The Pilot Covers Brunswick County VOLUME TEN Ericksen U Re-nominai As Mayor C Nominating Convention Met Monday Night In Courthouse And By Acclimation Re-Nominated Present Mayor VOTERS OF FIRST WARD MEET TONIGHT T o n i g h t's (Wednesdays) Meeting Will Be Held At Seven O'clock; Others Will Be Held At 7:30 O'clock Mayor John D. Ericksen was the unanimous choice of the voters to succeed himself as head of the Southport city government at the nominating convention held Monday night in the Brunswick | county courthouse. Nomination at a convention is equivalent to ele' ction, although that formality I will take place on Saturday, May 8. The name of Mayor Ericksen was placed before the convention by R. W. Davis, Southport attorney. who recalled the outstanding achievements of the present city administration. He added that one successful term of office justified another opportunity for service, and nominated Mayor Ericksen. Motion that the nomiKi> eleseH then was made I by C. Ed Taylor, another Southport attorney. When this njotion passed. Mr. Taylor asked the members of the convention to make the nomination unanimous by rising to their feet. The meeting was presided over by L. T. Yaskell. chairman of the citizens committee. Tonight (Wednesday) at 7:00 o'clock voters of the first ward will meet in the courthouse to nominate two candidates for the board of aldermen. Thursday night "at 7T30" o'clock the voters of the second ward will nominate their candidates. Voters 'of the third ward will meet on Friday night at the same hour to nominate their two representatives to the city board. Once more attention is called to the fact that citizens must register before Saturday, May 1, in order to be eligible to vote in the city election. Little Bits Of Big News News Events Of State, Nation and World-Wide Interest During Past Week Iloey Dry Aligning himself solidly with North Carolina's dry forces, Governor Hocy asserted Tuesday the "defeat of liquor stores in the elections soon to be ' ' ' ' ' urkAlnonmo |ncivenine- at 7:30 o'clock Fine Results Of Seal Sales Mrs. S. B. Frink Was Ii Charge Of Cripple Chil dren Seal Sales Conduc ted In Brunswick Count; The Welfare Department wish js to announce that the Cripple* Children's Seal Sales was a bij success this year. Under th leadership of Mrs. S. B. Flint sind with the co-operation of th principals, teachers and childre if the Brunswick county schools i fine spirit was worked up an nearly 6,000 seals were sold i: the two-week period just ended. This money has been put asid is a special fund to be used i; iclping buy braces or other need for crippled children in this coun ty. Through an arrangement witl the State League for Cripple* Children it is possible that addi tional funds for this purpose ma; ne secured. While this is a small begin ning, it is very gratifying to th Welfare Department to know tha neople are sympathetic with crip pled children, and arc willing t support a program set up fo this purpose. ' Mrs. Frink desires to thank al )f those who helped her in thi program, and wishes particularl; to point out the Leland school vhich lead in the school efforts followed closely by Shallottc I'ho nth vrado at Leland, taugh !>y Miss Agnes White, and th 5th grade at the same school aught by Miss Bessie Atkinson ye re the leaders in this school. Phoenix Dew. Club Women Met April 11 The Phoenix Home Demonstra don club met with Mrs. Jacl Reynolds Monday, April 12. The president, Mrs. C. W 5haw, called the meeting to or ler. After a short business meet ng the leaders of the varioui irojects reported. Mrs. M. S. Doshcr gave a ver; nstruetive demonstration on flo ver arrangement. Refreshment! vere served by the hostess. Those present were Mrs. J. C 'hadwick, Mrs. C. W. Shaw, Mrs lugh Osteryork, Miss Dora Ful er, Mrs. E. Thorp, Mrs. Joe P fcrzaal. and Mrs. Marion S. Do iher, home agent. ':xuw Demonstration Club Women Meet The Exum Demonstration Clul nceting was held at the homi >f Mrs. Irksene Vereen, Wednes lay, April 14th. The meeting wa: :alled to order by the president >y whom the reading of collcc ind a song was led. After a brie! liscussion of business matters he meeting was turned over t< he home agent. Mrs. Marion S. Doshcr, agent rave an interesting talk on flow r arrangement, how to rearran re flowers for various views an< tow to give them their best ap tearance. Those attending the meetinf vere: Mesdames D. G. Ray, J d. Fearnside, J. E. Dodson. W 3. Edwards, Rosa Vereen, Misse >na and Evelyn Mintz. There being no other business die meeting adjourned to mee vith Mrs. Burris Russ in May. & 1 *">* * JB Most Of The News All The Time ??? ????? IT $1.50 PER YEAR >f Local I ards Made I ere Monday I Captain I. B. Bussels Is The ^|B Only New Member Of Hflj The Southport Committee; Complete Change At HH Leland And Bolivia BH TWO MEMBERS ARE HB ADDED AT SHALLOTTE The Fact That There Are Two Schools In That District Accounts For The Added Members Members of the County Hoard I of Education met here Monday I and elected committeemen for the fl^B ' five consolidated schools of the hB county. ^^B Captain I. B. Bussels is tho^^^fl only new member of the Southport school board. He succeeds t Captain J. B. Church, who re-^^H r signed after serving for several ^BB I months on the old board. Other members are Mrs. E. H. Crnn, mer and Carl Ward. Because there are two schools B^B j in the Shallottc-Lockwoods Folly ^BH district, a five-man board was BB| , appointed. TTiis body is compos- IB j ed of the three members of the B9B I old board, Floyd Kirby, W. H. Varnam and Henry Williams, and^^H two members, 1 >r. M. H. Rourk and Roland Mintz. ^^B j At Waccamaw only one member of the oi. 1 committee, Arm| strong Evans, was re-appointed. The other two are Hester Varcen^JH | and George Ward. 9BB i The Bolivia scnoui muiu 10 - 1 composed of throe new members. - They A. P. Henry, Ernest 1 {Gilbert ami Dornian Mercer. B^l i There are three new men on "'the school boat 1 at Leland. They I H J are Dan Willetts, L. H. Reynolds Ifl % anil Steve Mintz. e ________ I^H Couimeacciiieiii Training School Annual Commencement Exn / ercises Will Begin Suns ' day At Brunswick County Training School; Grali duation Thursday H The commencement exercises yjof Brunswick County Negro Tra-^^B fining; School will begin with thc^^B baccalaureate service April 25th^^^| e |at 3:30 o'clock in the school audU^^H t torium. 'Ihc sermon will be dcH-^HB vereil by the Rev. Joseph Tay-HH9 0 lor. Presbyterian minister ofWii^^^B mington. H On Monday. April 26th, thc^^H 1 senior class play, "Ginger Girl"B^H s will be presented at 8 o'clock, y Wednesday, April 28, 8 o'clock, I Class night program will be pre-^^Hj sen tod by the senior high school. The climax of the commencet ment program will be held on e Thursday. April 29tlf, at 8:00^^H o'clock, with Professor W. D. I' Scales of State Normal SchooI,^^H at Faycttcvillc, speaker of the I occasion. Salutatory address will lie by Joseph Morris; valedictory by^^fl ) Horace Gibhs. The diplomas vvill^HB , f>e presented by Miss Annie May^Bfl iWoodsidc. Supt. of schools, to the^^H following graduates: Winston Brown, Horace Gibbs, I I Alonza Hankirfs. Wood row Han'Ikins, Elbert Jackson, Van Gal-H|H 1 loway, James Johnson, Joseph^^H Morris. David Williams, HuberB^BB 3 Williams, Sadie Donaldson, Lilli-^^B an Frink, Catherine Goodall, Na-'HH omi Loftin, Elizabeth McKcnzie^^B , and Eleanor Swain. J^^B Tide Table Following is the tide table for Southport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Fort Pilot IMH through the courtesy of the j Cape Fear Filet's Association. ^BJ 1 ! High Tide Low Tide Thursday, April 31 j^^B I 6:08 a. m. ???? j 6:3- p. m. 13:11 p. m. BB i j Friday, April 22 ^^B r j 6:53 a. m. 13:13 a. m. ^^B j 7:10 p. m. 13:51 p. m. H| j | Saturday, April 31 7:31 a. m. 1:36 a. m. 7:46 p. in. 1:36 p. m. Sunday, April 35 8:10 a. ni. 3:00 a. m. j 8:19 p. m. 3:16 p. m. '^fl| Monday, April 36 |H 8:16 a. m. 3:49 a. m. . I 8:51 p. 3:55 p. in. j Tuesday, April 37 j^Bj '| j 9:30 a. in. 3:38 a. m. s j 9:33 p. m. 3:30 p. in. Wednesday, April 38 Cfl| , | { 9:55 a. m. ' 4:06 a. m. t : 9:53 p. in. ' 4:$3 p. m. BB jl ir_ _ i