The Pilot Covers m Brunswick County K^MEMNE NO. 24 ^^Projed^l mfor Highway I f 130 Is Assured ^legation From 3runawick Mcounty Appeared Before Ktate Highway CommisHJion Friday In Morehead OMISE TO PAVE AT LEAST 5 MILES Hving Will Begin In This Mounty At Highway No. * ? Will Go To JU ft?,u * ? H ward Whiteville ^legation of Brunswick Hr:y officiate and citizens ap ./, Friday before the State ^Ehway Commission at More-1 City and were assured that j H. ithport to White- | H, highway ' 'ill he paved imBj,'* delegation asked that the H ...... extended from an ith highway number Columbus H.-;- where the hard surface was stopped. H it highin Brunswick is a definite H< ;?e least five miles BLj be completed. Waynick and H embers of the commisH the project. from this H . Mintz. S. B. Sentelie, Sam J. Peterson. Mr. H the matter beH> the board Arrangements for re made by Mr. H - with others has been for more than a year to H s iefinite action on this , ' delegation of Columbus citi-1 appeared before the comHsior. earlier in the day, ask-1 ieration of the same) Hi However, the Columbus HgJton asked that the work Hd near Whiteville and come B u a.v little Bits ! | Of Big News Hews Events Of State, Hlation and World-Wide I Interest During Past I Week V J0!"'11 bemer Farnsworth, Hourtmartialed from the American Navy nine years ago forj scandalous" conduct as a Hieutenant Commander, TuesHay pleaded not guilty before I ' S Commissioner Needham I ft mage of betraying naval Hecrets to the Japanese and j Has jailed in default of $10,-1 HOO bond. meads Guilty I Alvin Karpis, once the most ought criminal in the nation had boasted he would ever be taken alive, muttered j ft subdued "yes" Tuesday, to ftdmit his guilt to the $100,000 3 Ti-kidnapping of William ft m, st. Paul banker. His ftlea provided a dramatic openftig for what was to have been ft s Federal Court trial on the ft ' charge. wlief From Heat I The heat wall encircling the ft i lie West was crumbling ft lay under an onslaught of Showers from the Northwest ftnd a mass of cool air mov ng in from upper Michigan, tichigan was the first heattricken state to return to lormal temperatures. In two ours the temperature dropped ix degrees at Detroit and was xpected to fall to 70 from a ?ak of 1C2. There was heavy am at Lansing and more was xpected throughout the state, j 'itified Any chance of a successful j ontest of the July 4 Demonic primary was eliminated j ' the State Board of Elec?ns Monday when it denied PPeals from two unsuccessful i 1 iates for a general, sumam investigation of the elec-1 uatinued on Page Eight.) THE 4 8-PAGES TOD^ Tennis Courts At I I Commnnit I ? SCisP^^ HHn PLAYGROUND?The tv of the Southport Community of busy activity each afterr five players engage in their ' out-of-five" to determine wh Tennis Courts Enjoy men * Local Players Have Had Important Part In Getting Courts In Condition For Playing CONNECTED WITH PARK PROJECT Materials Used Were Chosen With View Of Their Remaining In Good Condition For Several Years To Come Southport residents have been playifig on the new tennis courts for some weeks, and their efforts have done much to put the courts in good playing condition. The tennis courts are a part of the recreation and park project being carried on here by the Works Progress Administration. They have been designed and constructed scientifically so that they will last for many years. [ Wood was used in the building of the back-stops since even the most heavily galvanized iron rusts in Southport's sea air. Cedar saw-dust has been packed around the base of the back-; stops to prevent the wood from rotting. The courts are a part of the WPA project which includes the | beautification of Franklin Square and the building of the new com-1 munity center. Work has been moving forward rapidly on the j completion of the project?The tennis courts from the east end of the park, with the new community building and Franklin Square to the west. Work is expected to resume on the com-1 munity building sometime in the near future. Farm Home Week To Be Valuable To Present Representative Cross Section Of Agricultural Activities Of North Carolina The program for Farm and Home Week at State College, July 27-31, will present a representative cross section of agricultural activities in North Car-! olina. It has been designed to show farmers and farm women not only what is going on in the State, but also the value of improvements that are being devel-1 oped in all aspects of farming and rural life. (Continued on Page 8) Aged Citizen Is Claimed By Death Asa Cox, 80-year-old Southport citizen, died Saturday at his i home here following an illness with pneumonia. He was well known here. The deceased is survived by one sister, Mrs. Maggie Nichols, of Southport. His wife died a year ago. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon from the j Trinity Methodist church, in Southport. STA1 A. Good News lY Southport, > {ear Of y Center Building vo tennis courts at the rea Center Building are scene loon as more than twenty 'two-out-of-three" or "three o shall play. Sniirrp Cif tin Southpori SOUTHPORT MEN EFFECT RESCUE A daring rescue of the fishing boat Aita I) and her party of seven was effected Sunday night off Wrightsville Beach by Captain William Wells and his brother, Charles of Southport. About 5 o'clock in the afternoon the pleasure craft lost her anchor while out at the fishing grounds. Returning to shore, the boat lost her rudder as she reached the bar. Captain Frank Brown attempted to steer with an oar, only to have his craft climax her misfortune by losing her propellor. Distress signals attracted the attention of people on the beach and the Southport men set out after dark in their boat, the Summer Girl, and succeeded in towing the helpless boat into dock. The rescue, completed at ,8:80 o'clock, drew warm praise from residents of the beach. Farm Bureau To Be Explainec Representative Of Alabama Farm Bureau Will Speal Friday In The Shallott School For The Benefi Of County Farmers Howard Gray, representativ of the Alabama Farm Burea will address the farmers of thi county at the school building i Shallotte, Friday morning, Jul 17th at 10 o'clock. Mr. Gray is an Alabama farm er and looks after quite a larg (Continued on Page 8.1 n.^iinn Peon ^ riuaimg i icp vj Annual 1 The beautiful blue-hulled schooner, The Indra, a veritable prep school afloat, made her annual visit to Southport Friday on her way North. Last year the boat remained over here for about 10 days. Aboard her were the skipper and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William McD. Pond, and ten students, who are learning the art and thrill of sailing while the rudiments of elementary education are being instilled in their minds. Tied up at the Wells dock, the craft, which is 72 feet long with a beam of fifteen feet and a draught of eleven feet, presented a neat picture. Her white sails furled and an awning stretched over the after deck, she drew the admiration of spectators. For three years the Indra has been the floating home of the skipper and his wife and the location of the Pond School of Cambridge. Until 1934 Pond and his wife conducted the exclusive rEPOi paper In A Goo< I. C., Wednesday, July WPA Program I Resumed After A 3-Weeks Rest & All Brunswick County Projects Resumed Operations Except Community Building In Southport ARE WAITING NOW c FOR MATERIALS Announcement Of Resump- ^ tion Of Work Made Following Conference Of Workers At Fayetteville j Work began on four WPA pro: jects in Brunswick county Thurs-1 ! day. Sewing rooms, the road pro-1 C : ject, the school library project, j, the Malaria control project and r the clerical project are to begin a r i operation after a three weeks lay j off. Work on the community j 1( S building in Southport will resume j e as soon as materials arrive. \ r !"j Crews of men began last week j on the Southport cemetery and f - the school building at Supply. c The resumption of the Works 0 'Progress Administration Program was announced at a meeting held j j in Fayetteville. Engineers, time- s I keepers, paymasters and super- t irienro of tl-OmAn'Q Wrtrk 1H thf^ ? _ ' V IOVSI O n viiivo u .. v... ... ^ _ fourth WPA district met in the s district office to receive instruc- i tions to put 3,200 people to work \ in the ten counties of the district. | "The WPA is now prepared to j continue with the great program of public works which it has1 been carrying on since last fall." j Robert D. Caldwell, district di rector, announced. "With the new 1 allotment of funds we shall carry on the projects which have been begun, and in the pear future we shall institute n$w projects of similar value to the communities and the people i-i them." 1 Commissioners In Special Session Members O f Brunswick | County Board Of Commissioners Award Auditing Contract To W. C.; Raines Co. Members of the Brunswick i I County Board of Commissioners [ in special session here Monday j JI awarded the contract for the -11935 audit of the county's ac- j | counts to the W. C. Raines Co., j I of Tarboro. D. R. Hollowell, of " I!Greensboro, has held the contract . (Continued on Page 8) I Attend Session 5 In Thomasville e 1 t The Rev. and Mrs. B. R. Page |' and family and Miss Mary Joe | Nunn have returned from Thorn- I e | asville where Mr. Page attended u ! a meeting for associational mods I erators Thursday and Friday, n | M. A. Huggins, secretary of yj the Baptist State Convention, ' presided over the session, which F i- was attended by moderators from j. e fifty of the seventy Baptist As- f j sociations in North Carolina. | e ichool Makes j Visit To Southport? a school on land. Then the j o traveling urge won the upper hand and the Indra was la bought. f Since that time they have la conducted a continuous school. Each winter they [g take the boys from coastal , a j towns and sail to the Cari- a bbean sea, where they spend j n 30 weeks. Each day the ship d is hove to and lessons stud- jfi ied, after which the ship is . put under way again and the 1 lads turn from scholars to < sailors. In the summer a Northern cruise is taken. The Indra is now bound for New York, Maine and Nova Scotia for the summer cruise. ' t; I There are few lessons to be :w studied now, as the summer a is the vacation period with w the exception of those cases jw I where members of the crew > need a little extra tutoring. tl Eight of the boys are from w j Charleston, two from Savan- h nah and one from Alexandria. o Va. They seem to think the jfi life on the broad open seas a | is the greatest of all. it RTPII d Community 15th, 1936 publishe C. St. George Commander 01 ?? *? Members Of Brunswick County Post Number 194, American Legion, Voted Unanimously To Retain Him As Head Of Organization )ther officers WERE ELECTED A. B. Watkins And J. W. Mills Named Delegates To The State Convention; F. M. Sasser And R. O. Johnson Alternates Members of the Brunswick jounty Post Number 194, Amercan Legion, re-elected by unaninous consent R. C. St. George ,s post commander. During the past year the local egion organization has prosperd under his direction, and many lew members have been added. Jefore rising to the position as lost commander last year, Mr. St. George served faithfully in ither official duties. Elected to serve with him are se 'ohn Ericksen, M. B. Watkins ind J. V. Gore, vice-comman- wi lers; J. J. Loughlin, adjutant mi ind finance officer; S. B. Frink, ,of lervice officer; Charles Trott, Prince Is Princi Stormy * P PRELIMINARY WORK BEGINS ON SURVEY Members of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, under the command of Lt. Commander R. P. Eyman, have spent the _ past week in Southport mak- j ing preparations preliminary to the actual location and marking of the obstructions P' and snags in the shrimping 1 grounds. In keeping with the purpose to employ local tabor so far as possible in conducting the survey, bids have been asked for two boats to be used in pr towing a wire for the location of snags. The person awarded 3C the contract must deliver the 'e boats ready for operation be- te fore July 20, and it is assum- ine ed that most of the work af- j ter that time will be outside. pr bi Number Of Cases * Before Recorder S Pe "ighting Apparently Was lo( The Greatest Cause For UI1 Defendants Being Called in: Before Judge Joe W. Ru- fri ark Last Week ne w! A' number of cases of minor dr a?! - -1 1 : Clf mportance were meu uere m, CO Recorder's Court last Wednesday iefore Judge Joe W. Ruark as ighting appeared to be the great- ? st cause for trouble. n William Lewis, colored, was ried for reckless operation but f udgment in the case was reser- i ed until this week. The case against Bill Hardy j .nd Dick Thompson, white, for " n assault with a deadly weapn was nol prossed. Bill Hardy, Herbert Thompson nd Dick Thompson, white, were ound not guilty of making an' ] ssault with a deadly weapon, ne' Sip Allen, colored, was found re< uilty on a charge of making an crc ssault wit ha deadly weapon bu ssault with a deadly weapon oads. This judgment was suspen- j pr< ed upon payment of a $10.00, bui ine and the costs. O. (Continued on Page Eight) (Co ! i sasser Attends "ec( Welfare Meeting Frank Sasser, Brunswick coun- "J, Y welfare officer, spent last _J reek in Chapel Hill where he ZJ ttended the annual institute of | relfare workers. The meeting j 1 ras headed by Mrs. W. T. Bost.' die Chief topic for discussion was 11 he new social security program, i rhich was thoroughly explained, foi Ir. Sasser stated that in his j tor pinion this was the most bene- Ne icial meeting of its kind he has mc ttended since assuming his du- ter tes as welfare officer. ew .OTf :D EVERY WEDNESDAY ; Re-Elected C f Legion Post M si |ni| vy >% i F,i \ J % ?ESB m w^ AE s ^^B "JB ^B|B ir afi EWlWl |Ci IB ^BflHSj ti bh^^P^a jefSmifll c Boj-'r- JPBBHSB c R. C. St. GEORGE \A - a rgeant-at-arms; A. H. Marshall,! r aplain; F. M. Sasser, child *" Jlfare officer; L. T. Yaskell, I p embership chairman; publiciay 1 p ficer. R. O. Johnson. (Continued on Page 8) 1 pal In ; rtroom Scene E a rince Jafar Devlet-Muraz, " Exiled Russian Prince, n Showed Resentment Dur- e ing Cross Examination t Thursday By Attorney S. p B. Frink a . h RINK FLARES UP WHEN CALLED LIAR u ~ . a rince And His Companion '' iVere State's Witnesses iv In Trial Of Harley ? Beck For Driving While Intoxicated An exiled Russian prince was: ^ incipal in a stirring courtroom j ene enacted here Thursday af- j rnoon when he became infuria-1 d at the questioning of Attor- \ iy S. B. Frink and accused the cal barrister of being "a liar." The heated exchange almost ecipitated a personal conflict, it the would-be participants S ere restrained and order was j lickly restored. The nobleman was Prince Ja- jj r ueviei-iviuriiz, suiuu ?i a m?e Russian family, who was sparing as state's witness in the c ial of Harley Beck, of Shal- Ja tte, charged with driving while a ider the influence of intoxicatg liquor. The trial resulted am a collision which occurred r ar Shallotte Tuesday night a len Beck was alleged to have ^ iven his automobile into a vehi-1 ; occupied by the prince and a 0 mpanion. The prince testified' ^ (Continued on Page 8) o lew Reason For j; Keeping Records' rill Be Means Of Proving Compliance With Provisions Of New Soil Conservation Program Farmers participating in the w farm program need to keep ;ords of the soil-conserving, >ps they grow and the soililding practices they carry out. The records will be a means of mng they are entitled to soil-) ilding payments, said Dean I.I Schaub, director of the State j liege extension service. Se pointed out that it is parularly important that farmers ;p records showing the acrea(Continued on page 8) Irs. E. J. Skipper Hes At Maco Home Mrs. E. J. Skipper, of Maco, I id suddenly Sunday night at1 o'clock at her home. Surviving are her husband; [ ir sons, Rozell, E. J., Jr., Clini and Carl; three daughters, Hie, Inez and Verona; her! ither; six brothers; three sis-! s and seven nieces and nephs. I f I lost Of The News All The Time $1.50 PER YEAR ireat Interest Being Shown In Sunday Schools liss Zula Rogers, Sunday* School Field Worker, Has Been Conducting Series Of Training Schools EVERAL BAPTIST CHURCHES VISITED nnouncement Made Of Future Plans For The Next Few Weeks; Continued Co-operation Urged For the past several weeks liss Zula Rogers, field worker f the State Baptist Sunday chool Board, has been conductlg a series of study classes at lurches in the Brunswick Bapst Association. This week she is conducting a lass at the Mill Creek Baptist hurch. Attendance on the first ight was 137. Other Brunswick issociation churches reached with Sunday School training class ecently are: Antioch, Chapel fill. Cool Run, Friendship, Jenings' Branch, Mt. Olive, Mt. 'isgah, Sabboth Home and Boon's Neck Mission. Through the co-operation of an nthusiastic and consecrated band f helners Miss Rogers hones to arry this work into the other en churches of the association his week. As a climax to this work in Srunswick county there will be n association-wide Baptist Traiing Union Institute conducted at he Mount Olive church on Wedesday, Thursday and Friday venings, July 29-31. All associaional officers, general directors, residents and junior-interrnedite leaders are urged to .'Ctend. "he public is cordial# lny.ted / From August 2 through Aug-* st 7 has been designated as the ssociational-wide Baptist Trainig Union study course week. If workers are desired for local hurches Daniel Johnson, of Boivia, should be notified. Announce Wage Scale For WPA Vages Under New Program Will Vary From 16Vz Cents Per Hour To 80 Cents Per Hour For Skilf 1 t I iea Laoor WPA wages under the new irogram in Brunswick county rill vary from 16 cents an iour for unskilled labor to 80 ents an hour for professional nd technical workers, it was .nnounced at district headquarers. The monthly security wage will emain approximately the same s under the old program. Thua nskilled laborers will work 128 ours a month for a total wage f $21.12, while intermediate or emi-skilled laborers will work 00 hours a month for a wage f $30.00. Hours for skilled worers range from 68 for bricklayrs, electricians, construction jremen, iron workers, plasterers, lumbers and stone carvers to (Continued on Page 8.1 Tide Table Following is the tide table for Southport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide THURSDAY, JULY 9 11:14 a. m. 5:02 a. m. 11:30 p. m 5:22 p. m. FRIDAY, JULY 10 5:50 a. m. 12:08 p. m. 6:23 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 11 0:25 a. m 6:44 a. m. 1:03 p. m. 7:32 p. m. SUNDAY, JULY 12 1:23 a. m. 7:44 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 8:40 p. m. MONDAY, JULY IS 2:26 a. m. 8:47 a. m. 3:03 p. m. 9:43 p. m. TUESDAY, JULY 14 3:33 a. m. 9:46 a. m. 4:07 p. m. 10:42 p. m. WCUNIiKUAl!, JULi 10 4:40 a. m. 10:42 a. m. 5:09 p. m. 11:38 p. m.

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