? FT&BT IS tax RAJffKR or THE BEST 01TU8 TO LOTC m ? I ??? '???"? 1 >' ? l ? ? ?A* AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 14, 1#1?. LORD HOMME EXPUUNS WHY' GfNTRAl POWERS HIDE ' PROPOSALS HI THE PRESENT TIKE ?' I '1 ? BY JX>RD NORTHCLIFF. (Copyrighted by United Proes, JO 16) 1 JXjjtJDQN. ? Gcrmtny'i peace proposals are doe to facta which ?entiU oonntries hare not considered. - ' ?> It haa been indicated during the last few weeWa'thatgrava internal (tiaeeotion haa arisen in Germany, owing to food shortage Many of 4he people an without food and gnat privation ia being raftered. A feign 6# terror U sweeping the country. Relations are strained bo twecn {he variofls' states and also with Turkey. Germany's peace proposals at this time wo rweived by England with contempt. Aa for Franco, Rnssia, Italy and Belgium, thov are aa firm" as Plymouth rock. There is abeohitelj- no chance for Gcr lmny's proposals being accepted. ? ALLIES TO' DEFINE TERMS ? ? . ? . ?jag, (By United Press) LONDON.- ? Sentiment appears to He increasing that England's , fflhflernuniy'a PAX* note be x definition of the basic, trans for .gtaeeaa set forth by the ajliea. It is certain that the answep ut this fltae will be a rejection of Germany'a proposals, bdt it i?-folt that the Allies should meet Germany's strategy by a move Viiclt would pat the allies first in making known their demands and concessions. CLAWSON BACHMAN HAS DSN INDICTED An lUjn la * r?o?nt Imue of a Philadelphia newspaper , states that (ilaweon Bachman of that city had besa la dieted on the eharge of con spiracy and using the malU -to do fraud investors. Clawson Bach man was president of - the Washington Lighting Company before it went Into the hands of the ; * receivers. Judging from the Item, which 1* published below, there ap pears tp be no doubt bnt that tho "Clawson Bach man" mentioned therein a?d the "CUwson Bschman" who formerly resided bere*are one and the same persona. However, there is no absolute proof of this arailable as yet. The article in the Philadelphia paper follows: rRIUUnCLPHIA.? A rederal In Aetment charging conspiracy and ?sing the malls to deftand investors out of hundreds of thousands of dol lars has been returned against Claw Jbn Baehman and J. T. Hayden of this ?!ty and A. It. Nlssley of Bteel ton. Penn., comprising the Arm of T~" - ?" . ? Bachman & Co., Investment brokers, | which la now In the Bankruptcy Court. I It Is charged that the defendants defrauded hundreds of persons through stock subscriptions In -ttaa international Gas and Eloctrlc Com pany. a Delewaro corporation, - by representing. that sevon subsidiaries jwere earning sufficient profits to en able the .International, the holding! I concern, to pay ? per cent dividend. [?t la further charged that dividends I were i?ald out\of tho stock subscrip tions and that In some Instances the [defendants regained the dividends by Inducing shareholders to reinvest in new stock. * " i The subsidiaries, according to Pos tal Inspectors, pre the Cdyonl>qaf [Company. Conc6rd. N. (Sj'^koripP town Railway ahd'/L1g|it*J^rit^5?, Georgetown. 8- C.; '^yriirlftie Subur ban Ops Company. Fb.st Syr^cup^,^ T.; Gaston Ccuniy * tv* Oastonla. N. tt; GeotffMo^n Ga*aqff Electric Company. Georgetown,. 8. t?| i New Bern Gas Cotnfcfcii:f, 1$ew Born, |N. 0., fcnd the Goldnboro gWf pany, Goldsboro. N. C. ' { " j H. F. Baehman & Co.. raemfi.% oj the New York And Philadelphia a'tocfc Exchanges since 186<5. havfe fio con nection with the Arm whoso memblvt are Indicted. ^ BOX PARTY AT THE OLD FORD ?01 A box party nnd flab pood is t<l take place at f>id frflrd .".chool Kftttsl PrM?f nliht r*- u, r the benofli ,eT the nchoo* luud. Everyoa* frtn TltOrt. NO LET-UP Of Mm OFFENSIVE (By Uftitad Press! , BERLIX.? Despite Germanr'a Ipcaoo overtures, General yon llin j d en bu rtr'i declaration that -4here will be do- rest this winter for the German army, still stands. ; . -A Kigh military atithoritv re peated this quotation of (he field marshal's remarks in commenting ton the" fact that Germany care fully weighed the peace question before announcement of i? was -made, knowing that England did not desire peaec because <he allies intend to launch an foonuous spring offensive. COLORED MASONS TO HOLD CONCLUDING SESSION TONIGHT Convention Hwe Has Born On? of ' the MoKt Successful Ever Held in the State. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of F. A. and A. M. had one of the busiest days of the session yesterday. The Grand Lodge officers made their reports. Rapt Attention was paid Grand Secretary C. 8. Brown and Grand Treasurer A. ,R. Middleton when they made the most satisfactory reports from their departments ever Ihtcnod to hy even the oldest Grand Lodgw tneatbe'r. ^Thert reports rsV* evidence of the growth of the insti tution. The Grand Endowment Secretary Col. Jamea H. Young, gave a very elaborate detailed report- of his de partment to the satisfaction of the err ft. This department is the Insur ance feature of the order and has bcon the subject of especial care of Col. Young for moro than a' decade. The committee on credentials and returils made Its report this moraing and showed a collection around $6,000.00. This is In excess of the collection last year. Prof. C. M. Epps, of Greenville, read a resolution that purported to compel all lodges to support the an nual district Masonic school. Dr. E. L. Madison read a resolution pur porting to Increase the endowment policy from $300 to $850. It was >nt. Dr. R. B. McRory. the present Grand Master, was unanimously re elected as was Dr. C. S. Brown, Grand 8e?retary A. R. Middleton, Grand* Treasurer and CoL James H. Young, Grand Endowment Secretary. The Qrand Lodgo of 8orrow was convened "it 8 o'clock last evening In tho C. M. E. church with Dr. C. H. Daniels of Salisbury, acting Grand Master. On? hundred and flfty-flve de.it ha occurred in the jurisdiction last year and the eulogy* was effec tively delivered by Dr. A grey, of Liv ingstone College, Salisbury. Mrs. I)r. a touching and appro f^A fwMtftfee Orand Lodge mov ed from the Metropolitan A. M. E. in one of tho grandest evor seen hero #mong the, people. They traversed the lple streets to tho goring Gar aptist church, where Hon. P. 1 6t "Plymouth-, delivered a vefry ?ful oration. ' \ has been a very harmonious _ and very profitable from ?? angle. Washington has enter ed most royally and the large delegation la fulsome in praise of the Dr. MeKory is a smooth and pol ished presiding officer and Is begin ning bis ninth year. He Is ably as sisted in the dispatch of the work by A. H. Jackson. Ed Story, W. 8. King. 0 li 1. j Deputy Orand the Orand SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY NEWR BELIEVED THATi EE ACE PROPO SALS WKBBlMREQT CAUSE FOB THE ACTION ON TIIEIB fc*ABT. HEW CHETHC FORMED (By United Prow) AMSTERDAM. ? {The resignation of the Austrian cabinet was announc ed today in dispatches from Vienna. Alexander Spilzru teller, ono of the most prominent Anteanien in that country,' Is attempting a formation of j a new ministry. ^ For some time it has been evident that the Austria^ cabinet was not j acting with the closest of co-opcra- j tlon. Several heated disputes havt* taken placo over war matters and ; there has been a general disagree- j mcnt over many issues that have j been brought up. Whllo full information rcrardins ' tho immediate cause for the resigna tion is not yet available, it would ; appear that the pe^ce proposals, re cently issued byth$ Central Powers, had considerable do with the ac- * tlon. It ia known." j^JLaoine ot the members, of the '*IU*rz ? ly opposed to any such s^eps being taken. 1 FAVORABLE REPORT ON PROHIBITION (By United Press) WASHINGTON. ? Tho House Ju diciary committee todn*r favorably reported on bHls for nation-wide pro hibition and food probe. Thoy re ported Without recommendation of woman's suffrage. The commltteo on prohibition la said to have been twelve to seven In 'favor of recommendation for tho passage of the Wobb nation-wido prohibition bill, providing for a con stitutional prohibition amendment which must be ratified by two-thirds of the states. PAY LIGHT miiL NOW. Frldry It the last day to pay your light bill. No discount after 'the loth. A charge of 50 eenta will be made: for reconnecting. Pay now before j FOV forget It. TO GIVE DOCTORS ROYALM HERE Local physician* plan to give the Seaboard Medical Society a convention in Washington next week, which will surpass any ever held by that organization. No pains are being spared to treat the visitors royally durinr their stay in W ash i n gl/jLw'- U eJaborate program of mont has been prepared and in cludes a banquet, smoker, barbe cue, oyster roast and many other features. The convention will open on December 19 and will continue through December 21. J. P. MORGAN VISITS BRITISH EMBASSY (By United Preaa) WASHINGTON. ? J. P. Morgan, financial reyieEentatJ ? of the En- j tcnte allies la the United States, paid \ BPcrct visit to the British cn^buasy tvxlcy. The purpose of his action Is issucicd to be to gather Infofhiatlon egarding the possible attitude of the Entente allies toward Germany's ?eaco proposals. It Is further as sumed that his Tlstt may havo a >:oad feet upon future developments n international financing. Ignorant of I'arroma'g Course. WASHINGTON. ? Mexican Am )nfoador-Dt-fiignato Arredondo went o New York today to meet Alberto l. Pani, back from Qneretaro where its submitted to General Carranza Uo agreement signed at Atlantic -itjr by the M? xlcnn-AmerScau Joint1 ommlsslon. When he left here Mr. ^ 'i Jy 7ra n ' of action akeu by re placed before the American edro ulasionors at Philadelphia on Mon lay. TKmsn rntMK minister PRESIDES, BIT HE IS ILL LONDON. ? The press bureau 1s ued the following statement last light: "Tho prime minister presided at a iieetlng of the war cablnot this' nornlng but he is still suffering from he chin ho contracted, his voice in mrticular being affected. His doc .or haa ordered completo reel for a lay or two." INVITATIONS SENT OUT Mis* Ilohffia CarteT to Become Rrlde of Mr. C. J. Moore on Decern bor 28th. The following Invitations have been sent out: Df. and Mrs. Honry Walton Carter request the honor of your presenco at the marrlago of their daughter Margaret Robena to Mr. Charlea Joyce Moore Thursday evening, December tho twenty-eighth, at nlii? o'clock. Saint Peter's Episcopal Church Washington, North Carolina No cards have been sent out ^the r!ty. There will be a r?*c?DtlOtt at the home of the bride's parent* Im mediately following tho wedding, to which all friends of the contracting parties are invited. - LAY THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR OWN HOME By Taking Stock in the Home Building & Loan Association^. Office in Savings & Trust Building A NEW SERIES OPENS JANUARY 8, 1917. It is independent of -every other institution; H > is owned and operated by its stockholder*. w. E. SWINDELL, Pres. ; JNO. B. SPARROW, See. & Treaa piRFXTTOIW:? H. <J. Mn,., K. a W. ?. twttMMI. r. t. Berry, O. A. Klyna, F. 0. BVigler, J do. .O. Rrairaw, Jr., W. 8. Rom, F. BL Bryan, (X A. Turnip J no, B. Rp?nw. PROPOSALS RECEIVES BY HIED SHE -"sENT TO TO ! MINISTRATION ACTS ACCORDINC TO WISHES Of CEBLWf AND THE CENTRAL POWERS NO OMR ACTION IS TAKEN (By United Proas) WASHI2TGTOX. ? Germany's peace proposals reached the State Department during the night. Secretary Crew of the Berlin Aggbanyt transmitted them to the department with a confidential inettforarimJBh for President Wilson and Secretary Lansing. This aote^urlll bellied by them as a guide in dealing with the proposals. The text, to all intent*, is identical with press dispatches,* which were made known yesterday. America's first step townrd carrying out the wishearef Germany ane I the Central Powers as their diplomatic representativa^jp^^j^BtiiBte capitals was taken today within a few hours after thfe'Vte{n|rt of tha official text of the Teutonic peace proposals, wliich hare already bttft published. Secretary Lansing, under orders from President Wilson, has die patched the note to London. Paris, Petrograd, Tokio.and to' the pro visional capitols of Rumania, Serbia and Belgium. The "German communications to her enemies have been sent without* suggestions or comment by Mr. Wilson. The action completely fuJrils th? request made by the Central empires of the United States. It is stated on the highest^ authority that the Presidents mind is rtilLentigcly open. Tie is still undetermined as to what steps to take n?.wHl reach n? deaiamtf until ho haajooafidentiak ?4viq? #H*V Ajnerican representatives at the "Entente allied capitoJa. *Ono point, however, has become clear, and that is that Vr. Wilso? crill prevent his advisers from giving ardent advice, hoWfevep * fully worded, so that no move might be received unfavorably by the ^ allied governments. It has been suggested to him that jerhaps a joncise, clear and full statement, delivered to the Ameri<4h pepffea. and to the world, might bo the entering wedge to be adopted Community Christmas Tree Now Is AM&fir'M The Community Christmas tree, 'or Washington Is an assured fact. Vim. W. P. B&u k ham has been work ng strenuously in behalf of the oc :asion for the last week or more and i>lana are now In a concrete form. A meeting of representatives from [he dlffcront churches was held yes terday afternoon, at which the f ol- j lowlnK committees were appointed: Publicity: J. G. Bragaw, Jr., and Carl Qoerch. Program: Mrs. D. M. Carter and Edmund Harding. Purchasing: C. A. Plynn, E. K. Willis and Frank Moss. Decorating: H. B. Charles, Ed mund Harding. Misses Mary Fowle. and Mary Cowell, Mrs. James Mc Cluer, Miss Kathlyn Latham and Mr. butler. Finance: Mcsdamos S. R. Fowle, W. T. Hudnell, Dav<? Bell, J. W. Dai ley, S. P. Freeman. J. R. Perclval. Stocking Filling: Mrs. 8. P. Wil lis, Mrs. Cozzens, Miss Rachel Rum ley, Mrs. Prank Rollins and Mr. Frank Moss. It has been decided to distribute the gtfts of confectionery, nuts and fruit on the night of the 25th, the program to start at 6: SO o'clock. There will be a short address by one oMte?r6i*H|p?L local orators, ear ols bytne children and other musi cal selections. At the conclusion of the program the Are truck will drlre up, laden with the filled ' stockings and these wIU be distributed to the children by a real, lire Santa Claus. The finance oommlttee Is out to day soliciting fnnds for t)>e tree. Forty-one dollars hss already been seeured by Mrs. Baugham, and this amount has-b*en turned over to JUrs. Fowle, chairman of the finance committee. Those who hare donated so far are: Elka Lodge 110.00 Harris Hd#*. Oo. 10.00 t 8. R. Fowle 10.00 EI. R. Mlxon . . B OO Harry McMullan . . . 1.00 D. U. Martin . .-. . *. . '?.lNf Frank Most .... X . 1.00 J. L. Warren V. w ?. Total ..... . The finance committee Vin only visit the merchants of the elty. who deelre to contrlbflfte All* We not aeon by some member df'Yhe com mittee are urged to oend'tbeir eo? trlbutlons to the Dally T^ews, M<i they will bo acknowledged through tho columni of this paper. AURORA SOCIETY NEWS Enjoyable Dance BocJety for Churrh And. i AURORA, N. 8oclety of the n dance Thursday I for the benefit of dnnclng were: Mr. Portery Mr. and Jr., Dr. and Mr. Mr. Paul Nothing in better than a Bath Robe, ? molting Jac \ fler , Box Handkerchiefs andlotsof other u?e1\ Aho >^-uu/wJ tutottmtnt hltck*tar. 91. SO V $2. CALAIS

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