" . \ Made By feiiiafly s. OOCKCII/0? THE UMPIRE rftOEH aomnU.iT TO OTTKH PLAT KB/ECTION TO HEATH) SESSION KID IB? United Praat)' 5 : }V IWTROORAD?The Couadl af. tbe.Kmplre, la acsalon today, unaal : monaly declared thcmaelvoa'th favoe of a categorical refnul of tbo ?111? to eater Into any peace negotiations with Oermany. 1> TUe lewlon wu an extremely ex citing ona. Prominent atateam an delivered heated addreeaee. urging tlui the war ba continued with In rreaalng vigor and that all peace dle enaalona ba tarn ad aalda. The rar : diet of tha council wan received with mayohay, by .<bo people ;of the peara to havybeoq areMed. J > Mil SINK OF COLUHBV [^.f V(BT Baited Praaa) BiKUN.?Tha American etaamerj Colombia waa torpadoad becanae. attar having been nlaaaad trh'aa Mopped br a-Oerman enbmnrlne, ab? aaat wlrelaae warning* of tho a^broa rlne ?one operation* In violation of neutrality lava. This reply, to tha American note pa tbo aubjeet waa today haarfed Charge Crew. Vmntaf Plant. 01 9y ralalBC tha neceasary capital, Maw Bm bu Mrarad the location of ?h? TeOMrtnK plant, wWch was form erly localM'.lB OrMaTllta, but was born ad down a (aw m on t ha afo. a. .. ?? i i," "Willi i.Mil'11 ?r h. HtO. folk. ?jr, IW I?r (trk ?11? ko? I Ctenat k(M<M *?> to ?... to?o wtodo? ?tot jo+n moddmt to rm^-T At Mfcer fott.' t*r?l 11? tod U ? h*h. To bear aboot Hanta ?k> ooai k 10 daar. S?! .. -.ja?, li in wmt?? < | Th. wood W ao tcmnm? IM^to kquto MOMmimM NEED HMDS 1 TOR CHARITY . With mar w . , who And tt dimcolt to mki both end* meet. ft 1? plumed to ralae a |tood-B!**d mm among the more pro*, perous oUlsen* durlni the holiday*, tors It orer to the aupct.t^l Charl tl*. and let It k? need durln? th* year la relteTlnc w?al and privation. There are Mrerel famlUee la the elty In which there la clck*?**. The men are uaahle to work and there la IwletM? tra hand. It I* for the re Cliarftlea !, TnSlIC ?plrlt*4 ?10? that their are able to eo?trlbo?* to tHI* fund and relieve the dlstreoe at their fellow-citlien?, u?' ttftfed to ?end their cheeks to the Delly New? or to eone member of 0tt Aeeodeted Charities, i The roUowios lure contributed to far O. A. riynn 11? CO E. B. Mlron 1( 0? ! Total . . . . .... . v.*. .. . 1*0.00 m . CAKM m THK cm ,-fJ* ABS Wi?T*D at OSC? ? Residents of Washington. vko ? know of m cuca In the <aty wk?r* there U need ud fUt at the preeent tin* or where then I* alckneea and prlratlon, an erged to lot then OM be ksen to tM .Daily Maw* at ? ?1? Che 1nli?Hi. ol tMa ?? ? jerTo publleh the** eaaea ?fun ? Chrletm** ? wltirholdln* the ? *?mee, however. They will t* ? deeerlbed la detail and then f those of oor dtiaem. who would ? ? like to aid the mil mentioned, ? can hare u opportunity of e* ? If there ere any famllt?* that ? need help, let o* know about ?-tftML If tber* I* any tfekMaa. t ?* coal, let ue know. ?- * v? x ? Thia Is urgent. It I? only five ? d*jr? until dferletmaa and the ? matter ?bouM be attended to at I Mlee Helen U. K ear ta home to ?pend the holiday* with bar ?areata, Mr. and Mr a W. M. Rear. Women Find Local Stores Stocked Up For Christmas Witt oulr (HI nor* ten left Is wMeb to ?? th. Cftrlgtaua ttaMin. local ?tona are b?lk| irovdad (mat morning until lat. at night wtth eag ?r gift akUtan. Mo? of th. local eatabllahmenta ban made preparatlona. ' . ?'.H Anoabtr of promt nan t ladtea hip peoed to moat thla morning on tl>a street awl t h or dlaeuwad th? Inauco ?rable gift euggeatlona at !es(f&.'. * ?Tre Juat bought Kra. y i os? of t hoe. earring aata at tha Harrln Hardware Companr." ?tatad ona "I think thar'ra delightful." * ' "Thar certainly ar*. Aad that re mind? ma. IVe got to ^o orir to Waltar -Cradla-a and get a??** ef> thoae (impea. Thar"re delicto?*."" ?I hope Henry wHl ha?II .Kilt that pipe I bought him at ? 111 ?I enport'i," pat la another. i;. "Ton ran arrar tell M Thar are ao hard " ifec Ss^astfc 'TW jflt bought % dQMD Of thOM handkerchief? from Morrto*. Ifcve rop teen the new walau fl?t be hujuat received?" .. jpi _ ? ^Wo, X haven't, but I'm going over there just en won m VwMMsl ?m Mr. BclL ; want to ?et ana of thoM foli knJrca for Joe ? ru m rot later then hp at Hoyl " 1'aa cotox there to do * Ul na akopvla?. Ttor haw ? Mat beautiful ataok on dlnplar. "IS# Jait come from Wortbjr ft Etherldge'a and han ordered Tom a box of cigara. I ho** tnej'U ba the klad ha Uhaa." win idve pa1 Od?* 1? I mllhir'taa. Bj ?h? I a fair ? fcoaa r&~7; CHECKED ?) _ _ of French i oT Rhelmfc, which vu attempted tlUT A W artillery preparation, wu detailed la todays official ?tatomenta. After a rigorous engftgessent of hand-to-hand fighting > with the French around Cbaabrettes, In the Verdun section, they /maintained their places la front of the Germans. It wan officially announced, Fighting contlnuee of! grant vio lence. The French mpde dfpperate effort* t? force thr Gormani to fella qalsb Important poriUoM? Ml war* unsuccessful In their attempts. There la nothing new to report on the Balkan and eastern front*. The Human alna and Ruaalana are still continuing In their retreat and are being vigorously pursued by.the Qer PROHIBITION IS VOTED ON IN BOSTON Vigorous. Campaign Made trj Boll, ilidea. Hilly Sunday Played * MateriaJ Pvt. (By United Press) BOSTON.?Boston Is today derid ing the question of prohibition, while the eoontry looks on to see if the growing tide of sentiment, which Is sweeping the nation, will engulf the Hob, After * mofirantous campaign,' Billy Sunday, the famous evangelisti ,y prominent cltisens, who assisted In the fight to make Boston i dry, sre hoping today that their tfork will result* Is victory. They were met with bitter antagonism en part of the )Jpaor forces. ~ p ( ?nlsns rushed tO the poll? pre.aula? Ida the Dlatorr ot the at roertrwUh and Market atreata. Tka .trangor iCtaetad a valkr* "Whan they feaahed Ninth and 01 !?? atneU Ufa etranrtr produced t ckark for (XI em the Union Station auk. hi?M* to Ckarlek V Uanla* _, !???? I I Ha aaket kuok to la* hi* hare lit and am th* tkaak for .neurit* W ha. th. eMi. " - the at rangier ha. tka Tka pollra hara ttm raport. . , w5. _______ INTERESTING PAPERS! TO BE READ BY THE Public Ooedialljr luritod to Attend the Various ifi? to be Following U the program which ?111 be carried out at the contention Of the Seaboard Medical Association tomorrow: WedBMday Mornlnf, 0:80. PAPERS: Old-Faehloned treat ment of pneumonia, Dr. W. J. Har rell. Norfolk. Va. Pneumonia in the agod. Dr. Joaspb U Sprulll, Colnmbla, 8. C. Rheumatic arthritis, Dr. Joel Crawford. Tale, Va. The etiology and treatment of epilepsy. Dr. Susan A. Price, Skill man. N. J. Trifacial Neuralgia: Its treatment by alcohol Injection at second and third divisions at the foramina ovale and rotunda. Dr. R. L. Payne. Nor folk. Va. Post operative adhesions In ab dominal surgery. Dr. P. St. L. Mon cnre, Norfolk. Va. Bone survery. Dr. Joseph T. Bus-, ton , Nowport News. Va. Further remarks in nitrous oxide | oxygen, Dr. 8outhgate Leigh. Nor folk. Va. Intensive treatment of sphillis. Dr. I Thomas V. Williamson. Norfolk. Va. j Wcrtneeday AftermKm. 8-00. PAPERS: Iloo-GoUtla? Dr. R. E. WMMiauk Norfolk. Va., <t T? D, 1. O*""- Pfr BtT *? HalM*. Roper. irrc. ?' "? *-? ?.-?*** Pollo-lCyelltls. Dr. L. t, Royaler. Norfolk, Va. * Newer developmenta- In Infantile paralysis. Dr. Qeorge E. Newby. Hertford. N. C. Remarks on Dacryocystitis; report of case. Dr. H. W. Carter, Washing ton, N. C. An explanation of the excess mor tality in the south. Dr. J. Allison Hodges. Richmond,. Va. Fibroids. Dr. John F. Erdman. New York City. A plea for a cloaer study of the early symptoms of pulmonary tuber-1 culosis. Dr. J. Howell Way, Waynee-1 Till*. N. C. . J WMneedwy Bvenlnp. RrOO. PUBLIC HEALTH MEETING (Open to the Public) Tuberculosis. Cbas. R. Oandy. Nor folk. Va. Cancer. Lome* Owathmey, Nor folk,. Vs. Other public health sddreesea. SIM FOR ARMENIANS Local Citlani Still Contributing for tho MM nT tho Huflferers, While 9160 of the Armenian end Syrian relief fund, collected locally, baa been aent to the Relief Commit ter In New York "City. local reatdeat* aro atUl contributing to the fond and the total amount now atanda at 9161.40. Previously reported ......9191.40 W. O. Prlrotta 1.00 Total 1191.40 $170,006 HEART BAIH ntuf>urn Yooag Lady Awarded AM (By Halted PITTBBUROIL?Mlw tt.lU* Rich vrda wai today give* a Tartlet of 9170.000 In bar holt a million ifeaci u&r. Jllchlfrt. I. M < 3&2S&2L * T to mlrry ba^ aW, THAT MAKE COM AMENDS FOR HER ACTS ? ; .* LLOYD GEORGE DELIVERED HIS ADDRESS BEFORE THE HOUSE OF COMMONS THIS AFTERNOON ? "^31 NOTE IS BEING PREPARED (By United Press) LONDON.?The allies will not treat with Germany for peace until Germany formally states the term? upon which bor peace offers are baaed, Lloyd George today announced in the House of Commons. "We do not propose to put our beads into a noose, with the ehd of the rope in Germany's, hands," was one of the many strong state ments the premier msde in his speech. He also announced that the allies terms for peaco would be a complete restoration by Germany of that territory which she baa captured, full reparation for all damage domr with the effectual guarantee for the futurei "Britain endorses every word of the answer that haa been made bj France and Russia," further stated Lloyd George. Great crowds cheered his remarks. 1 "Without reparation, peace would bo impossible," he added? "All ont/agfif. oa.l^nd aad. jpa ?annnt be liquidated, by the {tpr picmr_ ^hfrtsoirabctat humanity. Toward "the conclusion of his address, Lloyd George announced that a formal note from England, responding in this way to Germany's peace proposals, would soon be completed and given the ambasay for transmission to Berlin. The Premier also emphasized the unity of the allies by declaring that each had arrived at its decision to reject Germany's proposals, under their present form, indefinitely. His terms, he stated, would be to .reject Germany's offor, couched in bitter irony. Th^ allies will insist only that the end of the war must be a oompletegnarantoe against Prussian militarism disturbing tihe peaoa of Europe at any future time. At the outset, the premie? stated further, the German chancellor's speech afforded small hope for axr honorable and lfffripr settlement. MILITIA BOYS "SQUEAL" 4 (ftj United Pre??) EL PA80.?By orders of General Bell, a rigorous In vest IRation la no ler way today to determine whether Usclpllne shall bo administered to the 580 guardsmen of the Eighth Ohio regiment for signing a "round t robin" protest, addressed to sn Oblo j newspaper, against farther stay on j lbs. border. The latter protested Agsinst camp conditions and the food. It is stated In ofBclsl quarters that the ring leaders, or potmlbly sll who signed, may be subjectod to mild discipline. The original copy of the letter was Intercepted In the malls at Piatt, Kama?. Superior Court la 8?mIos. Superior Court Is In session here, with Judge H. W. Whedbee presid ing. 'i ? * '-?it iy ? ? ARE PREPARING FOR "THE CHRISTMAS TREE fliolrs and Oilldrm to Prartloe Hong. Tonight. Will Fill Btoclfr. Ing* Tomorrow. I A meeting will be held at the Elks ] Hall 9 o'clock Thursday evening for practice of all the choirs In tho city, school children and others 1^ terested In music for the Community Christmas Tree. The children In the second and thli*d grades, who pra?tlced Christ mas songs with Miss Glasgow are also urged to be present at the neetju. The stocking filling #0? meet In the Brown bulldJaf i ket street tomorrow morning 1 o'clock. Supplies to Ml the l Inr* hare been order** asd^R at the store. * LAY THE 'jffitf*' By Taking Stock in th* 4U.-.w??/: Home Building & Loan Aifloci^jpn Offio* In S?Ting? A Trmi BuDdbt^^^T| ; A NEW SERIES OPENS JANUARY 8, 1917. ;tHr>ibUfe0*Mtait <rf ?r?ry otker institution; it j j?o\a?d ?pdi?|>?r*ud by w.'t. SWINDELL, Prt*. ?; jPto.B. SPARROW* See. &&epi* -a o. m-, *. a. h** w. ?. ^SSTTZ ? - _ Kot many days remain in which to do yftut SHOPPING, Sava , ?Sfciwr* ~

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