County I Km vlail IR lice I jrd Says P / ail bus I 10:00 fl i will I Wilah i ; ut u;> g the windows In order to ive access to _ G ip- *?mt th following Cc >,y I'nstuiay mail M1 .lils will there, Li :mvc in p :lock in the Wilmington? toC i service in- we 'str il Delivery iig: fro is stumps * to\ . !,V. Idl thi lht i money eiders '' del <<al notice. I"0' 1 Deli-, ory letters the iuii I.::\ Pius 0: Bis; News O -f Of State, 1 . n and World-Wide i'^ ' v.; Past 1 Week <iai 1 m> I ii't ,1 ninm I'"' I I I I I !' ' owned hy J- ' I I I I ' '' ^ I I I I I I VVstcrn America I ' '' I l^' be foilllll J I t Air- t t which clashed I I 1 I I I I I'''"' / ! 11 * l>. Smoak, 39I ployc, was ' I f: ' first degree t rlr^;r chaise Monday. after t ' ' 'i a preliminary - ' ' v.arrant charg- F - >mi pa.x four) l Service Foi Will Begin ostmaster I q. . . V > * ' *5'* i f' / ' .y' m l.. T. VASKELL iouthport Busi A Dressed Up >iored Lights Across Four Principal Streets Of The Down-Town District Is Making Attractive Scene At Night OVE LOCATION OF COMMUNITY TREE ving Christinas Trees And 'orch Trees Decorated In Woman's Club Contest Are Pretty the Southport business district >k on a ttojidav appcitrjjfije last ek when colored lights were rig across four of the principal eets. ' These red, green ami blue hts, together with those in nt of the stores in the downen district, combine to make Christmas scene of beauty. The community Christmas tree s year has been moved from ' garrison to the corner in nt of Die Chas. E. Cause rcsiice, where a symetrical live . has been adorned with colorlights. living Christmas trees and ch trees, lighted by persons 0 have entered the annua! 1 -lighting contest sponsored by Southport Woman's Club, ,-e helped make Southport lutiful for this Christmas sea vhoots (Hose For Christmas Holidays Brunswick county .schools ad-i mod ttxiay at noon for the ristmas holidays, which will con; to an end until Monr. January !. Before they departed for their pectivc homes Brtfnswiclt counsi-Jiool teachefs received their i th month's salary check, a t that should lend joy to their, ristmas. tMJSTS IN AKMY - i t J. Grissett,. of Shallotte, ijitcd on December 1 at Fort; ipff, for army service in the! >st Artillery, Philippine Dc-j trncnt. Aool On Bald H< Brings Remini 'I he first half-year for ] Brunswick County's only oncacher school for white chil- j ten is almost over, and des?te tilt fact that- th- httle choolhousc is poorly cquip1 il, nine children on Bald lead island have enjoyed the utilities of a school* near heir iioiric. Miss Bertha Rcid, the one mil n faculty, was in South>rt Sunday afternoon wait" for the tide to rise enngh to allow the coastguard it to come over for her. The Impossibility of being Iblc to go and come when ou want to is the only thing dislike about my work," she . aid. The one-room schoolhouae. onstnnted by residents of he island, is situated midway ietween the coast guard sta1011 and the Cape Fear light. It is comfortable," said Miss tcid. "but there arc some hings we surely Uo ne,ed. . E ST. A Goo 4-PAGES TO i????? r Local l January T. Yaskell Flogging News Spreads Abroad Massachusetts Citizen Inquires If "It Is Safe" To Visit County; Civic Club Resents Unfavorable Advertising Brunswick county has been getting a great deal of far-flung and undesirable publicity as a result of the so-called "religious : floggings," perpetuated on citizens whe were carried over into Columbus recently. While it appears that none of the whippings haye been brutal, it cannot be denied that a great deal of damage has been done through the attendant ballyhoo. Matters have reached such a point, that the Southport Civic Club considers it a time for vigorous official action against the offenders. Monday this paper received a (Continued on page four) iness Section For Christmas MAYOR'S BIRD DOG HAS FANCY DINNER Bingo, largo Irish seller belonging to .Mayor John Ericksen, had his Christmas dinner a week ahead of time Thursday afternoon when he cleaned ll|> a couple of large size fruit cakes and two pounds of beef steak he found on the hack seat of Mrs. Bruce I.odium's automobile. .Mrs. I.udHun was downtown and had parked her automobile while she went in one of the stores. Getting out in haste, she made the fatal mistake of leaving one of the doors ajar. A small opening was enough for Bingo, who got in and proceoded to make himself at home. When Mrs. Ludlum returned he was just cleaning up the crumhs. Uncertain About Progress Of Work However, S. O. Chase, One Of Principal Owners Of Caswell-Carolina Corporation, Says Development Will Go On Writing W. B. Keziah. exccu tivc secretary of the Southport Civic Club, S. O. Chase, of Sanford, Fla? last week expressed considerable interest at the developments surrounding the hot artesian water well at Fort Caswell. Mr. Chase is the principle owner of the property at Caswell, and speaking with direct reference to the many fine buildings being reconditioned and gotten into shape for occupancy this summer, he said: "Unquestionably, there will be accommodations for quite a number. Just how fast the reconditioning work can be handled has not been decided upon. We want to work as rapidly as we can." Mr. Chase suggested that the (Continued on page four) ?ad Island ier Of Other Days The principal one is a blackboard. It was impossible to teach the four children in the first grade without one, so one of the men made one by covering a wide board wiUi blfick paint. That has served very well, but I need a larger blackboard now." Tables and chairs serve as desks, she said, and these do i very .nicely. At the present there arc nine children in the school. In addition to the four in the I first jrradc there are two in the fourth, two in the sixth and one in the eighth. Miss Reid planned to return to the mainland today (Tuesday) to begin the Christmas holidays, but was undecided about taking as j long off as the rest of the county schools arc taking. Her school was away to a , late start last fall when there was some delay in completing the 'building. I m id Newspaper day Southport, Wilmington Man Is Ordered Helc In Civil Actio Plaintiff Alleges That D. fendant Ed Evans Infhi ted Bodily Injuries Whic Caused Real And Pun. tive Damages CIVIL SUIT TO BE TRIED NEXT WEE1 Claims That Jaw Was Br< ken During Attack Made Upon His Person By Defendant Evans I An order for the arrest of F ' Evans, son of the chief 01 tl Wilmington Fire Departmer [ was signed here Monday mornir in the office of the clerk of tl I Superior Court. The papers spec fied that Evans be held for li appearance under a bond of tv thousand dollars. At the same time papers in ' damage suit asking for $10,000.1 , real and S10.000.00 punativc dan a<rCS from Evans were filed wit | the clerk. The complaint allege that the plaintiff, Robert |\ IHolden. is a citizen of Brunsw.c i county, residing in Wilmingtc and that Evans is a citizen at i resident of New Hanover. In part the complaint allege "That on or about the 2nd ds of April. 1936, the plaintiff wi employed by the United Stat. ; Engineer Department in the cu i of Wilmington and was hvir I temporarily at 110 Orange Sire in the Citv of Wilmington. N. t ! that the defendant came to t 'home of the plaintiff at 110 O angc Street. Wilmington. N. t oil the above named date nboi 17-00 o'clock P. M . an<l invltt the plaintiff and his wife to f with him on a trip to a Pla"' Brunswick county near low ! Creek for the purpose of havui a fish fry: that this plaintiff ar his wife and his wife's siste :Miss Gladys Branch, accompanic ' the defendant to the point i l Brunswick county, and after a riving at said place the plamt\ and his wife were standing by camp fire talking, when the d. wornlncr an.l 1 ja secret manner struck the p]ai! tiff back of his left ear with son blunt 1 and hard instrumen knocking the plaintiff down an | when the plaintiff attempted t Irise up the defendant agai i struck said plaintiff on his lei cheek just below the left ey with brass or metalic, kntick knocking the plaintiff down an rendering him unconscious for few seconds, and the plaintil ; again attempted to rise up froi (Continued oh page four) Old Cases And Appeal Settle< Only Three Cases Disposei Of Here In Recorder' Court Wednesday A Many Witnesses Wer Unable To Attend I Bad roads through U19 count prevented several important wil ncsses from attending the week ly session of Recorder's Cour here last Wednesday and severs cases were postponed. Carlie Johnson, colored, wh two weeks ago was given 90 day on the roads when convicted o j charges of being a nuisance |dropped his appeal when thi judgment was suspended upo payment of the costs. Governor Joyncr, colored, wa found guilty of larceny but judg jment was suspended upon pay mcnt of the costs. Aihnrt Clemmnns. white, trie several weeks a fro on charges o operating an automobile on th public highway while he was in tcxicatad, was declared not guil ty. Shack On Bald Head Is Buniei The attention of Southport res idents was attracted Thursda; n'ght to a blaze over towari Bald Head Island, when one o the shacks near the mouth of til creek was burned. At first it wa feared that il was a boat ii flames. , The shack was being occupici by Jack Boyd, of Hamlet, and , hunting companion. Tliry wer away at the time the fire start ed and many of their clothe were burned. Comity Officers Take (Jhristmas Of Brunswick county officials wil close their offices Thursday a noon for the observance of Uu Christmas holiday. All offices will be rc-opcne< for business Saturday. i -ItC _,C..... l': *f. 7<>2V_ ' T POR In A Good Cor N. G., Wednesday, Dei Net Tightening 11 About Members n Of Hooded Bam e- U. S. Postal Authorities In c- vestigate Source Of Tw h Threatening Letters Mail i- ed At Freeland SHERIFF'S ACTIVITY SHROUDED IN SECREC K. | . Intimates That Informatioi j- In Hand May Lead To Arrest Of One Or More Suspects This Week When members of the band o Id praying floggers mailed tw ie threatening letters from tli t Freeland post office on Decen |ti'ber 5, they made the mistake c le 1 attracting the attention of th .j. U. S Postal authorities, who no\ js have G-men at work on the east ,0 Sheriff J. A. Russ declared thi (Tuesdayl morning tliat two im ajportant conferences he planne 10 today in connection with the cas 1 probably would lead to the arres tll of one or more members of th band of night riders who vislte ^ the Freland section on the nigh before Thanksgiving and whip jn ped Jesse Cox, elderly resident 1(J and Will Inman. ) Citizens of the home commun |ity of the flogging victims ar behind them to a man. It is re " i ported that new shotguns hav ,'sjbeen purchased by residents o jlho section since the whipping (occurred. There apparently is ; ^[determined resentment agains any threatened return visit. One reliable citizen of the com munity stilted this (Tuesday . morning that unless some offi cial action is taken, serious trou ,fl ble mHy break out at any l:m it Freeland. A stranger fron jM South Carolina driving througl ,n there aftei dark i i. real danger, he said, since Hhg JJj been reported that the aut< . r biles in which the floggers trav ,j :led bore license plates from tha p state. rf Receives Report Of Diphtheria t, Drca'd Children's Disease i<l Makes Appearance Ir ? Brunswick County; Heal 11 th Nurse Advises Innocu ' lation rc s. Two cases of diphthi i ia havi 'I been reported during the pa week to Mrs. Lou H. Smith, tin ^ county nurse, who advi par 11 cats of children between the ag i"S of 6 months and six years ti have them vaccinated 'imnicdia tely. Another important protectioi } against the spread of th<- jlisrasi is to avoid exposing children t' diphtheria. One of the eases re ported in this county has beei j dismissed from the Brunswtcl . County Hospital and the other i: j a patient there now. In advising parents to havi liieir children immunized agains the disease. Mrs. Smith said tha ,. the new toxoid provides iinmun ' ity on ninety-five per cent of tin .*_ cases. " College Girls I And Boys Home s Number Of Southport Girl: n And Boys Returned During Past Week To Spend s Christinas Vacation With Parents Activity among Southport': m younger set was quickened dueling the past week-end with thr <' a rrivalj Of a muiiber of girls am - boys who have been attending - tlie various colleges of the state during the fall term. Among those returning for the holidays are: Miss Jose; inn. Smith ami Miss Lois Mae Ward / of Meredith College. Raleigh; 1c Ruark and Ike Robinson, of N - C. State College. Raleigh; Clauv Jones, Wake Forest; Miss Anna I Taylor. Greensboro College, <>l f Greensboro: Miss Dorothy Bel! e High Point College, High Point: s Tommie 'fhompson. C'lemson Col? ? /' re :.l tVnt. ri lege, Clemson, rs. <... umu i>,nson and Dan Walker, Louisbur;; 1 College, Louishurg. i Brunswick Men s Are Liberated Lacy Jacobs and .Anson Phillips, til/ latter only M-years-ofi ago, were released from the / -Brunswick county jail Monday morning when officers of Horry I county. S. learned that it was t impossible to secure their cxtra dition to Conway to face trial ill a whiskey case. I The men were - represented by S, B. Frink, of Sjouthport. ' ' ./ nmunity -an, __ member 23, 1936 PUBLl: j Members Board Commissioi I? ?= ^ j ^ ' j COMMISSIONERS?Me 0 I county Board of commission 11 left to right they are: J. B Chairman J. M. Roach. All Brunswick county. Shipping Holly !j County ! hi S NO EXTENSION FOR BUYING LICENSES The sale of license plates on (hi opening days of sale have 1 ! run about f if I % per cent ahead of a year ago, according to information from (he State l)enariin el of R'.-venui Those 1 who buy plates a lead of (he > d unitary ! ? ' ... _ 111., irravi( I"-. > ... incornrliit'li' o! .landing ill line (' r hours tt liling to be served. I'orty thousand more ' I vehicles have now to l>e licen- j ! sed than in any former year, j meaning a greater jam if mo- i (wrists wait far the las', rush. Jt is now a weii understood policy that 110 extension of i time is given for use of old license plates on streets andhighways on or after January ; first, automobile owners are j reminded. The co-operation of motorist-. will be greatly appreciated. Superior Court Here Next V/eek Judge WaUc- L. Small, Of ' Elizabeth City, to Preside Over One-Week Term Of Court For Trial Of Civil Actions 1 ' -, c Judge Walter L. Small, of Eli-1 s zabcth City, will preside over n one-wed. term of civil court iwmcn convt k'. iiciv jviuuutaj. L i No case of outstanding' impor1 j tance is included on the court " calendar, wliich is printed else where in today's paper. fine outstanding feature of thCi . calendar is that the first eight cases are divorce actions. VISITING PAItH.NTS |! Miss Mary Lillian Watts, datiFlghter of Mr. and' Mrs. M. B. Watts, of Frceland. has returned i from Appaiachain Stat. Teachers . Colli gr to ;pend the Christmas | holidays .with her parents. I : Baiiimore Man P!e ; In Asking For ; Evidence that the Southport Civic Club is making outside connections that may s| ultimately mean much to Southport and Brunswick county was brought home this week with the receipt of ui letter from a Baltimore ; rfian who is prominently identified with .boats and boating. He wrote that he ,; would be only too glad to j personally take up with Uio Treasury Department the matter of securing' a Coast Guard cutter for Southport. ( An excerpt from his letter contained this very definite I j OlTbt. ata,w,7T!?!B^ "I am in Washington two i>r throe times a week in connection with my own personal dffairs and as rrpre- I sen ta live for various Motor | Boating am! Yachting organizations. If necessary I would lie glatl to enlist the 'J support of the American .. Power Boat Association, of which I am a member of the legal and Legislative" Com- , mittee. The Association, the I largest of its kind in the j ,0T SHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Of County lcrs Well Know j mbers of the -Brunswick g ers are shown above. From h . Ward, Sam J. Frink, andjv are well-known citizens of i? i* From This J riving Business 5 i !r Three Carloads Were Cut 11 And Shipped From South- ,! port To Points In MiddleWest And In The North n MISTLETOE ALSO j WAS I IN Ut-iVlAINU F' Native Evergreens Will Be Used As Christmas Decorations In Other Sec- a tions Of Country t Cutting and shipping holly and ^ mistletoe to distant cities in the n middle-west and in the north has s been a thriving business in several rural communities of Bruns-:? eounty during the past ten I 'J? *A*u. ... ??. . f. t , From Southport alone VV. K.. Cox and H. B. Smith shipped 2S2 J box< of holly and 6F5 baskets of mistletoe. There were other buy-1, ers in the county who handled as * much, or more. The prevailing price was one i dollar for r box of holly and! sixty cents for a basket of mistletoe. The holly boxes are about' is lojlg as a coffin, and a little deeper. They were packed with P -mall limbs from trees with many:' red berries. 4 The mistletoe has- * kets hold about a bushel., ; ? '! lie evergreen shipped last " wet k- from here went to Chicago. v while all shipments this week * were made to New York. [? (Christwas Programs At Methodist (Aiurchht The Rev. E. M. Hall preached I j1 his annual Christmas sermon on J. Sunday morning' at the Trinity ' Methodist church. Special Christmar music was an impressive r pat of the service. ,\l the evening service the oas- . tor read Henry Van Dyke's beau- ', t ful Christmas story, "The Other d Wise Man." Special ipu.-iio also ^ was a feature of this program OPERATION Tommie Thompson, son of Mr. ' and Mrs. J. W. Thompson, of'.j Southport, is recovering at the B'iniswick County Hospital from in operation for appendicitis hieh he underwent on Friday. * d dges Support Coast Guard Boat country, is very much inter- , estcd in securing proper protection for southbound yachtmen. My home club, the Maryland Yacht Club, of Baltimore, has hail two of its members come to grief near Southport Dr. Reed and | George Kurts and in both j these recent cases there was no Coast Guard boat available at Southport." The letter from which the I above excerpts were taken was written direct to The State Port Pilot by the official, who stated that he had I i ad in the paper where the Civic Club was endeavoring to secure a cutter for the protection of boats at South- 1 port. Tile Civic Club has | . written him advising that it 1 will be glad of his assistance I . and that of the Power Boat As- i . sociatioh. His attention was also called to the fact .that j over a hundred yaclitslncn, i all who have passed through , Southport in the past 16 days j ( have signed a letter to the * Treasury Department asking for the Coast Guard Cutter. ? Most Of The News All The Time I $1.50 PER YEAS# Tide Water Will Run Power Line Down Route 17 J. M. Grainger, Chief Engineer For Rural Electrification Authority, Made Announcement At Meeting Here Thursday JNE WILL EXTEND TO HICKMAN'S X ROAD jouthport Board Of Aldermen Make Offer To Furnish Electric Power To Fort Caswell Property J. M. Grainger, chief engineer or the North Carolina Rural electrification Authority, met 'hursday afternoon with memlers of the Southport board of Jdcrmen and a committee .from ihallotte and informed members f the group that a Federal :rant had been approved for the 'ide Water Power Company, of Vilmington, for the construction f a power line from Wilmingon down U. S. route 17 to tickman's Cross Roads. The meeting had been called or the purpose of learning what teps could be taken toward the uilding of a power line from iouthport to the lower end of he county to supply electricity rom the local plant. This anouncement put an end to fur- t her consideration of the project. It is believed that money for J he Tide Water line will soon be. j lade available. A committee appointed by the 1 )cal board to investigate the ossibility of supplying electric j urrent to the Fort Caswell proprty recommended that the own- -i rs erect their own (Kiwer line, nd that the city supply elecricity to them at the same rate . is sold to the CCC camp. Proisions were made in the recomlendation to change the rate i hould there be enough demand. fi . JIadenboro "Girls To Play Bolivia . _ ' i Vinners Of Star-News Basketball Tournament Have Agreed To Come Here For Benefit Game After Christmas Coach Walker of the fast step- , j ing Bladenboro high school girls, he team that carried off the last Carolina Star-News and Y. 1. C. A. basketball tournament j 11 Wilmington last spring, has iTittcn the Civic Club that the : earn will be glad to meet the J.J Jolivia girls at the Southport '"jS ;yninasium some time after the hristmas holidays. Mr. Walker says that they lave lost four members from the lladenboro sextet since the tour i . ., .i _,:n L...... - lnici11, oui uiai uiey auu nave pretty good team. The coach id not refer to the fact that' his nam whipped Bolivia in Wiluii.gton. Still, the interest and agcrness that he manifested at he prospect of playing Bolivia ere is taken to mean that he nd the Bladenboro team are onfident of being able to hold . heir own. As for Bolivia, it is not doubtd that the Brunswick county hampions will joyfulyly welcome he Bladen county invaders. Bo- J via will be here with bells on /hen Bladenboro conies seeking ^ urther laurels. It is safe to asume that the South port gym :'<"A ill see its best game when Bla- '?i enboro and Bolivia meet. For the same night a game. * (Continued on page four) ? ill Tide Table Following is the tide table for Southporl during the next week. These hours are approximately correet and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the eourtcsy of the ( ape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Thursday, December 24 j a. m. in:;i> a. m. 1:25 p. m. 10:32 p. in. Friday, December 25 1:53 a. in. 11:23 a. m. 5:26 p. m. 11:28 V- m* ' U Saturday, December 2(1 5:61 a. m. _____ JM : >i .. ... 12:20 n. ill. Sm Sunday, Dcconlber 27 y?l >: 11 a. m. d:'JJ a. iu. 7:11 |>: m. 1:15 p. iu. Monday, December -8 r^O a. ill. 1:18 a. ill. r:.">8 p. mi. 'h'i p. mi. Tuesday, December 29 1:17 a. in. 2:1(1 a. in, i l:lti p. m. 3:5a p. Ht J Wednesday, Den nil? r ,'id 1:05 a. iu. .\.">8 a. in. j| I'8-1 p m. 8:88 p. in. .'9

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