloomad them to- tin church sad losses. Dr. o. W Avtst o> New ?ar?. respondsd. ? . The Oraad Master's annasi ad dress. which la afwaya anticipated with ? great amount of lataraat. wa? the beat that has arar keen heerfe Many eoanaendatory remarks wee) Heard arar the masterful effort, |- - ! ?i T5. LAY THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR OWN By T?1fu>? Stock in the Home Building & Loanf jfl .. . * ? Tnifflfi Office |n S*vm?? & Trtut A NEW SERIES OPENS JANUARY ft 1917. 1 It (l indrpfnd?nt '?( fverv oth??r institution; it '? J. owned .*1 operated b?*. rfodchoWew. W. E. SWINbRLl^'Pres. i j ?' ?'?' y4 :?' JNO. B mkUBQWt J4|c. & Tr?W ?. Mo-,, iq. H. Mt.-,. w. t JK ft. . Itaenr, c. A. Flm* jr. c. Ku,)?r. im, a. 'trmnw, *?., w. M. H . P. ?. Bfjff O. A. Tu rnn?*, Jon B. ?P?rtW?. ? ' ?'? ?1 I V. = MOM. PICTURE B BE SON IW p ITWICWIStIK _ Thomas H. Ince's mart1 famous"pro dPetlOQ, -Wv> Women." -?111 be the New Theatre tonight. Though bearing ^.warlike title, It j differ? from all other war pictures ' for there are no battle scenes what ever; on the conttary ift-. ^liice has chosen for hie theme and portrayed It in the.most terrible and 'frank manner; the violation and mistreat--^ ment of helpless women during war time. * The plcturs is in seven reels. In order to make it more entertaining and Interesting, Lieutenant' U. C. Salaman, late of the British Royal ArtlHery. who has received an hon orable discharge tvfin the -British army, as the rdsult of ?hell-shot and concussion received on the 8omme front in Franoa. will deliver a talk on sctual experiences in the trenches. He will also display a number t?f new articles now used In modem warfare. Including the gas helmet. he wore while an the firing line. ' The picture promtant to .be one of the most Interesting ever seen hers and It is expected that a large au~ dlenee will be present to witness It. 0? WAY TO BEAT HIGH?LIVING ABy United Prees) -"Raise chickens In 1 If you. would eut the lying,** said Thoodoro "the Poultry fieri iotgfr' * thi pries ot bat Y*\ fQtialleJ f *na It la t com can be produce* at * "A tow fowls h> - largely from the , not only ""pre*. , but supply ttm fewearf afford V? M? v y hai ho r ?beet an * GERMANY'S LAST E|D FOR PEACE BERLIN.?If (hrau^B bid for ? U reected by tke SBteate PO? I at U>1? tlm?. I? la certaia tkat the Ural empire? ?111 ant take he Initiative toward t hie en? Germany hu nut nked itie power* to ititt ?eace ?>' According to the American < nderatandlng. aha baa the neutral power* tt> lateral tlona of tke Entente that Itral Power? an wlllln? peace, putting It up to tke attlea tor aevuleeeenae or refaaaL CLAIMS THAT TRUE IS jusnncAnoN for the mm\x tBy tmite^i uiai) . NORFOLK. Va.-jb.tiaAtien for ?high price? of food waa h?Sd out In Ipart today by Agricultural lOomml? iloner Brlgham of Vermel before Ithe Southern Commercial tCangreea on the ground of hlgkar piicee paid ' the farmer.. He contended for an rrorymant Is distribution and bet culUratlon. Tbie. be claimed, -? 1 maXe condition? rock that the > fould feed a billion > Commlaaioner also s ' farmer? wot aot to Hun tor out more tot'111Ifltxer- .and materiala with which to*.run farm. UNCLE SAN PAYS HIS CLERKS LESS THAN IN 1853 (By United Press) -w . | WASHINGTON. ? The United States government now pays its em }100 less a year than it did ytfars ago. Ethelbert Stewart, ilef clerk of tbe Bureau of Labor ?Statistics of the Department of La Ibor, an authority upon the sublect, ?declared today. This decrease oomee at a time [jwhen the cost of 11 vin* has soared two-fofd and three-fold from the levels of 1864. The salary scale of government ^clerks was fixed by act of tttSS. Prior to this there had been n?-r?gu llar grad nations In pay for employes. IA certain numti>r would c*t. Wt, stane?. per annum. anoth? ?81?, otherir 8S^60 and scf.o?. The jworfc of Including so many scatter ing Items in the appropriations bill vexed the committee who decided in tint jnear to put aO of the*? in ? lump appropriation at $140. This Is an example of the* plan was [followed In the fliing Of the rates a* Qtwrussfntal pay to Its employee. These classes have hot changed I that d?y save by the creatioa f lower -grades of pa* Therj were MtfiHnl tloyee ef the fovefiment at Aatl sphere are ***x , M tf *o clerk MM W soeh #ot 91JT00 a- yea*. ?Now ciesfcs by ? he number dl; C- m the nintrlrt Is ? statistics to haw 1 I r grade# of the esrtlo* liUCfi FEELING OYER RATE OE INSURANCE t Or OOMMKBCS JXOtO XAJTT OYER THE ACTIOX OF SOCTH?A STERN TARIFF " ' " ASSOCIATION. MAY ORGAWZT COMPANY ?" A discussion of the high rate* of Insurance in Washington and the possibility of organising a "mutual Insurance company" her?, were tak en up at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerec last night It was pointed opt that In spite of the. new water plant. Improvements In tfet Are department, the establish ing or a fire limit and other changes, the Southeastern Tariff Association, which makes the rates on Insurance for thU section, bad allowed Wash ington practically no reduction In the key fate. A committee was appointed to Investigate the mutual insurance plan and will report back at the next Meeting. I>r. D. T. Tayloe, Dr. E. W. Brown and Dr. H. W. Carter appeared at the meeting and announced the meet ing of the Seaboard Medical Associa tion bere next week. Tbe Chamber voted to co-operate with the local physicians to the fullest extent in order to make the convention m suc Reeoiatlons, protesting the proposed system of diverting road tax money to the 8tate highways ex clusively, were read and adopted. These rcsolutlona were prepared by li. Btewart and as part oT todays paper. T-ast night's meeting, was one of the iftost successful that bas been held by the dlttb In some time, A large number of members were present and there appears to be s new awak ening of Interest In the work of the organlxatlon. J. B. Sparrow is prov ing a most efficient president. AL1JED AEROS RAID BEI/jIUM war, works AMSTERDAM.? Tbe Amsterdam Telegraaf reports that the entonte allies have made Important air raids on various parts of Belgium. The newspaper ssys that a dosen airplanes reached Zeebrugge, where anti-air craft guns replied to them vigorous ly. PAT LIGHT BILL NOW. |W Friday Is the last dsy to pay your light bill. No discount after the 10th. A charge of 10 cents will be made for ? reconnecting. Pay now before ypn forget It. lS-13-Sto-tp. T?T~t n ?TTtV-a1 T,?' t THOSE TERMS." SOU DIM m FRAKCf EXPECTED 10 KJECT PROPOS SLS THAT WERE NADE YESTERDAY BY GBMAKY proposals Preposterous" (By United Pre?*) LONDON.?Tho British people have already answered Germany's offer of peace with the words: "We do not want pcace on ?urh a basis a? la proposed by the Contra] Powers.'* This sentiment Is not only reflected through newspaper comment but also in the expression of the people on the streets. The nation is looking to Lloyd George to frame his answer today. It jrannot be a direct reply ?Ince it Is hardly expected that Eng land's consultation with Germany will be through diplomatic channels. But the press and the public alike look to the premier to voice the na tion's reectlon of any peace based on Germany's idea of victory. Ger many's peace terms, giyin out by German embassy officials In Wash ington,- are regarded as preposterous and unworthy of serious considera tion.*% Prone? Also Refuse?. WASHINGTON. ?. Thj. following stWPBWr lisued by the French em-j bossy officials here today, explains| France's attitude toward Germany*? pcace proposals: "Premier Bryan, Rpcakinjc 'or France In the Chamber of Dep uties today, said: 'An for u*. we w are not earl ted over this peso? talk. We do not tftlnk llio war will end any time noo?u* * , It Is claimed la France that Ger many's Internal conditions are bad and that the peace mote on her put la Intended to take the minds pf her people awpy from fofrd an4 ?? hardships. ' Turn Down Proposals. WASHINGTON.?That the K?-. tente Allies will "conditionally" bnf " not flatly turn down Oermany's peace proposals; Is the belief expressed here today In British diplomatic cir cles. ^ ; An Entering Wwlgo. WASHINGTON.?While the ad ministration feels certain that Eng land will not accept Germany's pro posals. grant importance Is attached 10 Um>? bacauas ot thefart that they i, may form an "enteriS* wedge" for further peace parleys. ENGLAND CANT BORROW HONEY IN ARGENTINE (By United Presa) BUENOS AIRES.?A London new? paper having suggested that maybe the allies could borrow some money in Argentine, English periodicals published here today say there is not the ghost of a chance of such a thing. The Buenos Aires Standard Indorses an estimate that more than >73,685,390 pound?, or about II, 868,000,000, In English money In in vested In teh republic, adding that the Argentines need more for devel opment purposes and would be bor rowing It if times were not so 'tight' that It is not to be had. "Of course," the Standard admits, "England's Argentino bonds might be transferred to American purchas Iers but that Is not precisely what our London contemporary wants." TRIED TO SQL THE QUEEN ONE OF HIS WOODEN LEGS " By JOHN H. ITKARI.KY, (United Fiwn SUf Oorreanondent) ROMB. Not. 15?(?y Mali)?How an American eeleamad tried to Mil a wooden leg to the Qumb of Italy un dar the Impreealon that she waa a Red Cro? nora? waa told here today for the flrat time. ? Ki. C. 8waln. a braegfdrommar for artificial limb makdrbf Waahlng |P. C., had been doing hit beet order with the hospital, lttee repreeentlag the Italian ent. > Juet at he W|a on the ?ergo Of ihrltf the gentlemen up aa bad protpacta In came a moet charm, ing black eyed narae and Charlie. taklAf bearl. eUrted aU erer again lor her benefit. "lt> aU a 411 cation of gattlag naed to It,'* aald Swale "flea, 1 earn apln arooad on mlae like a toft*' flwaln anlt*d the action to the word. Por Rwatn'a beet nam pie waa hla own left ~^e fcfd Croaa nnree waa IMau# VVHMilr- ftafli Qawotad rc ery Jrteh of fctrf lttt* of tafk Orer the mytterlfme and rer'l-.-a ?Mi oi "tie oo. her much unsolicited Information. He told her of his climb to the aky scrapidg dome of 8t. Peter'?. If she didn't believe It, she could Ask the guide who had seen his performance and had received his can}. Afterward, he' caught up a chair and danced the "grlxaly bear," glid ing gradually Into a "hesitation." He ended hit dancing apre* with a bit of the "tango.* Appa/enffy amated and amused at his stunts, the black eyed nurte made her thank? and dis appeared. - ?sai1aisr>; The America* salesman, thereup on. turned agaia to the committee. He hiet a thundering storm of wiirfh. "FoolI Tool!" roared ths chorus of voices, "didn't >ou know that was Her Majesty, Elona Que*n'ef VMfyl" "Holy 8mok4|" sighed think I had a goldetf opportunity and used It Ilk?* nlckle-plated oflV" ' Mo)* Urffea Mmi&KW : A r?imur unToutloa of Mnr? Ch?W 4MU ko b?l<t looiRbt fa* wk la th. Royal *<*h Mima. 4. iumr #111 MIiv* lajoeriiafiy after .-Nka BELIEVE THAI GERMANY Will, yield mm (By United ftfeas) WASHINGTON. ? 'the Central Powers are counting upon netxtral* to play *n Important part toward in fluencing the Entente Alliea to accept - her peace terma, the German embassy declared today. Whatever terms are now nuggeeted might perhaps be In terpreted as what Germany would like to get?and not what she ex j pacts. Is was said. Actual poaee terms aro lens Important now than ! the necessity for gettPng together ? conference, Oerman Officials here state. Whr-at Valu? Plrne? Downward. CHICAGO.?"Wheat values plunged wildly downward twice yesterday? Aral on Account of Germany's report ed overtures for peace, and secondly, owing to traders' assumption of a ? likelihood that the character ? for discussion would brine shoot an ac ceptance. Bxtrcme breaks reached 11 1-4 centa a buHhel and transac tion? amounted to millions of hush els. **4, -J! IN THE BArr.T TODAYS PROGRAM, * ?AT? New Theatre j - * m TtMpM. 9* I***'* Nactarfal Prodoc-llfrt ?*#**?* WOMB*" " ft ??!!!< Ik Iter* J*r H. a i d*J ?Ufl Kir */ lUttl >t ?:!? MM than a Bath Robe? Smoking Jacket, Glove*, ' if s and lots of other useful gifts

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