fhe Pilot Covers Bruns?'iok County politics Tak Opening C As Gener; l"'B?FirS"By The'-Tw.! ^SSgJchewlId . D.l/v!nk At irt Ruark, - ? ' Opened DemoL Campaign MonC4t Noon With Speech In Courthouse opening~ ?un of the police expected to be wagjis county during the next ^ fired Monday, when Ruark. prominent Raleigh, 'spoke to a large audi-,1 Ac Brunswick county, se in behalf of the Dem*aker was born and rearouthport. He came here speaking engagement at est of J. Wallace Win- j jairman of the State j ic Executive Committee. | traight forward, matter- i peech he pointed with the achievements of the i ic administration in nation, and called upon j s of his native county I rousing majority vote; cratic candidates this mentioned before, this, e opening gun. Con-! Harold D. Cooley, of district, will be in county on Wednesday, and will speak either; t high school or at high school. L Hoey. Democratic I. governor, will speak on Tuesday, October, is being made to ' rressman Graham A. New Bern, for a ued on page 6) Bits i Big News 'j ents Of State, ] id World-Wide j During Past Week IWif Champs New York Yankees , I tested their way back to the ( I tetall heights Tuesday with 11irewell salvo of basehit'j I ! ""-! that crushed the last ( I Spring hopes of their inter- , rivals, the battle-worn I ?Bts and tore another whole I ^ out of the record books. by the long-range | I of the American League I ifcpions, crippled, but still -'up to the very last] I oflt all the resources at their I ?nand, the Giants finally :, I led under a ninth-inning 1 I ?Sge that produced seven I and swept the Yankees Pi lopsided conquest, 13 to the sixth and final game all-New York battle for I odd baseball champion- < Wl^atlantic Hop 1 I I'mivf the Atthe green and red , Jjjfene of Kurt Bjorkvall, . drummed along . I toward Stockholm on a , J^P flight attempt. Late , | * * dav thhro Viorl V\<v?wi ' I? ...V..V, 1 lOU UCCIl of his position. The * Pacemaker, carried radio receiver. hange for Thomas H. RobJr'i moved to set aside 1 form for the Stoll kid- ] after what the court 1 "scandalous matter" 1 thcken from their mo- \ lesday. Robinson's mo- 1 aimed he was incurably t that his constitutional s dc-r.ied at the trial i ?o pleaded guilty, that i Mistreated by Federal 5 ^ that he was not " nether the court will C tttmued on Page 6)' J< THI 6-PAGES T01 es Stage H< If Extensiv< al Election Kenneth McKeit The Youn 9b Tentative Da Races Her Will Be Known As Tria gular Yachting Regatt Since Wrightsville, Wi mington And Southpo All Are Interested TRIANGULAR COURSE IN LOCAL HARBO Schedules Already Assig ed Other Regattas Make: The One At Southport Follow Logically On The Way North The Triangular Yachting R gpetta. so called by reason of fc ing sponsored by Wilmingtc Wrightsville and Southport, w be held at Southport August 1 13 and 14, 1937, according to t present tentative arrangements Charleston, S. C., yachtme members of the South Atlanl Yachting Association, favored ti ibove date, as did interested pa ties of Wilmington and Wright ville. Southport, naturally, is bearty accord with the suggest date since it will not confli with other already scheduled ra ss of the association. At each place the regetta w last three days and it is expe ted that approximately 50 yach will enter each day. The full pr (Continued on page 6) County Council Elects Officer New Officers And Proje Leaders For Next Yei Elected At Meeting He! Last Week At Supply At the meeting of the Coun Council of Home Demonstrate Clubs held last week at Suppl the following officers and proje leaders were elected to serve f 1937-38: Officers: President, Mrs. Joe ^erzaal, Phoenix; Vice-Presider Mrs. J. E. Dodson, Ash; Seer tary, Mrs. B. M. Crawford, As Treasurer, Mrs. Lacy Bennel Shallotte. Project chairmen: Foods ai (Continued on page 6) Brunswick County Schools Accredite Announcement 'was receiv here this week that the eleme :ary departments of the Shallot ligh school, including the Supp jnit, and Waccamaw high scho lave met the requirements f 1 1 frvr fho 1 Q.lfl. MciUUdtl U Idling iui viiv lession. Southport and Lelar elementary schools already we an this list. All the high schools of tl county, including the Brunswi bounty Training school, are ai credited. STAl A Good News DAY Southport, N sre For j Campaign Draws Near han Head Of g Democratic Club ?# I Henry L. Stevens, Jr., Of Warsaw Spoke Here Friday Night At Young Democratic Rally At Which Time Club Reorganized Kenneth McKeithan was elected president of the Young Demlocratic Club of Brunswick counI ty at an enthusiastic re-organiza11 tion meeting held Friday night J in the courthouse in Southport. Principal speaker for the oc' casion was Henry L. Stevens, Jr., attorney of Warsaw, and past National Commander of the American Legion. Prominent state officers of the Young Democratic Club also were in attendance, including Miss Mae Oliver, j of Sanford, state vice-chairman; Miss Margaret Wilson, of Raleigh, executive secretary of the state organization; and Clyde C. Carter, organization chairman for tVif* _<2*3.\7??r?th rvvncrrp-Qsinnnl Histrinf" ID I *"w * (Continued on Page Six) te Set For e Next Summer * a~ RAINFALL RECORD il. SET LAST MONTH rt The total rainfall for Brunswick county during the month | of September was 13.10 inches, o establishing a new record for this year. It is notable that on two days in succession the n" rainfall was 3.11 inches and 5 2.73 inches, respectively. Maximum temperature for the month was 94 degrees on September 20; the minimum reading was on September 26, :e- when the thermometer dropg. ped to 59 degrees. n There were 13 clear days, 6 cloudy days and 11 partly cloudy days during the month. 2, There were thunder showers he on September 4, 5, and 21. ' There was a light fog on Sep 'n' timber 23. Prevailing winds ;ic for the month were easterly he and westerly, and were vari r" able. sin 'i New Officers In ? Charge Of Camp ,ts 0. Lt. Henry A. Rippelmeyer Is Commanding Officer, Replacing Lt. John L. Malone; Ens/ K. R. Cotton Is New Junior Officer >q Lt. Henry A. Rippelmeyer, of ** Rock Hill, S. C., arrived here last week to relieve Lt. John L. Mac*, lone as commanding officer at Camp Sapona. He comes to I Southport from Madison, where : he was in charge of another ty camp. >n | Lt. Roy Aaron, junior officer y, at the local CCC camp for the ct past year, left last week after or completing his second six months tour. He is being replaced by j P. Ens. K. R. Cotton, of Charleston, it, S. C. e- i Archie Bullock, one of the most h; popular boys at Camp Sapona, tt, left last week for Fort Bragg for I a short stay before being trans-; nd ferred to a camp in Pennsylvania, j Presbyterians Have Rally Day Program a Rally Day was celebrated at [ ? ' * * I ed the local fresDyienan ounua, n- school Sunday morning with a te t special program consisting of ]y readings, hymns and prayers, ol Each department was represenor ted. 36 An inspirational talk was made id by the pastor, the Rev. J. D. re Withrow. A good congregation was in attendance, and a fair lie offering was received. The prock ceeds will go to help establish Sunday schools in remote communities. I ' repo paper In A Go . C., Wednesday, Qctc | VISITOR SENATOR BOB REYNOLDS Senator Reynold: In Southport Or A Business Trij Arrived Tuesday Nigh From Chadbourn, Wher< He Spoke Before Demo i cratic Audience; Contin ued On To Gatesvilh From Here MADE NO POLITICAL SPEECH IN COUNTV : Overnight Guest Of Mr i And Mrs. H. B. Smith And Was Honored This Morning At Breakfast Given At The Smith Home Speeding from Chadbourn I where he spolfe last night am was afterwards detained by con ! ferences with prominent citizen] j of Columbus, Senator Robert R Dn>.vi/vlAa o nrl V* i O OOOrptarV W IVC^ 1IU1UO anu um avw^wv.. j, IE. McDonald, arrived at South jport at once o'clock this mornin; I on a purely business trip. Getting a few hours rest ii ithe home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B Smith, the Senator and Mr. Mc (Donald were guests of honor a a breakfast given by Mr. ant Mrs. Smith at 7:30 this morning | Invited guests at the breakfas (were Senator S. B. Frink, Regis ter of Deeds R. I. Mintz, H. M Shannon, George R. Foulke, Rep resentative R. E. Sentelle, W. B Keziah and J. Berg. After the breakfast a boat trij was made over Southport har bor, at which time conference: jwere held with the Senator ant (his secretary. The Senator and his secretary are speeding from one section o: the state to another, making daily and sometimes twice dailj | speeches in the interest of Presi ;dent Roosevelt. The trip here be (Continued on page six.) Joe Hufham To Work In County Joseph S. Hufham, represen tative of The State Port Pilot will solicit subscriptions in Bruns wick county during the next few weeks. Subscribers are advised tc send in their renewals by this representative. "Believe It Or N( Was Snuthnoi 1- ? Tommy Rose, who never has heard a sound and who was 13-years-of-age before he was able to say one word, was a visitor here Thursday and carried on a normal conversation with a number of Southport citizens, who I were amazed at the accomplishments of this unusual young man from San Francisco, Cal. With only a glimpse of your lips as you speak, Tommy can tell you every word you said. When he talks, his voice is barely above a whisper, yet his enunciation is perfect. This young man was a member of Ripley's "Believe. It Or Not" colony at the 1 Chicago World Fair. He has been around the world three times and has met the may| ors of 70,000 towns and cit| ies in this country and j abroad. I RTPI od Community iber 7th, 1936 PUBUSI [Southport I Purchase i The Loc October Term Crii May Come To ^ Several Cases Of Minor Importance Disposed Of Here During First Two Days Before Judge M. V. Barnhill Several minor cases were disposed of here before Judge M. V. Barnhill during the first two days of the October term of Superior Court in session here this " | week. There is a strong likeli? hood that the session will come j to a close today (Wednesday.) Dayis Holden, white, was found 1 not guilty of assault. | Joe Bellamy, colored, was found not guilty of assault, but was ) convicted of escape. He was given 6 months on the roads on the latter count. * Maynard McGee, white, pleaded ' guilty of unlawful possession of - intoxicating liquor, but sentence - has not been passed. ? Maxie Witherspoon, colored, pleaded guilty of temporary larceny of an automobile and was given 12 months on the roads. r Richard Mills, colored, pleaded guilty of carnal knowledge and was adven 12 months on the roads. Road Map Pos Proposed Ch ' WILL GIVE VOTERS 3 CHANCE TO REGISTER . j Registration books for each .; precinct in Brunswick county r will remain open all day long for the next three Saturdays 1 to register voters for the general election on November 3, | according to announcement of t G. T. Rourk, chairman of the JI Brunswick County Board of . i elections. t After holding the registration books open on Saturday, I October 17, 17 and 24, Saturday, October 31, will be open :. I for challenge. Chairman Rourk already has d received a supply of presidential and state ballots. An order 3 was placed this week for the i printing of the county and I township ballots, and they will r be ready for delivery within f the next few days. r - Assistant Surgeon Gen. Visitor Here Dr. C. L. Williams, Assistant U. S. Surgeon General, was here . last week to inspect uie local1 quarantine station. Following his visit it became known that a' complete change in the U. S. ' quarantine service is pending. I Just how these changes will afr feet the station here probably ' will not be known until some ' time next summer, it was learned. it" Character t Visitor Thursday I Tommy is 28-years-old, and was born in Holland. He was brought to this country when [ he was G months of age. He i claims that he is the only person in the world who was born deaf and dumb and later learned to talk. His education began at the moment when one of his playmates 1 became troubled because Tommy couldn't talk and hear as he could. It extended i to the point that he is the master of five languages, has won his doctors degree in | medicine and has become an accomplished organist. His education has cost 885,000, he said. Even if Tommy couldn't ' utter a sound, he still would be a rapid fire conversationalist with anyone who can talk 011 his hands. He can reel off 300 words per minute?something of a record for man or woman. I . " ' LOT HED EVERY WEDNESDAY Joard Of Aid New Equipi :al Electric P * minal Court Close Wednesday C : : : : s :1 fS ^ " > ^1I M. V. B A R N H L < Joe, Buddy and Robei irown, r white, were charged w lar- v ceny. A mistrial was ore, d in c their case, and it .was continued.'c Mathew Williams, colored, was found guilty of making an as- r sault upon a female.' Sentence r has not been passed. r :? ted Showing \ ange In Route t According To Map Posted p In The Brunswick Coun-! ty Courthouse, At South- i port, New Route Would jl Not Run Through ShalIotte SOME OPPOSITION TO ROUTE PROPOSED ] Many Shallotte Citizens Are In Favor Of Having The Road Join U. S. Highway No. 17 Between Bridge And School House 1 t Early action in regards to ( hard surfacing the Southport- * Whiteville highway was indicated ] last week when a map showing c a proposed change in the route ? was received from the State c Highway Commission and was J posted in the Brunswick county I courthouse. ' Only minor changes were shown on the map, which was c from Shallotte to Ash post of- ? fice; but one of these changes 0 (Continued on page 6) jj1 Brunswick Boys i Enroll In CCC i ^ Twenty-Two White Boys y From This County Were v Taken To Wilmington Last Thursday And Accepted For CCC Enlist- " ment Twenty-two Brunswick county white boys were carried to Wilmington Thursday and were accepted for duty in the Civilian Conservation Corps. Those accepted were as follows: Shelby McKeithan, Southport; Grover C. Hand, Jr., Bolivia; Leman D. Russ, Longwood; Hobbie Continued from page 6 Southport Girl Is Honored At College Miss Anna Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed Taylor, of' Southport, was honored at the Greensboro College last week when she was elected house president of Main building, freshman dormitory. -?? ?? m 1 ~ ? UnJ ViAld fhia nnai. iVUSS I ayiux uau nciu u>iu |/ww. tiori temporarily since the opening of the school year, having been appointed by the student council. In this office she will automatically become a member of the student council. Miss Taylor is a member of the Emerson Literary Society. \ Most Of The News All The Time $1.50 PER YEAR lermen nent owei t few Unit Will e Of City Ele* ad Now And Foi time To Come; Old Units To Be Used As Reserve fEW WATER PUMP ALSO PURCHASED Total Cost Of New Equipment T Be Paid In 72 Equa' nstallments Ext^i. ng Over Six Years M bers of the Southport Boar of Aldermen last week :ompk ed negotiations for the rurchase of a 225 h.p. full-deisel :omplete unit for the municipal )ower plant. Although the new machinery vill be sufficient to carry the full deotric load of the city, the two ild engines now in operation will ? overhauled and syncronized ino a 250 h.p unit to be held in eserve. Along with the other new ma ihinery will be a 10 p. h. motor 'or the water system. This will eplace the 50 h.p. motor now in ise, and will therefore reduce the :urrent load by 40 h.p. in that ine department alone. Total cost of the new equipnent will be $19,224, including lew switch boards and voltage egulator. The city is given 6 fears to pay, the installments beng divided into 72 equal monthly layments. Funds will be derived rom revenue from the plant, not rom taxes. The purchase was made from he Fairbanks, V jrse Company hrough their repAsen-ultive, Mr. tittenhouse. Refunding Bonds Effect Savings Resolution Appearing Elsewhere In Today's Papef Describes Procedure In Saving Money For TaxPayers Elsewhere in this issue is pubished an order giving notice of :he Refunding of Brunswick bounty's bounded indebtedness. It vill be remembered that about .930 Brunswick county defaulted in its interest requirement, and iince that time only a small imount of the total debt of ap iroximately two million dollars las been reduced. During the period of default he commissioners have been sucessful in reducing the principal .mount of the indebtedness $40,00.00. The interest payments iave been satisfied up to Sepember 30, 1932. The latest interst payment in the amount of 32,500.00 paid off approximately 130,000.00 in past due coupons. Under the refinancing plan, the oupons maturing between Sepember 30th, 1932, and July 1, 935, are to be funded in thirtyear bonds at one-half the face alue of the coupons. Therefore, (Continued on Page Six) Tide Table Following is the tide table for Southport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Thursday, October 8 1:41 a. m. 7:53 a. m. 2:02 p. m. 8:48 p. m. Friday, October 9 2:44 a. m. 9:01 a. m. 3:06 p. m. 9:48 p. m. Saturday, October 10 3:47 a. m. 9:58 a. m. 4:09 p. m. 10:31 p. m. Sunday, October 11 4:43 a. m. 10:50 a. m. 5:01 p. ra. 11:15 p. m. Monday, October 12 5:30 a. m. 11:36 a. m. 5:45 p. m. 11:57 p. m. Tuesday, October 13 6:11 a. m. 6:24 p. m. 12:21 p. m. Wednesday, October 14 6:46 a. m. 0:36 a. m. 6:o9 p. m. 1:04 p. m. J

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