Ittli Be the mwt tfiyy Vfd joyful that you hare knoWn. Ana"" may, the New Year held ou even more happiness and joy. Jchis, ^fche holiday season, we extend our best wishes /for prosperity, good health and tappiness to you and all who are dear to you. We hope that our service during 1916 will '"merit a continuation of your patronage during 1917. J. F. Buckman & Son We Extend To YOU Our most cordia! wishes for a most joyful Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year May the best in our past be worst in your future. We also desire to thank you for the patronage yor have so kindly given us during 1916 and wo hope for a continuance of same for 1917. R. Lee Stewart Jeweler MAY THE JOYS OF The Christmas Season be yours and may Prosperity and Happiness await you during the coming year. . 7 Our Best Wishes Are Yours ????? ?*< i^? ? ?? ?? ? MU-CAPEHtfiT LAUNDRY H "Mi ?mm " ill tie K 3a.:ig? we hare r and allll receive. Tt & aacred day and net the Urn# I think c: otraelre*. bat of our frier uua what it la to have them. Tl giveing of presents la all very welli because we do it in memory of the! viae man whe brought their cholc- J eat fifte to their King. But T | giro let ua giro to thoae who need it I and If we give with' the right spirit | it will he good for ua. ??Not what we giTe, but wh*t For the gift without the girer la | bare; Who gfrea himself with alma feed I tfiree. ? * j Himself, hla hungering neighbor. | and me." *r. and Mrs. 0. H. Pitcher and children, of Norfolk, are spending the holidays with her parents. Mr. end Mrs. II. B. Mayo. ADVOCATES STERN MRES | FOR RASE BtntRMENT Dr. McNary of Kinston Urges Re straint in Marriage as the most I . Effective Cure. "The abrogation of the power to propogate his kind as the proper treatment of the habitual and con tinued criminal as well as the vic iously Insane, was the remedy for race betterment as advocated by Dr. Banks McNary, or Kiuston. at the 3eaboard Medical convention here this week and which was endorsed by the convention. Dr. McNary, who is superinten dent of the foeble-mlnded school in Kinslon. said In part: "The editor of a New York Jour nal in commenting on a Connecticut j taw, said, 'Could such laws be en- 1 ' orced in the whole United States, less than four generations would eliminate nine-tenth of the crime, n&antly, and sickness of the present ?.eneratlon In our land.' "First1, confirmed criminals and ?r.eDtal defectives should be consid ered subjects for medical and surgi cal treatment; Second, experience or xperts convince us that neither pun-J Ichment. education, nor envlroment .tre effective In restoring normal con ditions; Third, heredity 1b considered be the important factor in the perpetuation of crime and dcgencr ?ry1. therefore, the power of procrea tion should be abrogated; Fourth, he state In exerclcing Ita duty to Iti 'itlxens has the right to enact laws, is the guardian of the privileges and rights of Its citizens, which will pre vent the procreation of the criminals and defectives, and thereby offer protection against conditions which are harmful to its social integrity. Fifth, history shows that the eunuch 'a not deficient in intellect, vigor or courage, and he has been prised for "his quail' les, for his fidelity. His i advice and counsel have been sought I 'or hy rulers and potentates. Sixth, I surgical procedure, Instituted for the BOSTON WOMAN RECX>MMBNI>fN? IT TO HER FRIENDS. Popular Roeton Ledy Bar* Tonollnfl Haa Proven a Godsend to Her. It Is always Interesting to listen to the statements of our friends, and especially when you know they are sincere and honest in what they say. Added interest Is created In a state ment coming from one who has spent a lifetime in Boston, where she Is well known socially. Such a person Is Annie Stewart, who resides In Boston, and Is pos- , sessed of the respect and confidence of her associates, and Is willing for nnyone to csll on her to verify the following signed testimonial. "I have suffered with stomach trouble for the past seven years. It took the form of Indigestion and dyanepsla. I had dlsxy spells and headaches and after I ate a little food it would ferment ana cause gas to form In my stomach. I had pains all over my body, and was chronically constipated. My liver was torpid, md I felt generally miserable. I had doctored and had been In the boe oltsl, but received no permanent ro ll"/. I was so nervous and restless that at night I eould scarcely sleep. The ru pressing under toy heart -a used pslpltatlon, and when I srose in the morning I was Jnst as tired as when I retired. About two weeka ago I began to take tonollne, and I can truthfully state that It has done wonders In my esse. I am feeling like a new woman and can eat any kind of fdod. I sleep the night throogh snd hsve no more aches or TMlns; fa fact, Ik bu cured me. and I am recommending It t* an of my frlendfi. as It has been a godeend to me." Worthy * Etheridge sell and guarantee tonollne. There are nnmerons symptoms of this trouble that tonollne e.en re lieve In fact, any of the following may denote affections of tbe stom ach; Indigestion, dyspepsia, belch ing of wind, bad breath, sick throb bing hesdsche. poor circulation, night sweats, that tired feeling, costlve ness, costed tongue or * poor com pletion. Canttos: ? As tonollne Is war* mended ss a flesh builder thoeeji wishing to Incrgesw their weight 16 nonnds or store should not take It J prevention of procreation and vicious criminal*, preverts, degenerates. Idiot*, - ImblcUes, epeleptics and the vicious Insane, should not be regard- , cd as methods of punishment, but the sole object of which la the bet terment of the human race. "May I not appeal to the members Of our most noble profession who are not only the conservators of public health, but who. are and al ways will be the jromoters of public good In every sense of the word: equipp*?d through years of Btudy and effective service of their professional duties, with courageous convictions and cultured mentality to do the right, we who stand at the very gate way of civilized conditions, ready ever to lend a ready hand in promot ing any movement that is for the public weal. Again I say to you of the medical profession, may I not ask that ih? study and Investigation of this subject be approached with open mind, with the Judgement un warped by an emotional sentimen tality, and that we may have the sat isfaction that when we pass to the beyond, that the life of posterity may b"S ?v?n!er, happier and hotter J by us having lived. Feeling that i when so studied there can be but one verdict: that of enlightened approv al." First Baptist Church. Pastor Edward B. Jenkins. "Christmaa Without Chrlat" is the subject of tty? Sunday night sermon. Come and hear this Christmas-tide sermon. Services in the morning at 11:00 o'clock and evening at 7:30. Sabbath 8chool at 9:45, Prof. W. O. Privotte, Supt. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 7:30 p. m. I/ORT BETWEEN MT HOME A?D | the gaM office, a gun metal watch with black ribbon and mourning aide attached. Finder pleaae re turn to Miss Margaret Blount at the gas office. 12-23-ltc. Bus5ne*? Man Praise* < Dr. Milea' Heart Remedy Successful Merchant Aftar lrw?e*l?atlM Found a- THst ?tared HI* Health. "Thla In Thattlufflvln* day In th? ?Ut? of Pcnnaylvaaia, and I want to 4*vot? * p -irt of It In writing ? letter to yoa. On th* 2?tli dny of N fry ?m or. 10, 1 *M ati Ickoa with ha art t r o u t ? I ? My family phyleim caltid H A ii?1oa recn.rH. 1 ha?l' from on# to !??? ?tt*rk? In U boura. In t h ? tatt-r part of rwrmt"*, 1919. I trrta to t>? Mllaa Mod leal Cto., for Inf^-mntion coa oornln* my can* ?nd In r+p)y I rarfeWcd j a rtny kind and Initurtlv- Iettaf, Which I bnnUed to my family doctor, I and ha tow m* la una .your Remadlea In connection wllH the medicine h? f?Ta ma, w? I did. I u*ed fl*a bottlaa "t rvr. Ml ii-y HMrt ftomcdy and aevwn bottlaa of Dr. fttllaa' Nervine. I waa confload to tbahouaa for about four month*. T ? action of my heart la i no*, and hi n b? n normal for tha laat el* mor.' 1 1. | can truly rHommind Dr. Miter. Marrlno and Heart R-mady ! to 4a what they ara Intended for. If utM according to direction*. I thank you kindly for your fttfVtdb la answer to my monthly rcNrtni 1 am now al* ty aarN yearn of ??*, har? been la tha mercantile bu?lne*a for filrty-flva yatra und llYdd rctlrod for th? ln?t thirteen /a ara." A. ?. IIOMJKOKTI l.lnool*. Pann*. 6f. MWaa* Haaet PUmaOy la aald and ouarantaad by aN druftfiata ?? MILM M IDIOM. Oar ?>*?**. lad. ? ?. .JL - / - ? - V- i.'-'i the last year. We are gratet? many favors shown us by the public and we hope for a continurtiort of these favors during 1917. . We axtendto you our best wishes for a most joyful Christmas and a most happy and prosper ous New Year. . Pegram-Watson Hdw. Co. WHAT CHRISTMAS MEAN'S TO lOB ( (By Daniel <3. Odea) Christmas it Christ birthday. It means that w# should bare a Christ like spirit -to all. To me It means a holiday, a lot of alee presents and good thing* to est and a Jolly good time in general. I always take a trip to my grand mothers wich la a lot of pleasure so I all ways Uke to WHAT CHRISTMAS ME^\8 TO MB (By Ixhi Glynn Cox) Christmas means to me a short vacation from school, a merry time i at home with plenty of good things to eat and a visit from dear old 8aata 1 Clause. Christmas also means a time to remember the orphans and the poor. Above all else Christmas ' means a celebration of Christ's birth day, the most sacred tHy of tho {whole year. WHAT CHRISTMAS MKAN* TO M? (By AM Phillip*) Christmas la the happiest time o t all the rear. We celebrate Christ mu because It Is Christ's birthday by giving and recevlve gifts and spreading the Christmas spirit abroad. The best time of all- la when we awake Christmas mora and ran i to see what Santa Clause has brought ' us and Just sych a happy time as w* I all do bare. ro Our Friends ! ! We Wish To Extend our most hearty wishes for a HAPPY CHRISTMAS _v season. We are deeply appreciative of the patronage we have received during 1916 and hope to give even better service and satisfaction during 1917. The Cherry Furniture Co. May Your Christmas Be the happiest ana the most joyful that you have ever experienced. And may the New Year hold for you the greatest of prosperity and happiness. We appreciate the patronage you have given us during 1916 and trust that our service has been such ? 2??/- -? v? . -v * ' as to merit a continuation of same.