The Pilot Covers Brunswick County mjjME NINE NO. 14 lepublicans Candidates I Novemt monious Meeting Held Maturday At Supply As I marty Members Gathered j Beneath The Oaks To SeKct Their Candidates Bylor re-elected COUNTY CHAIRMAN B C. Downing, CongressiBaI Candidate For This Kistrict, Spoke At Nocn; Meeting Was |" Well Attended B-misxvick county Republicans " - ?1. J Saturday beneatn uie um H at Supply and in a harmon| meeting nominated their Hty and legislative ticket for I general election in Novemlincipal speaker for the day w. c. Downing, of Fayette Republican congressional Hinee from this district, who He at noon. Hiring the morning session Kship and precinct organizawere completed. C. Ed TayHsouthport attorney, was reHted chairman of the county Hublican executive committee Hthe following men from each Hiship were named to serve H him: Walker Skipper, North Ht: Charlie Trott, Towr Hk; W. H. Walker, Smithville; j. Sellars, Lockwoods Folly H:, Brooks, Shallotte and Johr Hette, Waccamaw. Hllowing Mr. Downing's ad at the noon hour the busi H of nominating party candi H> was begun. ^Lrfield Simmons, of Ash, wai ^Jinated by acclamation as can Hte for the State Senate; B Hornsby, Southport insuranci Hi. was unanimous choice a: Hinee for the lower house o; North Carolina General As Hbly. C. W. Knox, of Bolivia H (Continued on Page Six) little Bits I Of Big News Hews Events Of State, Baiion and World-Wide HInterest During Past Week Bur Over An exultant Italy hear* Premier Mussolini's owi ^ ps Tuesday the long awaitet ^Hews that she is mistress of t ^Bast new African empire. Ii voice hoarsely emotional ^ ussolini announced the cli Hax of the fascist triumpt Hhile an estimated 400,000 Ro Hans jammed the piazza ir H?nt of the Venezia palac< adjacent streets, and 20, ^Bo.000 Italians listened at ra Hos and loudspeakers through Hat Burns ^HJames A. Lewis, owner ol Chesapeake Bay oil screw ^P'ght and passenger boat A. Lewis, said Monday I: had burned off Rappahan :k Point but that Captair eene and his crew of si> n were safe. Two required ipital treatment, Mr. Lewis i but they were only slighhurt. There were no pasigers aboard. Ports Hopkins 'resident Roosevelt threw v support Tuesday to Harry Hopkins' plans for spending lion's share of the proposed 500,000,000 relief fund, dering flatly he was opposed earmarking $400,000,000 for TA. projects of the type now hinistered by Secretary Ickfgible Flight L famous explorer,, a priest, k'gh foreign office official, American airship commanI a millionaire and a lord lor will be among the 50 engers aboard the new di >le Hindenburg when it les today on its first voyBto the United States. Continued on page 6) THE 6-PAGES TODAY i Nominate To Run In ?er Election * POSTMASTER W\ A BEGINS WORK?W. 1 ! Holmes, who resigned r Icently as delinquent ts collector for Brunswic i'county began his dutii s I as acting - postmaster < 1 Shallotte Tuesday. I . i Playboy Con, Detained Marion A. Zioncheck, ( a Seattle, Washington, PI ced Under Arrest Satu day by Sheriff j. a. kuj i Of This County 3 f WAS TELEPHONING FROM SHALLOT! '? I Playboy Congressman Ide ; tified By Mrs. Russ, Whi Had Read He Was Wanted In Alexandria, Virginia Congressman Marion A. Zic check, representative from t i state of Washington, and noto ous in the nation's capital I his recent skirmishes with t forces of the law, was arrest near Shallotte Saturday morni by Sheriff J. A. Russ. " j With Congressman Zionche was his bride, the former Rub Louise Nix, of Texarkana, Te J until recently a WPA typist l ] Washington, D. C. 3 The couple stopped at the Sh i (Continued on page 6) ; Wilmington Win ; Over Southpoi Visiting Nine Hit Hard 1 Swamp Southport Tea By Score Of 21 To 4 Game Played On Loc Diamond Saturday ' The fast Wilmington semi-p [ baseball team slugged out a " | to 4 victory over Southport S? ' | urday afternoon on the local di 'j mond. 11 The visitors hopped on Harp< ' starting pitcher, for 3 runs in t ' first inning and picked up m 1 mentum in the second and thii ' Robert Thompson came in fro ' his center field position at t start of the rourtn ana wum fell for the next three inning In the seventh he became wil . and the visitors concluded the scoring. Bunting pitched scor less ball in the eighth and nint Featuring for the visitors wi the steady hurling of young N* Braswell, who held Southport 6 hits. He was given good su port by his mates and the hi ting of the entire visiting tea was dangerous at all times. CHANGE IN OFFICIALS We have been directed by I T. Rourk, chairman of the Brun wick County Board of Electioi to make the following changi | in the recent announcement i precinct election officials: D. I Gore, judge at Longwood, in tl place of J. A. Bellamy; G. < Earp, registrar at Town Cree! in place of J. N. Sowell, who wi serve as judge in that precinct STAT A Good Newspi Southport, N. C., 1 Numerous Cases ( Before Recorder Several Cases Covering A. Wide Variety Of OffenL > ses Disposed1 Of" Before jj Judge Peter Rourk In His 1 Final Session Here Last Wednesday Several cases were- disposed of | 1 here in Recorder's Court last q Wednesday before Judge Peter j Rourk, who was presiding over his final term before resigning as g Recorder. The case against D. B. Frink was nol prossed. The case against Ronnie Brook for assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill was nol prossed. Western Sellars was found not si guilty of larceny. ro During his stay here he visited 21 j all five of the consolidated white 1 it- schools and two colored schools. 1 '1 ,r , t 1 AAA ... : . . .. I. mure limn ?,vvv apcumuia tu uc ? | examined for hookworms were re- i sr, turned from the 1,600 containers i he given out. ; i 10- While the primary purpose of "d- the survey is to determine the: i im (Continued on Page Six) he S ! Welfare Officer Sa) ? Useless To C as id People from out in the | toI county seeking relief goods p- in the form of excess comt-, modities can save themselves m j a lot of trouble for nothing by remaining at home and awaiting the establishment of sub-stations for these distri3. buttons, according to Frank s- Sasser, director of public is welfare for Brunswick counes ty. of Arrangements for the esS. tablishment of these sub-stale tions are being completed 3. just as rapidly as possible, k, Mr. Sasser says, and repeatIll ed calls at the office not only must be refused, but the de EP01 aper In A Goo Wednesday, May 6tfc !lub Women Of County Met At Supply Saturday 3ring Federation OF Home Demonstration Clubs Is Held Saturday Morning In Methodist Church At Supply[STRICT AGENT PRINCIPAL SPEAKER outhport Club Won Prize In Game Contest And At- j tendance Prize Went To Members Of The Bolivia Club Brunswick county home demontration club women met Saturay morning in the Methodist hurch at Supply in their annual pring Federation. Mrs. Estelle T. Smith, district ome agent, was the principal peaker. In her talk she described be changing conditions of our laily life, and showed how the nothers of today can best train ter children for life twenty-five ears from now. An interesting feature of the norning program was the series if game contests put on, by the ndividual clubs. First prize in his contest went to members of he Southport club. The prize was l president's pen, which wpi presented to Mrs. Ida Potter Watson, club president. It will be passed on by her to her successor. The attendance prize was won ay the Bolivia Club. At the noon hour the delegates present went to the artesian well nearby for a picnic dinner. Bolivia Girl Is Queen Of Health Catherine Willetts Crowned Brunswick County Health Queen Saturday At 4-H Federation Meeting Held In Supply Catherine Willetts was crowned Brunswick County Health Queer for 1936 Saturday afternoon at the Spring Federation of 4-H Clubs held in Supply. The newly crowned health champion is the 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Willetts, of Winnabow. She is a student of the eighth grade al Bolivia high school. Miss Willetts succeeds Pauline Ward, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ward, ol Ash, as Health Queen. Following the crowning of th( Health Queen, 4-H club members assembled heard a brief talk or good health by Mrs. Estelle T Smith, district home agent. Warns Of Dangei Of Forest Fires County Fire Warden Dawson Jones Asked Citizen: Of Brunswick To Be Particularly Careful During This Dry Weather During the extremely dry weather now prevalent in this section County Fire Warden Dawson Tones issues a warning to all citizens to be particu'arly careful to see that no forest fires are set out. Of the 86 forest fires reported n this county since October, (Continued on page 6) ys That It Is !ome Here To Beg lay will necessarily postpone the opening of the stations. When these sub-stations are established everyone in real need will get what is coming to him. A complete list of the location of the stations and the persons in charge will appear soon in The State Port Pilot. Mr. Sasser calls attention to the fact that these rules do not apply to strictly welfare cases in which illness or some other untimely factor is involved. In such emergencies, he said, the welfare officer Is willing to lend assistance at all times. RT PH d Community ia,, 1936 punust Winner Tells CM Her Prize Garden; Narrative Report Of' Her Prize - Winning Garden Written By Mrs. J. V. j Simmons; Tells Cff' Grow-, ing Many Vegetables At Low Cost In connection witlt the winter garden contest sponsored by the county home demonstration clubs it was necessary for each contestant to prepare a narrative- report of her work; Following is the report of-Mrs. J. V. Simmons, of Freeland, who had the prize winning garden: "The vegetable gardert should be given a definite and prominent place in the farm program, as it serves: the double purpose of providing a health insurance policy and saving account for the farm family. "My family showed much interest in the garden, for they are all fond of vegetables; They wouldn't know how to get along without one. It was planned ana panted in relation to the family1^ budgeted food supply and it proved adequate. "My garden waa located In a half acre of loamy soil. I began planting it in February and planted on until September, j "The fertilizer I used was 4-8-4 and. manure. I (Continued on page 6) : Annual Flowe Be Held I ; I APRIL SHOWERS FEW THIS YEAR April with its reputatn. M a month of intermittent showI ers left a rainfall record of but 1.56, according to information made available this week I by Mrs. C. Ed Taylor, local i observer for the United States [ Weather Bureau. During the month there were 15 clear days, 10 partly cloudy days and 5 cloudy days. MaxlI mum temperature for the , month was 80 degrees on the 29th day. [ The prevailing wind was from easterly directions. i ; Tripp Named To : Replace Holmes f ?? iS. C. Tripp, Shallotte, Ap! pointed By Board Of ? Commissioners To Suc1 ceed W. R, Holmes As Delinquent Tax Collector I Members of the Board of Coun ty Commissioners in session here Monday named S. C. Tripp, of . Shallotte, to succeed W. R. Hol' mes as delinquent tax collector for Brunswick county. Mr. Holmes recently resigned to accent appointment as acting , pastmaster at the Shallotte post . office. Pending the necessary arrangements for bond the affairs of the delinquent tax collectors ! office have been turned over to County Accountant R. C. St. George. Members of the board voted Monday to extend the time for listing taxes for 15 days to May 15th. Beer licenses were issued to the following persons: : Ivey High, Calabash; Leon Evans. Bolivia: C. T. Robbins, Leland; Charlie Hatten, Leland; and W. H. Potts, Fort Caswell. Other routine business was disposed of during the day. Graham To Make Radio Address Raleigh, May 5.?Over a stateI wide radio network Sandy Graham, candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor, will speak to the people of North Carolina on Friday night, May 8, j from 8 to 8:30 o'clock. Mr. Graham is expected to give particular attention to the relation between the sales tax and the great reduction in taxes; on farms and homes resulting i from the removal of local taxes j J for the support of public schools. The record of one of his oppon-' j ents and the lack of record of another will be stressed. 1 I LOT IED EVERY WEDNESDAY Eight New C; Make Anno For Primai ?? * CANDIDATE [? 'V ^ . v | w ?* ^^ ' /lL * ** 3*'^" : M. ? __ fjmu : .. t J FOR SHERIFF ? Harry * Robinson, Supply merchant, t who this week announced 8 his candidacy for the Dem- n ocratic nomination for sher? " iff of Brunswick county. d ' r Show Will j xt Wednesd! Members Of Southport Woman's Club Will Sponsor fc Flower Show To Which 1 Entries From Every Sec- ^ tion Of County Will Be c Welcomed ' v MRS. ANNIE K. VITOU I GENERAL CHAIRMAN a 1 Southport Gymnasium To be The Scene Of This 1 Year's Show; To Be J Open To Public Next Wednesday Afternoon [ The annual flower show under I j the auscipes of the Southport1 Woman's Club will be held next Wednesday in the Southport gymnasium. In announcing rules for those1 who wish to enter exhibits, Mrs, Annie K. Vitou, chairman of the t show, especially invites entries I from out in the county. r All flowers to be entered must t have been grown by an amateur a gardener of Brunswick county; c all exhibits must be in before ,10:30. The judging will take place f between 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock. 1 After that hour the gymnasium d will -be thrown open for visitors until 4 o'clock. I The following committees have J ! been appointed to assist with ar- j rangements: Mrs. C. G. Ruark, I Mrs. Claud Willing, Miss Mary 6 Weeks, Miss Susie Newton and' 8 Mrs. Howard Sellars, committee C on arrangements; Mrs. Mary S. Newton, Mrs. I. B. Bussels, Mrs. p (Continued on page 6) 5 Winners At School 11 Speaking Contest: A number of grammar grade I students entered the recitation11 and declamation contest held Fri-|l day night in the high school au-j| ditorium. First place in the recitation I contest went to Sybil Ledford, I second place to Marion Frink and I i third to Ruth Walton. In the declamation contest I Henry Smith was the winner,11 with Clarence Lennon and S. V. 11 Russ in second and third places, I respectively. School Students To Give Operetta j Students of the fourth and I [ fifth grades of the Southport I high school are practicing for I the presentation next Fridayl night, May 16, of "The Fairy I Cobbler," an operetta. Combined with the interesting! I program of dances and songs isj I a plot that will be of interest to I old and young. The preparation j ' of this operetta is an ambitious j I undertaking, and a full evening, I 1 of entertainment is promised all, ( those who attend. i ? . I I [ost Of The News All The Time $1.50 PER YEAR andidates iincement ry June 6th nrnty Candidates Make Official Announcement Of Their Intention To Seek Nomination For 0f? fice In June Primary VTURDAY IS LAST DAY FOR FILING iterest This Week Swings To Race For Democratic Nomination For Sheriff As Three Come Out For That Office New interest was shown this eek in the coming June primary s eight new candidates were ided to the list of those seekig the Democratic nomination >r county office. The final date for filing is aturday, May 9. The race for the sheriff's omination on the Democratic Icket became four-cornered this reek as three names were added d the list. Sheriff J. A. Russ has nnounced that he will aeek the omination to succeed himself. He ow is completing his second erm. Dillon Ganey, strong candiate two years ago for the Demerattc nomination, again is mak tig the race. Harry Robinson iupply merchant and former rual policeman, is the third man o announce this week. The anlouncement of Doc Robinson ap eared several weeks ago. Two members of the present oard of county commissioners nake announcements in today's taper that they will seek nomitation or re-e1' etw n. J. M. Roah, completing* hi& second term, /ill again make the race. S. J. frink, appointed to replace S. K. tilliken as member of the board, ,lso will seek nomination for an(Continued on page 6> Elect Officers For Shallotte L ? " ' ? )r. E. D. Bishop Reelected Mayor; Four Of Five Members Of Board Of Aldermen Retain Places; New Marshal Elected ?? i The Shallotte municipal elecions were held Monday and Dr. 3. B. Bishop, appointed several nonths ago to fill the unexpired erm of the late Dr. W. R. Goley is' mayor was elected for the oming term. Only two of the town officials ailed to be retained in office, rhey were A. W. Clemmons, Allerman and Tom Long, Marshall. Results of the voting were: Mayor: Dr. E. D. Bishop, 82; >frs. J. A. Russ, 21. Alderman: L. C. Tripp, 88; R. ). White, 95; and A. B. White, .4; W. L. Swain, 77; S. T. Russ, 6; Mrs. Ava Milliken, 46; A. W. Clemmons, 41. Treasurer: Elliott Tripp, unoplosed, 79. Marshal: Daughtridge Tripp, 2; Tom Long, 29; B. M. Stan- ? iy. 12. Tide Table Following Is the tide table for Sotithport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Thursday, May 7 8:00 a. m. 2:16 a. m. 8:16 p. m. 2:10 p. m. Friday, May 8 8:38 a. m. 2:55 a. m. 8:51 p. m. 2:46 p. m. Saturday, May 9 9:17 a. m. 8:33 a. m. 9:32 p. m. 3:23 p. m. Sunday, May 10 10:02 a. m. 4:13 a. m. 10:16 p. m. 3:56 p. m. Monday, May 11 10:55 a. m. 4:53 a. m. 11:09 p. m. 4:39 p. m. Tuesday, May 12 11:50 a. m. 5:44 a. m. v 5:33 p. m. Wednesday, May 13 }:06 a. m. 6:40 a. m. 12:47 p. m. 6:56 p. m. i