RE ADVISE GOVERNMENTS *OT TO REJECT PEACE (By United Prwi), WASHINGTON. ? Qenftany is ready to lay her peace cards on the table. The Teutonic ^peace sugges tions have all been forwarded to .the . allies with the VnltedT States acting aa offlclal messenger. The allied rep resentatives. it was announced today, advised their governments not to tnm down flatly the. peace profsrs without a discussion or explanation, lest such a move alienate the oplH U?. of the neutral nations. ? The above facts aro the outstand ing developments In the peace situa tion ec.iar -as Waehingtop ir. con cerned. They made the administra tion feel tonight that the entire prob lem is up to the Entente Allies, for the present at least. Officials believe that "with- the ball started rolling," "the wedge of dip lomacy" will wldln and that . the counsel of tho allied diplomats here will help serve the purpose of pro moting peso* talk, laying the basis for deter and actual peace negotia tions.. ? '?? . Ambassador Bernstorff. calling on Secretary Lansing, haa learned that the Utfted States will not supple ment Germany's profers with any word of her own, but Germany is* manifestly heartened by the fact that the lAilted States will not strut her self out from possible later offering of he* good services to both sides. GERMANY MUST CHANGE HER GOVERNMENT Allied Officials DecUre^They Cannot Mai With Ocrauy Under Present GontroL (, j - . J (By United Preaal WASHINGTON. ? "The Egtentd A 111m cannot mike peace with Ger many In the present form and under present control." This statement was iftade Satarday by two allied ambaMadorn. It ni explained lrf detail by an embassy oOolal as fol io* ?What the allies want la not so mufch a re-arrangement o I the hoon dartae.aa they do tha establishment of a paaoa which will not ha a mere trttoa and will allow the nations to reduce their armaments. Apy pea ei with Germany uadcr the present au SOKML n BEKDIUE BlPASIMtKT CMS ? ? MKSI Of N. C..HW Thomas O. McCoy, of AAevUte, la Charted With Belnf 1? With the Conspirators. (By United Press) WASHINGTON. ? Thomas C. He Coy. of Ashevllle, N. Cv. ooe of Che "hlger u?~ Federal' revenue- then; has been convicted at Jacksonville. Fla., on the charge of being Impli cated In the national whiskey fraud conspiracy and trill btt taken to Tori Smith, Ark., for trial at the June term of conrt for the alleged part he played in that whiskey fraud scan dal. J. H. Burger, former revenue collector, will be tried on a similar charge at Fort 8mlth. Government officials stated today that McCoy's conviction is an Im portant step in their efforts to get the men ."higher up" ltt the conspir acy. The big problem that has beer confronting the government men 1; that of obtaining facta to take the place of the confession made Vy Knox Booth, who suddenly died at Kem~ phis a year ago. Guy Hartman, who was arrested upon his return to this, country from Mexl(<6, has also con fessed, according to officials. GIVE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FREE "TOjiO C1MH A moet practical Christmas pres ent; and one that will give general delight to the ohildren. Is being of fered absolutely free by I. H: Morris' atore tomorrow morning. * 1 Mr. Morris has purchased fifty car pet sweepers, miniature in dosign, but perfect in workmanship. They pick up lint and dust and are en tirely practical. While they retail for lirty cents apiece, Mr. Morris in tends offering them free to the first fifty children, who come Into hie pUpf of business tomorrow morning, uqponpanled by an adult. There are "no' strings tied to this offer" and no one Is under obligations- to pur chase anything. But aa the supply is rather limited, those parents who desire to get one of these sweopcrr ior their children are urged to .do so as oarly as possible. ? number of residents from the rural districts of the county, who were la the eit y Saturday. stated that they Intended coming io Washington on Christmas day In order to be Jlf $* eat st the program that ia r rendered, st the Community Clirlstr mas tree. r> ; . "1; . ' 3? From present Indications ttriPMN parent that a large purober of mq pi* from different parte of V yjvlll be here'for the blf event and the* will undoubtedly brfof their children with them. It it exjftcfed that two thousand persons will wit ness the program and Ue presonta tlon of gifts to the ehlhiron. More mosey Is needed to make tlfe jbtrs Mi already contributed to the J Christmas tree fund are urged to do isd m early as possible. VILLiSTAS HAVE TAKENi CITY OF JIMINEZ IMPORTANT HA1LWAY JUNCTION IS TAKEN FROM THE FORCES OF THE DH FACTO GOVERNMENT. SUPPLIES BE? CUT Off , (By United Press) EL. PASO. ? Proceeding swiftly southward, tho Villistas have cap tured the Important city of Jlwlim. according to-advlces received "here by mining companies. The occupation of both Jlmlnes and Santa Rosalia by the bandits severs the only lines of supplies and ammunitions for Car ransa'Q army of the north. The tpwn of Jlmine* is an impor tant railway Junction. It is reported that the capture was effected without ?jreat resistance on the part of he Garranza garrison In the city. The yuuiiM attuned ti.o n ,*n aides and njany of the Carranxistas were taken prisoners.,. Violent fight ing occurred In the streets of the city before it was finally captured. I L H. MORRIS ? HEADQUARTERS 1 FOR CHRISTMAS C.OOD6. I __ CITY CURLS FAILURES. LONDON. ? Eighty, frivolous city girls are the world's greatest fail ures as farm hands. The pretty maidens in calico frocks whose photos have filled the British pictor ial magazines for mopths are almost! useless when U comes to actual work. This Is the. verdict of the Wiltshire war agricultural committee which nndertook the taBk of training city tfrls to get back, to the land. I. H. MORRIS? THE STORE TO nUY TOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. ^ ? . * h* F?. WASHlNOTON.-wl Usher* here Baturdai rore the fffc^eral Jri against a "paper tn make a direct ?m Qeneral Qpegorj- fa relief ofth? t>r*?0! newspaper print avi decision was mcfcid that Comcdlastenei'Ti nounced that the t continue Its inreettfj the publishers pre^ B. Varaer, of KortW that they, wpnt n?s< of the commiaBJaau dene? to warraaVf] aDefed trust. . ~ A co-operative ftfcnsprtnt paper | factory, to combat Jla; p^eeent high prices will be ect^lahsd In North Carolina if present p^ns materialise. H- B. Varner 1b lea^ng the light of the sontbeni publishers before the Material Trade Conjfclsfllon and R. Waver, of the Dnrtikm 8an, stated that they had. the aaaarance of ample capital to back tie project; "We feel ?ore with, the capital we hare on bepd," WeaV^r said Saturday nights Te're all kdft* of the right kind of timber that ytc need and can get it reasonably enough to sen news print at a good projjt .and still cnt lower t)ian the rulMkjts prices that the paper truat^.fihirglng. Natur slty, the plant wfli bit** chiefly for the-fcageflt pt ssu1l1%'J ubH?h*r* SEVERE STORM ON ATLANTIC SEABOARD NBJW YORK. ? One of the worst mow storms that this section of the Atlantic coast baa ore r known, ac companied by ft gale that lashed ships in the lanes of mountainous waves, grounding two vessels and holding others back for a day, wore Itself Q?t tonight. Tha army transport. Summer, .ashore on Barnegat since Monday, will probably be saved. The Norwe gian steamer, Juno, ashore since this morning, will probably bet taken off Little Bgg harbor shoal at the high ***? ? X CHARLOTTE OBSERVER IS ; sup OUT Fire Broke Oat In Urgo Printing Boom Yesterday Afternoon. ham Is 950.000. (By Unltsd Press). CHARLOTTE, N. C. ? Fire Satur day afternoon practically destroyed the Observer Printing House and ser- i 'lonsly damaged the plant and offices I of the Charlotte Observer. The loss exceeds IW.OOO. The Observer was Issued last night from the plant of the Charlotte News. Bill Dnpra, Prominent Farmer, Sertoli* ly Wounded hm Result of Altercation. (By Eastern Press) .T KINGTON. ? Ben- Faulkner, white, this afternoon shot tfnd seriously ln lured BIH Dupre,.** -prominent fsr mer of Lenoir county. Ik* shooting occurred In front of the Central ware house and is said to have been the result of a heated altercation be tween the two men. The bullet en tered Dupre's body Immediately above the hoart and lodged In his left Shoulder. He wjp taken to the hospital and while his woundB are serious, they will not necessarily prove fatal. Faulkner was arrested In the of fice of the Central warehouse. When It was found out thst Dupre would live, he was released under a 9600 bond to guarantee his re-appearance In court. WOMEN 8T1CEL WORKERS. I 8HEFFIELD. ? Women cranedrlv ers are employed In the steel works hers. They wear masculine dress of | chocolate brown with blue trim mings. Local Merchant Buys Up Entire Edition Of Paper Tht? edition of the Dally Nero, tb?r first Sunday paper to be published In Washington with a complete -press servlcdi is due to the progreastveness of I. H. Morris, one of the prominent EfiMiftlfejlBifc ' -il - Mr. Morris tame into the Dally* News office about *4 week ago and that he whnt?d to buy out a? entlr* Issue at the paper. . He re que nic (J a (Special' toieqraph aews sni&| vice aita *ave Instructions .to makd the issue just as bright and, nevnrf as We _ V ; ... j ?' " Mr. Morris further stateftjbiaft M iras his testation to bring his large I stock of ChrlsWhts m^rch*4iso to f! public la a most forcible manner. "I want the people ot WsshlngtoA and Beaufort county to know that T hafe prepared for tTrera the largest stoelf of Christmas goods that V have ever had to-ofT-r them," bp remarked; "I also want to give theaa * Sunday. morning; paper, with oamplete tele graphic reports, to elixir them: that I Appreciate their patronage And am willing to do aomethlng to Return, i believe the/ will eajoy reading a pa >?r of thia kind of Sundaylmornlng." ?. : Mr' Uarr rKmerti tire 'bwi carried out toth? lottos Hi^vJrf the Teutonic Invaders of Important Town PARIS. ? The captui* -M Besoa vaux was announced rtpyp as the latest victory of* tfcd ftuiiBh offensive north of Verdiurito the Ini tial advance of the first t4vr struck at the German lines. - ;^-x The fortlflcations aroqpd Beson vaux fell Into the hands oPtfe* preach after a vigorous dash. OHelal state ments indicate that the Fr??ch offen slve north of Verdun ha?t>een re sumed with added violence Tester day's dispatches told of tfee capture of German works defending, the cLty. By the capture of the town Kaeir, the French have now advanced approxi mately eight miles from the^otrtsklrU I of Verdun ffud have extended their : positions since the assault'togan to j a depth of moro than thrjse-jqpoi in I this particular direction. Ml WORKING HEN III SW TO CO ON STOKE MOM (By United Prees) MADRID, Spain. ? A natlon-wldo strike will become effective on Mon day to voice the protest of the work Ingraen against the dearth or food supplies. Men la all lines of wvWMr* 1Mb ed In the strike. Comfit] the poorer classes are I extremely critical. All crops were short, being charged and m being suffered. DEPORTED BELGIANS USE ' SENT BACK TO BfECIUM (By United Prcaa) BERLIX. ? Goruumy ha* al ready pot xi mod from ilx to neven handtrd iMgliuii, whom she had transported from Bclfflnra b?* rniwe of th? mistake In rlusi flrntlon whereby they had been Incorrectly dmlpiktMl m "tin I JAPAN AFTER I8LANDA. THE HAGUE. ? "If Japan gets Java and Sumatra from Holland as j at present. the 100,000 emigrants In ' the United States can be recalled, ! bo America will also be satisfied," 1 says the Japanese ex-minister and publicist, Yusaburo Takekoshl. In his latest article. t The article la a demand that Japan take advantage of the present favor able Juncture' to annex the Nether lands East Indies. employed." This Information WQp g&im out exclusively to the United Frcwe Hntanlajr night, fhe cor rupt . governments In a ^ravnher of Ilolgtan cltlce in in> rieiirahle political oppopprt* b*. ln? railroaded te this ipaMf. IN HONOR OF MISSSMMI Mra. Henry Brldfem?4 land Mr*. 8. L. Brocks enteruiaaf 8ati*