[ flic Pilot Covers gnu! :c County * ^ ;xe__n0- 1 tal uitions | R ghtFr iows I i With Over I A' t precincts Re. For Rooseteit V\ J ' uflEY 1 1 LEAD H0LfOp A'F.RNORSHIP ent Of Total state Gives | Hoev 1 Majority ' Over Grissom . rs from Tues-' . it mid-night last j sweeping vicD. Roosevelt P. London for United States. of the total it ion reported. ,.tory was 4-1.1 ived a 5 to 1 N'.-rth Carolina. 'T:.i c: state's precincts i at midnight j -pi ;. P. Ho< v a 3 to 1 lead 1 -. ,,-h Gilliam Grissom North Carolina. :::: . w. Bailey, can-. second term as' .tor. was keep-. 2 -act s colleagues on' ; 1 ticket. ; . Bayard Clark n impressive lead ?r'h V. C. Downing. l:.s. the seventh ?r:t. Reports oil ii si av coming in. ti:! possiole to arrive ti fair ratio. . Little Bits Of Big News !lews Events Of State, Nation and World-Wide Interest During Past Week " klier .':i?es :1 Longsshorenounced Monit ly 10,000 1 Wilmington to 1: v. ill get pay in-1 s . ra ng 20 per cent, uppers h lve agreed he local unions c gher wage scale increase amiut Sl.000,000 a ne year con-1 tacts just signed. k?i)i Payments Spokesi i for the Agricul-1 . :t administra-1 : ay that 3,320 ] .03 :36 had been , . owners and op- j | Won to 1 to under the 1936 at on program | I1'-' . distribution of! 1 j some 6,000,000 ifcaoas. Hfcii/fi,', T'tll I '"tnty-s persons died ti 1 in weekl? accidents in the I to a surI night. Of |- occurred in I; and 11 in I' rile South I;;- injured and I' Ca: 2~>. I"")' C onti St J ance MilI over. The ' i::;o o'clock ten years .. to $000, J' " ilar<-' the fortune S are subW the famous two exceptions who have borne B*"" poverty. Time H A. Moffison lantic speed Hj, ;id mechanics I checked I I % ti morning, after ,.i ! !:'01U arbor Grace, 13 hours Hl:? page 4) n? r \ *" L A .' .' * THE 4-PAGES T iCRAl Completed ] om Unoffici; loosevelt-Hc It ? President-Vi< ROOSEVELT Eastern Star D Meeting 1 o #More Than A Hundred Delegates Expected To Attend Third District Meeting Here Saturday MISS LOTTIE MAE /-v nmrrn wtwiw urrn,ti\ Holds Position Of District Deputy Grand Matron; Past Officers Of State To Attend The Live Oak chapter of the order of the Eastern Star will be hostess Saturday to delegates and visitors to the Third District meeting in the Trinity Methodist ! church. The meeting will be presided over by Miss Lottie Mac Newton, District Deputy Grand Matron. She has arranged a program of unusual interest to members of the organization. It is anticipated that between a hundred and a hundred-fifty visitors will attend the meeting.! Included will be a number of past Grand officers. Eastern Star chapters compris- . ing this district include: Rehobeth of Rose Hill: Pat McGowan. ( of Wallace; Goldenrod, of Wil- \ mington; Acme-Delco, of Bolton; Live Oak, of Southport; Coharie, of Salemburg; Lunibee, of Fair Bluff;. Klondyke, of Chadbourn; and the Whiteville chapter. \ Mayor Ericksen Aids Sea Scouts jr Troop Formed Here By f Skipper M. L. Burns, t Who Recently Was Tran- s sferred To The Quaran- v tine Station At Miami d I Mayor John Ericksen has ag-1 reed to assume responsibility of ; t leader of the Southport Sea,e Scouts, organized by Skipper M. jn |L. Bums. * | o | The latter recently yvas trans-1 fcrerd to the quarantine station . at Miami, Fla., leaving the local lads without a leader. Mayor Ericksen was asked to take over the troop. The work that Skipper Burns accomplished with the Sea Scouts while he was in Southport was I practical in every sense of the word. The boys were taught na-1 vigation, how to build and operate various types of boats and other information valuable to boys who one day may decide to follow the sea. Navy Quota For Month Announced The Naval enlistment quota for November in this district has ; been set at 28 enlistments. The j recruiting- office in the (Customhouse, Wilmington, has been call- j ed on to furnish its share of the 1 quota, and will include applicants from this county. All men who are interested and who live in | this county should apply at the Wilmington office. % Although the quota is smaller this month than in preceding< i months, it is hoped that it will | be increased in l. p : st, A Gooi 'ODAY fm Last al Count ?ey Victory :c-President GARNER I strict n rriiFF ._ t5e neianere SEASON'S FIRST FROST LAST WEEK The first light frost of the year occurred in this section Friday morning, October 30. Last year the first touch of frost came on October 6, extremely early in view of the fact that the average frost appearance for this region is November 8. A rainy period the first half of October piled up a record of 10.21 inches of rainfall for the 31 day period. This is an interesting contrast to the record for October, 1935, when only .17 inches of rain fell in this section. During the 31-day period .just past" there were 17 clear days, 6 cloudy days and 8 partly cloudy days. Prevailing wind was easterly; the maximum temperature of 85 degrees was recorded on October 23; the minimum reading of 52 degress occurred on October 31. Ship Brings In Body Of Captain Vinding Gulf Came In Before Day Friday Morning To Discharge The Body Of Captain Frank H. Johnson The freighter Winding Gulf arived in Southport before day Friday morning to put ashore the iody of Captain Frank H. Johnon, 60-year-old master of the essel, who died suddenly Thurs|:iy night when the boat was off "rying Pan Shoals. News that she was coming ino the Southport'harbor was wird to the ship's agents in Wilnington and Captain J. I. Davis, f the Cape Fear River Pilot's (Continued on page 4.) 7 ?u PRECINCTS Hoods Creek Leland Town Creek ? . Bolivia ? Southport Mosquito Supply Secession Shallotte : Frying Pan Shingle Tree Longwood Ash Waccamaw Exum Grissettown TOTALS m d Newspaper Ii Southport, N. C., Wee N~C0l Fine Session Of Sunday Schools Convention Held J Annual Brunswick County Sunday School Convention Met Sunday At The Shallotte Camp Methodist Church C. ED TAYLOR WAS RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT Other Officers Of This Organization Also Re-elected; President Of The State Convention Present The annual convention of the Brunswick county Sunday School Association was held Sunday at the Shallotte Camp Methodist ci.drch with the members of that Sunday school acting as hosts for the occasion. During the business session C. Ed Taylor, of Southport, was reelected president of the association: R. F. Lewis, of Bolivia, was made first vice-president; W. J. Purvis, of Ash, was made second vice-president; and J. J. Hawes was made secretary. Pennant for ! the best attendance, based on the number of miles traveled, was awarded to the Lanville Presbyterian Sunday School. The morning session began at 10 o'clock and was opened with a hymn by the congregation. The opening devotional exercises were conducted by C. L. Stevens. At 10:30 o'clock there was a talk by R. E. Sentelle on "The New L'nurcn Ana lis Message. men: was special music furnished by a class of the Shallotte Camp Sunday School, and this was followed at 11 o'clock by a discussion group by the Reverend Shuford Peeler, president of the North Carolina Sunday School Association. The business session was held at 11:30 and the final feature of the morning program was a talk by the Reverend Mr Peeler on "The Mission Of The Church In Our Day". The fellowship dinner during the noon hour was one of the (Continued on Page 4) Six Cases Tried Before Recorder Minor Actions Disposed Of Here In Recorder's Court Last Wednesday Before Judge Joe W. Ruark Six cases, were disposed oi here in Recorder's court last i Wednesday before Judge Joe W j Ruark. Clayton Ganey, white, was i found guilty of trespass. He was : given 12 months on the roads, this sentence being suspended upon condition that the defendant I remain out of the county for a | period of two years. He was 1 found guilty on another charge oi being drunk and disorderly and ! was given a suspended sentence of 30 days on the roads. Slade Mears, white, and Henry Mnnrop colored, were tried foi | being drunk on the highway Mears pleaded guilty, Monroe was j found guilty and judgment ir ! both cases were suspended upor payment of the costs. I Willie Simpson, colored, was (Continued on Page Four) noflicial Ele IR. Deeds ftecorder | Sherif m e. S g> to o o m W 3 ? x tf : S ? < S S "C * ? cd cd o w ' o >| g. : CJ Q Hj |> 1-5 1 77( 29 [ 76 28| 77| 166J 41| 166 41 j 158| 263j 193; 272 1811 245| 2 195j 1841 229] 172| 149) 2 ' 542) 177j 572| 134| 548| 1 48.; 40| 48| 35| 46, 85| 138) 871 140) 83| 1 1 192; 53j 1831 43 200| 186| 174| 2071 134 j 222j 1 163| 92 166 67| 1881 164; 78j 177| 611 175| 49| 60| 56| 52j 62; ..... ... 182j 2571 196; 241, 199| 2 73| 151 j 75j 146i 75l 1 99| 46| 104j 42| 102| 48, 113; 50| 107| 561 1 2541;1830;2676j1624 2594 IS . 1 .?t?;? ?~ P0R1 n A Good Com: inesday, November 4th JNTT Planning Survey Will Determine Need For Roads Investigation To Be Conducted Will Require A Greater Part Of Year But Will Be Of Great Value INVENTORY OF THE ROAD SITUATION Will Determine Extent And Types Of Roads Needed, Volume Of Traffic, Etc. The United States Bureau of (Public Roads has agreed to co! operate with the State Highway and Public Works Commission in a State-Wide road planning survey, officials of the commission announced recently. James S. Burch, engineer of ! statistics and planning for the j commission, will supervise the j study, which will be financed (with federal funds, and L. G. jWatters of the Bureau of Public Roads has been assigned to North Carolina to assist in the program. A general inventory and appraisal of the State and county road system, studies of traffic volumes and intensities, the origin and destination of commodities hauled, highway finance, vehicles taxation and data on maintenance costs and pavement life will be included in the survey, said Burch. Requiring probably a year to complete, "the study is designed to represent a factual basis for a long range plan of highway , operation, looking from 10 to 20 (Continued on Page 4) . .. I Missing Boat Is 1 Cause Of Alarm i The Discovery Of 38-Foot! Shrimp Boat Wednesday Night Ended Frantic Two; Day Search By Coast Guard Forces The 38-foot boat Louise was : located late Wednesday afterrfoon | about a mile off Pawley's Island, , |s. C., ending a two day search by the coast guard from WilImington to Miami, Fla. . | The little boat was towed into | | Georgetown by the coast guard j cutter Colfax, of Charleston, S.! !, C? with the two men on board, J Captain J. Earl Bowen, Jr., and G. B. Bass, both of Segate, none the worse for their experience.! It was reported that contact with j the coast guard was made after I Captain Bowen swam a mile to i' Pawley's Island to notify them i of the position of the boat, which 1 lost her fuel tanks during a I storm Monday night. : The Louise left Southport last | Monday night in the company! i i of a number of other trawlers! 'jof the Southport shrimping fleet j I'en route to the shrimping gro- ' i unds 17 miles off Winyah bay 'with Georgetown as the next[ | stop. During the night the vessels j I encountered rough weather, dur-| . | ing which they became separati cd, and it was not. until all the i j vessels except the Louise had art' rived in Winyah Bay Tuesday ! morning that it was discovered i j the Louise was missing. (Continued On Page 4.) ction Returi f Rep. State Senate C 09 o >> j- bo ? E ? <5 - ? P x ? B V Eo-S D *> P U 2 .3 P. O = - g I . W M W g wK rj 01 o S H s S = ? a s 5 ^ eC j K M ? ? om-J 29 j 77, 29 79 77 27| 28?77 511 166| 42 162 165 41| 43 165 !15| 265j 182 266 263 179 181 265 '521 235) 170 215] 211 207] 166 227 .69] 545] 177 544] 528 146| 142] 547 421 47| 37 481 47 36] 36| 5C ,411 95] 132 87j 85 132| 132] 8* 48; 195] 44 198] 197 45] 44, 202 .47j 21SJ 131: 206] 201 138] 133] 20E 59] 166, 65] 167j 162 63] 62, 165 66] 173| 64] 173] 171 63] 61| 18E 49] 57 j 571 551 51 56] 50j 62 !40| 200] 240] 199| 191 238 238 192 .48] 77 j 146! 73) 73 145| 147j 77 45] 103| 40] 1051 105 41j 3S| lC" 108 j 52 j 106] 521 50 107 107| k >10 2681,1657 2638]2582 1665 1609 ?(,T r piL munity , 1936 polish: Wat Democratic ( County Riv Governor Of N< I CLYDE K Southport Shrh Two Good c JAMES ROOSEVELT'S YACHT VISITS frERE The Half-Moon, yacht owned by James Roosevelt, son of F the president of the United States, came into the Southport harbor Tuesday afternoon (3 on her way to Florida, where , she will spend tlio winter months. Her owner was not aboard. The captain of the yacht came ashore and visited the Brunswick county courthouse, where the election returns were being received. He ap- y, peared delighted that Presi- ^ dent Roosevelt was being swept back into office on a ' landslide, fie said that he was -v with the President for a few tl' days last summer and that sp "he is a cine fellow." The visit; here of the cap- m tain of the vessel occasioned w some excitement, as it was a quickly whispered around that UI James Roosevelt was in South- hl port. This rumor was quickly branded as false. th i is; tli ~ ;?f IS 8? jJS unty Commissioners Coroner | m j jst sh 5 i lv S si i ' u ? o ; th 73 S ? III I V 1 !b( I g g S ? S ? ca ? . 3 p j ? ai S %! I ! ? I W" u" h I ? ^ 3 ci J: 1 | ^ 78 78 '28! 28 28| 78 , 28 ? . 164 164 / 41' 40 41 162 42 i 269 260/133; ISO 193 261 1S3 ! " ' 203) 21/100) 170 188 213 172 d< 5601 5fi 15/) 143 163 544 146 T< >i 46: #i7| 381 38, 41 48 36 iJr l| 86jy 87| 137i 136, 138 94 132 :a !) 192T197| 44 j 46. 50 196 46 , l| 20/1, 2071 145. 139, 142 223 120 j) ?| 1|3) 161; 81, 79 80 181 61 1 jn >| t/UI 191 61 59 76 173 63 Cc !| 61; 65; 42: 43) 52) 56; 38 nc S| 199) 194 235 245 243 198 237 d< y; 83 j 37) 144! 150) 148 72 145 11 ij 1081 106! 46| 40| 42| 107) 39 11 >| 51) 61) 104 103 108; 50) 106 ** '|26432659 1650 1540 1744,2571)1595 le u ' 9 . * * * ?D EVERY WEDNESDAY Candidates' Offices Leai als From 71 orth Carolina : ~ r x:;V'i HOKY noers Had Days Fishing ;itches Made On Saturday Were Best Of The Season; Those Monday Were Just About As Good ISHING FELL OFF AGAIN ON TUESDAY ool Days Apparently Caused Shrimp To Come Together In Great Numbers There is no accounting for the range habits of the shrimp. After waiting ail season for e heavy season to begin, local irimpers were convinced Saturly that the big rush had finalgotten underway. Catches on of rlnxr \irnrr? thf* host of thG ason. There was further encourageent Sunday when a local boat ith a fishing party aboard made half-hour haul outside to sec e bait and came up with seven ishels. Southport shrimpers got out .rly Monday morning, ready for ie kill. Most of them were satfied with their days' work, as eir catches were close to those Saturday. The boats ran from I to 60 bushels, which sold for .50 per bushel. Back at it again early Tuesday orning, the shrimpers were unned to discover that the irimp apparently had completedisappeared. At any rate all ie boats were back at the docks ;fore noon, and none of their itches for the morning had nounted to more than a few lunds of shrimp. * runs wick County tudents At E.C.T.C. "Brunswick county has one stu;nt attending East Carolina jaehers College which, with an irollmcnt of 1078, has reached new all-time record. The number of men, 113, shatred all previous records, and iows that this college has defitoly established itself as the i-educational institution its foulers intended it to be. The stu;nts are front 75 counties and L other states. Pitt lcad3 with 19. and Johnston comes next ith less than a fourth as many, >. Virginia and South Carolina " 'Ut 5 each. w% Mqstifim ? ,-JB On Ba^ts^l turps PdjH Never o<&Aticj| day's Efl SKNtELlj|^^^^^^^HV Former Ml 2681 * VoH Majorit^B Low ^B JH Prunswlc^B cratic Tue^B nv 7.00 to^^B publican opj^M majorities * \ urnpht^^H ' first urn county supp^^ wHBt reSBB^^Eiylr' strongholcfe. the ttMH heaviest out of thjf^reW&y Q*oQ^g|KSr tion *itH the toMOtjfijp'v^fflHsM H&fc. kot was ,K;. . wjwjtf ' . j her of, the" J| ff tht&j8M a "*^8 Principal (1^K nounceifnHX^HRw' Local The OctobS^^t rpft" by fjrd.? l> J ' ^l' :M, in order txmpvi'' ?ye^W*WgJB*^ roll all /l's j^P' t^|j|| | month', ments ire report. .1^1 foijowifl^^^MMH^BlHj [honor roU: H J e rge S el 10th erade^HnRqHHyl^ ?\ [5 fry. dc Annis .jane caster, Xorp|jg^^H 3rd gvade1, A01 t& HiuSk J; &jit * ly A tip McNj^H grade, MunCft Miller ' gfaxCMg/M ., { honor - rofl .iflHHM 11th gr9<^?^"(SjjHKHf|^V Bfl T nio' IQfW rr^WM Karl Beilamj>*JM^^H Ottoway; 5th, J^i.t^pEd(raqEwWf I v.ay. ' ullou id^ '4dBN f I for Sdhthpoj* ' MMHHt. LMm week* Theso Infap^ma 9I| a fl \imately cojg^te'ttjBBteEj 9 nished The '^rotiv tlirough- |hft,3yurjfcgft)*<8iC . fl Capo fiafi High Tide JH j lttir?daJn|npH^^HB 0:14 h. m 1: :35*pv#?- ' ini#, i x. fft. i : M ji. 11 s"u^iSSn^!W a. ftr. S:i?l>. ML ^ jM u u