WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 193f I ADS! | H j0 receive the proper classifi- I s. H cation copy must be delivered 1^ to the office on Monday. Ecer I I fau HI 11 mc HI Cm I!ne Zc H Ml V I put I for I Per Word l |f CONTRACT RATES OX 11 bca H APPLICATIOX I H Minimum Charge of 25c I eaa if you want to reach the | ^a people the quickest, surest I1 a<-'r Hand least expensive way, the I Ma H my to do it is with State I HoST-Valuable papers ? Land ofJ Heeds, between Southport and dec Hreeland. Return to NEWS REHoRTER, Whiteville, N. C, and to Heceive reward. 6-28-* f0lr H?- ?' bef H|EN WANTED for Rawleigh wit I Routes in Southport. Write odav, Rawleigh Co.. Dept. N C F 1 Kl-SB, Richmond, Va. 6-12 c Hop. SALE?Cobtail saddle horse ? H-dark bay with white feet, j Heigh* around 800 lbs. Seven of^ Hears old. MAURICE BALDWIN, j oea "" Wile X. C. 6-13 Fr? Att iether you g T Fant To cOf cea: C.. clal BUY I noti cov pie? 6-5or 1 Of ! cea.f ELL | All imn T1 The H eeta of ANT | noti cov< sale diat \DS u Stal C i\ Do It and that bee :e as Well | yea 538 Tov And | w abo heli wai in sue ty Do It S for the tha req the |"l sail r or ?t" pla she oo i; |jL not | lan I LESS d rec W W2 ?2 ber a lf? I money ? cor Ed rec wh . fer tan Any Other ? th? inf Re Co Kind Of i Advertising a an on sa them i | m< i LEGALS | NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Jnder and by virtue of the power sale contained in a certain deed 1 trust executed on the 25th dav of le. 1934. by J. C. Carlisle and Tes- 1 Carlisle his wife, to J. D. Sutton, stee for Brunswick County Hosal_ and thereafter duly assigned to 1 K. Milliken, recorded in Book No. at page S49. of Brunswick County 1 ords. to secure the payment of a ( tain note therein recited, and deIt having been made in the pay- 1 lit thereof, the undersigned assig- < i of the mortgagee or trustee, will on Monday, June 17. 1935, 12 o'clock M., offer for sale at ( >lic auction to the highest bidder , cash at the courthouse door in ' inswick County. N. C., a certain ] ct or parcel of land lying and be- , in Brunswick County, North Car- J la. and being more particularly < ir.ded and described as follows, : One parcel or tract of land in iccamaw Towfiship, bounded on the i it by W. B. Andrews; on the south Martha Carlisle: on the west by < rtha Carlisle and on the North by ! 3 K. Andrews estate, containing 15 es, more or less. )aied and posted, this 14th day of ( y, 1935. 11 S. K. MILLIKEN, Assignee of |J J D. SUTTON. Trustee. 1 W. Ruark, Attorney, outhport, N. C. 6-B-c j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE | ] laving qualified as administrator I, the Estate of W. J. Williamson. ' eased, late of Brunswick County. ] C. This is to notify all persons ring claims against the said estate exhibit them to the undersigned Shallotte. N. C., or to C. Ed TayAttorney, Southport, N. C., on or ore May 8th, 193G, or this notice I be pleaded in bar of recovery. persons indebted to said estate I please make immediate payment, 'his. May 4th. 1935. D. W. SARASTON, Admr. of ] W. J. Williamson. 1 Ed Taylor, Attorney. 6-12c |J < ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE laving qualified as administratrix L'ilnn T U,J CjOIHIC U1 CllttO 1. iviug, ucsecl, late of Brunswick county. N. this is to notify all persons "havclaims against the said estate to 1 ibit them to the undersigned at , (eland, N. C., or to C. Ed Taylor, 1 orney. Southport. N. C.. on or be- 3 8 May 8, 1936. or this notice will l pleaded in bar of recovery. All sons indebted to said estate will i ise make immediate payment, his. May 4th, 1935. MATTIE LEE KING. Administratrix of Silas I. King. t Ed. Taylor, Attorney. 6-12-c j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE a aving qualified as Administrator v the estate of Arthur F. Jones, de- ? sed, late of Brunswick County. N. s this is to notify all persons having ms against the said estate to Ibit them to the undersigned at a ivia. N. C.. or to C. Ed. Taylor. ? arney, Southport. N. C.. on or be- v ! the 1st day of May. 1936, or this o ce will be pleaded in bar of reery. All persons indebted will ise make immediate payment. a his April 29th, 1935. I , C. W. KNOX. Administrator ; " c. of Arthur F. Jones. j I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE j aving qualified as Administrator ' the estate of Jesse L. Inman, de- ? <ed. late of Brunswick County. N. This is to notify all persons hav- J claims against the said estate to I Ibit them to the undersigned at 1 eland. N. C.. on or before the t 1 day of May, 1936, or this notice I c be pleaded in bar of recovery. , persons indebted will please make v lediate payment. ' r tils. May 22nd. 1935. H. B. INMAN, Administrator of Jesse L. Inman. Ed Taylor, Attorney. 6-26c r EXECUTOR'S NOTICE . aving qualified as executor of the .te of C. L. Stanley, deceased, late Brunswick County, N. C. This Is notify all persons having claims ] inst the said estate to exhibit n to the undersigned at 54 SpofI, Wilmington. N. C., on or before ! t 22nd day of May, 1936. or this1 , ce will be pleaded In bar of re-1l sry. All persons indebted to the ! f I estate will please make Imme- f e settlement. C. ALLEN STANLEY, Executor 1 of C. L. Stanley. B. Frink. Attorney. 6-26-* c SERVICE OF SUMMONS ? BY PUBLICATION J te of North Carolina, ounty of Brunswick:? 0 the Superior Conrt before the Clerk E Brunswick County v vs. W. Edwards, est.. Suit No. 352. 1 W. Edwards, M. E. Edwards ! v Sam Edwards will take notice t an action entitled as above has n commenced in the Superior irt of Brunswick County, N. C.: t the said action is brought to sclose tax sales certificates held the County of Brunswick for the rs 1925; 1926; 1927 and 1928, on | c acres of land listed in Waccamaw ' unship. Brunswick County, N. C.. t the name of G. B. Edwards; G. Edwards estate and J. W. Ed ds estate, found to be same land 1 rhich Greenberrv B. Edwards died, :ed in the year 1913; and that the ve named parties are sons and > i-s at law of the said G. B. Ed- ] rds, and as such, are interested i the title to the said lands and as j i h have been made parties defen- \ it in this action by the court. |. nd the said parties defendant will < ther take notice that this action | brought to condemn the said lands sale to satisfy the taxes due |' reon, as prescribed by law, and IJ t they, as interested parties, are |, uired " to appear at the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of < 1 3 county. Southport. N. C., on :, Monday, July 1, 1935. 1 answer or demur to the com- ( Int in the said action, and to iw why the decree of sale of the | d property this day entered shall ! be binding and conclusive on ail , perty rights which they may have and to the said lands, whic.i said 1 ds are designated as follows: |< Those lands conveyed from ah B. Bennett to ureenuc, rds, by deed dated April 13, 1895, , orded in Book W, Page 9. I' .?State Grant No. 2255, to Green- | ry Edwards, dated March 14, 8. recorded in Book Y, Page 407. | Deed from Asa R. Edwards to 11 ?enberry Edwards, dated March 2. 11 5, recorded in Book EE, at Page j Grant No. 2577. to Greenberry; 1 wards, dated March 20, 1880, re- i ded in Book Z, at Page 496. 1 State Grant No. 9971 to G. B. wards, dated February 26, 1890, orded in Book JJ. at page 393, to ich several deeds and grants re- i ence is made for the description i the lands. Excepting, However, so much thereas was conveyed from <ime to ie by the said G. B. Edwards, or ! heirs of G. B. Edwards, appearf of record in the office of the gister of Deeds of Brunswick unty, N. C. Notice is further given that upon Fault that relief will be granted wording to the said decree. This, May 27th. 1935. B. J. HODDEN, Clerk !0-c Superior Court. FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by tue of a decree of the Superior urt of Brunswick County, N. C? ted the 27th day of May, 1935, in action entitled "Brunswick Counversus J. W. Edwards est., Suit >. 352," the undersigned commissier will expose at public auction le to the highest bidder for cash the 1st day of July, 1935, at 12 lock noon at the courthouse door, uthport. N. C., to satisfy the dese of said court to enforce the paysnt of $226.44 and interest, the fol THE STATE Mill Branch News < (By Miss Lena Mintz) Mrs. S. K. Mintz has returned j lome after spending a few days j ,vith her sister at Elizabethtown. Mrs. D. P. Mintz, who fchas j oeen a worker of the ERA, is! jlad to be home. She has been loing good work in the various sections where she has been as-1 signed. j Misses Mildred Williams, Oleta Dlemmons, Louise Atkinson and j Herman, Aldreth and Talmadge Phelps were visitors of Misses Lena and Evelyn Mintz on Suniay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Stanley md son, of Regan, were Sunday quests of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Mintz. Mrs. Kate Mintz and daughtjr, Mrs. F. G. Watts, called on Mrs. Fred Allen on Sunday afterloon. Bryant L. Mintz, who is enisted in the U. S. Army at Fort Sragg, spent the week-end with lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mintz. Freeland News (By Miss Gertrude Simmons) (Too late for last week) Misses Vera Simmons, Clara Mae Milligan, and Mr. Bryant Mintz were at Wrightsville Beach >n a pleasure trip Sunday. In Hospital Lawerence McArthur, who is mrolled with the CCC at More- j lead City, is suffering with ap-1 lendicitis and pneumonia in the ^ew Bern hospital, New Bern, latest reports show that he is mproving. I Mrs. McArthur 111 Friends and relatives of Mrs. r. V. McArthur will be glad to earn that she is improving from i recent illness. Mrs. McArthur las been confined to her bed for everal weeks. Many people from this section 8 ittended the Children's Day festi- * al at Honey Hill Sunday. Every a ne reported a fine time. s Mr. and Mrs. Erxine Vereen 8 nd family, of Makatoka, visited P Irs. Vereen's parents, Mr. and c Irs. W. B. Simmons, Sunday. e Dinner Guest f Mr. Herbert Pruitt, of Exum, f /as the dinner guest of Mr. and 1 * 4rs. S. W. Bennette Sunday. IJ Heavy showers fell in this sec- ^ ion this week. They were wel- f omed by the farmers who are j r /earing mighty bright faces be- g ause of their flourishing crops.! e Subscribe for The State Port ?ilot?$1,50 per year. APPLICATION FOR PARDON" OF MRS. MINNIE G. CHEERS. Application will be made to he Commissioner of Pardons and he Governor of North Carolina or the pardon of Mrs. Minnie }. Cheers, convicted at the April 935 term of the Superior Court if Brunswick County for the j rime of arson and sentenced to j ail for a term of twelve months. All persons who oppose the' granting of said pardon are in ited to forward their protest to i he Commissioner of Pardons vithout delay. This the 12 day of June 1935. Signed: L. W. Anthany. 6-19 I NOTICE OF SUMMONS | State of North Carolina, k>unty of Brunswick:? In The Superior Court larry Davis vs Ella Davis The defendant, Ella Davis, will ake notice that an action entitei as above has been commenced n the Superior Court of Brunsvick county, North Carolina, by he plaintiff for absolute divorce lpon the grounds of two years separation, as provided by the aw of the State of North Caroina. Said defendant will further ake notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Dlerk of the Superior Court of said county at the courthouse in South port, N. C., on or before the 4th day of July, 1935, and j mswer or demur to the complaint ] n said action, or> the plaintiff; (vill apply for relief demanded in j said complaint. M. B. WATKINS, Asst. Clerk Superior Court 3. B. Frink, Atty. for plaintiff. >-26-* lowing described real estate, located in Waecamaw township, Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: 1 Those lands conveyed from Noah B. Bennett to Greenberry Edwards, by deed dated April 13, 1895, recorded in Book W, at Page 9. o eta to Grant No. 2255, to Green berry Edwards, dated March 14, 1878, recorded in Book Y, at Page 407. 3. Deed from Asa R. Edwards to Greenberry Edwards, dated March 2. 1885, recorded in Book EE, at page 398. 4. Grant No. 2577, to Greenberry Edwards, dated March 20. 1880, re-1 corded in Book Z, at page 496. 5. State Grant No. 9971, to G. B. j Edwards, dated February 26, 180. recorded in Book JJ, at Page 393, to which several deeds and grants reference is made for the description of the lands. Excepting, however, so much thereof as was conveyed from time to time by the said G. B. Edwards, or the heirs of G. B. Edwards, appearing of record In the office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County, N. C. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 28th day of May, 1935. 6-19c. W. R. HOLMES, Commissioner PORT PILOT, SOUTHPORT # Grissett Town News (Too late for last week) Friends were very sorry to I <now of the death of Mrs. Ellen 31and, who died Saturday night it her home near the Gause landing. Visit Hospital Mr. Oliver Hewett, Miss Cath:lene Brown, Mr. Devon Milliken1 ind Miss Zelda Hewett made a! short visit at the Brunswick bounty hospital to see Curtis Hewett, Sunday morning. Mrs. Mary Wilson and Mrs. M. M. Benton were visitors at Bolivia Sunday. Friends are very sorry to hear if the illness of Mrs. Jacob Russ, ,vho had a stroke of paralysis Sunday morning. Mr. S. J. Wilson, C. W. Benion, Misses Lottie and Inez Wilson were visitors in Wilmington JU11UO.JT . Misses Emma and Athalia j rlewett were visitors at the home | if Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Smith SunJay. The local church is progressng nicely with a large Sunday School and prayer meeting on Sunday night. Everybody is incited. Birthday Party There was a birthday party jiven for S. E. Grissett Saturday light by his children in honor of lis 69 birthday. Those who were present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Leonard, Mrs. Pauline Leonard ind children, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Allard Grisiett, Mr. R. E. Grissett, Mr. and Mrs. Lorena Leonard and chilIren. Mr. Grissett received many fifts. ASH NEWS By Mrs. J. Purvis Sunday School Meet Ash, June 11.?The Internationil Sunday School Convention of Vaccamaw township met at the chool building for its regular ession on Sunday afternoon, June >. Mrs. Isaac Jenrette, who is resident, was in charge. Several lasses were presented and rendred songs and recitations. Mr. V. J. Purvis and Reverend Z. G. lay gave interesting discussions, lew officers elected for the new 'ear are as follows: Mr. A. J. Valton, Sr., Mr. T. T. Ward, 'rank Norris and Raleigh Hickaan, program committees. A ood crowd attended and it provd to be a very enjoyable ocSouth Carolina 157,931 farms 10,393,113 Acres $379,IS?,623 Value Land And Buildings . % A gric Production is general millions an ? >. with a high To mentior Rye . 4 < ? . . Dewb * . , Sweet |i ... Apple i I ! Caroli: endeavor, t - - That's the Pui Jit CA The Carolines, Inc. Box 60, Charlotte, N. C Without obligations, concerning Carolines, Opportunity Bulletin, Name Street NORTH CAROLINA casion. Gives Supper Mr. M. K. Fuller of Elizabeth t<~wn, who represents the Alumi num Cooking Utensil, gave a sup per at the community lunch roon last Monday night. The purpos< was to introduce to the peopli the new health method of cook ing by using the Waterless cook er. Those attending were: Mr and Mrs. J. E. Dodson. Mr. anc Mrs. L. C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs W. J. Purvis, Mr. and Mrs. J A. Purvis, Mr. and Mrs. D. B Long, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Phelps Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Crawford Mrs. J. A. Simmons and Mrs Bertha Evans. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Colemai and children of Wilmington vis ited Mrs. D. R. Long Sunday. B. M. Crawford made a busi ness trip to Wilmington las Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mintz o: Shallotte visited Mrs. W. J. Pur vis on last Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Purvis an< Mr. and Mrs. James Purvis weri the dinner guests of Mrs. W. M Matthews Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Coleman, who hai been very ill, is much improved Winnabow News Winnabow June 11?The recen showers have refreshed crop wonderfully. Some gardeners ar> eating ripe tomatoes already be sides having all kinds of othe early vegetables. Lots of snap beans are bein; shipped from here and farmer expect to have ripe watermelon by the Fourth of July. Somi little mellons are six inches lonj now. Mrs. Rifton and children o; Supply spent two weeks heri with her sister, Mrs. Earl Earp and father, Mr. Johnnie Swain. Miss Edna Henry of Wilming ton spent Wednesday with Mrs Jonathan Reid. Mr. G. E. Fisher of Ivanhoe was a visitor here Wednesday or business. Miss Tinie Lee Swain of Wil mington is visiting at the home of Mrs. Earlu Earp. Miss Julia Taylor will leave Tuesday to attend the conference at Davidson. Miss Gertrude Maultsby lefl Sunday to attend Summer school at Wake Forest College. Mr. Joe Akerman of Augusta Ga. arrived Friday night to spenc sometime at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. Reid, his grandpar ? I I I mlturall of millions of pounds of tob, knowledge. It is not gene d millions of dollars worth o , health-giving Iodine content, i only a few major crops . . . Corn . ? ? Wheat . . Mel erries . . . Canteloupes . . . Peppers . ? . Hot Peppers . s . . . Squash . * . Beans na Climate is peculiarly adapt vhether on large or small scali rpose of The Carolinas [ ROLINAS please send f'l Inc., and ccpy of tfce Ciro^nas ... City.... . ! ents. He was accompanied by Miss Josephine Clark of Orlando, - Fla. a niece of Mr. and Mrs. - Reid. Mrs. T. E. Cooper and daugh1 ter. Miss Jane, were visitors heie ;, Thursday afternoon. i | Master Jolen Story of Wil-! mington is spending the week-end - at the home of Mr. D. R. John. I son. i | The young folks of New Hope . | church had a delightful outing . | Saturday afternoon at Holden's . j Beach. All reported an evening , of enjoyment. , I Mr. Louis Ludlum of Philadel. phia. Pa. and Mr. Bruce Ludlum ! of Southport were visitors here 1 j Thursday afternoon. EXUM NEWS ^: (By Miss Blanche Phelps) j! Allen?Carnes Exum June 11.?On Sunday, j June 3, Miss Edith Caines bej; came the bride of Mr. Ross Als I Ien in a quiet ceremony at Conj way, S. C. Mrs. Allen is the attractive daughter of Mrs. S. K. Mintz. She is a graduate of "T --? * j i waccamaw nign scnooi, graauai' ing with the class of '33. She was very active in church and community work and her many friends regret to see her leave, t They left for Tar Heel, Bladen s county Wednesday evening where e Mr. Allen has a position with a - telephone company, r The young people will make their home there for the present. y Good Crops s While farmers in different parts s of the county say their crops ? are suffering for lack of rain y this section seems to be more fortunate. So far there has been f enough rain for crops to be in a ? fair condition. Some are already i, busy getting their sweet potatoes set. Fills Appointment Reverend W. C. Wescott filled his regular appointment at New s Life Baptist church Saturday and i Sunday. His sermon for Sunday morning was taken from Matt hew 5-41, the theme being "Those > second mile christians." He delivered the message in a most ; impressive manner. > Miss Nellie Little from Camp | Branch has been spending somet time with Mrs. B. L. Russ. I The Baptist church choir met at the home of Mr. O. D. Milli, gan Sunday afternoon and ren1 dered several selections that were . greatly enjoyed by all present. Miss Margaret Wescott and ly Speal accos and cotton annually in the ral knowledge that these state f other food, fruit and truck ( f particularly the South Carolina Peaches . . . Peanuts . . . Po ons . . . Strawberries . . B Cabbage . . . Cucumbers . , ? Celery ? . . Lettuce . ? 4 ? Ul. ? able for practically all types of a u , inc.?"TO TELL Tl SBinc. ' The newspapers of N hare donated the spa of advertisements wl purpose of bringing f before their people, < Informed as to the industrial importance that they may Imoi in the broad movem world the advantages SEVEN brother, J. C. of Wilmington spent the week-end visiting friends here. Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Rosa Vereen is sick. Mrs. Sarah Jane Mintz of Millbranch visited at Exum Sunday. Mr. Leroy Evans an empolyee of C. P. Willets, Bolivia, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Ella Evans. Reverend C. Milligan and children, Misses Ida Mae, Mattie, Thelma and Mr. Sammy of Nakina spent Sunday visiting his brother, Mr. O. D. Milligan. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Smith, Bolton, were guests of her mother, Mrs. Ella Evans, Sunday. Mr. Vem Rhodes of Nakina visited friends here Sunday. Mr. W. A. Phelps made a business trip to Southport Friday. Miss Hazel Hickman of Bolivia i visited her sister, Mrs. E. L. I Vereen, Sunday. ! WASHINGTON LETTER (Continued From Page 2.) The uncertainty regarding New Deal ventures has. spread to the work relief agencies. The enormous fund voted by Congress has been tied up because of bicker| ing within the high command. The leaders are split on spending policies. One group wants to confine the expenditures to useful projects while the others advocate "made" work or schemes giving employment without tangible results. "IJie President will be obliged to step into the controversy at an early date as the muddle is hurting relief work in ] the various states. Answers To Quiz Found On Page 2. 1. John Masefield. 2. In 1881. 3. 1,517. 4. John Davis in 1587. 5. An optical illusion in the desert. 6. The art of speaking correctly. | 7. Springfield. 8. Four. 9. The state of which. 10. In Brazil. , 11. The French steamerr, Normandie. 12. Heavyweight boxing champion of the world. North Carolina 279,704 Farms 18,122,401 Acres $850,342,794 Value Land And Buildings r 1 ling? ; Carolinas :s produce :rops ? all vegetables, tatoes . , ? lackberrics Tomatoes . Onions ? tgricultural IE WORLD" | ! ti 1 / orth and South Carolina ica for this and a aeriea lich will appear for the acta about tha Carolinaa :hat they may bo better reaourcea, history and i of the Carolinaa, and r how they can aaaiat ent to adrertiao to the . of thia farorod section.

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