? pilots mailed tc ders in Brunswick Bounty this week mj\1EEIGHT NO. 32 fate PWA I The $4,0 I Projec lect Submitted By BrunsBk County?Southport Hrt Commission Would Biwer Freight Rates Over Bjde Area BmINAL would B be regenerative Bid Give Permanent EmLent To 450 WorkBen; Would Give DiBect Employment To B 847 Men During B Construction Bird ?as received Saturday Bthe application of the BrunsB Countv-Southport Port Com for a S4.000.000 port terB: project has been approved Btate officials of the Public B<s Administration in Chapel B^r.d has been forwarded to ^pington. ^En'ection of plans for this B(t comes as the culmination plenty years hard work on ^Kart of Southport and BrunsB county citizens to develop K natural facilities of their B?r The establishment of a B terminal has been the chief ^Eation of public mined citiB of Southport for the past ^Ecentury. but for one reason Brother all previous plans have ^Br through. B M. Shannon is chairman of Bport commission, which was Bted by a special act of the B Legislature. Other members B T- I Mintz, George R. Bke. Jr.. H. B. Smith and' L. ^Eirovr. Plans for the project B drawn by Percy Canaday, B engineer. Bie equipment of the proposed ^Brral would include an unbrokBfCor.tinued on Page Five) Butsranding News ? i rom hverywhere ews Events Of State, lation and World-Wide Interest During Past Week BY DOROTHY BELL KIXGFISH SHOT Hun Pierce Long, onene governor of Louisana, mator from that state, and wpective presidential canlate, died early Tuesday wning of a gunshot wound, to shot was fired by Dr. A. Weiss, eye specialist of Hon Rogue, where the looting took place, in the He eapitol Monday. Weiss Hked up to the Senator, to has been classed as ditotor of Louisiana"; pale ?1 determined, he fired one #t through Long's body, collapsed, bleeding from "dets from the guns of a umber of state highway potemen ? Long's unofficial toyguard. The politician was ?tod to Our Lady of the Sanitarium, where he w given four blood trantoWN and where oxygen were used, in vain efl"s to save his life. No was given for Weiss' on, save that he was to be strongly opposed tong's domination of the p' and that Long was "g Steps to nrevent, the ^Mion of the doctor's BjhMw to the state H KICKED OCT Free Presbyterian Church Scotland which has been mulover the question since last ^B?tmas, Sunday finally decided its foot down and tell V Murray, former provost of B?" to "get out and stay Murray who has been sus ^i for sometime, was charg permitting dancing at Wren's party at his home ^fistmas. Under the rules ohurch, dancing is not Med. Murray was suspendB^-t'l a decision could be Jj/^He had already been re T/w because he drove an V ? church. 1Co?tlnu?d on Page ThrM) THE 8-PAGES TODAY Officials App )0,000 Port 1 : For Brunsw ? Shallotte Youth Is Good Soldier L I.. Willie Holmes, Jr., Praised For Outstanding Work At C. M. T. C. Camp; Gain- f ed Recognition As Car- | toonist For Camp Paper j j| Willie Holmes, Jr., oldest son of Brunswick county's tax super- j | visor, returned to his home in j j Shallotte last week from a j # month's stay at the C. M. T. C. j camp at Fort Bragg. Judging from the flattering j write-up given him in The Daily j | Spasm, camp newspaper, young' .. Holmes made a fine record and was a valued member of the art j | staff of that publication. Follow-1 | ing is the comment which the editor had to make about him: | "One of the finest boys with) whom we have had any contact at this camp is uancuaaie nuimes of Battery "C," who has so dili-1 j (Continued on Page Eight.) Many Projects j" For The County ~ R. I. Mintz Returned Tuesday From Fayetteville; Where He Spent Several j Days In The Interest Of [ Local WPA Prejects. N R. L Mintz returned Tuesday j from Fayetteville where he had | been since last Thursday in the j interest of securing approval of; WPA projects for Brunswick j county. All local projects pre- J pared and submitted were ap- 01 proved at the district office in A Fayetteville and were forwarded [ w: to Raleigh. T1 One project calls for the ex- i T1 penditure of approximately $100,- w: 000 for 200 miles of roads in o'i Brunswick county. All this mileage is for county roads and none j pi of it includes a hardsurface pro- A (Continued on page elcht..) |ar th Must Apply For * Drivers License 7 Application Forms Now Available At Office Of Clerk Of Court; Fee Of $1.00 After First Of Nov- jc ember m wi North Carolina motorists have fjj until November 1 to secure "dri- nj ver's licenses free of charge up- h on filing an application with the th Department of Revenue, Highway kr Safety Division, Raleigh, N. C. After November 1, a fee of SI to wil lbe charged. . gv Application forms were left ; co here Saturday by Corporal J. R. co Pridgen, of Whiteville, in the of- j vj (Continued on Page Eight) A. th Improvised Storm 01 Cellar Is No Help m w< Reports last Thursday of the ooming storm made such a strong mi impression upon one citizen of sa the Winnabow community that he fo set to work digging a storm eel- bu lar in which he and his family ha :ould take refuge from the high ar vind. fn And, lo, the winds came and the man and his family desert- Hi sd their home for their subter- tic ranean hide-out. But then the pr tvater descended upon the earth, th rilling up all holes-including the kr jne dug out for a storm cellar? md the man and his family were r forced to return to their home for the balance of a night of terror. To Hold Quarterly Conference Sunday ne ar The fourth quarterly conference sc will be held Sunday afternoon at I o'clock at the Zion Methodist in uhurch at Mill Creek. There will er be a preaching service with a ser- tn tnon by Presiding Elder L. B. dr femes. co \ STA1 V Good Newsj Southport, N. C rove rerminal ick County Cartoonist ^ '-fi jp m '! WILLIE HOLMES, JR. -egion Officers To Be Installed ewly Elected Officers To Assume Their Duties At Installation Service To Be Held Thursday Night At Caswell Beach The recently elected officers of e Brunswick county post of the merican Legion will be installed ith appropriate ceremonies on lursday night at Caswell Beach, lis will be a dinner meeting and til n -omntlv at 7!30 ! [It UC gilt clock. A special program is being anned for the occasion and C. . Pope, 7th district commander, id J. J. Burnev, solicitor for is judicial district, have both ien invited to attend. Members of the American Leon and all ex-service men in 'Continued on Page Eight.) ! "wo Being Held In A Cutting Scrape Gordon Howard and Kenneth ?nes, Sampson county white en, are being held in the Brunsick county jail following a i jht which occurred Wednesday ght on the waterfront. Earl ancock, member of the crew of j e Nagatuck, received dangerous life wounds in the affray. The cutting scrape is reported i have resulted following an ar- ] iment between the Sampson I unty men and Hancock and his; mpanions. After the fight, the sitors are said to have forced Thompson, also a member of! e Naugatuck crew, to get in' eir car and show them the way j it of town. Policeman Hook oore arrested them before they I ;re able to leave. Junior Howard was a third | ember of the visiting party, id to have been in Southport1 r a fishing trip the next day, j it there was no evidence that he id any part in the argument id fight and he was released j im custody. It was reported Thursday that incock was in a critical condi>n but he has shown steady imovement and it now appears at he will recover from the life wounds. touting School Buses In County J. O. Bowman, representative the state school commission, rived in Southport last Wedsday and is still here checking id laying out bus routes for the hools of the county. Mr. Bowman was particularly ipressed with the bad roads ovwhich the school buses must avel in order to serve the chilen in the rural districts of the unty. 'EPOl aaper In A Goo Wednesday, Septem September Term 1 Superior Court Closed Friday Several Cases Of Minor I Importance Disposed Of During The Latter Part I Of The One-Week Civil Term J NUMBER OF CASES WERE CONTINUED I Case Of Archie Holden A- ' gainst A. G. Swain Was ' Decided In Favor Of Defendant; Plaintiff Appeals To Higher Court The verdict of a Brunswick county jury Friday morning in j j ! the Holden-Swain civil action, ( | i ; failed to allow the claims of the | j plaintiff but also refused to grant t the counter-claims of the defen- j < dant. Counsel for Holden moved ! < for a new trial. This was denied s and the plaintiff gave notice of 1 appeal to the Supreme Court. i | This was the final case to be 1 tried at the one-week term of j c Brunswick county Superior court I < j for the trial of civil actions, j < | Judge Clawson L. Williams was j i I the presiding jurist. j 1 In the case of A. H. Parker I' against Albert Mintz a judgment^ was rendered in favor of the de- ' ; fendant. This case was a dis- j? pute over a worthless check. ]> A judgment of non suit was | ordered in the case of Flossie t Hewett against George Fulford. s j The following cases were con- c j tinued for the term. Brunswick : c j County vs Palmetto Island Com- c (Continued on page 8) Prosperous 1 This Count Louis W. Ganus, 58-Year 01 Dead In Branch Near His Through Head And B The body of Louis Ganus, of Brunswick county, was fo woods near his home in Wacc a bullet wound in his head that he had been beat abo advanced as a motive for the Four negroes, Joe and Wallace*Piggott, Roland Smith and Burgess Furgus, were arrested following an investigation by officers and are being held in the Brunswick county jail pending a thorough investigation by Coroner M. A. Northrop. The latter was instructed Tuesday night by Soli- j citor J. J. Burney to exhume the body of Ganus, who was buried j Friday, for a formal autopsy and | to remove the bullets or shot that caused his death in order j that they might oe usea as evidence in the case. The murdered man was last seen about sunset last Wednesday afternoon by Dillon Jenrett. When he failed to reach his home a search was begun for him and his body was found Friday morning by his brother, Will j Ganus, lying with the feet and i part of the rest of his body in the branch. The coroner was called and, at his instruction. Dr. W. R. Goley e examined the body of Mr. Ganus f and found that his death was b caused from bullet wounds in the j ii (Continued on page 5) Is< Storms AndRainy Caused Damagt Considerable damage in this county has resulted from the tropical storm which struck Thursday night and the rainy weather that has been prevalent ever since. No major property loss nor personal Injury has been reported from the wind storm but the wind and rain combined to make life miserable for citizens whose homes and places of business had a bad roof. The strong wind ripped off shingles an dthe driving rains and steady drizzle which followed caused leaks galore. Several farmers reported damage to their storred tobacco. There was no fooling about the force of the Thursday night wind storm. In every RT PI d Community ber 11, 1935 PUBLIS iVhiteville Made Record Breaking Sales Last Week Respite Continual Rain And Thursday Night's Storm Market Set New Record For Sales In Single Week >OLD 14,518,602 Pounds Up To Date These Figures Are 2,374,129 Above Those For All Of Last Season With Good Prospects Of Heavy Sales Next Two Weeks Despite torrential rains thai prevailed all last week and Thurs lay night's storm the White villi narket ended the fifth week oi die present season with a tota if 3,242,962 pounds ... the great ;st amount of the weed evei luctioned off on the warehousi floors of this city in a Singh ,veek. Not only was a recorc "or weekly sales established, bu in Monday September 2nd an ither high mark was set for on< lay's sale when this market bit n 1,081,590 pounds of tobacct lefore closing time. This wai '2,222 pounds more tobacco thai vas sold here on Monday Augusi 16th when a world's record foi i three buyer flue cured market vas established. ? - a*-. - 4.~ AS (.116 ^LitLC rui t x xi\ji> guo :o press reports from Whitevilh itate that another million pounc lay was established on Mondaj )f this week, 1,077,655 pounds >f the leaf being sold while or (Continued on page 8) farmer Of y Murdered d Bachelor Farmer, Found Home; Had Been Shot lody Dragged There prosperous bachelor farmei und Friday morning in the amaw township. There was and there were indications ut the face. Robbery was murder. Warns Farmers Not To Sell Tobacco " To Roving Buyers Anyone buying scrap tobacco must first pay a license of ?1,000, according t o County Agent J. E. Dodson, and any farmer selling his tobacco any place other than on the warehouse floor is violating the terms of his contract. Numerous reports have been made to the county agent that roving buyers have been working this county buying up scrap tobacco. It is highly improbable that any of these men have paid their $1,000 license and efforts will be made to catch them in the act of illegal buying. FORFEITS PAYMENT When a tobacco contract signr buys or sells poundage for taxree sales he forfeits any claim o adjustment payments, accordig to County Agent J. E. Dodon. Weather Have > In This Section section of the county trees were blown down and telephone and power lines were badly crippled. Citizens of Southport went to bed Thursday night by candle light. Power for the homes went off early in the evening and the street lights went out a short time later. Fear resulting from advance notice of the storm, the storm Itself and darkness caused many local residents to spend a restless night. Out in the county the greatest damage was to the roads. Several of the better dirt roads have become practacally Impassable due to the gully-washing showers that have fallen during the past few days. LOT HED EVERY WEDNESDAY Ten Passenj The Ill-Fa Landed^ ! 1 : I : j E. G. Russ Appointed County Game Warden [ j E. G. Russ of Shallotte received notice Thursday of his J , I appointment as Brunswick I ' county game warden, succeed- j i ing Dawson Jones, who re- j | signed some time ago in order to devote his entire attention | to his position as county fire ! warden. | Warden Russ announced that Charlie Skipper of Leland and ' j Francis Skipper of Winnebow ; I have been appointed deputy f game wardens. Others will be 1' appointed later, he said. . i A supply of hunting licenses r | were left at the following plaj | ces in the county for the con, j venience of hunters who wish j to purchase their tags this ear^ ly in the season: Office of the clerk of court in Southport; ?j Coast Road Service Station, J Shallotte; R. K. .McKeithan, , Bolivia; H. O. Peterson, Le3! land; J. E. Eichorn, Leland; J and from the warden himself t' at Shallotte. t! . Jury List For ! October Court j i i Mixed Term Of Brunswick j County Superior Court, | Will Convene Monday,1 i September 30, Withi Judge Williams Presiding i The October term of Bruns-1 wick county Superior Court will; ' convene here Monday morning, j j September 30, for a mixed term ' J lasting one week. Judge Clawson i L. Williams, of Sanford, will pie-l side. Following is the jury list forj I the term which was drawn last' j week by members of the board j . of county commissioners: . I S. H. Stanaland, Southport; J. j ' L. Babson, Leland; Samuel J. j j Frink Shallotte; H. D. Jenrette, | ' (Continued on Page Five.) New Plans Made For Cotton Pool * " v?? Farmprs L3SI X Cdl a Ma .a.. . Could Buy And Sell Ex-1 cess Poundage At County Agent's Office; Only On Special Days This Year j County Agent J. E. Dodson has {announced a new plan for con-j ducting the cotton pool for the sale of excess tax free poundage this season. I Last year the county cotton pool was conducted so that fari mers could buy and sell their ex-1 ': cess poundage at the office of the! 11 county agent. This year the pool .' will be conducted only on the j days that Cotton Assistant Lan-! dis Formy Duval is in the office (Continued on page 5.) Automobile Wreck Saturday Night Several members of Southport's I young set had a remarkable es1 cape from serious injury Saturday night when the car in which l they were riding was in collision | with another automobile near the ! outskirts of the city. Bobby Bellamy had a capacity load in his Ford V-8 returning to Southport from a dance out at Clear Lake. On a curve about a mile from the city limits he met a car driven by Floyd Britain of Bolivia and the wreck resulted. The Bellamy car turned over twice but the only injuries reported were cuts sustained by Annie Moore Harker and Billie Newton. Two cuts suffered by the young lady required 2 and 3 stitches respectively to close while young Newton had a 16stitch gash across his forehead. Other occupants of the Bellamy machine were Norma Johnson, Margaret Bartells, Ormond Leggettv Malcolm Frink, James Frazier, Otto Frazier, Emily Cooper, and Caroline Frazier. Names of the two passengers in the Brittain car were not available. * Most Of The News All The Time BBSSB?BSBBBS??? $1.50 PER YEAR *ers From ted Dixie itSouthport Brought Ashore Here ByOak Island Coast Guards From Aboard The Texas Oil Company Tanker, The Reaper. SURVIVORS HAPPY TO REACH LAND Rescued From The Dixie After She Had Run Aground On French Reef On Southeast Coast Of Florida TEN PASSENGERS FORM 30 Ten passengers of the ill-fated liner Dixie were landed here early Friday evening from the Texas I Oil Company tanker Reaper and j there were outspoken express' ions of relief from these people who spent two frightened days aboard the Dixie while she was aground on French reef off the southeast coast of Florida, i The survivors were brought ashore in the coast guard boat from the Oak Island station and departed a few minutes later for Wilmington in taxis. All passengers retained vivid memories of how the tropical HnrriPAnp swpnf the liner before her and of the mighty crash when she grounded about eight o'clock and rocked and rolled for the following three hours. They all praised Captain E. W. Sundstrom and members of his crew for their cool efficiency, and one passenger declared that at no time was there any indication "hatsof. er of panic aboard the vcsSel. The ten survivors lauded Captain A. Pendersen, master of the Reaper, and members of his crew for their fine hospitality. Several of the survivors were clad in garments given them by the sailors. As they were leaving the ship the ten joined in a collegiate yell for the Reaper and for Captain PonHoroon X VltUViOViti The names of the passengers who landed here were: W. H. Wynne, commercial agent for the Southern Pacific Lines at New Orleans, Mrs. Wynne and their young son, Maurice; Mr. and Mrs. Adolf E'gutter and daughter, (Continued on page 8) Commissioners Name Rural Policemen Members of the Brunswick county board of commissioners in session here Friday appointed Harry Robinson, Dillon Ganey, Bishop Sullivan and Buro Coleman as rural policemen. Most of the day's session was devoted to the disposition of routine business. Civic Club Met Friday Evening The regular meeting of the Port City Civic club was held Friday evening at Caswell Beach with only a few members present. No important matters of business were disposed of at the meeting. Tide Table Following is the tide table for Southport daring the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Wednesday, September 11 6:01 a. m. 3:23 p. m. 12:14 p. m. Thursday, September 12 6:52 a. m. 0:44 a. m. 7:15 p. m. 1:06 p. m. Friday, September 13 7:41 a. m. 1:31 a. m. 8:02 p. m. 1:58 p. m. Saturday, September 14 R'3!) a m 2:17 a. m. 8:92 p. m. 2:48 p. m. Sunday, September 15 9:17 a.^m. 3:04 a. m. 9:41 p. m. 3:40 p. m. Monday, September 16 10:06 a. m. 3:52 a. m. 10:32 p. m. 4:33 p. m. Tuesday, September 17 10:58 a. m. 4:42 a. m. 11:26 p. m. 5:27 p. m.

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