(B j Unltort Prai) ;"3 WASHINGTON. ? Fo/ the ?un* reason that vGroat Britain and her allies did not flatly reject the peace proposals of the Teutonic power*, they will not flatly turn down Presl cording to the opinions of diplomats here of two of the most Inrportant synffc jtfcr *ow eirists sjrtllft! States for the ftktent? cause. V *v These allied diplomats, however, admitted their ' chagrin" over the President's suggestion of speclftcn tlons for the war objectives neces WASHLNOTON. ? Congress will give President Wllepn free and un trammefled rein ?n his attempt toj And eotamon ground upon which the European belligerents may meet to formulate plans for a lasting peao*. PEACE NOTE Mrs. Maggie McOowan died, this morning at f:16 o'clock at the home of her brother. L. H. Ross. The funeral services will be held tomor row morning at 11 o'clock from the home. Rev. C. M. McBntyre official- 1 erment will be ?t Oakdale J. 9V Blnkley. of Qreenvflie. Is t today In the etty. attending DIPLOMATS HERE SAT THAT ENGLAND WOULD LOSS WHAT SYMPATHY SHE HAD HERE. '(BrTTottoi , jjfe' dU minimi i? ?n I.. I mm r- ?*rr tntetec <Sop?*J. dp?, two i MO, aocordlBt to ayotl takfpn tod?) I V ?? l iJtod Pw??i TV?e two are B>pmuiuihei HkboU . OC South Carotin* and HsU of Both .m Mlavad to b? di?.H??ed with the n> ?nard M ni koU the. balance of pomr and it la bo! Wed that they will to? la favor of mtreml train in*. fBfip,?' - .. ^ The statement showed that' the bulk has a capital atock of 910.000, a surplus fund of tt.500. undivided profits of $3,339. and deposits of I100.C2S.16. The net earnings of th" bank for the year are glvea as I3.037.6C. Two new contributions were made to *bo Associated Charities fund to day. It is hoped that the list will be materially increased tomorrow. Following is the report of the fund to date: Previously reported $ 94.50 Eureka Lumber Co. . J . 25.00 J. E. Adams v 2.00 Total 9124.50 Itfraf B. R. Hodges, of 6ld Ford. die#nuddea)y lest night. The funer al services will be held this after noon. Rev. C. M. McEntyr*- Will of ficiate at the burial services (By United Preaa) RICHMOND, VA. ? Captain Wil liam 0. Matt K dead and Firemen Abram Poda and J. L. Back are aer louslj Injured aa the result of fall ing from a ladder la a *100,000 are, 1 which Is rating here aad which haa destroyed aeraral buildings. IFOM TRAD! OF D. S. Will BE 57, 147, 000, ( (By United Proas) WASHINGTON. ? The proepects lira that the United States foreign trade for the rear win total |7,?oo, 000,000, tt waa announced by the Department of Commerce today The -Jlrit ?toreo io tr.wMoo.wo. HALCYON CLUB DANCES The Halcyon club today announr** its dances for tho holiday*. The 1 danc'm will be held at the Elks' Hall on the following dates: Christmas dance, December 17, j Levin's orchestra of Raleigh. New Year's dance; January 1, My- ! cr-Davls ordifrstra of Washington. Returned from 8t- Mary**. ' .MIsS Mamie Latham Richardson has returned from 8t. Mary's College to aporid the holidays with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richardson. CLARK TO BE CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT IN 19201 (By rarhr lL Aa)an) WA8HINOTON. ? RepreeentalWe Coward Poii, o ( North Carolina. clOM personal (rlenda of Prartdckt WHeon, and ?ho man whoa the President aela?t?d to lead hie light against the McLaioore reeolutlon, to day aUrted a boom (or GhMife Clartt (or Prakldant la 1?I0. when h? gave the Dally New an eiclualTe ? n**r view daetarlng (of the ap?ak?r (or President In 1M0. 8p?ak?r Clerk* *ae. Mr. Poq ears. will not M-naltt*t him. He polntod to the fact that. the Missouri statesman Is now aa active u moat men at 50, and he baa no apprehension aJoag this line. Because of Mr. Poti's known Influ ence at the White House a great deal of atteatloa will be paid to his I statement today declaring for dponk ?V Cftrk a# tlie Democratic caadldato Clatk was done a great Injuattte at BaHlmora four raara ?< wb?? hi* , tKkrty failed ti. d~-iara htm nomlnat* i ?d utter Ira ba<t held a majority (or a dot an or th? ballots, la confident alao that Hid M SMMtratle and Sat win S* iM1KH( npealt??r?t without DCWci oVU. WE HAVE JUST RBCBIVBD PROM THE U. S. TkE ASU&Y A new supply of new crisp $1.00 and $5 Bills Md Wirt tak* In ?ar o t?r trim** ' Savings And Trust JNO.I ? 92 ml CHI Of All 1 S. SPENDS IS FOR WAR, sws ml WA8H1NOTON.4-More thxn nine ty-two' per cent ?4 the expenditures of the United states government dur ing the neat fiscal year will be to P4/ the cost of waf or ia preparing for possible wergild Claude Kltch la, majority leader of the Honaiu4o? day. "The estimated Expenditures for I the Army and Navy* for fortifications. I j armaments, battleship* and men wlll| require seventy revenues from pendltures are the defense . "Then the _ . , to those who hare past ware will brta ditures oh iceouni nearly nlnety-th }per cent of the| ftlon. The whit we call) i for petition* I participated In | the total expen if war up to | cent." GUARDSMEN WONT BE HOMETILL NEXT WEEK! DAL/LA8, TEX.? jHone of the six teen thousand natrenal guardsmen ordered home will oe ahle to leave the border before.jwi middle of next week, according to railroad officials. DENVER TO CELEBRATE , COMMIT CHRISTMAS auditorium tomorrow night to cele brate Denver's first community Christmas. ^ Extensive plans hav? been made for the affair and the en tire city will play Santa Clr.us to Denver's kiddles. The program will consist of a mu sical and literary entertainment and the distribution of /rifts to about 10.000 children from an Immense Christmas tree placed upon the stage of the auditorium 100,0110 PITTSBIMRS OUT WITH 3 MIlllON TO SPEND! P1TT8BBROH. ? Ona hundred) thousand men and hoys with $3,000." 000 in their pockets gave the Christ- ' mas shopping symphony a grand fi nale today. They are the workers In the big j steel and munitions plants of the [Pittsburgh district ? probably the highest-priced army of Skilled and unskilled workmen In the country tod*y. Nearly all of them were paid with in the last 24 hours, but this was the IhalMioliday when they were expeot ed to oanh in at the stores. Hundreds of those who received fst envelopes are mon whose earn* Infs have been above $B,000,/or tho year. At ? heeftng in Turtle Creek ttly, three workers' told Justice jl$ that they had made, respec y/M.W: I4.B0*; $4.8 00 As of the "boy,"? 1< to >1 ? r? from 15 to U?. D?r day th. Whd ekes out 'only *bout U.509 ")ch * ttocb. TBS ATTACK ON IMPORT AWT CITY WAS BEGUN THIS MORN ING AT DAYBREAK. BAM NOW RAGING (By United Preaa) EL PASO. ? Villa force* attacked the city of Torreon at four o'clock thla morning. The battle for tho' !>onae8Blon of the city le now raging. Torreon 1b one of the moat Impor tant eltiea held by the Carranaa forcea and thoy are making a des perate attempt to repel the bandlta. Villa la In personal command of the attacking forces. The Carranaa forcea hare been ex pecting the attack for the last week or more and have a large number of men employed In defending the city. MINSTREL SHOW TO ~ K tt TONIGHT Price A Bonrlli to Appear at the New Theatre tot One Performance. Taking all in all, tho greater New York Minatrela will prove a genuine treat In the "way of amusement for the "Tired Business Man" who needt) a good laugh to keep hia system in trim, for the chase of the elusive American Dollar. Go to the Now theatre tonight and take tho family, have a good laugh, onjoy the aongs, dances, and feAta of the acrobats and novelty artists. It will be well worth your time. And the admission prices are within eaay reach of all. The scenery and cos- 1 tunica are new, and a feature to any minstrel show, and the many song numbers, both ensemble and solo, Include the sweet melodies of tho Sunny South, and the popular bal lada of the da>. BIG ORDER FOR TIMBER (By United Prees) DURfHAM". N. C. ? A contract waa today signed for the exportation of m mlWon feet of wtihe oak timber to OTaatov, Sndtland, for th? construc tion of a thousand mile* of rall roads. Tire purchase price waa IIIMOO. aid all those tn distress a number of the colored people hava contributed to the Christmas fond -40 aid those mo tu bers, of their own race, who are In distress. "Will!? Edwarda. wife of Edmund Edwarda, this morning vial ted number of peraons and raised the aum of $3.70. Thla amount will bo naed in helping those rases mention ed In tbo Dally News during the last rew days and for any other esses where colored persona are tn ne??d. The Aasoclated Charities will have' ^herge of distributing the goods pur chased. The following contributed: Willie Edwards . . .N .$ .60 Edmund Edwards 60 Edmund O. Farrow 25 Dr. J. M. Lloyd 60 Theodore Bonner 60 Dr. W. T. Bc*bo 60 Gould Howard 25 Ed. Moore 15 W. 0. Saunders 26 Wllemlna Edwards 10 Mildred Edwards . 10 Total $3.70 16 l?ED SI . TRAIN WRECK (By United Press) PEKDLETON, 8. C. ? Sixteen were Injured, some perhaps fatally, when a Blue Ridge train wae wrecked near here. One car turned completely over. Thlrty-aeven passengers were on board of the train. BANKERS 10 MEET HERE | Win Hold Thnlr Convention In thla City February 22. Many Dele gate* Expected. Tho bankers !r. the First Congres sional dlatrlct. , <mprlalng Group 1 of ths North Carolina bankers, will hold their convention in Washington on February 22. The membership of this group con sists of 76 banks and practically all of them ars expected to attend the convention. Local bankers ars already making preparations for tho entertainment of the visitors. BRITISH SHIP SUNK WITHOUT WARNING (By United Press) LOTS' DON. ? The British steamer, Urusla. waa torpedoed unwarned. It If stated. 8lx Americans were on board the vessel, but none were kill ed. The crew of the Ursula manag L ed to take to the life boats before tbo vessel sank. KING URGES EllANDTO CONTINUE THE WAR MADE SPEECH IS PARLIAMENT BEFORE DISMISSAL. MUST VINDICATE RIGHTS. NOTE IS "SOAKING IN" (By United Press) LONDON.? Dismissing parliament today Until February 7. King Georg??" added the weight of his words to the"' stern reflection of the allies of Oer man-made peace. "A vigorous ptoMcutlon of war must be our Hlfcgle endeavor until we have vindicated our rights that have been so ruth lessly violated by the enemies and until we have eatabllihed the security of Europe on a Arm foundation." Letting Note "Book In." LONDON. ? The government's wit.'": dom la allowing President Wltaon'a * note to "Boak In" for twenty-four hours. Is readily apparent. It saved * a too recent violent aengnclattntfT^j,' .. America. Today, although the Brit-" ish people are practically unanimous in deploring Wilson's action, there ? was none of the sweeplngly vtolea^., denunciation as there would have been If first Impressions had been al lowed full play. HARRIED WEDNESDAY Mr. O. C. Hodges and Miss Minnie / Whealton were married at the home of the brlde'sf^arents Wednes day afternoon at four o'clock. A. ^ number of Intimate rfrlends and rel atives were present to wltpess the ceremony. Rev. Charles M. McEn tyre, pastor of the Christian church, officiated. ADTBRTISB IN TW? DAILY NVWI TODAYS PROGRAM , ? at ? New Theatre PRICE A BONELLPS GREATER NEW YORK MINSTRELS Price*: 85c, r>oe, 7Sc, SI.OO ^ Curtain rlstt at 8:80 ? m Move You Been Prosperous the PAST Y EAR? MH jnm pmqpOTtiy ink dm lew l?lmli mm* mmk? M CMMw ? ti?l>pT ??. Th? Aaaorlatod Ch*rttlr? wmm orxaalMt to k?ep U Mack wftfc nM Mdft nil needjr prrsdfc# of the city. - Huh j-oor eoatritxHInn to tfc. A? elullnli Ikroo^k tfc* n?Mr KM* or U>M <!? t?lhml?c I linljfc R R. MIXON, President MM RACKKli HVKLMr, Rapt. ^ ^ Mr ? Rnrr#. LAY THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR OVtfi HOME | . By Tiling Stodrin the Home, Building' & Loan Association*" { Office in Sk?in|i & Tm*t Building ?< A NEW SERIES OPENS JANUARY 6. 1917. . It is independent of every otW > oweed *nd op we ted by Ms w. Er SWINDELL, Pre*. JNO. a SPARROW, Sec. & TreJ 'S. HOSIER Y. Ntcku-tar. Handkerchief, and l? Me.cnd cn^t^cZVlrc, 7' mo?e pr?f?r?. / f y/>u en t thtak tohat to pre fcrm mtb km of <H?? * ? MMtiMar. e*hK* t*ae<end?r?, iiatA Rob**, Smokma Jack,t*, Brdtrxm S)tpr*r? - 7 Main SirMl, WathlrtQlOi

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