[he Mot ^?ven IjjniDSwick County CONINE NO. 45 pi Special J Of State I ;; Session Will Con-1 In Raleigh ThursKf for Purpose Of En-1 mjnt Social Security Itfslition I Ln E SENTELLE 7 FAVORS I'HIS STEP I L Re Will Work Strenf nent Of | f jOj Provic!:' liberal- | I |y For Cit./ens I the I Is -: - to iush ' kit insurance/ s hen Gov-1 an unex?T'. extraor* -vneral as? * convene at * " 'iming t the Nov#; ction will r Brnnswick county the lower re R. E. " v v -t his atti-i f. ' -- den in line r, . s . .il Security scntelle destreneously ; ' .. i! provisions .'x :i cade tor our needy jj..... ha I no idea' would few clays. v . . the underis a special f i special pur( . It should not week or ten 5 j .. : _ :.ir session J.i y." he con-1 j ; iiscuss prob (1 Brunswick 1. . I v 1 not intro-1 " tng Brunsc riaily without j . . people gener-j ~ jfoie Bits | Of Big News | V?! Events Of State, Lie; and World-Wide blerest During Past Week titled l - i: .ice of love or ' unanswered: if dm early on tit se who might t :t i -:i kept tight- j r- - 'fiinet minis-' S ;' ?,: mble in fori . morning, prior if. meeting of the r.- i o . -lions, to hear Pr Minister Stanley i it of his long 1 with Edward and g's brothers at ice-sheathed Fort j lay night. If ' an who says ?v . as king wed n Wallis Sim* '.ay from the r-f it a final an5"' ' - ng that the, - his love, he, i* . y that answer j i:inouncement t i cabinet and ' 'j kked 0-pound lion r~' ously injured * [' - i l performer at ' ":: Theater, late ?'-y while the audience "ri on horrified. She was ' le Hamiter. [toer, who carried herj " and v.conscious from - in which she ** before seven lions. Hie i (1 in their hied to move. [Stuv Moore, gangling i is executed at1 J4' Maon Friday for the lleien Clevcn t rely innocent" 1" a killed, delegation of ? ' t'l'i commissioner of toll Tuesday! litio'-.i-. for a stay of' ' ' -Moore, three ne-1 Ashoville inV that they sus- j man of the | I'hey did not t. it was in-1 ne had not j associated ministers, e ^f| two women, j* 0 hired Moore ! kindling for th Gill for. until an ' on Page four) L. .. TH Session Legislator R. E. SENTELLE aTly." Under the social security i states which have failed to c ply with unemployment insura provision by the January 1 de line, stand to lose insurance be fits. Estimates have fixed No Carolina's share of the bene at upwards of $2,500,000. Want ive L Timber 7 Demonstrations To Be Ci ducted In This Corn For Purpose Of Showi Value Of Cultivation Trees WORK WILL BE DONE FREE OF ALL COS Landowner's Only Oblif tion Will Be To Maintai For Period Of Five Years Five locations are wanted timber thinning demonstrations Brunswick county, according County Agent J. E. Dodson. ' extension service and other ag cies will take over plots of t ber land located on main hi ways ranging in acreage fi two to five acres each, mark trees that need to be taken < make arrangements for hav said trees cut into cordw lengths and corded on the pr erty. the cordwood it is unc stood, to belong to the owner the land to be used as he chc es. The owner of the land will s an agreement withl the state North Carolina to use all reas able precautions to keep fire the property and will not use allow to be used any timber the demonstiation plot for a I iod of five years. The object of course to show by demonsl tion that it pays to thin tim and keep the fires out. A s able sign will be placed at e demonstration calling it to attention of the public. This work will be done by following agencies co-operati the North Carolina Departm of Conservation and Developm and the Emergency Conserval Work in promoting and condi ing timber stand' improvem demonstrations, in which C ' * f 11 rn i aVi nrl tauur aim luuio an, the E. C. W. from camps un (Continued on page four) MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage licenses were iss during the past week from local office of Register of De to the following couples: J Briggs to Laura Williamson, h of Wilmington; Elbert C. Ph< to Gertie Fulford, both of Sup; One Man Crew 1 One Man On account of the need c one man to handle the tillc while others arc making o furling the sails, anythin bigger in sail than a rowboa is a difficult proposition fo one man to handle. But Captain Marshall Par ker, sailing from Philadelphi to Florida, evidently does no believe in this fact. He ar rived at Southport Sunday i: his handsome little 24-foo sloop and so manipulated hi craft as to make a mos graceful three-point landin against the side of a Iocs dock where he moored he safe and snug without ar sistance. '' - i *r x E ST. A Goo 4-PAGES TODAY Civic club wai Be Resumed For - Active Service I Ho Officers Other Than Advisory Board And Executive Secretary, W. B. Keziah, To Fill Latter Position WORTHWHILE WORK TO BE SPONSORED List Of Undertakings Includes Most Important i Developments Being Considered In This County Southport now has an active ! Civic Club that is giving promise of functioning smoothly, sponsoring or otherwise aiding in all matters that may be of benefit ! to Southport and Brunswick I county. Outside of the executive secreI tary and a board of advisors there will be no officials. The club will operate something like a Rotary Club, one man to serve on the advisory board being se? lected from each business or industry. The first meeting of the ?ct, organization was held Monday on" | night at the office of W. B. nee' Keziah, who will serve as execuad tive secretary. Only the eight or ne- 1 nine men who have already been I selected to serve on the advisory rth 1 board were present at this meetfits ing. A general meeting will be Continued on Page 3) . r ocationsror hinning Project * >n ity! ANOTHER DROWNING ng NARROWLY AVERTED Of Alfred Newton, Southport man, had a narrow escape from death by drowning early TS Sunday morning when he was pulled from the Water down fa-' near the railroad dock by n I night policeman M. R. Lewis, ! William McDonald and Will Wade. According to the story Newfor I ton told his rescuers, he had I in been possum hunting with a to | party of friends and was rerhe | turning to Southport in a skiff, en-1 which overturned a short disim tance from shore. He managed gh-1 to reach the pilings at the om railroad dock and was clinging the | there when help arrived. >ut,1 His cries attracted Policeing; man Lewis, who was patroling ood his regular beat in the busi op ness section. ier Heavy Holiday ion- Mail Problem off Patrons Of Local Postoffice Urged To Co-operate In H'g Making Work Of Postal ira. Employees Easier Again this week patrons of acl, the local postoffice are remindthe ed of the annual Christmas mailing rush, and attention is called the to a number of things that will ng: make service better and the work lent of the postal employees easier, lent Several boxes are available at tion the postoffice at a nominal sum jet- for the month of December. The * ~? 1?? vwoWo if nnoQihlp lent use U1 d OUA manco lb j/uuw.?.v :cc for the boxholder to get his mail by any time of day, whether the der window is open or closed. It is well to call at the post office several times each day, according to Postmaster L. T. Yaskell, to ued cluttered with mail, the | keep the box from becoming eds The W. B. and S. mail bus ohn I has begun making extra trips oth with the mail, and from now dps until Christmas will run as fast ply. i (Continued on page four) Enough, If The Knows His Sailing if * His boat is the Tarojam, r 24-feet in length, with a ten r foot beam. Her one little g j cabin was a delight to the .t | eye for neatness. In addition r j to being bedroom, parlor and kitchen it housed a nifty little 12 horse power motor a j that gives the craft a cruist j ing speed of eight miles per - i hour at such times when it n | is not expedient to use the t ample spread of canvass with s | its 35 foot mast, it ; When the young captain g was asked how he made tl i sail and steered the boat r alone he spread both hands i- outward, palms up, and gazed sidewise to heaven. - iAlu La. ..... - iifjt ATE id Newspaper I Southport, N. C., W Facts Regarding. Of Brunswi Clues Furnished By Will I May Result In 1 Of I Clues furnished by Will Inman, one of the victims of a band of men who waylayed him on the night before Thanksgiving and gave him a flogging, may lead to the discovery of the band of selfappointed disciplinarians who paid their first official visit to Brunswick county on that occasion. On the same night that the Freeland man was carried over the Columbus county line and whipped, Jesse Cox, another resident of that section also was flogged by the band, whose chief complaint against the pair appeared to be that they did not take an active part in the church and Sunday school affairs of their community. On the night before Thanksgiving, Inman said that he was at the King filWill Begin Work At Caswell Soon Letter Received This Week From Mr. Chase States That Plans Call For Early Beginning Thanking him for recent articles in the state press regardir?cr hot salt well at Fort ,' Caswell, Mr. S. O. Chase of 1 Chase and Company, owners of I Fort Caswell, wrote W. B. Keziah i of the Southport Civic Club Monday of this week. Referring to the Caswell property, Mr. Chase said: "We hope to get under way at once with [some of our reconditioning work. We will start off with a small force and will expand as is necessary." At its meeting Monday iight j the civic club instructed Mr. Keziah to write Mr. Chase, urging J him to employ local labor as | much as possible and to carry | on the operations on such a scale as would insure the place being ready for the occupancy jof visitors the coming summer. It is thought that with summer (homes and hotel facilities available at Caswell several import'ant conventions can be obtained for the coming summer. Incidently, it may be mentioned that H. ]H. Thomas of Southport, repret sentative of the owners in the I development, is highly optimis| tic regarding Fort Caswell's fujture. Vestry Elected For St. Phillips Mayor John Ericksen Made Senior Warden; Charles L. Stevens Emeritus Senior Warden On Sunday night, December ;6th, the regular annual meeting [ for the election of the Vestry ! of St. Philip's Episcopal church j was held, and the following were 'nominated and elected the Vestry for the ensuing year, beginning iwith this advent season: Fred I Smith, W. G. Butler, John . Erickson, Will Styron, H. B. ! Smith, Jas. E. Carr, Charles L. Stevens. The Reverend A. H. Marshall, rector of the parish, j presided. The rector having the appointing of the senior warden for the , j ensuing year, named John Erickison. The junior warden will be | named by the vestry at its first j meeting. Dr. Marshall named as (emeritus senior warden, C. L. [ Stevens. Tobacco Short r. r? course turning In Anticipation Of Short Course To Be Held During January Full Description Will Be Given Over Radio The Tobacco Short Course, which will be held at State College January 18-22, is expected to attract hundreds of North Carolina growers, to Raleigh. Dr. J. B. Cotner, professor of plant breeding at the college, will give a full description of the course and its purposes and aims on the Carolina Farm Features radio program Saturday, (December 12th. Farm leaders, knowing that tobacco is the State's leading cash [crop, have stamped their approvContlnued on Page 8) 0 . , - POR n A Good Coi Wednesday, De< Flogging ick Men Revealet nman, One Of The Victim The Appresension Band ' ling station near his home. A carload of men drove up and asked for him. When he went out they pretended to be looking for liquor, and asked him to go with them to find some. He refused, and went back into the station and remained there with the crowd for a couple of hours before going home. When he was about a quarter of a mile from his home, he said that he saw an automobile parked beside the road with some men apparently trying to patch a tire. They stopped him, and one of the men stepped up beside his car and asked if he had a pump or a jack. As he did, he drew a gun, and reached inside the car and turned off the switch. Harrison Faircloth was riding with Inman, and both (Continued on page four) Light Session Before Recorde Only Four Cases Settled 0 Wednesday Before Judg Joe W. Ruark In Recoi der's Court Only four cases were disposi of here in Recorder's Court la .week before Judge Joe W. Rour Arthur and Chester Holli ; colored, were tried for perjur Probable cause was found, ar the defendants were bound ov< j to Superior court under $21 bond. Following a hearing on tl matter, it was ordered that tl truck confiscated in connectic (with the Marshall McDowell ca be delivered to james uuntnuti I the Raney Chevrolet Co.. since I appeared to the court 'mat the parties had no knowledge th; (the vehicle was being used f the transportation of liquor. Dock Byrant, colored, wi found guilty of driving witho | an operator's license but jud; ,'ment against him was suspendi without cost to the defends when it was shown that he no ,has his proper license. C. L. Smith, white, tried se eral weeks ago on a charge assault and non-support had h case dismissed without cost the county, except officer's fee Christmas Seals Are Progressin Mrs. Annie K. Vitou, Wf Is Chairman Of The Sa es Committee Of TI Woman's Club This Yea Encouraged With Resul The annual sale of Christmi .seals in Southport is off with jbang this year and Mrs. Ann ;K. Vitou, chairman of the Chris mas seal sales committee of tl | Southport Woman's Club, is e couraged with the results so f: j obtained. Local citizens are being urgi to use these little health stam] on all their mail from now uni [Christmas, business and person j letters as well as upon Chris .mas cards and packages. Mrs. Vitou once more calls a [tention to the fact that sevent; [five cents of every dollar remaii at home, and that fifteen p cent of the remainder remains North Carolina to combat tube : culosis. ! White Christmas Program Planne A white Christmas, the then of which will be giving inste; [of receicing gifts, has been pla 1 ned for the Presbyterian churc This special program for the o jcasion will be held at 7:30 o'clot Christmas evening, and everyoi is invited to come and bring rift- tn he nlaced in the mansrc IB"- r planned as one of the attractioi of the decorations. Long Vacation Of The School The Christmas holidays for tl schools of this county will beg this year on Wednesday, Decen , ber 23, Tuesday being the la day of school before the vacatic period. Schools will not reopt until Monday, January 4. j Arrangements are being mat | to give the teachers their fourl j month's salary checks before thf leave for their homes to sper j the holidays. k T PII nmunity :ember 9, 1936 P"BL1' Judge Cranmer f Hears Oath Of County Officers Local Resident, Judge Of Superior Court, Presided At Impressive Installation Ceremony Monday COMMENDS CHOICE OF COUNTY VOTERS AH Officers Sworn In Save One Commissioner And The Coroner Were Incumbent; Many Citizens Attend Ceremony Judge E. H. Cranmer made an impressive talk here Monday as he administered the oath of office to county and township officers elected at the November 3 election. The installation ceremony, held at 1 o'clock, was well attended by citizens from the county in town for this occasion. Officers taking oath were: R. I. Mintz, register of deeds, and his deputy, Miss Gladys T. Dozier; J. M. Roach, Sam J. Frink ? and John B. Ward, county com(Continued on page four) r Yacht Owners Get Coasi :e| ? !j r i CHRISTMAS TREE J LIGHTING CONTEST Again this year members of k. i the Southport Woman's Club is, I is sponsoring: a Christmas tree ? | lighting contest in an effort j to have the city decorated for " I the Yulctide season. Br Two prizes will be awarded. One will go to the person hav! ing the most attractive living 10 Christmas tree; the other will le I be awarded to the person with >n I the most attractive cut tree. In seasons past this tree1(7 i lighting contest has caused considerable lrwM interest, and some beautiful results have been obtained. It is urged by 3r club officials that citizens cooperate again this year. ELS lit ? Interest Grows In Boxing Bouts of | Boys Of Camp Sapona Aids I ready Working Out With to | Their Eye Centered Upon :s. Star-News Tournament In January From all present indications Southport and Brunswick county ? will be well represented at the ?5 Star-News boxing tournament, which is to be held in Wilmingl0 ton during the week of January j. 10. This event promises to be the le best sports attraction in this section during the winter season. .' Already the boys of Camp Sapona are working out with the as idea of getting into top condition a before the bouts begin. Coach ie Fat Marr has a number of scrap|t_ pers who have had experience in le the ring, and it is expected that n_ he will enter a complete team. ir Last week Editor Lamont Smith, of the Wilmington Star, was down here talking to the _g boys about the coming event. His til trip crystallized interest in the a] bouts, and it is likely that several local boys will decide to enter. y. Is Illegal To Mail Alcoholic Beverage cr in Postmaster L. T. Yaskell has r- asked this newspaper to inform its readers that it is strictly illegal to send any intoxicating liquor through the mails. The re. ceiver, as well as the sender, is (I liable for prosecution, according to the Southport postmaster, and ie may be sent to prison, may be id fined, or both. n l Captain Tommie a Has Inte ir, 13 Captain Tommie St. George, veteran Cape Fear river pilot, returned Wednesday from a 10 day trip to West S Palm Beach, Florida, a voyage which he made as pilot ie aboard the yacht Heilander, in owned by a Mr. Roaraback, a- of Sanford, Connecticut, st Captain James L. Ford, an >n old friend of Captain Tom:n mie's, was the yacht's master, and the veteran pilot dele clared that his trip was one th of the best he has had in :y all his years of experience, id The jorney south through 1 the beautiful inter-coastal Most Of The News All The Time $1.50 PER YEAR Chairman. ?unty Board Senior Members Of County | Board Elevated To The Chairmanship At Organization Meeting Held On Monday S. B. FR1NK NAMED COUNTY ATTORNEY Board Held Short Session Monday Afternoon And, Failing To Complete Its Business, Was In Session Tuesday Members of the board of county commissioners in session here Monday afternoon elected J. M. Roach, senior member of the bodv. chairman. He succeeds H. ,0T SHED EVERY WEDNESDAY J. M. Roach Of The Co PLAN BENEFIT GAME TO BUY SHOWERS Recognizing the need of hot shower facilities at the local gymnasium, a movement is on foot to schedule a double-header basketball attraction to 1 raise money for this purpose. As one feature of the special program an invitation is being extended the Bladenboro high school girls to play a Brunswick county team here, rhe Bladen county lassies were winners last ydar of the Star-News tournament in Wilmington. On the same bill it is expected that a team from the city league in Wilmington will come here to play the Camp Sapona five. With the opening of the county schedule here this week the need for quick action in this matter is more apparent, if the showers are to be provided for use this winter. ; Will Help f Guard Cutter ? ??? 'Sign Petition Addressed To Treasury Department Asking That A Suitable Boat Be Based At Southport IMPORTANT FOR SMALL VESSELS Need Is For Cutter To Maneuver In Inland Water way And At Other Shallow Places Although a movement that is j already underway may bring the ! desired results, three letters having been received from Washington the past week, Southport's Civic Club has an iron in the fire that will soon be red hot for another attempt, if It is needed, to get a medium sized coast guard cutter based at Southport for the protection of shipping on the Cape Fear River, the IntraCoastal Waterway and along the Starting out Friday the club's secretary has boarded every yacht, tug or other vessel that has tied up at any of the South]port docks. To the captain or j owner it is being briefly explained that there is need of a medium sized cutter here, and they are asked to sign a formal letter I to the Treasury Department, ask| ing for such a vessel. The results are surprising and are affording much gratification. Not a ships officer or owner has j hesitated for an instant about signing the letter. Several of them have gone much further ,and expressed indignation, which .they coupled with offers to write i Washington asking for the basing of a cutter here. H. E. Foster, of the big yacht Elgra, of Greenwich, Conn., said Sunday that he had been hung I up on a reef for 24 hours. He was thoroughly indignant at the lack of service to aid the waterway and river craft and said that (Continued on page four) Local Attorney In Flowers Case Representative R. E. Sentelle, Southport attorney, has been asked to join counsel for defense of Dr. Ralph Flowers, Winston-Salj em dentist who was convicted ' several weeks ago of stealing gold. Representative Sentelle stated that he is investigating the mer] its of the case before he decides what to do. An appeal is pending ! before the North Carolina Supjrcme Court. St. George resting Trip South waterway was made in leisurely stages, according 'o Captain Tommie, who .as rielip-hted with the chanr'ng j o? - - I I scenery. On Thanksgiving day a ty| pical feast was served aboard the yacht, he said, featuring a 17-pound turkey as the centerpeice for the table. Despite the cold blasts that held the greater part of i North Carolina in its grip during the holiday week-end, Captain Tonimie said that the weather in Palm Beach I was balmy, and that bathers j took their daily dip in the i Atlantic. I O. Peterson, who did not seek reelection on November 3. The first official act of the board after its organization was the appointment of S. B. Frink county attorney. In a surprise move Monday afternoon Gillard Lewis, elected to succeed M. A. Northrop as j Brunswick county coroner, tendered his resignation Monday afternoon and recommended that John G. Caison, second high man in the primary, be appointed. This recommendation was accepted by the board, and Mr. Caison was (Continued on Page 3.) Interest In New Hunting Reserve According To George R. Foulke Northern Hunters Already Are Making Inquiries; G. T. Reid Is Associate The Long Chance Hunting Club a Brunswick county sporting organization headed by George R. Foulke of Winnebow and with its huge hunting preserve situated only seven or eight roi'es from Southport, has been receiv- -r ing inquiries from many northern sportsmen who are willing to pay the daily fee for hunting rights. G. T. Reid. of Winnabow, is associated with Mr. Foulke in the project. Mr. Foulke was in town ^ Monday and was very much interested in the undertaking. Al(Continued on page four) Bolivia And Antioch Woman's Club Meet The monthly meeting of the Bolivia and Antioch Woman's club was held at Mrs. Thad Johnson's on last Tuesday. The meeting was begun by singing Christmas Carols. Busi 4.1 ? 1?4-^-3 Wnb Ileus meeting euuoiateu tit malting Christmas presents and ideas were exchanged among member^ which proved beneficial. The following officers were reelected for the coming year: Mrs. Carl Wa;d, President; Mrs. Frank Mintz, Vice-President; Mrs. Frank Johnson, sec. and treas.; Mrs. George Cannon, recreation leader. The club is going to have a Christmas tree at the home of Mrs. J. D. Johnson on December 17th. The meeting was attended by the Home Demonstration Leader Miss Marion Smith, Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mrs. George Cannon, Mrs. Alex Mercer, Mrs. Frank Mintz, Mrs. Foster Mintz, Mrs. Dewey Edwards, Mrs. Carl Ward, Mrs. Horace Johnson, and hostess Mrs. Thad Johnson. Mrs. Johnson served delicious fruit cake and hot coffee. Tide Table Following is the tide table for Southport during; the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Thursday, December 10 5:01 a. m. 11:22 a. m. 5:20 p. m. 11:24 p. m. Friday, December 11 5:46 a. m. 6:06 p. m. 12:09 p. m. Saturday, December 12 6:28 a. m. 0:09 a. m. 6:49 p. m. 12:54 p. m. Sunday, December IS 7:07 a. m. 0:51 a. m. 7:26 p. m. 1:38 p. m. Monday, December 14 7:44 a. m. 1:36 a. m. 8:04 p. m. 2:20 p. m. Tuesday, December 15 8:20 a. m. 2:17 a. m. 8:43 p. m. 8:01 p. m. Wednesday, December 16 8:58 a. m. 2:51 a. m. 9:35 p. m. 3:38 p. m.

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