FEBRUARV 10, 1937 ?? B Mrs. Horace Woodside, of Bal- j 1 eie\on. {jmore Md.. is visiting at the B home of Mrs. R. T. Woodside. ^m'- ' , r,- Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Weeks and consist- children, of Wilmington, spent! n.ul can- last week-end here with relatives. . , , is favors. Ralph Frlnk. of Washington. mat V at- p p. visited his sister, Mrs. W. , H?: " F. Jones, last week. the contest . . B v,i" Ormond Butler, who has been B spending the past sis weeks here H-<3 evening with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1$ ( ; . a "> Sutton, yr q Hutlcr. left last week for Hr - thittp. Mil- New York, where he has employ T ment. B " Susie Sel- , * . i.rwis. Irene. Mta-Q Vonmt TTnn/1 ?o *?!?*: 4-i~~ \\ ntson, Iv- jIr and Mrs George What ley Hn K Mckoithan. at their home in St. Augustine. ; v A- Lcer was denied privilege of bond, mt later it was set at $7,500. Dionne Quintuplets Play At The Amuzu Feature attraction this week at he Amuzu theatre is "Reunion", itarring the Dionne Quintuplets, Said to be the best production n which the five little ladies lave appeared, local theatre goirs are looking forward with ileasure to this showing. r PILOT, SOUTH PORT, N. C. ? " ?^U-LJ H M O * 1 17 enable the Commissioner to asm|30O<11 rorm certain whether the taxes for p \y j r? 1 which the employer is liable are r ror wage Kecord correctly computed and paid." Regulations No. 91, Mr. Parker i Already Unscrupulous Ag- >lnted out- a,so says: ents Are At Work Sell- "Records of employers?Every ! ing "Special Forms" For employer liable for tax shall keep flaking Wage Report On accurate records of all remunSec:al Security Returns eration paid to his employees af1 Some unscrupulous or over- ter December 551. 19.16. for scrzealous salesmen and business vire3 Performed for him after > concerns are working a wage re- sucl1 llatc- ?llch rncoids shall , ... show with respect to each em cord "racket' against employers. , ployee_(1) the name and adI G. R. Parker, Regional Director, dress of the employee and the Region IV, Social Security Board, account number assigned to the warned today. Mr. Parker said: employee under the Act, (2) the ! "Reports reaching the office of occupation of the employee, (3) , tnp ttegionai Director ot Kegion i me loiai amoum (including any IV, comprising the District of J sum withheld therefrom as tax Columbia, Maryland, North Car-,or for any other reason) and date ' olina, Virginia, and West Virgin-!of each remuneration payment ' it, indicate that many employers and the period of services cover are being imposed on by over- ed by such payment, (4) the ' zealous or unscrupulous salesmen amount of such remuneration : and concerns seeking to sell one payment which constitutes wages ' cr another bookkeeping or wage subject to tax (3ee sections 311 record system. I (a) and 1101 (c) of the Act and "Some of these systems are articles 14. 15, and 13) and (5) - represented as official systems, the amount of employees' tax Others are said to be the sys- withheld or collected with restem approved by the Social Sec- pcct to such payment, and if uiity Board. The fact is that no collected at a time other than the official system has been devised time such payment was made, f or approved by the Social Sec- the date collected." urity Board. Any statement to the contrary is a misrepresenta- Eastern Carolina farmers are tion. arranging to have their brood "Each employer is free to fol- sows farrow on clean ground low his own system of book- where hogs have not run during keeping and record-keeping, pro- the past year as a method of vided the system complies with controlling parasites in pigs, the very simple regulations of the Bureau of Internal Revenue' Sweet potato growers in Camof the United States Treasury den and Currituck counties will i Department." purchase a truck load of certiMr. Parker called attention to fied sweet potato seed from gro- j Regulations No. 91, Bureau of In- wers on the eastern shore of Vir tcrnal Revenue, which read in ginia. part: > i "No particular form is pres- Five 4-H club members of cribed for keeping the records re- Johnston county have purchased quired by this subdivision. Each 2,000 baby chicks to be fattened ' employer shall use such forms and shipped co-operatively as and systems of accounting as will broilers. FOR BETTER MILEAGE USE jj SHELL || !! Gasoline and Oil ! M >| i! If you haven't had your automobile com- j ) ( |j{ i< pletely lubricated with SHELL lubricants you ;; 1< iij 11 have a new treat in driving performance. j | )( | j| Hood Service Station j )( SOUTHPORT, N. C. 1 H i! I NOTICE! ! Second Call F >< )< || I will be at the places listed for the purpose of collecting 1 | S one of the places listed below || port. Appointments in North I! ships will be met by Deputy C jj H. (). Peterson's Store, February 2 * I elnnrl?Ronrk's Store. February 2 )! G. T. Rohbins Filling Station, Febr jj Winnabow, February 22nd j j W. D. Lewis, Store, February 22nd jjf Bolivia?Mintz Store, February 22n ) j Beck's Store, February 22nd j Supply?Kirby's Store, February 23 jj Varnum's Store, February 23rd jj Roach's Store, February 23rd ! Shallotte, February 23rd ! Grissett Town, February 23rd |[ Hickman's Cross Roads, February jj Longwood, February 25th j j Ash Post Office, February 25th ! Freeland, February 25th jj Myrtle Head, February 25th jj Exum, February 25th jj Makatoka, February 25th I & K. Mi ) n, ?_?? PAGE 3 -sb -i?1?1L1JJ i l I 1? ivan 3 a ik foreci.osvke sai.f. of ubafc ?? rlil i rl:lr ij estate moktoa<;e Under and by virtue of the power _ PHP c < i t? EVu.* r-hnioo Jot^ ;? ? sale contained In that eertalff ^ 1 cnoice !Ot^ in mortgage deed made and executed bjr the outskirts of Southport. Pric- w. C. Armstrong and wife, Florie__ ed from $50.00 to $250.00 each. * M. FARGUSOX. 2-10-* of .May, lt?19, duly recorded In Book? ! Xo. 33, at page 12. in the office 9f.. Davis. bearing sale af public auction to the highest date of the _'S;h day of April, ll?:*J. balder for cash at tlie courlhousft^j niul duly recorded in Book r?3, page door in the City of Southport. anu_ 404, records of the Register of Deeds tin county of Brunswick, on for Brunswick t'<-unt>. I> null h... Saturday. February With. 1337. ?? Ing been made in the payment of the at 12 o'clock noon, the following desindehtedness secured by *aid mort- .iiho-1 piece or parcel of land lying gage, and the power ot : ale contained and being in Brunswick County, therein, thereby beeom'ng absolute. C.. and bounded and described as fol-' the undersigned C. D. Gore. Kxecu-,lows. to-wit: tor of tlie instate of Amanda D. Adjoinin gthe lands of Green Lewis, Davis, will offer for sale, t subject it a Is. ,r> rf to accrued taxes attaching thereto) a; I Beginning at the mouth of a small' 1 the courthouse door in Southi>ort. drain white it makes into middle r.ruiiswick County, North Cnrolinn. 011 1 Swamp, runs up said drain with / Friday, l-Vbruarj -?i. 1!?37. Green Lewis' lino to a slake and at 1 ': > "* noon, the following piece, t pine about 98 polos; thence south panel or I??t of land, situate. lying ahout 85 poles to Middle Swamp, and hcing in the County of Itruns- thenee <1ov.fi said swamp to the bew irk. Slate of .North Carolina, . a l ginning, enntaiulng 10 ai res, more or More specifically described as fol- less, and being same land convoyod 7 lows: to said \v. c. Armstrong by A. c. Beginning at a marked pine tree Willing ami wife, a* will more fully at Lee 1 tuck's Landing in Town appear by reference to Look No. Creek, ami runs thence South f?f? <|e- page 53X, records of RruimwioK grees. west 35G0 feet to a stone mar- County. ked "PLC" in an old road: tin m-e Paled and posted, this 13th davMO north 75 degrees west 1105 l'eet to a of January, 1937. a small branch to a stone marked ii. <>." PKTFRSOX, Assignee. ? "PLC."; thence south 2 degree- 3n S. it. Frlnk, Attorney for Assignee. 3200 feet to a stone 2-10c marked "DLG"; thence north 70 de- > grees west GOO feet to a stake; then- F.XECTTRIX NOTICE eremhop ions meanders of Town Creek to the 1937. or this notice will lie pleaded , beginning, containing 1023 9-10 aires, in bar of their recovery. All iiersons'Hmore or less. indebted to said estate will please The undersigned reserves the right make immediate payment, to reject any bill not considered rea- This lGtli day of January. 1937. satiable. HATTIK C.ALLOWAY. Executrix Posted, this the 7th day of Janu- of Henry Calloway, Peceased. 3-17c ary, 1937. ?' I c. D. GORE. Executor i Subscribe to The State Port. r-. * Btatt of Amanda D. Pavl,. Pjiot_S1.5o year. 1 , - "i ' ' !1?ggB . / MM WHEN YOU BUY THE Games of chance may be all right in their r "" Kx\p/~~~?* ' 1 place?but why risk your money when you GT lit buy razor blades! Ask your dealer for Probak t'Z ^ Jr.?produced by the world's largest manu- If0 t?'| facturer of razor blades. Here is known I ^ JL.' ' quality?a double-edge blade that gives you I' one excellent shave after another?and sells ! 3i at 4 for lOiil Ask your dealer for a package Ift "" of Probak Jr. blades today. RRor SM>ESH1? : A PRODUCT OR THE WORLD'S LARGEST BLADE MAKERS V ' ?r^l936 lies ! ; ; ? I* below at the times designated I'7' 536 Taxes. Please meet me at 1;{ J or pay at my office in Southwest and Town Creek Town- |>r" ollector M. B. Watkins. ['Z ) >0 I ,2nd, 10 to 10:30 A. M. | r';v 2nd 11 to 13:30 A. M. - \ uary 22nd 11:40 to 12:30 A. M. j * 1:30 to 2:00 P. M. j Kl 2:30 to 3:00 P. M. i f d 3:30 to 4:30 P. M. J'"' ' 4:45 to 5:30 P. M. rd 10:00 to 11:00 A. M. 11:30 to 12:00 A. M. |*t 1:00 to 2:00 P. M. 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. 4.on t;-nn p m I\iH I IVU tv f A i,?A? 25th 10:00 to 10:30 A. M. 11:00 to 11:30 A. M. j 12:00 to 12:30 P. M. i 1:00 to 1:30 P. M. | ?'"i ' 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. ^ J 3:30 to 4:00 P. M. jlnrrr 4:30 to 5:30 P. M.. i 9* , f, Tax Collector :f ? ban ^ ?g