I {he Pilot Covers oU ffrunswick County mayor Eric Be Candi< I In Com 5^B ui'ar Official Will Agaii Hfieek Office Of Mayor O; Glv Of Southport h W Municipal Election Mai MnSVESTlOsT FOR " NAMING TICKET Vaskell, Chairman O H[';(jzens Committee, An jounces Mayorality Election For Evening Of April 19th ^^ ssuilunfous with the announ -,-; this u'i. i; of the bi-an . tn. Kof Southiwt comes a state ^Hfttioiii Mayor John D. Erick liat iie "iil again be a can for tiii- office he nov t 7 Vas- chairman of thi ^ ^1 committee. has announ ^Etiat tilt ' uiting conven K for the choice for a candi for mayor will be held it ^Eoarliioiis.' at 7 .10 o'clock oi 19th. Vot - - 7 the courthousi "" O1" ownini IK > 1st to name two alder the first ward: on th> April -2nd to nami nen for the scconi I on the evening o nominate two alder e third ward. tion. usually a men comes on May 4. he two years tha ksen has served, then - -. ral outstandin} ts ade in Southport j these was the beau f Franklin Square. < nch was complete! :!1 co-operation of th< the board of alder anie spirit of co-ope he part of member p with the Brunswicl Number 194. Amer . made possible thi Center Building, its were made foi ? cf new equipmen ements have beet e local power plan: erm of Mayor Erick Bits Big News ents Of State, I nd World-Wide I Interest During fast Week fanfe Slayer A good boy" who was ar W on his way home fron torch confessed Tuesday. Poire Commissioner James W Biggins announced, that h( u the slayer of his 18-yearW neighbor. Mary Ellen Bab tot Higgins also said the insurer. Thomas Smith. 18 Messed to having stabbee H-ytar-old Frances Fitzger of Buffalo. N. Y.. witt l' :ce pick in an automobile today night. Her physiciar *PMed that her condition WW tor" A former honor stu*"t in high school. Smith was toed by his mother and broJt a "good, clean-cut lad to never drank or smoked l" didn't go out to parties 01 tows." His father is dead. Wei-prints Ito Eastern morning killer *-? struck three times in the Jhhment of Vcronic Gcdeon topely New York artists' tolcl. left his bloody fingerWtk behii ] discovery of the was announced late tosday by Detective Lieut tojtin S. Owens, who saitl m would be sent immcdiayto the vast criminal idento*h?n bureau of the dep' ' -t of justice in WashFn ^augiiter. mother and h Byrnes, a bartender?r who roomed with them tuL f?"''' strangled and t, , lfl death in thcii , ' Hill apartment Eas10 Sunday hiinrx faxL. l^'Hnent of Justice wa' ma''' public a letter B & rnM r f;?vernor J. C. Itr in'(,l>l-'lining an oftti . act as thief trial coun^U-trust suits pending in 4 r n'a-i?'' oil companies to; aivi ' ' IJ," t in Wiscon. depart- 'l samc time, the v 1 "wealed for the I hiuiv "lal l',e offer aertoag^'. bsc" 1,lade 10 Mr THI NO. 9 ksen Will 1 iate Again ing Election s * 1 f I fm i ga^m \ ?> Mr b "MAYOR ERICKSEN C ; Recorder Hears jS - Numerous Cases ? o Several Cases Disposed Of t< t In Recorder's Court Lasti" Wednesday Before Judge]" y Joe w. Kuark 11 |E I Judge Joe W. Kuark had a o 1 busy day in his Brunswick Coun- e I ty Recorder's Court last Wednes- P. ? day as ho disposed of numerous' , -1 cases. VV. H. Applewhite, white, pleads ed guilty of operating a motor i vehicle while he was in an in toxicated condition. He was re-' 5 quired to pgy a fine of $50.00, the costs in the case afid his dri- j r vers license was revoked for one1 ,, t year. ' a i John Stinger, white, also plea- ' t ded guilty to charges of operat- .f -' ing a motor vehicle on the public ^ highway while he was intoxicat- j V ed. He was required to pay a fine of $50.00, the costs of the j case and his drivers license was _ revoked for 12 months. JBuddy Brown, white, was found ? guilty of manufacturing intoxicating liquor and of having in < his possession materials for the I manufacture of intoxicants. He j was given eight months on the j E roads, but the defendant gave j notice of appeal to the Superior i Court. Levi Grissett, colored, was, found not guilty of reckless opc-1 ration of a motor vehicle on the j public highway. C ,1 David Peterson, white, was is found not guilty on a charge of i a driving a motor vehicle with im- J bi proper lights. He pleaded guilty C to charges of driving a motor w vehicle with improper state li-! vi cense and was given 3 months | on the roads. This sentence was oj I suspended upon payment of the j ir . costs and upon the further con- ni , j dition that he defendant remain ic _?j of good behavior. pi i! Lloyd Evans, white, was found o: j1 guilty of reckless operation, is .JJudgment was suspended upon tl payment of the costs. In the case against Lelia Smith it white, charging prostitution, an lal 1 action of nol pros with leave was I ai taken. (ir |U Baptist Church i Plans Lectures Illustrated Sermons Will Be1' Delivered By The Rev. A. c" L. Wilson At Southport A Baptist Church (s< 1 3 There will be a special scries: . of messages delivered by the Rev.; ,'A. L. Brown next week at the!0' . Southport Baptist church. These jE I will be in the nature of illustra-;cc ted talks to impress some fundamental truths upon the minds! j I of boys and girls. 1 The message Wednesday night j on "Playing The Game" is bas- j ed on the national game of base-j ball anil should hold a strong ap- SI peal for boys and young men.! u While the services arc particu- ^ larly for young people, everyone! ' is invited. Parents arc urged toi bring their children. iai The object of this series of bi meetings is to enlist more of the ox boys and girls in the Sunday i schools. This meeting is different i from the usual scries in that no Ih< effort will be made to increase ti: the church membership. M Services will be held each day. iai Monday through Friday, at 3:30 ta and 7:30 o'clock. er SL A Goo< 4-PAGES TODAY Numerous Bills Introduced By Representative entelle Says That His Objection To Omnibus Bill On Final Day Of Session Was Only To Legalize 5-Man Board HERIFF RUSS GETS TRAVEL EXPENSES till Pertaining To Bald Head Merely Makes It Possible For Board Of Commissioners To Give To State Upon his return to Southport l ist Thursday Representative R.1 Sentelle said that he wished to orrect the impression that his bjection to the senate amendlent pertaining to the board of iucation ombinus bill was made 1 an effort to allow his original j ve-man board to stand. In the compromise agreement etween himself and S. B. Frink, aunty attorney, Representative entelle said that it was agreed lat he name three members to le board, and that two additinal members be named by the ounty Democratic Executive 'ommittee. In accordance with lat agreement, he said, the fol>wing request was made of the hairman of the senate calendar ommittee: "We will appreciate it thereore, if you will strike the names f Lucian H. Phelps and Hous- , on Reynolds from the list placed i the Omnibus Bill for Bruns- 1 rick county and enter the fbl- I (wing provision: 'Provided me emocratic Executive Com nit tee f Brunswick county is hereby mpowered and authorized to anoint two members additional to I ic three certified for nieribcrlip on the Brunswick County> bard of Education." It was for the purpose of hav ' lg this done that the matter i as carried before the conference | jmmittee, Representative Sendie declared. Among other measures intro- j uced by Representative Scntellc ( nd passed by the legislature was ne including Brunswick county j i the list of about fifty other orth Carolina counties where runkenness is a misdemeanor. (Continued on page four) f Brunswick Has [ Available Timber J Xpert, Whose Identity n May Not Be Revealed, r Says "There Is No Doubt s But There Is Plenty Ofi1 Volume For Pulp Mill" Is 1 r Information reaching the Civic t lub from a confidential source i to the effect that the govcrnlent is making a survey of timer stands and value in North t arolina and that this survey to ill extend to Brunswick in the 0 sry near future. The same sources that advised 1 f the survey made the following J iteresting observation: "There is 0 doubting the possibility for the ication of a pulp mill at Southort, nor is there any question f the volume of pulpwood that J 1 available in your section of le state." The writer added that he was i i hopes of securing some valu-1 ble information and just as soon ' s it was available he would sub-1 lit it to the Civic Club for fur- j jer attention. Id ^wo New School Buses In County " Two new school buses were de- li vcred for use in Brunswick a junty the first of this week and a ere assigned to the Southport :hool and to the Supply unit of I _ id ? Shallottc-Lockwoods Folly . fstem. I This brings the total number ' new buses for the year to six.; ach of the white schools of the j >unty has received one new bus. Uiallotte Juniors To Present Piny Members of the Junior class of lallotte high school will present icir annual class play Saturday 'cning, April J. at 8 o'clock. "Look Who's Here," a threeit farce comedy, is reported to ! one of the most amusing plays I er to be offered at Sliallotte. For Uic past two weeks mem rs of the cast have worked | iclessly under the direction of j iss Elizabeth Taylor, director, id an evening of unusual enter-1 jninent is in store for play lov-1 I VTE 1 Newspaper In Southport, N. C., We< j. = Forest Demi 1j i-,. ; -f < ;f.: Lr .'V> . : . m THINNING?Above are s tier thinning projects being c< in this section. There are five wick County. Local Quarantii Will Board effective April 1, Local j Quarantine Officials Will I Go To Wilmington By I Automobile To Board I Vessels I 'LAN IS SAiD TO BF. "EXPERIMENT" I 1 ndications Are Thnt This | ' Is Just Another Step To- [, ward Abandonment Of ! i Local Quarantine Station |f The practice of quarantine of- ! icials boarding the ships upon .rrival at the port cf Wilming- j on, instead of having them inpected at the Quarantine Staion near Southport, will he in.ugurated April 1 as an experi- , nent, it was learned last week. The quarantine officers will notor to Wilmington from Southiort in order to make their in- j , pections after the ships dock in j ' he Wilmington harbor, it was tated, this being in line with si- p uilar experiments that the Uni- N ed States Public Health Service s making at other ports. This action, which follows anlouncement made last fall that he local quarantine station will .. ie abandoned, appears to be an- "I ther step in that direction. Isaac Jenrette Passes At Home!* ?7T? ,y 'rominent Citizen Of Waccamaw Township Died i'a Sunday Following Brief, Illness; Funeral Services I Held Monday Isaac Jenrette, prominent Bruiswick county farmer, died Sun-1 lay night at his home in the j I, xmgwood community following . hricf illness. He was 73 years f age. The deceased was one of the nu jading citizens of his community Co ,nd took an active interest in wi natters of civic improvement. Di (Continued on Page 4.) (in iVintery Blasts Chi Of Annual Mother Nature, in one of i : her most capricious moods i of the season, played a dirty ( trick on participants in the I annual Easter parade when she ushered in a breezy bit 1 of winter weather for tile week-end. ! : The thermometer dipped < down into the thirties Satur- i day, and flakes of snow be- I gan to fall during the after- I noon. The prospect for a i pretty Easter Sunday was j bad indeed, and all hope seemed to vanish Saturday < night as the snow fell thick 1 and fast for a little while. Sunday morning was cold. ' I but it was fair, and it left j i owners of new Easter finery < undecided between comfort ' P0R1 A Good Comi Jnesday, Marcl ?1 _ 1 I jnstration i 1 I a c-enes from one of the tim- t, inducted by CCC workers 71 of these projects in Brims-jn lr| ? \rm le Officials I [ Ships In Port; ! 'P REWARD OFFERED i fj FOR INCENDIARY ti County Forest Warden Daw- | j-( ><)II Jones lias offered a cash j ol award of Sad.00 for informa- | , n in leading to the arrest and j j, miction of the person res- j | oiisible for setting out forest | Tires in six places between s southport and Supply last ' J Wednesday. There was every indication, j tceording to Warden Jones, j | hat these fires were dclilie- j ately set. lie said that the i iroblem of fire protection in j j * [Srunswick county is large en- j , niigh without any help from ' m incidiary, and every effort I 1 lossihle will be made to learn j j lie identity of the guilty j ' >arty. This series of fires wasljci .'cry similar to ones set last | j f ( rear along the same route. , I'8 uperiatives Of TLev rUoo11 I lie juiuui vicidd 11 d; [embers Of Junior Class S( Of Southporl High School h Name List Of Outstand-jel ing Boys And Girls ?______ ! o Following are the superlatives A am the junior class of South- ^ it high school as were recentchosen by members: "< Most popular girl, Frances Bel- w my. ; le Most popular hiy, Jimmic Hood. }ci Best all around girl, Louise' s< crnsec. I pi Best all around boy, EM ward m (Continued on Page 4) |oi jas ountv 11 os bit a! * ~ l( Shares In l and ai hi According to an announcement ft ide Tuesday the Brunswick ill unty Hospital, at Southport. di II receive SC,5oS.OO from the1 at ike Endowment Fund to assist IA defraying operating expenses, j th 11 Ardor Easter Paraders Hi ind tradition. There were ar nany light-weight, brightly 10 lolored spring dresses hidden Ll' xneath winter coats. ! 'n Special Easter services lelel Sunday morning at the J Trinity Methodist church and it the Southport Baptist Jiurch were well attended. Special Easter music and icautiful flowers lent charm vc :o Uiese services. In the eve- | fi< ling there wej-c large con- ca r rogations again at the Ci Vfethodist and Baptist chur- ne iies. and at St. Phillips I lie Episcopal church. During the day the wca- ; tie Jior became warmer, and j th nany Southport people visit- lu ;d Wilmington to attend the , nc Air Show. | th r piL nunity i 31st, 1937 publish Propagation Of / Shad Planned In Cape Fear River ive Locations On Four} Rivers in North Carolina Selected By Department j Of Conservation And De- j1 velopment I I JSE HATCHERY AT EDENTON j 'roject Will Be Co-opera- ! tive Between U. S. Bu- I reau Of Fisheries And | The State Department Office Limited shad propagation at j ive locations on four rivers of | lastern North Carolina and reumption of shad hatching operaions at the U. S. Bureau of fishries Station near Edenton have j een decided upon as construcive steps for the rehabilitation j f the valuable shad industry to j upplement restrictions adopted j efore the opening of the season, j t. Bruce Etheridge, director of j he Department of Conservation nd Development, announced yeserday. The locations selected for the i aking of shad eggs and the opeation of a form of hatchery in- i lude two on the Chowan River ~ nd one each on the Pamlico, feuse, and Cape Fear Rivers.; "he project is a co-operative unertaking between the U. S. Bu- j eau of Fisheries and the Depart- j lent of Conservation and Devel-! pment. V Shad collecting sites were chos-1 n following a study of waters i f the State carried on under I tie direction of Harry Canfield, chnologist, of the U. S. Bureau f Fisheries accompanied by Ru- j ert E. West, district game and ; ar ish protector of the conserva- of on department. S; In addition to the five locations of >r collecting eggs and carrying in a limited propagation activities, nc le Bureau of Fisheries, accord- sh lg to information received by j (Continued ou ^Pago four) 1 Bi lative Galilean " Shepherd Comingat fu Vill Appear In Southport ^ High School Auditorium ^ On Monday, April 12, he Under Auspices Of Cir- tc cles Of Methodist Church M A native Galilean Shepherd is , vv] jming to Southport April 12th, gi ) speak on his shepherd life in lo ncient Galilee, giving an inter- ve repation of the 23rd Psalm in i ^ ativc Galilean costume. ur It is a far cry from the ancient Bi ills of Galilee, and the pastoral VV fe of the people there, to the f'1 he ynannc days of the modern pre-! ce ;nt in civilized North America, til ut those two extremes are covred in the span of life of Steph- th i A. Habousn, a snepnerd from ] c: alilee, who has brought to North | re merica the story of Galilee and J alestine, told as only one who as born there can tell it. e The Musical Travelogue, j \ Christian Palestine." with the onders of Jerusalem and Beth-| hem will be presented in the | . ening at 8 o'clock in the high | :hool auditorium under the aus-jp ices of the circles of Trinity | ethodist church. Madam Hab- j l.sh and two young men will isist in the program. Mr. Haboush is a native Galian. He was born on the hills rout the Sea of Galilee and in j Nc s youth tended his father's: tia Dck of sheep, just as every Gal- J se< ;an boy has done since the an lys when the Master walked! wl nong men. He came to North j is merica and worked his way I dei rough a North American uni- j pa rsity. Recently he returned to! a ie land of his birth, and there co irsonally took a marvelous mo- thi 3n picture of the scenes and we lople of Galilee. He returned to arth America with liis message. I toi e has written for magazines j w;c id newspapers and spoken be- all re great audiences in many of sui c famous churches and schools wa Canada and tlic United States, he poi I any Residents Seeking Labor ( An unusual situation has de- l loped in the re-employment of: . :e being maintained by the lo- : 1 I chapter of the American Red tin oss in that persons have listed ! ret ieds for more laborers than can | g>'i supplied. Regardless of this fact, local eds arc being handled through 'eg is agency, and families who Gr tve previously been, on charity J soi iw are being provided lor from Co e fruits of gainful occupation. ^ Ca 1_ OT * Eb EVERY WEDNESDAY \pril Term 5 Court Cotiv? On Monda1 VINDICATION OF THE POSTMASTER The veracity of former .Mayor I.. T. Yaskell in matters relative to fishing has often JJ_ been challenged. Various persons who have heard him discourse, with many illustrative |y( gestures 011 the subject, have ? frequently declared that no fish such as he describes have r/er existed. That if they did exist no man has ever seen them, much less caught them. During the past several days the Postmaster has been sort , . tri; of turning the tables on those ^ who doubted his ability as a I ., 1 vc fisherman. He has been slip- 1 ^ ping off in the afternoons and returning with strings of fresh water trout, his catches run- mj ling into such numbers as to ^ almost make other disciples of jrc Issac Waton turn green with gc envy. His first afternoon he ^ had 13 beauties, the next day a catch of seventeen. on + inf [ W RrnnL-c fiiac wc f I f ii! UUIIO ?/lC(J UI1 In Wilmington^; Sk /as Native Of Brunswick ce County And Served For Two Terms As Register chi Of Deeds; Funeral Held l5U Monday 'J J. VV. Brooks, for many years;oc( i outstanding citizen of the city fs<n Wilmington, died at his home; af?' iturday night. He was 69-ycars- i Ho -age, and though he had beer jsu( declining health for some time. l'ie iws of his death came as a ock to his_ many friends. The deceased was a native of -urjsviick county. the son -<of soph C. and Sophia B. Brooks. IJ 5 was born in Shallotte town- D ip and while still a young man tered the mercantile business what was then called Iredell. In 1S92 he was the unsuccessI Republican candidate for Oi eriff of Brunswick county. Two ars later, in 1894, he was elecd Register of Deeds, and 1898 i was re-elected for another rm. Before the turn of the century r. Brooks moved to Wilmingtftn j j here he entered the wholesale! ^ occry business with Edgar Tayr. This partnership was dissol-1 'n id a few years later, and for ed ore than a quarter of a cen- na ry he operated in Wilmington Aj, ider the name of the J. W. | ' rooks Wholesale Grocery Co. fo| Tien that business passed into ( e hands of the receiver in 19:12, ! opened the Brooks Cash Gro-1 j, ry, Inc., which he operated un- No tlie time of his death. j.{) Mr. Brooks was well known m;j roughout southeastern North CCJ irolina. Although of a quiet and: j tiring nature, he had a great p|c (Continued on Page 4) for ianatorium May 2 Be Constructed 5 'an sported That Physician Is'plo Dickering For Purchase th(3 Of Site At Fort Caswell ers To Erect Sanatorium Kal i wo It is reported that a prominent j are >rth Carolina surgeon is ncgo- \ iting to purchase one of the von batteries at Fort Caswell, j d also the tract of land on I *1 rich the 1542 foot hot salt well J situated. It is said that if the a! goes through the party or J rties interested will construct f( large sanatorium on top of the w ticrcte and earth battery and x it the artesian water from the n: II will be used for hot baths. Such a location for the sana- p *ium. on top of the battery. ^ iukl give a wonderful view in I directions. Both sunrise and n aset could be viewed over the j iter, a condition that is said to possible at only one other int on the coast of North Car- j ~ (Continued on page 4.) j . '(tile,tie Students 11 Home For Faster , > Several college students spent - past week-end here at their ? ipective homes. Among this ." Dup were: Misses Josephine Smith and is Mae Ward, Meredith Col- ^ ;e: Margaret and Anna Taylor, eensboro College: David Wat-! 1 and Dan Walker. Louisburg | J liege, and Harvey Brown, of '' .mpbell College. v r - Vt ; ' ' M i. lost Of The News All The Time $1.50 PER YEAR Superior enes Here y April 6th ?unty - Wide Interest Is Centered Upon Southport As Trials Of Irman Clemmons And Donald Skipper Are Scheduled JDGE COWPER IS PRESIDING JURIST .imerous Other Cases Of /Iinor Importance Will Be Disposed Of At , Semi - Annual Crimi nal Term riie April term of Brunswick unty Superior Court for the al of criminal cases will conae here Monday with Judge rnon Cowper, of Kinston, preling. Chief interest in the coming m of court is centered in two irder trials. In one. Donald ipper, the defendant, is chard with fatally shooting Howard ott last fall in an argument , lich took place at a filling stain near Maco. Following a carer's investigation of the shootZ. Skipper was denied privilege bond. Later arrangements >rr? mflrlo tn havn him lihi?ra tori der a bond of $7,500. and af- jt a few weeks this amount was luced to $4,500. This bail was rnished about a month ago, and ipper has been out of jail sinthat time. ' Irman Clemmons, of Supply, is arged with inflicting: fatal i ns on the body of Hobby Sels in what is described as one the most horrible incidents to :ur in Brunswick county for eral years. Sellers tossed in ony at the Brunswick County spital for a week before ho ;cumbed to his injuries, and j d declaring that Clemmons was man who set fire to him. lers has from the very first (Continued on Pago Pour), .? _ \ runswick Has Few Employers ily Five Employers Giving Jobs To More Than Eight Persons Are Listed From This County With Unemployment Compensation Commission taleigh, March 29. ?Guilford ds the North Carolina counties numbers of employees, followby Forsyth, Mecklenburg, _ ston, Cabarrus, Durham and imancc, while Mecklenburg ds in numbers of employers, lowed by Guilford, Wake, For- H ,h, Buncombe and Durham, in Bj ler, according: to records com- m cd for 1936 in the office of the B rth Carolina Unemployment I mpensation Commission, Chair in Charles G. Powell announ- B I Brunswick county had 5 em- H iyers and 75 workers coming H ler the act who are reported ,fl 1 1936. Kmployers of less than ^ B ht workers are not under the "jjfl t but may voluntarily come 9 ler it, and thus give the pro- B tion larger employers are re- fl red to give their workers of H assured income during cm- H yment through no fault of H ir own. Farm and home work- B , employees of non-profit or- fl ligations, sailors, government B rkers and a few other classes fl also exempt, but some of I^H (Continued on Page Four.) fl ride Table fl Following is the tide table fl ir Southport during the next EN eck. These hours are appro- 9 Imately correct and were fur- H Ished The State Port Pilot IB rough the courtesy of the ape Fear Pilot's Association. fl Igh Tide Low Tide bm Thursday, April I $9 1:39 a. m. 5:41 a. m. . 1:48 p. m. 5:16 p. m. 9 Friday, April Jj^fl 6:36 a. m. H 2:73 p. hi. 5:45 p. m. B Saturday, April 3 fl 2:36 a. in. 7:38 a. ni. 9 :I3 p. in. 7:76 p. in. Bj Sunday, \pril I 39 :78 a. in. 8:15 a. m. fl :U8 p. in. 9:61 p. ni. fl .Monday, April 5 flR :76 a. ni. 9:47 a. in. Sj :13 p. in. 16:01 p. m. H Tuesday, April 6 H :33 a. ni. 10:30 a. in. fl :I9 p. in. 16:54 p. m. fl Wednesday, April 7 fl : 11 a. in. 11:18 a. m. fl ;16 p. ill. 11:45 p. m. fl

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