< . The Pilot Covers j Brunswick County ? fOLUME NINE NO. 12 ilection Board Names Officials For This County [ R. Rourk, Of Shallotte,! [Was Made Chairman Of, The County Board Of; I Elections At A Meeting 'Held Here Last Saturday f ? ~ ? AME REGISTRARS anlm i ldges for this year S. Milliken Elected Secetary To The Board; S. \ W. Watts Third Meml i ber; Report Of Minutes Of Meeting Given Members of the county board I elections met Saturday in I (lthport. Following is a comte report of the minutes of the 'I feting: ] ; The Brunswick county Board J Elections met at the courtLse in Southport. at 11 o'clock jtiirday, April 18th. 1936, with | T. Rourk. R. S. Milliken and J W. Watts, present. j/ j J'The board organized with G. i Rourk, chairman. Robert S. I Jliken. secretary and S. W. j ltts, member. Notice is hereby given that | | Primary Election will be held i Saturday, June 6, 1936, be- ' fen the hours of sunrise and r' iset, for the purpose of select-1 ii nominees for the various of-1 s is in the General Election. ^ [The following are designated ^ f (Continued on page 6) irk Project Is l ^iear Completion Wishing Touches Being j Applied This Week As Carpenters Begin Work 1 On Community Center J Building he WPA project for the beaucation of Franklin Square is .wing to a close this week, ac- f ding to D. B. Black, district 'A engineer. ill that remains to be comted is a section of stone wall one of the entrances and final rk on the two tennis courts at rear of the community center Ming. . k crew of carpenters began t rk this morning on the build- J . Included in the group of 18 s rkers were six skilled and 8 c (Continued on page 6) p Attic Bits Of Big News o lews Events Of State, c Nation and World-Wide Interest During Past Week I iven Set-Back The herculean battle to res-; cue two dying men and a cor- j pse from the ..bowels of ..an j sbandoned gold mine went on I Tuesday night after another j leart-breaking set-back. It was I announced officially, at 8:20! ?. m. (EST) that the resuce j if Dr. D. E. Robertson and C. ; Alfred Scadding, entombed | ^ since Easter Sunday, could not j, be hoped for until "early mor- s ling." Their companion, Her- ^ nan B. Magill, died last Sun- j lay and gravest fears were c field for the lives of the two ! n Survivors. p n fecial Session E Six thousand North Carolina tobacco growers Tuesday col- [ ectively demanded of Gover- s' (tor Ehringhaus that he call ( the General Assembly to enact j tobacco control legislation, lis- 2 tened respectfully as the Chief Executive bitterly assailed their "> n? 1 i mucio aiiu uic jiiuiivacu icgia ation and then again demanled unanimously that an extra ? session be called. ^ Masons Meet t: ^ The 149th communication of pbe Grand Lodge of North n Carolina, A. F. and A. M., g has opened in, tha Masonic It Temple in Raleigh Tuesday (light with Grand. Master rj (Continued on page 6) tl THE I 6-PAGES TODA President I 9^^ ' 1ft "P V V^|; ^*j|| DR. ROY C. DANIEL Vew Building & Loan President Meeting Of Board Of Directors Last Tuesday Night Dr. Roy C. Daniel F l?rf or! Tn Succeed His Father Members of the board of di- j ectors of the Southport Build-1 lg and Loan Association in ses-; ion last Tuesday night elected' >r. Roy C. Daniel president of lat organization. Dr. Daniel, prominent dentist nd business man of this city, ucceeds his father, the late J. ' 1. Daniels, who served for many ears as president of the local uilding and loan association. Dr. Daniels presided over the irst meeting since his election 'uesday. Health Report Given By Nurse teport Of Activities Of County Health Department During Month Of March Shows Mrs. Lou H. Smith, County Nurse, Had Busy Session The report of the county heal- j h department for the month of tarch indicates a busy period pent by Mrs. Lou H. Smith, the ounty nurse. Following is her detailed reiort: Live births: 26 whites and 22 j :olored. Deaths: White 22; col-. red 11. Ten days spent in office. Dur- j ng these days 132 people visited ffice, 94 whites and 38 colored, j 6 days spent in field work, visied 51 homes, 48 whites and 3 olored. Visited 15 schools 27 times, 20 olored and 7 white. Vaccinated (Continued on page 6) ?, Superlatives At Shallotte High " Members Of Senior Class At Shallotte School Recently Voted To Decide Class Superlatives Members of the senior class at j he Shallotte high school recently i eld an election to determine enior superlatives. Results of the alloting Were as follows: Class baby: Vera Bell Long; ' lass comic: Jarome Jenrette; I lost timid: Ersell Lewis; most; opular girl: Mary Lae Hickman: lost athletic girl: Erma Earle j Id wards; best all round: Fairlee j ewis; most athletic boy: Ira I had wick; class flirt: Emma Cai- J on; most graceful: Edith Hoi- j (Continued on Page Six) American Legion Meeting Friday The regular monthly meeting f the Brunswick County Post lumber 194, American Legion, ill be held Friday night at o'clock in the Brunswick coun'? "Aiirfhnil OP At their last meeting, legion lembers voted to hold their reular monthly meetings on the; Lst Friday in each month. Commander Robert C. St. Geo%e urges a large attendance at I lis meeting. STA1 A Good News] Y Southport, N. Candidate dr. ralph w. Mcdonald Gubernatorial Candidate Here Dr. Ralph W. McDonald, Of Winston-Salem, Will Address Voters In Courthouse Here Saturday At Noon Announcement has been received here that Dr. Ralph W. McDonald, candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor of North Carolina, will speak to the voters of Brunswick County in the courthouse in Southport Saturday noon. Dr. McDonald, who is one of the principals in the three cornered race for governor, lives in Winston Salem, and was originally from the State of Illinois. He has been waging an extensive campaign over the state, and has announced his intention of speaking in every one of the hundred counties of North Carolina. In the Senate last year, he became well-known as a man of ability. He has attacked the present administration in the state in his previous speeches. Also in the race for Governor are Lieutenant Governor Sandy Graham, and Clyde R. Hoey, Shelby lawyer. New Books For School Library Several Interesting New Books Have Recently Been Added To Shallotte School Library; Nineteen Volume Encyclopedia Included The following books have been added to the shelves of the Shallotte high school library: Alice Adams, Booth Tarkington; Lord Jim, Joseph Conard; Death Comes for the Archbishop, Willa Cather; The Rosary, Florence Barclay; The Bridge of San Luis, Thorton Wilder; Marching On, James Boyd?(Setting: along Cape Fear River); The Cloister and the Harth, Chas. Read; Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte; To Have And To Hold, Mary Johnson; The Count of Monte Christo, Alexander Dtumers; Janice Merdith, P. L. Fonil; The Making of an American, Jacob Riis; The Great Hunger, Jollian Bojer; The Virginian, Owen Wister. Miss Flaxie Stanland is librarian and is working wonderfully (Continued on page 6) Three Pilots Resci When Boat The lives of three members of the Cape Fear Pilots Association were In grave danger for a time Thursday afternoon when the water pump on the Stone, small pilot speed boat, broke down and the craft began to fill with water. Aboard were Captain Tommie St. George, Harold St. George and Bill Styron. The men were bound for the freighter' Eastern Guide, en route to Wilmington from Jacksonville with a cargo of sulphur, to place Captain Tommle St. George aboard. The trouble began as the boat reached the bar and water claim in to a depth sufficient to drown out the T.. IN "EPOI paper In A Goo CL, Wednesday, April Republicans To Hold Convention ; Saturday, May 2 I Members Of County Republican Executive Committee Met Thursday Afternoon At Supply To Determine Plan For Nomination W. C. DOWNING WILL SPEAK AT MEETING Chairman Of Executive Committee Will Be Named On That Date And Precinct Organizations Will Be Perfected Members of the Brunswick County Republican Executive Committee in session Thursday at Supply decided to nominate party candidates for county and legislative offices in a mass convention to be held Saturday, May 2,; at Supply. Although some of the members of the committee favored a primary for the purpose of nominat- i ing a county ticket the majority expressed the opinion that the j convention would best serve the party needs. When a vote was j i taken, not a dissenting ballot was cast. Names to be recommended to j the county board of. elections for j appointment as Republican election judges in the various precincts were as follows: (Continued on Pago Six) Recorder Hears ! Numerous Cases Several Cases Covering A I Wide Variety Of Offenses Were Disposed Of In Recorder's Court Here Wednesday Cases postponed for two weeks ' because of Superior Court crowded the Recorder's Court docket here last Wednesday, and Judge Peter Rourk had a busy day. R. W. Andrews, white, appeared in court and heard a former I fine of $100.00 taxed against him i j reduced to $25.00. Lorenzo Clemmons, colored, I was found guilty of driving a motor vehicle while he was under A.%. _ 1 1M. ? ~ f intAviontino- 1 i _ tne lniiut'iitc ux un.uAn.aung . quor and was given 3 months on the roads. [ Thurman Strickland, white,' was given 18 months on the roads, this sentence being suspended upon condition that he pay the sum of $15.00 per month in to the court for the benefit of j his children. Bond was set at $500.00. The case against Newly Edwards, white, for bastardy was nol pressed with leave. Maxie Witherspoon, colored, ; I pleaded guilty of larceny and was | bound over to Superior court. Morton Holden and Obie Hol(Continued on page 6) State Superintendent i Will Speak To Pupils Clyde A. Erwin, state superin| tendent of public instruction, will j deliver the commencement ad-: ' dress at the Shallotte high school I I on May 21, according to announcement made this week by I Principal Henry C. Stone. There are seventeen members j of this year's graduating class, j' I ued Thursday Fills With Water | motor. With a running tide ' and a south west wind the I waves were breaking over ' the bow and the men feared ] for a time that they would 1 go down before aid could < reach them. Their signals of distress were answered by members of the Oak Island Coast Guard Station. Coast Guards men coming to their assistance were Boatswains Mate G. B. O'Neill, Mechanists I Mate Arthur E. Huntley and ! Surfman A .L. YVilletts. Cap- I tain St. George was placed t board the freighter and the < coast guard boat returned to the side of the disabled pilot I boat, which was towed back \ to her dock. I ' I J RT PI d Community 22nd, 1936 PUBUSI FRONT VIEW ?" - jjj^W jjMrV || t m t _ j f r. p. ^ .r -- TKJLJ sk' m j. -Jri /" ** " " 21. " 99 )1 -138 ORTON?Above is a sc :his county, where hundreds duvinnf tlio nuct twn WPPl ?CU V ( II 1 I I I ^ tilt |/C?UV V II v .. wv, 11 bloom.?(Cut courtesy Thi Civil Servia For Sha Announcement Received Of 1 Purpose Of Selecting Pos SHallotte The United States Civil nounced an examination, as ; ted to make certification to tion of fourth class postmast COLD SNAP OVER WEEK-END CAUSED LITTLE DAMAGE Cold weather during the past week-end gave early truck and garden crops in this county a set-back, but little serious damage was reported by Brunswick county farmers. The thermometer dropped to 39 degrees here Sunday morning. No official reading for Monday was available but there was a heavy frost and ice was reported in several sections of the county. Several farmers already have bemn setting out tobacco and others have plants ready to begin pulling this week. Although there have been reports of appearance of blue mold, farmers of this county have escaped serious damage thus far. WPA Has Aided County Schools WPA Workers In Brunswick County Have Been Engaged In Several Projects That Will Be Of Great Benefit To Schools One of the features of the WPA program in Brunswick county is its attempt to better the school facilities of the coun"mu; Kaon nnp of the ly. inis j itio wvv? v**? _ principal goals of the Works Progress Administration through>ut this district and in the State (Continued on Page Six) Junior Class To Sponsor Show Members of the junior class at die Southport high school will sponsor a performance of the Sanders show in the high school luditorium Friday night at 8:00 /clock. Billed as a mysterious entertainment, this show promises a wide variety of stunts and aero- i Mi tics. I IS ( LOT [ iED EVERY WEDNESDAY r OF ORTON 11 IE F L 2J P' tt sf in IP tl sc g g ai ei n u P ti ti . tt ene of Orton Plantation, in tt from this section have visi- ec ent for the employment of re5f labor; $1,658.01 (2 pet.) for c 1 n HQ A 1 A JI1 IC1XC1 WUIACIO, ipiu.uoi.iw 16 pet.) for materials and suplies; and $1,395.77 (2 pet.) is le amount of the sponsors' conibutions. From these figure it will be :en that most of the money has Dne where it was supposed to d, for the employment of men. id women on relief," said Rob t D. Caldwell, district WPA diictor, when releasing the figres. "That has been our primary ial since the beginning of the rogram. Conversely, we have ied to keep non-relief expendiires at a minimum. Aside from te amount spent for relief labor te largest sums have gone for ie purchase of supplies and luipment necessary for carrying it projects." A total .of $927,130.00 has been >ent in the entire district, Caldell said. Of this $641,947.43 59 pet.) has gone for the emloyment of re' :f labor; $40.J3.03 (A ptni.; iff non-relief wnr-' . ers; $193,332.02 (21 pet.) for [aterials and supplies; and $51,56.52 has been spent by the lonsoring agencies in the variis communities. The money spent to date on rojects in Brunswick county is 3 follows: School sewers?$613.2 for relief labor; $43.16 for laterials; $602.25 sponsors' con ibution. Oyster planting? $12,30.04 for relief labor; $66.67 for on-relief labor; $163.50 for non3lief labor; $6$4.00 for materials, ranklin Square beautification: 4,429.83 for relief labor; $100.00 (Continued on page 6) Local Nine Will m__. r t nay lamp team rirst Baseball Game Of The Season Is Scheduled For Saturday Afternoon When Southport Town Team Will Play CCC Boys Baseball practice has been in ull swing here this week and the irst game of the season is scheluled to be played Saturday afernoon when the Southport nine neets the team from Camp Sapina. Showing up well in practice for he town team are Robert Thom>son, Eddie Spencer, G. W. Buntng, Carey Reece, Lonnie Mc(Continued on page 6) Tide Table Following Is the tide table for Southport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low- Tide Thurs, April 23 8:38 a. m. 3:03 a. m. 9:14 p. m. 3.07 p. m. Friday, April 24 9:49 a. m. 8:52 a. m. 10:06 p. m. 3:55 p. m. Saturday, April 25 10:45 a. m. 4:40 a. m. 11:00 p. m. 4:46 p. m. Sunday, April 26 11:42 a. m. 5:34 a. m. 11:56 p. m. 5:40 p. m. Monday, April 27 6:80 a. m. 13:89 p. m. 6:44 p. m. Tuesday, April 28 0:33 a. m. 7:33 a. m. 1:37 p. m. 7:52 p. m. 1 Wednesday, April 29 1:49 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 2:34 p. m. 8:56 p. m. - ?? 1