I m Pilot Covers I Bunswick County I IM? NINE NO. 15 HviaFinals Bme To Close Briday Evening I Class Day Exercises! I ll Be Held Thursday I Borm of Playlet Show-1 I | The Funeral Of The1 Of 1936 ^BO.MMENCEMENT SPEAKER CHOSEN Of Formal SpeakI Program Friday BBht An Interesting Bp <m Been Ar ranged For The (annual commencement exare now in progress at the high school and will come! ase Friday night baccalaureate sermon was d Sunday afternoon by f S. Love, pastor of the Street Methodist Church, ;ton. | hursday evening the annior class day exercises staged under the direcMiss Julia Oates. The af the program will be >ral of the class of 1936. owell is class poet, Dot'illetts is class historian, Jloway is class prophet te Lewis is class lawyer, will be no formal speak:he graduating exercises light. Special music will :he program and diplomiwards will be given out ipal O. C. Johnson, will be awarded outstudents for activities, and scholastic excele best all-round student named by members of school faculty. j Leonard is valedictorhe class and Dotridge s salutatorian. Both are graduates. j e Bits ' Big News Events Of State, and World-Wide st During Past Week ? s U. S. go Eckner, after pre40-hour flight by the Hindenburg from j t, N. J.. to the Engine!. hit Tuesday at' f arrangements at t to handle the j iner. 'pplement g their stand of i rs ago, voters of I ilmington and New Hanover Bunty yesterday approved a ^Becial school supplement tax j Bt to exceed 20 cents on the i Boo by the most smashing i Bijority yet recorded in an, Bction on the school ques- j Bn in North Carolina. Bcovernor Ehringhaus was B-> at the Mansion again j Bsterday with the kidney ail-' ^Bnt that has bothered him at Bkrvals during his entire Ban of office. Crime BAnnouncement that Thomas B Robinson, Jr., has "willingI admitted" that he kidnapBd Mrs. Alice Speed Stoll that during the 20 months. Bice he had spent most of j time traveling between | Bw York and California was Bide Tuesday in Louisville i B E. J. Connelley, in charge I the Cincinnati office of the i ^B'icral Bureau of InvestigaBn. mtenced '-faced William Median, dis-' Bg the $200,000 George MeyBhser kidnapping was plot- ; Bfipulsively when "I should I known better" entered Mc- i ^ Island prison late Saturday B"ve a 60-year term?only 48 B after he was arrested. Br years is a long time," mused the last of the "big B." kidnappers to fall into BContinued on Page Six) j; THE m 4 6-PAGES TODA Southport G Honors At * Miss Dorothy Bell, Daughter Of Mrs. Edna Bell, Of Southport, Recently Was Chosen Secretary Of Woman's Student Govern-1 ment For Next Year JUNIOR AT HIGH POINT COLLEGE Has Made Enviable Scholastic Record In Addition To Her Long List [ Of Student Activi- , ties Dorothy Bell, of Southport, a' member of the junior class at | High Point College, recently was j elected secretary of the Woman's Student Government Association at High Point College for the next school year. Miss Bell was one of the two j delegates named to represent her institution at the annual con-! gress of the North Carolina Federation of Students held at East 1 Carolina Teachers College March 26-30. i One of her outstanding student activities is her position as managing editor of the Hi-Po, one of the better college weekly newspapers in this state. She was elected to that office a year ago. I Announces Pa Soil Buil * Dean I. O. Schaub Announ-I ces Practices For Which North Carolina Farmers Will Be Pajd Under Pro i visions Of Farm Program PRACTICES AND PAYMENT LISTED Soil-Building Payment Is In Addition To Soil-Conserving Payment Which Will Be Made To Co-Operating Farmers 11 Soil - building practices for j which North Carolina farmers | will be paid under the 1936 soilimprovement program have been j announced by Dean I. O. Schaub, I of State College. | The soil-building payment is in j addition to the soil-conserving | payment made to farmers for I shifting part of their soil-depleting base acreage into soil-conserving crops. The various practices, with their rates of payment, are as fol'ows: For seeding any of the follow- ' ing crops between January 1 and October 31, 1936, with or without a nurse crop, either alone or in connection with perennial grass-1 es, provided that such seeding is at a normal rate per acre for the locality, payments per acre j will be: j | (1)?Alfalfa, serecia, or kudzu, |< $2. (2)?Red or mammoth clover, ] $1.50. (3)?Alsike, sweet, white, j| (Continued on page five) < , CCC Camp Evens } Count With Locals < '! The boys of Camp Sapona j i pounded out a 15 to 4 victory j 1 Saturday afternoon over the j Southport town team to even the j c count for the two games played | r this season. 3 The camp boys staged a series j c of scoring sprees during the I early innings, several of their if runs resulting from poor support J given Bunting, starting hurler for s Southport. a Wagner, pitching for the camp r boys, held the local nine well in n check until the ninth inning, If ..*?n ail four runs were scored, j o "The Fairy Cobbler" To Be Presented 1 Students of the fourth and fif- i th grades of the Southport high school will present an operetta, "The Fairy Cobbler," Friday eve- c ning. b Elaborate cosfumes have been ii designed for this production, r which includes beautiful songs j and dances. ' h The operetta will be staged un- a der the direction of Miss Lelah e Parker and Mrs. H. W. Hood,1 v teachers of the fourth and fifth J tl grades respectively. - to STAT A. Good Newsp< Y Southport, N. C irl Wins i& High Point 1 j I Jo! |l ' i Pr J AI k rj He p damf4 if W>jm r of ** ta> DOROTHY BELL j th( Miss Bell is a member of the' en Order of The Lighted Lamp,' a wt local honor society requiring 5 an semesters of honor roll eligibility. Other requisites are charac- na ter, leadership and service. j t This Southport girl is the dau-1. ghter of Mrs. Edna Bell. She E graduated in 1931 from the local j high school. i ^ |er yments In j? ding Program ? FLOWER SHOW IN PROGRESS TODAY Jjjj I ] The annual flower show na hold nnripr thp misniries of members of ' he Southport pj Woman's Club is being held op today (Wednesday) in the j gymnasium. Mrs. Annie K. : 'i Vitou is general chairman in charge of arrangements. _ Preliminary reports from L members of the various com- * mittees indicated that a large number of entries are expected from the different communities in this county. The following judges have Bl been named to officiate at the show: Mrs. Annie K. Ferguson, Mrs. Charles Greer and Miss Marion Smith. Rev. Marshall ? Attends Meeting 5 th< Episcopal Minister Left On co Sunday By Boat For fio Edenton Where He Will j" Attend Episcopal Con- cu vention, Which Begins ^ Wednesday The Rev. A. H. Marshall, rector of the St. Phillips Episcopal *3 ;hurch here, left Sunday for Edenton, where he will attend1 :he convention of the East Dio- , :ese of the Episcopal church vhich begins today (Wednesday) nQ( A pre-convention session was leld Tuesday evening at which George B. Elliott and Billy Dan- J j els, of Wilmington, and Freder- teg ck A. Turner, of the Virginia I Dq rheological seminary, will speak. hj(. The convention proper will be, ipened at 10 o'clock Wednesday j ? norning with the Reverend | T rhomas C. Darst, D. D? bishop I I if the diocese, presiding. The! lev. W. R. Noe. of Wilmington, j 3 secretary of the convention, j Among the important matters! cheduled for attention are the j nnual address of Bishop Darst, j 0 eport of the anniversary com-' y nittee on the i-esults of the work | t or the first year, consideration j h " "? ??/ikono-a in A rti_ I ,, r Uie pivpt/ocv* uian6c v le Four, Section Three, of the d (Continued on page 5) b j J R. O. Johnson Named ? Setter Housing Head s R. O. Johnson has been named | t hairman of the Southport Bet- j r er Housing Committee, succeed- 1< ig J. C. Christian, who recently a esigned. i p Mr. Johnson is well versed in | t ousing administration procedure J d nd will assist people in the gen- t ral section of Southport who I rant to repair and modernize t heir homes or business proper- a les. h RT PI od Community 13th, 1936 publis Democrats ( Saturday * Brunswick County Democratic Convention To Be | Held Saturday Afternoon At 2 O'clock In Shallotte School Auditorium | JUDGE ALTON LENNON PRINCIPAL SPEAKER ^Delegates To State DemoJ cratic Convention To Be I Chosen And Members Of County Executive Committee To Be Named The Brunswick County Demo ; cratic convention will be held I j II Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock ;1 in the Shallotte high school audit torium. Judge Alton Lennon, of Wilmington, will deliver the ^ keynote address. " One of the principal purposes of the convention will be to name delegates to the State Democrate ic Convention which meets in r June at Raleigh. 9 ' Reports from the precinct com; mitteemen will be made at the 9 meeting and members of the jj county Democratic Executive ' C. P. Willetts ; In $23,0CH [. ?! H LOCAL INTEREST IN ' ROBINSON'S CAPTURE ^ Announcement Tuesday of I the capture of T. H. Robinson, the nation's latest public enemy No. 1, in Glcndale, Cal., EPO jiper In A Go Z., Wednesday, May sveral Changes Occur On Final Day For Filing fin B. Ward Files For Member Of Board Of County Commissioners, Bringing Number Of Candidates For That Office To Eight ? REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FILE ?wever, No Contest Looms or Any Nominees Named By The Republicans In Their County Convention Outstanding among the last y changes which occurred ii ! filing of candidates for th< ne primary was the decisioi John B. Ward, former count; i collector, to seek the Demo itic nomination as member o 5 board of county commission s instead of for Judge of th scorder's Court, an office fo lich he had previously made hi nouncement. J. W. Ruark, who recently wa med to complete the unexpire rm of Judge Peter Rourk, wf opposed in the primary b D. Bishop. H. O. Peterson, chairman c e board of county commissior s, did not file for the primar; addition to Mr. Ward, th llowing candidates filed: J. N >ach and S. J. Frink, incum nts; O. A. Lewis, J. W. Nel n, Coy Formy Duval, G. C una and P T, Rnhnn Four men filed for sherifl iey were Harry Robinson, Dil I Ganey, J. A. Russ, incumben d G. D. Robinson. Race for the Democratic nomi tion for Register of Deeds als II be a three-cornered affaii I. Mintz, incumbent, will b posed by M. L. Galloway am B. Russ. Three men seek the Democrat (Continued on page 5) larry Robinson Wins Cuba Trij runswick County Philci Radio Dealer Leaves To day (Wednesday) Fo New York And \Vill Sai Friday For Havana Harry Robinson, of Supplj lilco radio dealer for Bruns ck county, will sail Frida; >m New York aboard the Mon ch of Bermuda for a 10-da; p to Havana. All expenses o e trip will be paid by the Phil Radio Company in recogni m of Mr. Robinson's fine worl selling more Philco radio ring the past 6 months tha: y other dealer in the Wilming i district. Buck Service Sta (Continued on page 6) outhport Lads Defeat Bolivii The Southport junior varsit; lothered Bolivia Monday after on 26 to 11 on the losers dia >nd. rhe pitching and hitting of D Watson, for the Southpor' .m, featured the game. Mc well and David Watson alsc hard for the winners. liief Steals Autoi Man Who H Another shining example f "biting the hand that feeds ou" occurred Sunday night in his county when a stranger le had given a ride all the /ay from Jacksonville, Fla., rove off in the automobile elonging to A. W. Frost, of lit. Dora, Ala., when he topped and went into Lee Jlemmons' service station at lupply. Mr. Frost was on his way o Creswell for a visit with elatives. He was making the i>ng trip alone, so he gave , ride to his ungrateful comanion, who flagged him in he Florida city early Sunlay morning. All day long hey traveled together and Ir. Frost said that he noiced nothing suspicious bout the man. About dark le stopped at the Clemmons i created considerable local In. J terest. " A report that the kidnap? per of Mrs. Alice Speed Stoll, wealthy Louisville, Ky., society matron, had stopped here long enough for a shave brought a representative of ' the department of justice to Southport for an investigation. It is a matter of record | that the whole affair locally was a false alarm, and that j the "suspect" was in reality 0 M. A. Huggins, an employee i. of the Shallotte Trading Comr pany. 1 . Benefit Lecture M Here Next Week y f Illustrated Lecture To Be Presented On Thursday, "i May 21, By Member Of * Byrd Expedition; Hospitn al Auxiliary Benefit Finn Ronne, a member of 1 Commander Richard E. Byrd's j staff on his expedition to the | South pole, will appear at the Amuzu theatre Thursday, May I 21, for two illustrated lectures j in a program that is being sponf; sored by members of the Bruns J wick county Hospital Auxiliary - [ in co-operation with the manager j of the local theatre. . i There will be two shows, at' t 3 o'clock in the afternoon and - again at 8 o'clock in the eve> ning. In addition to the illustra(Continued on page 5) mobile From ad Given Him Ride | filling station and went inside; when he came out, the car was gone. Mr. Frost was left completely stranded, because all his baggage and personal belongings were in the back j: seat of his sedan. He had even removed his coat in or- , der to make driving more | comfortable. The automobile thief was ! described by Mr. Frost as a short man with dark, curly hair. He had an ugly, unheal- J ed scar on his nose. He ap- 1 peared to be about 30 years 1 j of age. j] When he made off with the jl car, he turned around and < headed toward the South Carolina line. The automobile was a black Ford V-8 sedan h and bore Alabama license |< number 161-194. LOT HED EVERY WEDNESDAY Convene t Afternoon MORE CANDIDATES HAVE ANNOUNCED The first formal announcements of four more candidates for nomination on the Democratic ticket in the June primary appear in today's paper. Dr. E. D. Bishop, mayor of Shallotte, will oppose J. W. Ruark for the nomination as Judge of the Recorder's Court. R. L. Rabon, of Leland, will seek nomination as a member of the board of county commissioners. Coroner M. A. Northrop has announced his candidacy to succeed himself. Chas. E. Gause, prominent Southport citizen, is seeking nomination as a member of the county board of education. Committee to serve for the next two years will be elected. L. C. Tripp, chairman of the county executive committee, will preside over the meeting and urges a full attendance of loyal Democrats. Defendant n n J L/amage oun h Bolivia Automobile Dealer Is Being Sued For That Amount By Columbus County Couple In Action Instituted Here S. B. FRINK ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFFS Mr. And Mrs. Harry Jenrette Claim That They Both Received Serious Permanent Injury In Auto Accident Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jenrette. of Columbus county, have instituted suit against C. P. Willets, of Bolivia, in what has been said to be the biggest action for personal damages ever instituted in Brunswick county. The papers were filed at Southport on Saturday. The total sum of $23,150.30 is being asked by Mr. and Mrs. Jenrette of Willetts as a result of an automobile wreck on Route 20 on the afternoon of March 20. The wreck occurred at a point about one mile west of Leland 'on a curve, and both Mr. and Mrs. Jenrette are alleged to have sustained serious injuries, mose of Mrs. Jenrette said to be for the remainder of her life. She (S aSsj no pannnuoj) Fishing Season [ Opened Monday Inland Fishermen Of This Section Permitted To Return To Their Favorite Sport This Week Following A Forty-Day Vacation Local enthusiasts of inland fishing returned to their favorite sport Monday, when word was received from J. D. Chalk, state game and fisheries commissioner, that the holiday of the past 40 days was at an end. Closed season for spawning began 30 days earlier this year than previously but covered the same length of time since opening day was also moved forward an equal number of days. The closed period this season, for the first time in several years, extended continously through the 40 days without exception save in the case of Easter Monday. | The opening of the season re-j (Continued on page 5) Dan Walker Wins Declamation Contest Dan Walker won the annual j iiigh school declamation contest ield Tuesday night In the Southport schodl auditorium. His declamation was "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death." Second place went to Robert' Marlowe, who said "The Speech Of Johns Adams." Carlton Hoi- j den won third place for his de-' livery of "The Call To Arms." I Most Of The News All The Time $1.50 PER YEAR Commencement Begins Sunday Shallotte High Baccalaureate Sermon To Be Delivered Sunday Afternoon By Dr. F. Swendel Love, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church DR. CLYDE A. ERWIN TO BE THE SPEAKER Program Of Commencement Activities Announced; To Take Place Between Sunday And Next Thursday Shallotte high school commencement program will begin Sun|day afternoon. May 17, at 5:30 ! o'clock when Dr. F. Swendel 'Love, pastor of the Grace Methodist church, Wilmington, willde' liver the Baccalaureate sermon. The candle ceremony will be uspri whilp fhp choir of thp school sings "Seal Us, Oh Holy Spirit" Other songs to be offered by the choir for the evening will be ! "The Day Is Dying in the West" and "Praise ye The Father." On Monday evening following the sermon, the high school declamation and reading contest will be held at 8:00 o'clock. Dr. M. Henderson Rourk will give the boys medal and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. White will donate the girls medal. Elwood Mintz, Nicholas Mintz and Leon Hewett are candidates for the boy's medal while Gladys Mintz, Edith Jenrette, / : Vera E. Arnold and Mary Lae Hickman will try for the girls, medal. The high school glee club, which is under the direction of Mrs. Ruth V. Warren and Marion H. Gatlin, will render two 1 R" . *. "Sw??t and I.ow" and r\ j"Roll Along Prairie Moon." Mnl. Mabel R. Andrews will play the piano accompaniment. {( $ Other awards will be three (Continued on page five) New Recorder In First Session Joe W. Ruark Presided Over First Term Of Recorder's Court Wednesday And Meted Out Several Stiff Fines And Sentences Joe W. Ruark, recently appointed to succeed Peter Rourk as [ judge of the Brunswick County Recorder's Court, presided over , his opening session here Wednesday and dealt out stiff fines and road sentences to defendants found guilty. Howard R. Pool pleaded guilty of public drunkenness and was required to pay a fine of $25.00 and the costs of the court. E. Craig Kennedy pleaded guilty of operating an automobile while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. He was reJ quired to pay a fine of $50.00 and the costs of the case. George Lewis pleaded guilty of larceny and was given 12 mon ths on the roads. Rothy Anderson was found not guilty of larceny. (Continued on Page PI \re.) Tide Table Following is the tide table for Southport during the next week. .These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Thursday, May 14 1:05 a. m. 7:43 a. m. 1:48 8:13 p. m. Friday, May 15 2:08 a. m. 8:48 a. m. 2:50 p. m. 9:19 a. m. Saturday, May 16 o.?A _ A.OO ? M a:io a. iu. a- ?' 3.51 p. m. 10:38 p. m. Sunday, May 17 4:17 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 4:50 p. m. 11:14 p. m. Monday, May 18 5:17 a. m. 11:21 a. m. 5:42 p. m. Tuesday, May 19 6:11 a. m. 0:09 a. m. 6:31 p. m. 12:14 p. m. Wednesday, May 20 7:02 a. m, 1:04 a. m. 7:20 p. m. 1:06 p. m. *

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