I The Pilot Covers I Brunswick County t^MEElGHT NO. 47 Wfk Forces Are' Lking For Reali ferry ChristmI Itot Ten Per Cent In-! /crease In Wages Has Made Them Happy As1 /jjjg Holiday Season A p., /proaches j In RELIEF CLIENTS i are now at work D"~r* Offered V England I An unpretentious freighter I 'As taking Col. Charles A. j Lindbergh and his family to a II self-imposed exile abroad 1because, friends said, of I "Kbiesa and a growing apI tension over the safety of I I 3 year old son, Jon. Close mends of Colonel Lindbergh I * Engiewood, N. J., where he with his family, stated I ^Equivocally that the famous I er was taking up residence 131 England to escape increasI cS'y ominous threats of kidl^PPrng against little Jon. tilled I I ^nator Thomas D. Schall, *&nesota republican. died I 5- in a hospital the victim of I h,lra*ff'c accident. Despite the I of blindness, the 58I ed ?i(i Minnesotan had servI vj. ost two decades in the I v' and senatc. with the last I uuta- "VCars sP?tlighted by his I to* ervinS and vigorous con P.^atl0n of policies of the I Velt administration. I "^ued oa Page Four.) J Have wv?? lobs, Says Caldwell, Dis- j |? Director, And If I They Are Not WorkI ing Are Unable Or I Unwilling Lyottenlle. Pec 23 ?With the ! 0f shorter hours and a j cent increase in their; Eritv wage amounting to an E|>' twenty-two percent inEe in hourly wage, nearly j ftlVPA workers in Brunswick Etv looked forward today toj Et will be the first merry ; Erfmas in years for many of fork has been progressing Ely. New projects have been Euiie up. and workers' checks | E been getting to them on1 E With eight projects in opeKK throughout the county, Ever. WPA officials predicted 1 I the federal works program probably reached its peak of Elpyment for the time being.. Envrhile the 450 WPA workEin Brunswick county could E forward to steady work at higher wage when their three | E Christmas holiday is over, ft the ten counties of the 4th Strict approximately 5000 men women are at work on nearIt hundred WPA projects. With I reception of a very small per- j Et^e. all are members of for- j ft relief families. "There are ' some relief clients in the Er.ct who are not working," | ft Robert D. Caldwell, district | WA director, "but we have of-; ftc jobs to all of them. Those ft are not working either are I able or willing to work or I * ? (have otner employment. Asked concerning the delay in [ arrival of pay checks for PA workers, Caldwell said, be problem was never acute wsghout the district as a (Continued on Page four) little Bits Of Big News Ntw? Events Of State, j Nition and World-Wide Interest During Past Week ragedy fourteen persons met death ? the icy waters of the Appomattox river Sun. when an Atlantic Greyhound bus plun-1 W through an open draw- j tod&e. All the bodies had been j Wavered late Monday. The ' ted. twelve of which had not j ten identified, were nine " ite men, and two negro the driver, L. G. Alford, ! "J J- B. Belch, of Hopewell, j "'to escaped from the bus [ rescued, but later died. THE 8-PAGES TOl Gurganeous Is 1 Bound Over To Superior Court Wilmington Man Who Was Driver Of Automobile In Collision With Negro Given Hearing Wednesday , TWO-DAY SESSION RECORDER'S COURT Docket Filled With Cases Which Had Been Postponed For Two Previous Weeks; Unusual Run Of Cases Tried Floyd Gurganeous, Wilmington white man, was bound over to Superior Court under a bond of $1,000 following a hearing on Wednesday before Judge Peter Rourk on a charge of reckless operation of a motor vehicle resulting in the death of a person. Raymond Bryant, colored, of Bolivia, was the victim of this accident, which occurred several weeks ago on highway 20 between Bolivia and Bell Swamp intersection. So crowded was the Recorder's; Court docket that two days were required to dispose of the cases, j Harry Little, white, pleaded guilty to a charge of passing a school bus while it was unloading i children and was taxed with the1 cost in the case. Homer Sherrill and Bill Mc- j Call, white, pleaded guilty of ope-1 rating an automobile with a defective steering gear. They were required to pay the officer's fee j and to make restitution to Benn.e Williams and R. W. Davis, i whose automobile they struck. | The case against R. K. Thompeon white, for assault, was nol pro'sSed and the costs were taxed against the prosecuting witness. I Daniel Hobbs, colored, was found not guilty of assault. Katherine Hobbs, colored, pleaded guilty of assault and was given SO days in jail, this sentence being suspended upon payment of the costs. (Continued on page 5) License Plates Cheaper In 1336 Reduction Of Some 25 Per Cent Extended To Car Owners This Year; Trucks And Trailers The Same A fluctuating reduction, depending upon the weight of a car, has been extended on automobile license plates for 1936, which went on sale Monday morning here. The reduction in some instances remains as much as 25 per cent. For instance, the lighter Fords, Plymouths, and a few others have been reduced as low as $10.40, from the $13.60 charged last year. No reduction has been made on truck and trailer licenses, however. Mrs. Anne Talbott, in charge of the White ville bureau, said that sales were slower than usual this year, anAY Southport, N. Ulernj C C rvt i UVJU.U.1JJUJL L L Over \ Local Quint Outplayed Vis Slow Contest In The S Avenges Eai Dead set upon avenging at the hands of the Wilmin Southport lads played a sloi nesday night in the local g; visitors by a score of 22 to ! Less than a week before Wil-* mington had defeated the-* local j lads 13 to 11 on the Wilmington, court. p;a> was slow during the first half and the score at intermis- [ sicn was 7 to 4, in favor cf Scuthport. In the last half the j home town boys turned on the j steam and pulled away to a decisive victory. i Hubbard and Watson led the ; scoring for the winners. The de- j fensive play of the entire Southport team was outstanding. Horton, Wilmington forward, was best for his team. The line-up for Southport was, [Watson, Jones, Hubbard, Hickman. Jelks and Willing; for Wilmington, Andrews, Horton, Hen- i derson, Robbinson, Marshburn and White. I ~ I Program For The! Baptist Church 1 Christmas Pageant, "The, I Star Garden," Will Be Presented On Christmas < Night At The Local Bap-1 tist Church A Christmas pageant, "The Star Garden;" will be presented at the Baptist church on Christmas night at 8 o'clock .The pro-1 gram is as follows: Instrumental solo: Mayzel Lewis; Hymn, "Joy to the World," congregation; ! Prayer, Rev. T. H. Biles; AnI nouncements, Rev. T. H. Biles; i Recitation, "Merry Christmas," Wiley Biles. (Continued on Page four) j Milady's Mink Coa From The Wil J You may have been sitting in some ritzy theatre in New York's famous Times Square, or in a swanky restaurant and supper club in the same district, and noticed the gorgeous fur wraps which encase the frame of some orchid wearing, diamond bedecked lady of twenty, forty or sixty. You, like we, may have 1 marvelled at the beauty of the beautiful evening wraps, little dreaming that they might have come from the I wilds of our own native heath . . Brunswick county. The raccoon coat which President Roosevelt wears, the mink the First Lady often uses, may have all had their origin no other place than Brunswick county. Hie reason: Hundreds up\ few weens, pnes 01 tuicu pelts have been seen in several stores whose owners serve as local buyers. To the unpracticed eye, Brunswick county furs appear to be of fine quality and apparently have been well cured. oo paper In A Go C., Wednesday, Dec hristmas Joys Win Vilmington itors Wednesday Night In iouthport Gymnasium; -lier Defeat ! ari earlier defeat suffered igton high school boys, the at and cautious game Wedpmnasium to turn back the 9. JACK FROST BEATS SANTA CLAUS TO TOWN BY TWO DAYS Jack Frost beat Santa Claus to town by two days as Southport and surrounding countryside shivered under a silver blanket of ice. Friday marked the first day of this unusual cold spell, and the thermometer continued to drop Saturday. On Sunday, rain began to fall about noon and freezing temperature changed it to ice as fast as it fell. Branches of the stately live oak trees that line the streets of Southport were bent almost to the breaking point, but warmer weather Monday melted a lot of the Ice before any damage resulted. Old citizens of the town declare that this is one of the worst freezes to occur locally in many a year. Tobacco Contracts Must Be In Jan. 1 Sign-up for the new tobaccc contracts must be completed be fore January 1, according to in formation received this weel from the office of County Ageni J. E. Dodson. Contracts and transmitta sheets will be mailed to Raleigt immediately after the closing date of the sign-up. it May Have Come Ids Of Brunswick on hundreds of such pelts, raccoon, opossum, mink, weasel, fox, . . . yes, and even skunk, otherwise known as pole cats, are shipped from this county each year to the New York market. The fur industry has reached amazing proportions in Brunswick county. Some of the more precious pelts bring very good prices, so that many hunters realize lively compensation from this form of sport. In traveling around over the county during the past 1 - - ' - ? * J RTPI od Community member 25th, 1935 PUBLI' Shrimpers Ask That Survey Be Made of Wrecks ___ To Ask Congressmen Clark And Barden To Aid In Securing Appropriation To Have Wrecks Located And Marked WOULD SAVE BIG LOSS IN NETS Added Advantage Of SurIvey Would Be The Improved Fishing For Sportsmen, Who Fish About The Wrecks Two different sets of petitions i have heen nrenared askine Con j gressman J. Bayard Clark, of I this district, and Congressman (Graham A. Barden, of the third j district, to secure an appropria! tion that will enable the U. S. (Department of Commerce to conIduct a survey of the Southport shrimping grounds. The purpose is to locate all old wrecks and if they are too large to be removed, mark them with , | floating buoys. This will enable I the shrimp trawlers to avoid I these menaces and avoid the great yearly loss in time and ! destruction of nets. Large rocks jal30 will be marked; minor snags i and other obstructions will be pulled out and removed. Such an undertaking would J 1 save many thousands of dollars j I to the fishermen each season and (increase the individual production | by allowing the boats to work I without interruption when the i weather permits. Another advantage from such i a survey is that with the wrecks j and rocks marked the sports j fishermen will be able to reacuiy !locate such spots' and probably j double the average catches. It is a well known fact that game | fish congregate around wrecks by 1 the thousands, and when a party of sportsmen are able to locate lone of these places out in deep [water they always bring in a big j catch. The interest of Congressman Barden lies in the fact that from ! 50 to 100 boats from Carteret j county and other points in his district come here each year to fish for shrimp. Being even less acquainted with the location of | the wrecks than the local fish[ ermen, these up-state boatmen are constantly suffering heavy damage to their nets. During the j past season one Carteret county | fisherman had four brand new nets torn completely from his j boat and lost. He had others damaged and became so disheartjend with his losses that he quit | operations and returned home. Local Observance Of Jackson Day 1 '|R. I. Mintz, Chairman Of Rnintwirlr Cftlintv YoUnfiT ' Democratic Club, Will Arrange Program For January 8th c ~ t Forty-eight states were massing | today behind a nation-wide drive : to make the coming Jackson Day ' I dinner, January 8, 1936, the l! greatest demonstration in the j | history of the Democratic party, | according to word received from _ I Chairman James A. Farley of the (Democratic Committee, by R. I. i I Mintz, President of the Bruns' | wick county Young Democratic ! Club. [ Mr. Farley and Frank Wickhem, national president of the Young Democratic Clubs of Ame1 rica, sent word to Mr. Mintz that there is every indication that (Continued on Paee 4) Patrolmen To Be Here Saturdays Announcement was made last (week that members of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol will be here each Wednesday morning for the purpose of givI ing examinations for drivers 11(censes. Later orders from state (headquarters make it necessary to change the day to Saturday. Applications for taxi and for I hire lisense will also be handled by patrolmen while in SouthIport. These applications must be made to the patrolmen, who will Iturn them in to the state department after due examination. v Most Of The News All The Time $1.50 PER YEAR Inquest Started In Death Of Boy Killed Saturday Earl Cook, 20-Year-Old Son Of Mr. And Mrs. Dan Cook, Of This County, Shot Saturday Afternoon KILLING OCCURRED IN PENDER COUNTY Coroner's Jury Met Monday But The Verdict Was Held Open Until Fur4.1 I l! 4-' iner investigation Burgaw, Dec. 23.?A Pender county coroner's jury's verdict in the death of Earl Cook, 20-yearold son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cook, of Brunswick county, whose shot-riddled body was found lying yesterday morning in the low lying section of Pender county across the Cape Fear river from the point where Columbus, Brunswick and Pender counties meet, was held open today after the jury had heard a number of witnesses testify. The case is being held open pending the possible discovery of further evidence by Brunswick county officers. Coroner M. O. Pope, of Pender county, tonight said evidence at the inquest showed the boy had come to death from shot gun wounds received accidentally at his own hands. It was indicated he said, the boy had hit a hog he was trying to take home in the head with the gun and the shell exploded. Contrary to previous reports that the boy was shot in the back, Mr. Pope said the shot entered the abdomen, and that the muzzle of the gun was close to his body at the time of the shot, this being indicated by extensive powder burns. Explaining the fact the gun was found several yards from the boys' body. Coroner Pope said it was indicated the boy had crawled some distance toward the boat, in which he had previously crossed the river, before he HipH | as saying the pair had been 'drinking heavily at that time. When the car was righted it I was headed toward Wilmington. Climbing in, the men drove off, turning the car over again about ia mile from the first accident. Garrison died instantly of a traumatic shock, according to an autopsy performed Sunday night j by Dr. William S. Dosher, of Southport. Ebert was lodged in jail Sunday night in Southport in default of $1,500 bail, set by District Solicitor John J. Burney. He is charged with manslaughter. Funeral services for Garrison I were conducted Tuesday morning ;at 11 o'clock from the home by Rev. J. S. Crowley. Interment was made in Oakdale cemetery. Garrison is survived by his widow, Mrs. Minnie Brown Garrison, four daughters, Mrs. D. G. Register, Mrs. R. A. Burnette, \f ro XT'"irorotto flra n t oil r-.f \XTi 1 I i'u o. \JIuiib, an ui f w 11mington, and Mrs. G. E. Berger, of Pottsville, Pa., a sister, Mrs. F. L. Mintz, two brothers. Horace and Frank Garrison, of Wilming, ton. He had been employed as electrician by the Tide Water Power Company for the past 25 yean. I t LOT >HED EVERY WEDNESDAY Naugatuck May Be Replaced By President's Boat From Unofficial Source It Is Learned That The Only Coast Guard Boat Not Assigned Duty Now. Is Cowuga PRESIDENT'S BOAT FOR PAST 3 YEARS ^ Recently A Larger Boat j Has Been Turned Over I To Him; Meanwhile, The Naugatuck Is Standing By I Official information from Coast | Guard headquarters at Norfolk is j | to the effect that the cutter Nau-1 ' gatuck is being held there with j i its regular crew in charge, pend-; -C7- ing the receipt of Naval orders and the Naval crew that will [ take charge of her. From another source comes in-; formation that the Cowuga, a Coast Guard boat which has J been assigned to the use of Pres- J [ ident Roosevelt for the past three j j years, appears to be the only boat available for duty at Southport. The Coast Guard assigned President Roosevelt a bigger boat three or four weeks ago and the j Cowuga went back into service but has not yet been commissioned or assigned to duty at any, point. The report received here was to the effect that there was a strong possibility of the Cow- j uga being assigned here. The Cowuga is 125 feet long, | 25 feet longer than the Nauga-; tuck. The Naugatuck, based here; the past year and a half, was a special type of Coast Guard Cut- j ter, described by Norfolk as the best in the service. She is one of a fleet of thirteen boats, built j for and used as a rum chaser fleet on the west coast previous; to repeal. It is understood that the Nau- j gatuck, and her twelve sister \ ships of her type, will be used to form a fleet of small Naval ; ships, based somewhere on the i j Pacific coast. Wilmington Man Dies In Wreck John Dudley Garrison Died Of Traumatic Shock Sunday When Car Skidded On Icy Road And Overturned Sleet-covered roads in Brunsiwick county resulted in the death j of one motorist Sunday when John Dudley Garrison, 59-yearold Wilmington man was instantly killed about 11:30 o'clock as j the automobile in which he was riding overturned between Bell Swamp and Bolivia on the Southport road. Harry W. Ebert was the driver. Garrison's death occurred in j [the second turn-over in which he I was involved Sunday morning, j Traveling toward Southport the Ebert car in which he was a passenger, turned over and was j righted with the help of several people who lived nearby. Thesej peoDle were Quoted Sunday night The wounded hog was found nearby. Upon killing the hog and skinIning its head, the coroner said, jit was found, contrary to reports the hog had been shot with a .22 caliber rifle, that it came to jits death from a blow from the stock of the gun. According to testimony at the inquest, he said, the boy had left , his home early Saturday afternoon and came to his death about 3:00 or 4:00 o'clock that afternoon. His body was found by an uncle, a Mr. Cook who is said to be connected with the highway department in Brunswick county, about 10 o'clock Sunday morning. A search for the boy was begun when he did not return home Saturday night Funeral services for young Cook were held Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the late residence near Acme by the Rev. H. S. Strickland. Interment was made in Goshen Chapel cemetery. He is survived by his parents, two sipters, Misses Mary Elizabeth and Eunice Cook, and three brothers, Daniel J. Cook, Jr., J. W. Cook and Frederick P. Cook, all of Acme. Tide Table Following is the tide table for South port daring the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot . through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Wednesday, December 25 7:04 a. m. 0:46 a. m. 7:34 p. m. 1:38 p. m. Thursday, December 26 7:50 a. m. 1:31 a. m. 8:20 p. m. 2:23 p. m. Friday, December 27 8:33 a. m. 2:18 a. m. 9:08 p. m. 3:07 p. m. Saturday, December 28 9:18 a. m. 3:06 a. m. 9:55 p. m. 3:52 p. m. Sunday, December 29 10:07 a. m. 3:58 a. m. i 10:47 p. m. 4:39 p. m. Monday, December SO 10:56 a. m. 4:53 a. m. 11:40 p. m. 5:28 p. m. Tueeday, December 81 11:51 a. m. 5:52 a. m. 8:20 p. m.