InNESDAY, DEC. 18, 19 Bant ads Wtfffy~Ash logs. See, write, ? ' CLINTON LUMBER | Clinton. N. C. 12-18-* MASTED- -USED CARS. "j I rt.'pair or equip with new Msjtd batteries on time pay-! plan W*e repair all makes j to suit. Weekly, mon cr crop time. BRAXTON L jerVICE, Whitevilk, N ! 1-24-c miLs~ mr~ PuKhCLOSlHE having been made in the ' th- debt secured by that K. ef executed by j. r~;a :?! "'if. Thelma Sutton, K,y- Trustee, on the ay c: February. A. D. 1932, H jyjy r,...'orJtd in Book 53, at j(j Iteiords of Brunswick *o s- - i'e the payment of drlit therein described to Building and I.oan Asand the said Southport Association hav. to the underH "Truf." to advertise and sell ^F-ise-ii herein described to 4'y a' I will on ^Eiiu the -1st day ol Decern her. .4, bM 193.1, > or:s k nr. cffer for sale at ; juetiot. o the highest bidder K,, at t. court house door in ! i of ithpi it, Brunswick 1 'tss* 'cllnwine IKTVorth raroitiKt, Mr / , tract, piece or parcel RTivm; a:.J leins in the City Ry'liBOrt. Brunswick county, KCarolim and bounded and Li as follows, to-wit: ^ point in the WesH.. 0- Lord .street l.'O feet JJjjv f; :r, ihe northwestern /\,-irrJ by the intersection of HT.V i of Bay Street with the l' ijV- of i.ord Street, said y- Robert \V. Davis" north'in thence northK.. .... the western line of "> tut lev", to It. It. BiddleI. -rlv J. I. Daniel's) ads'. thence westwardly and Moore Street 66 feet to E'; :he dividing line between v . i 4 and the southwestern . ) . ,i Biddiecomb's (formerly ['r," ,;< adjoining lot: thence I _ the eastern line j ; i No. 3 and parallel with c-' ; c, fWt to a stake, same i?; Robert W. Davis' northI (er .er: thence eastwardly sad Robert W. Davis' northern i:J parallel with Bay Street 66 I-) the beginning corner. jtd posted, this the 20th day Ei-siber, 1935. E ROBKRT \V. DAVIS. Trustee. I administrator's Notice lire Qualified as Administrator, I A. of the estate of Dr. \V. R. I deceased, late of Brunswick (,. North Carolina, this is to K all persons having claims b the said estate of the said bd to exhibit them to the unfa) at Southport, or Shallotte, IT or to Robert W. Davis, my Kef. at Southport. -V. C., on or p the 30th day of November. 1 1936. or this notice will be M in bar of their recovery. I persons indebted to the said I will please make immediate kJMi day of Nov.. A. D? 1935. S. P.. HOLMES, Administrator, IT A. \\. R. Ooley estate, f IV Davis, Attorney, for the prisrator. 12-25-c PTKK OF FORECLOSURE r and by virtue of a power ontained In a certain deed pwited by C. E. Gause and pJ W Ruark, Trustee, dated 0.9th. 1929. recorded in office teer of Deeds for Brunswick |N* C. in Book No. 48. Page t re'erer.'e thereto being hereHt to secure navment of cerp the rein recited, and default 1been made in payment of ,-* iersigried trustee, will on "Mar, December 23. 1935, sale to the highest bidder at the rourt house door in J" X. C.. at 12 o'clock noon, ? ' na tion, a certain tract of (uif and being in Smithville ^bounded and described as ~~j^Hr si.'X al .1 Rerg's northern ^ var a culvert on Wilmiug^ ^ray. between J. A. Dosher's ' Scrg'y farms; runs north '' ' east about 295.0 feet with runs about north 33.13 feet with said highwav; wnnorth 43.09 east 84.5 feet ^ a. r ehway; runs about north &t 112.5 feet with said high r.rj about north 62.00 east 2" to Wilmington highway. , r?ad: runs south 42.6l to Pinch's corner: runs whs !;ne south 67.51 west to Isaiah Mills northeast i. -5 with Isaiah Mills line J" "est 462 feet to his northruns south 83.36 west f-rs north 74.25 west 200 H "fuming. ard posted, this November J W. RUARK. H. Trustee. inviteu H?t?e?* n'esel and I-ubricatBlas y of Sou'hPort. N. C.. R ?.re invited and will be ty-m> ?y IIall. Southport, r 27th. 1935. at 3 p. di' diesel fuel oil to Kr /ant in the City of quantities and at HiTm, k! '-'fy pi ay require K'., . beginning January 1st. . including December 1 !S. estimated that the K Me about 50.000 gallons. K. >., sealed and shall He ?'l will be furnished Ik S' .delivered to power B said'oM. A'S? 8pecifica" BtR, 'or furnishing to tt(Xcal "8 oil at the same It a ?!ii . I?1"* length of H? Jboot v>^! that ,he ci,y PttpjJ. f;00 Radons for the |vt ,ir .,t0 state price per of sald on EffltWds.lhe rieht 10 re_ H"i/'dder. will be required V Nation/0' accordlne t0 ^^/^R^WRRKS, Clerk. Hj^trator's Notice^ _^H^Wfied as admlnistra'state of B. L. Holden. m^mck Co--ty, N. C. Bjv,' lfy all pr 'tons havBliainat the estate of to exhibit them ^P*>\ cP6^ at his home Htr 1' / on or before the M, mber' 1936, or gw* PfrM l>ar to ?. A" Persons mBtais6 Said estate will immediate settlel BS^ ?fAPec ' 1935. ' Administrator it Holden. ^^Ktr!!1^ wh'te Leghorn ? profit each A' Simpson' this past year. 35 ^?? FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C? dated the 18th day of November, 1935, in an action entitled "Brunswick County j j versus G. D. Smith, et ux." The un- | dersigned commission will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the iflth day of December. 1935 at 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door, Southport, N. C? to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $ , the following described real estate, located in I Shallotte Township, Brunswick Coun- | [ ty. N. C., bounded and described as follows: Rounded on the north by lands (known as Joseph Rlanton land; on [the east by Crooked Saplin Branch; 1 on the south by the run of Caw Caw Swamp, 'Opossum Branch ar.<\ Cow 1 Branch; on the west by the lands I of L. P. Long estate and J P. Butler estate. ? Beginning in the run of Crooked ; Saplin Branch, on an iron rod with old pointers in the Joseph Blanton | i line; runs thence south 73 degrees, 115' west 1090 feet to an iron pipe, 'with pine pointers, a Blanton corner; ! thence north 68 degrees, 30' west 781 I feet to stake with stump pointer, just west of an old tram road bed; thence ' along the L. D. Long estate line and the J. P. Butler estate line south 118 degrees. 45' west 3250 feet to a ; stake bearing north 89 degrees 45' west 13 feet from a small cypress | pointer on the north side of the swamp of Cow Branch; thence south 174 degrees west 1060 feet to a stake 1 with pointers; thence south 58 feet to an iron rod with pointers on the run of Cow Branch, a corner of Jloytt Smith, C. Ed Taylor and J. B. Bland; thence up the run of Cow Branch north 75 degrees east 234 feet to a gum with pointers; north 84 degrees, 45' east 353 feet to a gum with pointers; north 75 degrees 45' east 268 feet to a small pine with pointers; north 68 degrees 30' east 143 feet to a gum with pointers, a comer of ,T. B. Bland and Burroughs & Collins land: thence north 80 degrees east 1396 feet to a gum with 3 gum pointers in the head of 'Opossum Branch and thence eastwardly and with the tun of Opossum Branch and thence southwardly with the run about 2500 feet to a' gum where 'Opossum Branch flows into Caw Caw Swamp; thence up the run of Caw Caw Swamp about 2000 feet to the mouth of Crooked Saplin Branch; thence up I the run of Crooked Saplin Branch ' about 4.100 feet to the beginning. , containing 226 acres, as surveyed | Nov. 14. 1935, by A. J. Brown. Sur- j veyor, as per order by the court. i All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the court. Ten days: allow ed for raise of bid before report I made. Cash to be paid at sale. This 20th day of November, 1935. W. R. HOLMES, 12-1?" Commissioner ! COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the decree of the Superior Court, dated November 25th, 1935, in an action entitled "The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, vs. W. P. Comron and his wife, Mrs. W. P. Comron; E. H. Smith and Bank of Little River, Defendants," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public sale at the court house door. Southport, N. C., on Monday, December 30th, 1935 at noon, to the highest bidder for cash, or one-third cash and the remainder in two equal annual installments, the deferred payment to be secured by first mortgage, or deed of trust on lands herein described, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. A deposit [of $25.00 will be required of the (successful bidder, to await confirmation, the lands to be sold being bounJded and described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel ro tract of land containing 36 3-20 acres more or less, situate, lying and being on the east side of the Calabash ! and Little River public roads in Shallotte Township, county of BrunsI wick, State of North Carolina, hav| ing such shape, metes, courses and I distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plot thereof made by A. J. Brown, Surveyor, February 8th, 1922, bounded on the north by the lands of J. H. Stanley and D. E. Stalaland. on the east by the lands of D. E. Stanaland and L. J. McLamb. on the south by the lands of M. D. McLamb and on the west by; the land of J. R. Comron and J. H. Stanley, being a consolidated survey of parts of two tracts of land, one conveyed by J. R. Comron to W. P. J Comron, April 4th, 1921, as recorded, in Book 34, at page 257. and the I I other being conveyed from J. H. i I Stanley and wife to W. P. Comron! (October 27th. 1919, as recorded in i Book 30. at page 302, records of l Brunswick county. Dated and posted this, November 25th, 1935. C. ED. TAYLOR, 12-25c Commissioner COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in the decree of the Superior Court, dated November 25th, 11935, in an action entitled "The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, vs. D. | Leon Henry and wife, Guilda M. Henry, D. vaughan Allen and A. M. | McKoy, Receivers of J. W. Brooks, I Defendants," the undersigned commis[sioner will expose at public sale at the court house door, Southport, N. C., on I Monday, December 30th, 1985, [ at twelve o'clock noon, to the highest bidder for cash, or one-third cash lonH the remainder in two equal an nual installments, the deferred payments to be secured by first mortgage. or deed of trust, on lands herein described, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. A deposit of $25.00 will be required of the successful bidder, to await conformation. the lands to be ""'d being bounded and described as follows: All those certain parcels or tracts of land containing 55 acres and ten (acres, more or less, situate, lying and being about 14 miles from the City of Wilmington. In Town Creek Township, County of Brunswick. State of North Carolina, having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plot thereof, made by E. W. Taylor, Surveyor, made September 5th, 1922. on file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia. The 65 acre tract being bounded on the north by the run of Town Creek, on the east by the lands of D. R. Skipper, on the south by the lands of E. V. Evans, and on the west by the lands of Julius Sullivan. The 10 acre tract being bounded on the north by the said Ptney Grove Public Road, on the east by the lands of D. R. Skipper, on the south by the home lands of the latej. S. Henry, and on the west by the lands of E. V. Evans. Dated and posted, this the 25th day of November, 1935. C. ED. TAYLOR. 12-25-c. Commissioner. FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain mortgage deed, made and executed by W. H. Green and wife. Mary Green, to W. H. Temple and wife. Mary E. Temple, for $1000.00. dated the 5th day of March, 1929, duly recorded In Book 48. at page 358. re1 cords of Brunswick county, to which reference is hereby especially made. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein described, the undersigned Mary E. Temple will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the City of Southport, and the County of Brunswick on Thursday. December 2*th. 19S5 at 12 o'clock noon, the following described piece, lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being in Smithville Township, Brunswick County. North | Carolina, and bounded and described jas follows, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of A. J. Robbins and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the river I THE SI road, leading from Southport to Wil- 1 mington, N. C., same being a corner . of the A. J. Robbing tract of land; thence running about northwardly with said road to a pine in the A. B. Mercer line, originally known as the Peter Gause line; thence with f the said line north 18-30" west to j Governors Creek; thence with Gover- ) nors Creek and the meanders there- j of about southwardly to a pine, on L Gum Landing, another corner of the I A. J .Robbing tract of land; thence j with the A. J. Bobbins line Eastwardly to the beginning corner, con- j taining about SO acres, more or less. I Dated and posted, this 26th day 1 of November. 1935. MARY E. TEMPLE. Mary E. Temple Executrix of AY. II. < Temple, Deceased. S. B. Prink, Attorney 12-25c ! FORECLOSURE SALE REAL i! ESTATE MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of the power M of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed made to me on the ' 3rd day of June. 1930. hy George Mitchell and Rhoda Mitchell, his wife, duly recorded in Book 52, at 1 page 509, records of Brunswick coun- i ty. to which reference is hereby especially made. Default having been made in the payment of the lndeb- 1 tedness described in the said mortgage, I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the City of Southport. Brunswick County, N. C., on Saturday, 4th day of Jan., A. T)? 19S6 at 12 o'clock noon, the following des- ' cribed piece or tract of land lying , 1 and being in Lookwoods Folly Town- i. ship, Brunswick county. North Caro-1 lina, and bounded and described as. follows, to-wit: , Beginning nt a long-leaf pine onj' the north side of the Old Georgetown ' 1 road and on the east side of the i road leading to Juniper Creek; runs thence north 1 east sixty-four (64) ] poles to a long-leaf pine on the south i side of the Juniner Creek road; then- I ce about south east with the vari- I ous courses of said road ninety-four i ( (94) poles to a stake on the South | side of said road and a eorner of i the Lodge Hall lot; thenoe south 26 west twenty-eight (28) poles to a stake on the south side of the Old 1 Georgetown road: thence about south | 72 west eighty-seven (87) poles to |, the first station, containing twentyfive (25) acres. !, P. T. CLEMMONS. Mortgagee, i Dated and posted this the 4th day J of December. 1935. '1 Robert W. Davis. Attorney for the, Mortgagee. J FORECLOSE RE SALE OE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE 1 Under and hy virtue of the power | of sale contained in that eorfain mortgage deed made and executed by |1 T. O. Hickman and wife. Rubv Hick-I, man, to J. W. Brooks for "$300.00, dated the 8th day of June. 1027. duly recorded in Book 43, at Page , 413, records of Brunswick county, and same having been duly assigned to 1 David A. Caison. to which reference is hereby especially made. Default ' having been made in the payment of I the indebtedness therein described, the undersigned David A. Caison, assig- . nee, will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash i at the courthouse door in the City of Southport. and the County oif Brunswick on Thursday. January 2nd, 198B. at 12 o'clock noon, the following des- ' cribed niece, lot. tract or parcel of ( land, lying and being in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. North Carolina, and bounded and described ; as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake in Monroe Hickman's line: runs south 33 deg. east 1811 poles to a black gum in . old field branch: thence up said branch, about 13 poles to a black j gum; thence north 20 degrees west i 88 poles to a stake in O. T. Hickman's corner; thepce with his li"e|( south 53 degrees west 23 poles to a stake; thence about north 21 de- ' grees west 108 poles to a black gum, < R. M. Hickman's corner: thence with | his line south C8 degrees west 301 poles to a stake at the wire fence: thence with the said fence south 29 I degrees east 4 poles to a, stake: thence south 07'4, degrees west 10 < poles to the beginning, containing 25 acres, more or less. II Dated and nosted. this 4th day of | December. 1935. ' DAVTP A. CAISON, Assignee. S. B. Frink, Attorney. 12-25clj EXUM I; I Mrs. Polly E. Millican died at her home here Sunday morning J at 7:15. Mrs. Millican had been ill for several days and her death was expected. She was 78 years; of age and the widow of the late i O. Ds Millican, who preceded her , to the grave about six months. 1 She was a faithful member of New Life Baptist church and had been for many years. As a neighbor, none were better. A short funeral service was held at the home of the deceased on Monday morning and interment was made | in New Life cemetery. Lovely floral offerings were made. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. J. P. and Miss Drucilla Millican, who are 75 and 72 years old, i respectively. A number of nieces ' and nephews also survive. Mr. W. J. Purvis returned home from the Brunswick county hospital Sunday. Her many friends are glad to see her home again, j Mrs. J. E. Dodson has been ill j for the past several days. Mrs. W. B. Edwards is able to be up again after several weeks of illness. Mrs. Delia Smith, of Ash, visited her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Millican, during the week-end. Wnwio MpVofthan isi si if iuisa iUAi ia - _ __ fering with an attack of grip. Mrs. W. A. Phelps from Brunswick county hospital is spending a few days at her home here. Dan Walton and Miss Julia Ludlum were quietly married a few days ago. Mrs. Walton is a j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. | Ludlum. She was also a member of the senior class of Waccamaw high school this year. Bolivia News By Jesse Lewis Appendicitis Operation Herman Mercer, employee of Elmore Motor Company, was operated on for appendicitis in the ! Brunswick county hospital on Thursday night, December 12. He is improving nicely. Mr. Jason Hewett spent a part of last week in Southport. School Sports The Bloivia high school basketball teams will go to Wampee, S. C., Friday night, December 20, to play the Wdmpee teams. These games will be the last rATE PORT PILOT, SOUT1 the Bolivia teams will play before January 10 th. 4-H Club Party The Bolivia 4-H Club and 'riends are planning a Christmas aarty for Thursday night, Decemjer 19, at the community buildng. Mrs. H. F. Mintz is the eader of the club. Christmas Pageant A Christmas pageant will be given on Friday night, Decem>er 27th, at the Bolivia Baptist ;hurch. This pageant will be giv:n by members of the high school, Baptist and Methodist :hurches. Mrs. George Cannon, :he music teacher, is sponsoring this play and the public is coriially invited to attend. Miss Ida Lee Mintz was a Wilmington visitor Saturday of last veek. Mr. Sam Gore and family were Wilmington visitors Saturday. COUNTY HOME NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Lester Phelps called the first of the past week to see Mrs. Amanda J. Rabon ind Miss Lizzie Holden. Miss E. Satterfield and her group of young people held their bi-weekly prayer service at the borne on Tuesday evening of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Covington Hewett and Mrs. Henry Hewett called Tuesday to see Miss Holden and Mrs. Rabon. Mrs. Rabon returned with them for a visit to ber home section. Mrs. G. W. Kirby, Jr., and Mr. Vance Russ called Wednesday evening on G. W. Kirby, Jr. Mrs. Dora Arnold and Mrs. Evelyn Pyndall were also callers on Mr, Kirby Thursday evening. Mr. Joe Beck stopped by Saturday to see Mr. Henry Flowers. Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Biles were callers at the home on Saturday morning. Mrs. G. W. Kirby, Jr., and Charlie Swann called Saturday evening to see G. W. Kirby, Jr. Mr. Swann came Sunday and took Mr. Kirby to Southport to attend the wedding of Miss Jessie May Russ and Mr. Ehvood Green at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Russ. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hewett called Sunday to see Miss Holien. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wescott came Sunday and took Miss Thelma Wescott for a visit to relatives Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Lewis and Mrs. E. D. Hewett called Sunday afternoon on G. W. Kirby, Jr. R. L. Johnson made a brief call Monday morning in the interest of the radio for the home, which he stated is ordered and would likely soon be received. Frank Sasser and Mrs. St. George called recently to see those eligible for the Old Age pension. Mrs. Alec Williams and Mrs. Bessie Swann came Tuesday and rendered splendid assistance in caring for lard, sausage making, etc. How To Prevent Termite Damage Easiest And Most Effective Time To Protect A House Against Termites Is During Construction The easiest and most effective time to protect a house against termites is during the early stages of its construction. The problem, said Dr. B. B. Fulton, research entomologist at State College, is to keep the termites from reaching the wooden parts of the house. These insects commonly live underground, but will build mud runways up the masonry walls of a house to reach the woodwork. The greater the distance from the soil level to the woodwork, the less the chance of termite infestation, Dr. Fulton said. And a house with a full basement is less likely to be bothered than one without a basement or with only a partial basement. Any part of the building which is not directly over a basement should be protected by removing the soil to give a clearance of three or four feet. Stumps and roots in the ground underneath a house should be dug out. Dr. Fulton recommended the use of termite shields for frame houses, particularly those without basements. A shield is a strip of non-corrosive metal placed between the foundations and the sills. Well laid Portland cement gives a good protection, he added, but only as long sis there are no cracks through which the termites may enter. A common source of trouble is in terraces or porches with a concrete floor laid over an earth fill, and on a level with the flooi of the house. Termites frequently find cracks through which they can reach the woodwork. Building the terraces one step below the floor level reduces the likelihood of termite damage. Mrs. Walter Robbins of Nsish county, has started 400 chicks under the brooder in preparing for the new poultry year. 1PORT, N. C. Mam h Menace Starting Fire More "J'hac Half The Fir Started This Year National Forests We Direct Result Of Hum: Carelessness i j Mali atill ranks as "Forest E emy No 1," More than half t I Plei Hi m ( in ; i All well brok II and ready fo || your inspec ) ( j { tion. We knov il we can pleas II |j you from ou |j big selectioi II of mules ii Cash or i i | Time 1 'I HACKNEY Seth !i WHITE VILI ) I I j?p2 1 I Ti% I (> ^tr J V*. i pt I ^? i g : If PHILCO REPLACEM1 I H TUBES IMPROVE 1 M PERFORMANCE OF I 1 j| RADIO : 1 LIBERAL j :| Harry I fires in national forests this yea: reports the Forest Service, wer caused by man. The number c these fires?as winter rains an ,S snows ended dangerous fire wea ther conditions in all but a fe\ sections of the country?wa 5s 5,777, as compared to 5,282 las *n year, and to an annual averag re | of 4691 over the 1931-34 period in These fires were started b; ! brush burners, by residents oi ; land newly acquired by the For In- est Service?many of whom stil hejbelieve that annual" burning nt y M )UR BARNS ARE FL WAGONS? Both one WW L Smith Js, - - - NOR! A Present' for 366 D< THE NEW 1936 'usical Instrument of Q Wm THE FINE! gig SETS El if$49-95 Every broad eluding the The,e Jj?||. both ' ',bU u? Ph \LL0WANCE... Robinson, ^ SUPPLY, N. C. SEVEN r, over" is good for the woods? ? and by campers, hunters, recread tionists, and tourists who have made greater use of national forv est facilities this year than ever s before. On a purely mathematical t basis this increases the number e of "man-caused" fires. I. "The only solution," says the y Forest Service, "is education on i the danger of fire. The respon-1 sibility falls not oniy on the 1 j Forest Service but upon every -1 individual in the United States." *XXJtK3t3(*X?XX*?*?? ; ules i ii 11 J ! i I it ) I ) I ) I 11 I ) and Two Horse) j =wr? j & Co. 'H CAROLINA j MRVBODvi That Will Last I ivs Next Y ear | V ^ lo I uality ST BATTERY I fER BUILT I $100 I cast service, in- W U. S. Weather S irecast W marvelous sets come in cabinet models and SjL sets. Their matchless y of materials and devill grace any room. 15" best results use a ||r ilco all-wave aerial fcASY ILKMd | ilco Dealer 1