pilot Covers m Brunswick County fcjIE MNE NO- 51 Mmarine Perch : lilies Enjoyable I jVo - Day Visit Citizens -Joined K In Expending A Cordial H ielcome 1 o Officers u Memb Of The fa* 0( Un cr-Sea Craft, KrfjU IOYED V HUNTING TRIPS H^gl Entertainment Was M^picuous By Its Ab jfjce. But Guests De- I I -Jared They Enjoyed ' nCH. newest H H the navy, He: two-day visit K:-' Friday of last i ?y morn-1 H where she ' m honor of . Hf. - f the crew : was K- iendly hospi-l, ns were Ik JS by their absence. j Skat camt in early Thurs-i; L . was moored at j' Igg : . rnment dock. Cap-1 t?.. pson, youngest j' k; of the (.'ape Fear Pilot j bcanor.. brought her in. il j.-: John Ericksen went out ... :\ at and came in on ] L staarire. As soon as the i Luas docked, a welcoming 1 knee comprised of represen- i ( s : Southport went! Amusements were made I IsBal of the officers to go to tattsg during the after- j g cd the party, under the : be;r.Captain Bonner Bus- 1 k Spumed to the Foulke ' gat:: near Winnabow. fc: r.le. the submarine was' S ready for visitors, who j p-: i a steady stream across [pjpiank for three hours ] ti ie afternoon, t ay afternoon arrangersfor three hunt- ' btphtions with officers from fcnanr.e. a : I the day's hunt teed at 6:30 o'clock by t? .wed in the officer's I l 'he CCC Camp. I ki. evening there was a et basketball program feats; ;r.test between the Blast. and Bolivia high school 1 tithe Southport all-stars 1 lit? Sapona. Officers and ' Iwe invited to attend these j tainued On Page 4.) i irtle Bits Of Bi> News ! Bos Events Of State, . Bfcon and World-Wide j I bterest During Past < Week Meet j1 H ---nh Carolina farmers, in j session with the le-j Hfs:. - agriculture commit-1 ^B-RaXgh Tuesday, adop-1 ^| ition urging the pal Assembly to pass the, tobacco compact bill! , tion. Approxi-! : 2.500 tobacco growers'! joint committee! I ly 1,000 were! ^".i when the question was ' a vote after three hours ^ Record H ' oxygen through a ; of the way, |J R. Hughes, millionaire ! ( pilot and movie'' flashed across the. at an average speed ! les a minute { B a new West The lanky. -' <1 amateur flyer: *- his specially constructed; I moplane from 1 B/- X.wark in H~,llou,-:- 2s minutes, 25 I B ia! clocking. H 1 which he l'-',11. 1936, was nine I 25 1 inutes, 10 seconds. murution II ' oital, vibrant forgot drearyj Btai'- ' y night and, H . of more to- j enival overture; I .ration of B\ I). Roose-1 II 1 to attend the j vatch the par-j I . ffidal estiK 'lout Tuesday I I lb the visitors I IvjiJ. - dozens of I of extra H: '::,;,ay oent, ready to 'c;,;"'s to tomorrow's ? Page ? t n rTH1 6-PAG Picturesque Light Near Here Hai 5j Search Of Records Fails To Satisfy Curiosity Regarding Early Background Of Abandoned Tower On Fort Property STRUCTURE IS OF ELABORATE DESIGN Tower Stands Atop A Brick Foundation That Is Fif- | teen Feet In Height; Has Wood Carving Fort Caswell appears to have j a genuinely mysterious lighthouse. At any rate the Southport Civic Club has not been able to find out anything definitely covering the structure, which closely resembles a Dutch windmill tower in its construction work. The lighthouse or tower stands between the Oak Island Coast Guard station and the buildings of the fort, being actually only three hundred yards from Battery Bagley. The first 15 feet are of brick. On the brick is a 15 foot wooden framework and on top of this is the lighthouse room, a structure upon which the builders took many turns at the ar- j tistic. The corners have scroll I work that must have taxed the creative abilities of the early builders. All of the work is perfectly preserved, but the brick foundaMr, and Mrs. 1 Give Chaii i One Hundred Chairs Formerly in Theatre at Shallotte, Donated For Use In Recreation Hall At Community Center Building HALL AT DISPOSAL OF COUNTY CITIZENS Will Serve As A Meeting Place For Various Civic And Social Organizations Who Desire To Hold Meetings Here The most valuable contribution made so far in connection with ittempts to furnish the Community Center Building was the donation of one hundred opera chairs ruesday by Mr. and Mrs. R. D. tVhite, of Shallotte. These seats were formerly in the theatre at Shallotte, but are j ynly slightly used. Mayor John | Ericksen is supervising a project to dismantle and re-work this I furniture before it is placed in the recreation hall. When this !ias been done, mere win De seat-1 ing facilities sufficient to take j -are of any ordinary meeting of; i social or civic organization of J the county. Meanwhile, members of the j American Legion Auxiliary are i ?oing ahead with efforts to sec(Continued on Page 4.) Payments Will Be Made Larger Payments In Soil Conservation Program Will Be Larger During Coming Year, It Is Believed An increase of five per cent n the rate of diversion payments | :o North Carolina farmers who participated in the 1936 soil-conlervation program has been anlounced by J. F. Criswell, of State College. The increase will tend to offlet the cost of administering the program, so that in most coun-! ies farmers will receive the full imount of their payments as orifinally scheduled, he stated. (Continued on Page 4) Strange Weather F Months Is \ More than one visitor here I last Thursday and Friday was heard to remark, "What lovely weather. Is it like this down here all winter long?" Then the loyal citizen would reply, "Yes, we have mighty good weather down here most of the time." Then he would refer evasively to the warm breezes which blow from the Gulf Stream, "which runs only a few miles from Bald Head Island." Then, if tl>e local representative could forget for a moment the snow of last winter, he would add, "it never frosts on Bald Head Island," you know. The weather was good, and has been all this month. In * V E ST A Go ,ES TODAY house Tower i Interesting Pa tion shows the effects of I many rain and windswept yei that it has withstood. Upon request for informat Supt. H. L. Beck, of the Charl ton division of the Lighthoi Department, delved into his r otvk mirl aiihmittefl ft hripf pi (Continued on page four) R. D. White 's For Buildin |g ATTEMPT TO TRACE SHRIMP MOVEMENT The fisheries bureau ai nounced Monday the 75-foc ship Pelican is on its way t South Atlantic and caster Gulf waters to search for wir ter retreats of big shrimp. The ship sailed from Bait more Saturday and will sto first off the Georgia eoas Later, it will swing around th Florida peninsula and b spring may go as far west a New Orleans. The scientists arc dirccte by Dr. L. Wolford of the bt reau. So far they have faile in their efforts to connect th links in the life cycle of th shrimp, and a good part of th life of these little fellows ! an absolute mystery. Semester Honor n 11 r r 1 Koii ror acno( List Of Students Of Sout port School Whose Av? age During First Fo Months Was Maintain! At High Standard A semester honor roll, conta ing the names of students w have maintained high scholas standing during the first fc months of the school term, t been prepared by C. A. Ledfo principal of the Southport scho Students who made the fi honor roll were: 11th grade: Thelma Johnsi Vera Jorgenscn, Mary Alice Le is, Mazelle Lewis and Susie S lers. 10th grade: Edward Taylor. 5th grade: Muriel Lee Jon Mae Swain, Annis Jean Wee] and Harry- Ottoway. 4th grade: Dorothy Cox a Jessie Lancaster. 3rd grade: Aileen Ledford a Sally Ann McNeil. Those on the second honor r were: 8th grade: Marian Frink. 4th grade: Marion Fredere a Norma Swain. 3rd grade: Harper Sasser. 'or Winter Welcomed Chang fact on this, January 20, here has not been a single day when the thermometer has dipped below the 45 degree mark. As a result, Franklin Square is taking on a t springlike appearance. The* flowering shrubs planted there last year are beginning to burst into full bloom. Flower lovers are delighted with these early blossoms, but shudder to think what probably will happen to them. A report of the effect of the warm weather comes from out in the county. On the old J. A. Willetts place near Bolivia is a pear tree which was in full bloom on Tuesday. ATE >od Newspaper In Southport, N. Elected Officers 1 st Woman's Club ~ For Coming Year V. I New Officers Will Not As- 1 Kj ; sume Duties Until Next: jie October, Since Club Suspends Meetings During Summer Months .1 I MRS. BUTLER WILL SUCCEDD MRS. RUARK 1 ,W Several Others Were Res' Elected At Meeting Held V Recently; Library TrusA tees Are Named For & Year 'f At their last meeting members c - of the Southport Woman's Club s elected officers for the coming t J i year, but these officials will not, i i; take office until October, since |c , J the club suspends its meetings j ^ j during the summer months. |t %. \ Mrs. W. G. Butler was elected t I 'to succeed Mrs. J. W. Ruark as s | j president; Mrs. Annie K. Vitou was re-elected vice-pres.; Mrs. t jR. I. Mintz was re-elected secrears i tary; Mrs. I. B. Bussells was re- (elected treasurer; Mrs. E. M. r i0n ! Hall succeeds Mrs. Howard Sel- I es_ -ars as chairman of the literary 1 Jse committee; Mrs. H. W. Hood was li ec_ re-elected publicity -chairman; ? Miss Marion Smith succeeds Mrs. f Claud Willing as chairman of the s ways and means committee. r The following were named as ig Itrustees for the Southport library! ! during the coming year: Mrs. J. jl W. Ruark, Mrs. W. G. Butler, |u g Mrs. I. B. Bussells, Mrs. C. Ed j c 'Taylor, C. L .Stevens, J. Berg, I ? I Mayor John Ericksen and J. M. ' C ?'Roach, chairman of the Bruns- I j wick County Board of Commis- r S sionc-rs. ^ 'c * Recorder's Court f o | " In Busy Session [ is Cases Postponed From Pre- ? j' vious Week Caused A ' | Heavy Docket Before'. Judge Joe W. Ruark b kS Here Last Wednesday Cases postponed from the pre- I ( vious week caused a heavy dock- j * ^ et for Recorder's Court here last! week. e A. G. Lewis, white, pleaded, ' 'h guilty of operating a motor vehi-1 is cle while drunk. He was required S to pay a fine of $50.00, the costs in the case and his drivers licen? se was revoked for 12 months. ? Kenny Potter, white, was found guilty of assault and was given two years on the roads. This 1 judgment was continued upon [Jl condition that the defendant pay tl jthe costs of the case and leave c , Jthe county for a period of two S ! years. a ir" 1 C. B. Potter, white, pleaded1 h ur! guilty 'to a charge of assault, h ed j Judgment in his case was sus- d pended upon payment of the j h j_ cost. | ti ' ?* ^ ?U$4-~ #vn51_ I , I il<(l farKer, wmic, picaucu gun-1 0 ty of violating a traffic law. j p tici Judgment was suspended upon'a >ur payment of the cost. |tl las John Creech, white, pleaded si rd, guilty of assault. Judgment was d iol. suspended upon payment of the a rst cost. h Harley Beck, white, pleaded u m, guilty of simple assault. Judg-jp w- ment was suspended upon pay- g el- ment of the cost. Lonnie Marlowe, Allan Stanley, tj Cleveland Gore and Wilmer Hoi- i b es, den, white, were charged with! n ks, assault, but were found not! k guilty. ' ic nd S. L. Mitchell, colored, pleaded tl guilty to a charge of traffic vio-! d nd lation. Judgment was suspended In upon payment of the costs. 'g oil Walker Skipper, white, was j \v found not guilty of operating an j le automobile with improper license, nd James McLamb, white, pleaded guilty to charges of being a a nuisance. He was given two years on the roads, this judgment being suspended upon payment of the cost. LeRoy Hankins, colored, plead- J s ed guilty to charges of violating tl 0 a motor law. Judgment was sus-'c pended upon payment of the cost, j jr (Continued on Page Four) I si Officials Attended Whiteville MeetingC 10 Register of Deeds R. I. Mintz, j ir J. M. Roach, J. B. Ward and j Sam J. Frink, members of the: d; Board of County Commissioners, y and C. Ed Taylor, -prominent b Southport attorney, attended a n luncheon of the Whiteville Rotary Club Thursday evening. S The principal business of the j r< meeting was a discussion of ways tl whereby to secure immediate ac- w tion in the matter of improving si the Whiteville-Southport highway. Several plans which are expec- w ted to have favorable results are cl now under consideration. si POR' i A Good Con C., Wednesday, Janus Classifications For The Flower Show Are Given Despite Fact That It Is Several Months Away, List Of Contests Is Given To Arouse Interest WAY PLAN WITH THE CONTEST IN MIND "lower Show Is One Of The Most Enjoyable Occasions Sponsored Annually By Club In spite of the fact that it is till several months before the late set for the annual flower ihow sponsored by members of he Southport Woman's Club, a 1st of contests has been announ:ed in advance in order that all (respective entrants may plant heir early flower gardens with he idea of cultivating specimens uitable for entering. Following are the classificaions: Class A?Artistic Arrangement -Roses (a) white; (b) pink; (c) ed; (d) mixed; (e) ramblers, -arkspurs; ,Gladiolus; Ragged tobins; Lilies; Violets; Iris; Tuips; Peonies; Verbena; Petunias; ihrubbery. Arrangement suitable or dining table. Arrangement uitable for living room.' Arrangenent suitable for mantel. Arran;ement suitable for porch. Class B. Perfection of bloom. tn a flnwers in he arranged in iniform containers furnished by ommittee: Roses, any variety; -arkspurs; Lily, any variety; Gladiolus; Double Petunias; Iris; 'eonies; Tulips; Verbena; Primose. Class C. Potted Plants; Ferns; ieraniums; Begonias; Fuchias; tubber Plants; Calla Lilies; Cacus; Others. Class D. Wild Flowers: Most ealistic effect of wild flowers, .argest variety of wild flowers, ibeled. Most artistic arrangerient of wild flowers. Best collecion of wild shrubbery?labeled. Class E. Miniature gardens to ie arranged in tray or shallow oxes. Letter Praises Crew Of Perch (ecretary Of Civic Club Writes Secretary Of The Navy Thanking Him For Directing Boat Here And Praising Efficiency of Crew Pointing out that according to he tally kept by the ships offiers, 2154 persons visited the U. . S. PERCH during one two and half hour period of her stay ere, the Southport Civic Club as written Admiral W. H. Stan-j ley, acting Secretary of the Tavy, thanking him for permiting the visit here. Only a limited number of peole could get aboard the vessel t one time, but it is believed rat between five and six thouand went aboard during the two) ays. Many were taken aboard1 t times other than the regular ours and at the close of one of lese visiting periods about 200 ersons were waiting in line to I of aHnnrH The letter to the Acting Secre-1 iry expressed high praise of I oth the officers and the enlisted j len for their consideration and1 indness to visitors. The behav- J >r of the sailors at each end of j le gang-plank, running from the ock to the vessel was especially! oticeable and commendable. The! ang-plank had a handrail, but hen a small visitor showed the :ast timidity or hesitancy the (Continued on Page 4) [-H Girls Meet At Shallotte The Junior Girls' 4-H Club of hallotte high school met in leir regular meeting January 5, orine Stone, president, presid>g The meeting was opened by inging "Old Black Joe," and It's a Good Time' To Get Toether." One new member was receivi into the club, 22 members beig present and one absent. Miss Marion Smith, the leader, iscussed the project for the ear, gave out clothing record Doks and assignm'ents for the ionth. The Senior Girls' 4-H Club of hallotte high school held their jgular meeting January 5th, in le science room of the school ith Clarice. Russ, president, preding. Miss Marion Smith, the leader, as present and discussed the lub project. She also gave asgnments for the school term. r pi] lmunity iry 20,th, 1937 P""i. Basketball Fa Schedule ( Two Local High School T pendent Teams, Camp High School Teams K Local basketball fans will havi the time of their lives during thi next few weeks, for there will bt few nights when there will no be one or more good games play ed in the local gymnasium. During the past ten days so mi of the best basketball ever play ed on the local court has beei turned in by Brunswick count; nigh school and independent play era. I Center of interest during thi past week was the contest be tv.een the Bolivia girls and thi Kladenboro lassies, finalists las year in the the Star-News tour jnament in Wilmington. In Fri day night's renewal of that riv airy, Bolivia defeated their one jtime conquerers before a packet jh;ust-. Included on the double bill wai jthe game between the Camp Sa Ipona beys and the Southport all I stars. Not until the final stagei "Yaching" Cai About Ya< 1 PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION OFFICE Announcement has been received this week from the Wilmington Production Credit j Association that arrangements have been made to have 3. A. j Purvis, of Ash, to meet the j farmers of Brunswick county I at the office in Supply on j Tuesday and Saturday of each [ week to receive applications j for loans. Mr. Purvis says that it will be to the farmers' best interest to make their applications as early as possible in order to avoid delay in receiving their money. He points out I that interest on the loan does not begin at the time the application is made, but on the date the check is received. Checks will be mailed to arrive at any time named by the farmers. : Hewett Boy At Wheel Of Autc Coroners Jury Wednesday Night Was Unable To Discover Evidence Thai Either Of Other Occupants Was Driving Members of a coroners jury .investigating Wednesday night the facts surrounding the fata! accident in which Newton Hewett, Shallotte youth, lost his life the previous Sunday night, were unable to discover any evidence that either Henry B. Usher 01 Carl Piggott, other occupants oi the car, was driving. These boys insisted from the first that Hewett was driving a( the time of the accident, but reports to the contrary caused the investigation. Members of the jury were Armstrong Evans, foreman, Chas E. Gause, Ray Milliken, Manuel Smith, H. G. Smith and J. C. Canady. The hearing was held in the R. D. White garage, at Shallotte, Humorous Incider While Perch The submarine PERCH has paid her visit and gone, but there are left behind stories that will be told and retold about the ship and members of the crew during months to come. While a luncheon guest aboard the boat Friday, Mayor John Ericksen told his favorite story about his Irish setter, Bingo, relating that when the dog has located a covey of birds and has held for several minutes he will often back up and come for the hunters to show them where the birds are. One of the young officers went out that afternoon with Bingo on his first hunting trip for quail, and every time the dog would get out of sight he would call him at the top of his voice."Why doesn't that crazy pooch come in and do like the mayor said he would," was his impatient query Tops among the questions asked members of the crew .OT [SHED EVERY WEDNESD/ ns Happy As lets Underway earns, Boys' And Girls' Ind< Sapona Five And Other Leep Local Court in Use b [of the game did the CCC's pa b away to their final lead. 3! The Southport girls 'all-sti I sextet turned back an independei aggregation from Wilmington : a warrr.ly contested game Moi day r.'ght 30 to 26. 3 The Bolivia high school bo} - were victims of one of the moi i startling form revervals eve f seen here Tuesday night whe - Leland came from behind in tl I second half to win 24 to 20 aft< 3 trailing 14 to 8 at intermissioi - The girls romped to a 44 to 1 3 win over Leland. t Included on the high schoi -1 schedule for the coming week - the Southport-Shallotte doub -i header Thursday night and tl -! Southport-Bilivia twin bill Tue: 1 day night. An effort is being made to si 3 cure complete summaries an - line-ups for every game playe - to run each week under the BA? 3 KETBALL column. rries Story :ht Races Her< * V Magazine With Interna ional Circulation Refei To The Southport Ract To Be Held During Auf ust, This Year COMMITTEE FROM CLUB IS NAME] (Steering Committee Aj j pointed To Make Plans For All Preliminary Arrangements For First Yacht Regatta Believing that this summei yacht races will grow into a annual event of tremendous in portance to Southport and Brum wick county, the Southport Civ Club has instituted the initii preparatory work with the a] pointment of a steering commi | tee that will look after all pri i liminary details. This committc is composed of five members ( the club, I. B. Bussells, James J Harper, Rufus Dosher, F. L. Wi ling and the Executive Secretar; W. B. Keziah. In addition to doing the pn liminary and promotion worl I this committee will appoint var | ous other committees and offic (Continued on page four) Whooping Cough In This Counts * . One Case Reported On Bali lj Head Island, Two _ Ii Southport And An tpi demic Is Coming Unde Control In Supply Sectioi 11 One case of whooping coug Ion Bald Head Island was reporl : ed this week to Mrs. Lou I Smith, while two cases in South ! port are under quarantine. The island patient is the chil of Lighthouse Keeper Wesle ! Varnam, and the two cases i Southport are colored children. ! Mrs. Smith says that there ha , been a general epidemic of thi 1 dreaded children's disease in th Supply section, but that the case are now practically well. i Extreme caution on the part o , all mothers is urged. its Happened i Was Visitor Hen by visitors was one gem propounded by a member of the iocal school faculty. "Does the submarine sight a ship, then ram into the side of it," she asked? The question earned her a visit to the torpedo compartment, closed to practically all other visitors. The line of visitors below decks might have moved more rapidly had it not been for the straight-up ladders. The ladies wouldn't climb up while any men were standing around; and the men were much too polite to go first. The technical interpretation of "shake-down cruise" is a trial trip during which all members of the crew have a chance to put into practice all the things in which they have been schooled for weeks. Another object of this type of cruise is to make friendly visits similar to the one here in order that civilians may become more familiar with the activities of the navy. Most Of The News All The Time .? ? if $1.50 PER YEAR Sites Selected y For Five Timber Thinning Plots Announcement Carried Sevill eral Weeks Ago In The Pilot Resulted In 34 lr Tracts Being Offered For it Project in i- ALL LOCATIONS ON HIGHWAY NO. 30 ;s st Reason For These Locations :r Is To Give More People n Opportunity To Obserle ve Progress Of Plan IT n. In response to the article run 3 several weeks ago in The Pilot | asking for sites for five timberis thinning projects, thirty-four ofie! fers were received from landie owners in this county, according a-1 to County Agent J. E. Dodson. The extension forester visited 3- Brunswick county and selected ^ id five tracts, all of them on hardid surfaced highway number 30 be5 tween Winnabow and Grissett Town. The reason for choosing _ roadside sites was to give more people opportunity to see the results of the thinning demonstration. ..J In connection with the thinning 2 demonstration, the following information prepared from a bulletin by Extension Forester R. W. t- j Graeber, of State College, will be *? I nf infnroof fo landnumora in fhio :s county: "In preparing this statement of expectancy in returns from timber growing, we have used as a basis average crop land upon [) which Loblolly pines are planted and grown for a period of 45 years, with periodic harvests at intervals stated. Present day averages in land value, taxes, and timber prices are used. Growth rates of second growth Loblolly | pines as found in old field stands Jin the lower Piedmont and Coas.sjtal Plain were used as a basis n for projecting future growth. /D j. Judging from growth on a num- /J g. |ber of plantings now 10 years (c oL, U?e jimhslili -growth tha ^ entire period will be greater than figures used in the example given t_ below. >. I Continued on Page 3) if Civic Club Has Letter On Road <. Friendly Letter Received j-j From Capus M. Waynick ' H Regarding Probability Of Improving The Whiteville-Southport Road [ Unless the general tone of his letter is misinterpreted, the ,, Southport Civic Club believes j | that it has received from ChairIman Capus M. Waynick the best j assurance that Brunswick has 1 ever gotten to the effect that the county will receive consideration r" in the matter of its roads. r The communication received by n the club from Mr. Waynick was . a long one and dealt with general matters in connection with the j~ roads. He did not deny that ' Brunswick may have received an l" unsatisfactory deal from the road building organization of the * 1 state. But, he expressed the hope y and belief that better plans could n be worked out from now on, coupling this assertion with an 3 invitation to the club secretary 3; to be present at the next meetc' ing of the Highway Commission 3; on January 28th. I Mi Wouninlf i/1 a ffrpflt f "? '' "J ? o ' about the resources in Brunswick which he believes will grow into ! (Continued on page four) : Tide Table Following Is the tide table for Southport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Thursday, December 24 3:52 a. m. 10:26 a. m. 4:25 p. m. 10:32 p. m. Friday, December 25 4:53 a. m. 11:23 a. m.f 5:26 p. m. 11:28 p. m. Saturday, December 26 5:51 a. m. 6:21 p. m. 12:20 p. m. Sunday, December 27 6:41 a. m. 0:23 a. m. 7:11 p. m. 1:15 p. m. . Monday, December 28 7:30 a. m. 1:18 a. m. > 7:58 p. m. 2.05 p. m. Tuesday, December 29 8:17 a. m. 2:10 a. m. 8:46 p. m. 2:53 p. m. Wednesday, December 30 9:03 a. m. 2:58 a. m. 9:35 p. m. 3:38 p. ax