ESPAY. MAY 26, 1937 ^ ? I *' ment. "Herbert-Louise," whic T ^ came with much interest to t): HL I si 1 i I T many friends of the couple. ^ ii im ii MI'SICAI PROGRAM v-x Woman's Club of Soutl s | \i K I M - >lt \ 1 'teiost to their many Port hpw its last meeting for tti tlie engagement and >ear a' N,e home of Mrs. F? J .',e marriage of Miss Ha" on Wednesday afternooi Marks daughter of Mr. Ma>' 19th' Mrs. Hall having a Alexander Hamilton ran8eii ,he Program, featurin m N c t0 Hpr. the life and music of Edwar HI ., ,?i. r,r Mr MacDowell, the great America H v, uns Slack, son oi mi. H u- ,1 \r qiark of composer. Mis. Eric Norden an M' xx'll",n of Mra Jameg Spnlnt nail, of W . Pennsylvania . . \ . received her edu- minfton' assisted local people , re^'ieS [ , J.h'Xw. North Carolina. Doxvel>- Mrs- E H. Cranmer . , 8t several months she , Rian? Soto- Hungarian . Mb Lela Hubbard. I the National Youth Ad- Suet- "Talp af Rivalry d.,....,!.,, Miss Mavzel Lewis, Mrs. Ho . 11,m Brunswick coutiDaniels. m: Slack received his B. S. 3 ^ "Etude". Mrs. Rudolf IL , Durham, North Carolina. M"uz. [:!;< present time he is educa- Quartette Selections, "Dance c L advisor in the C. C. C, Gnomes." "Cradle Song," Mei I - located at Southport, n. dames I.. T. Yaskell. I. B Davii Harry Corlette. R. M. Hall, hie engagement was announc- nano Solos. "The Ragles" an at a 'beautiful appointed par- "Sixteen Twenty", Mrs. .lame Uiven Thursday evening by Spiaint Hall, f .lonnir Rea Marks and Mrs. Violin Solos, "The Robin Sing [ anus Marks at their home 1,1 I'1"' Apple Tree," (MacDowel Acme. Hartman). "At Twilight" an bie lower floor of the home "Yuletide" (Cecil Burleigh), Mr; I < n suite for the occasion Kric Norden. i decorated throughout with The accompanists were Mr k and white roses combined James Sprunt Hall and Mrs. |i ivory tapers burning in B. Bussells. lets on the mantles. At the conclusion of the pre liss Jennie Rea Marks greet- gram delicious refreshments wet tl; guests and directed them served by the hostesses. Me: the den where Misses Rliza- dames Joel Moore, C. G. Runrl i and Alice Williams presided Nell Niernsee and R. M. Hall, the punch bowl. The home was attractively ai iter several progressions of ranged roses, lillies and other ci met bridge, the hostesses flowers. ed ice cream and cake. On i plate was a corsage of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Flowei v sweetpeas with card at- visited Henry Flowers Sunday ai v.! bearing the announce- ternoon. Everything for the Home We carry in stock furniture, screens, building material, paints, etc. When you arc rcinwucuug m iviiiuiMMn^ II your home, come to see us .. We have II everything you will need. I G. W. KIRBY & SON SUPPLY, N. G. 1 Mhmhhhi * *???**** I You're Seen More \ on meet more people in summer. So he doubly careful about your appearance. . . Wear quality clothes. I Wf4w 1M< Kunpuihclmtr Julien K. Taylor Summer Suits Tropicals $18.75 up Talm Beach $16.75 Lorraine Ifaspel $12.75 Linens $15.00 up ?If you're looking for a Summer suit that is cooler, more refreshing'?if you demand in it the style, the shape-retention, the crease-holding qualities of fine, full-weight clothing?your choice is a Julien K. Taylor suit. Hundreds of quality Summer Suits to select from in the newest styles, textures and patterns. Also Sport Coats and Trousers at REASONABLE PRICES! Julien K. Taylor Good Clothes 131 NORTH FRONT STREET Wilmington, N. C. i: To ] ? ' AM HA S ? AIXi U DANl^S S, gfl^R ' > * SHE| s gplBk $? ; ' ' . , /..: HHB ' ^BBaSKI <, REPRRSFN'TATIVF CI.ARK Shown above are six intei r- fice dedication and Memorial < it! phus Daniels, now on vacatior Hoey and Senator Josiali W. Clark, of Fayetteville, will ser of Fort Brags:, will place the one of America's most famoui of the Wilmington Light Inl'ai j Wilmington I Celebratio j j Prominent Figures To P j ticipate In Dedicate j Service In Opening N Postoffice I ? I JOSEPHUS DANIELS I PRINCIPAL SPEAK ! Governor Hoey, Congrc j man Clark. Senator Ba I ley And General Mc i Closkey To Attend [ i Wilmington is poised foi ! gnla two-day celebration in i j nection with the dedication * its new quarter of a million lar postoffice building and ob: Sf vance of Memorial day Saturi 5, Josephus Daniels, am basse M to Mexico, who will be the p W oinni crtoulfpr will Jirrivo ill ) j city Friday, and he and ! i i Daniels will be tile house go j ( of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ) ( Sprunt. S ( Governor Clyde R. Hoey ) ( United States Senator Josiah !' Bailey will also speak during i dedicatory exercises, while C ' gressman J. Bayard Clark, ) ( Fayettevillc, will be master JI ceremonies. ) I The parade will be a sped ) i ular feature of the program ) ( Saturday morning, and will f< ) ( promptly at 10 o'clock at T ) ( teenth and market streets, wl J { Brigadier General Manus ) ( Closkcy, commandant of F ) I Bragg, will place a wreath on ) [ World war monument in mem j | of Wilmington's World war dc ( This memorial service at I monument will begin at 1( j i o'clock. ) ( The parade will pass in rev i ( at the Front street side of ) ( postoffice, where Ambassa i | Daniels, Governor Hoey, Brig ) ( ier General McCloskey, Sen; ii Bailey, Co'gressman Cla-k j ( other distinguished guests j ( witness the pageant from the ) ( viewing stand. >! it RftKAIui II 1># JVIIV ) I Misses Myrtle Brown, Elizal i f Watson, and Arthur Brown, i I and D. I. Watson spent Sun i I in Benson with friends. U ! ! their return home they were ! ( companied by Miss Chart i ( Warren, of Benson, who 1 I spend this week here with J ! ( Myrtle Brown. !I Marshall Fullwood. of Jack! I ville, Florida, is visiting his ( ther, Mrs. Ethel Fullwood. I John G. Swann, who is emp ! ed on the XI. S. Dredge C I stock at Atlantic City, N. J. 5 ! spending this week here with f family. I Miss Martha Gray Brown f visiting friends in Benson i week. i Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stowe ( children, of Gastonia, spent I week-end with Mr. and Mrs. i M. Wolfe. Miss Eva Farr is spending summer in Southport with and Mrs. R. M. Wolfe. Miss f I I is teacher in the Denton schc > Mrs. Kenneth Kinsler and ) arrived last wee;, nam the Pf ) I ma Canal Zone to visit her ] 1 I ents, Mr. and Mis. J. W. Tho ! I son. > (I Mrs. H. W. Hood and li ! son, Robbin, returned Thurs I ifrom a trip to Gastonia. I THE STATE PORT 1 Participate In Celebi JM GOVERNOR HOEY GENERA*. JtrCT.OSKEY -national, national and state figures w 5?i IWJiMartrJnn on Mntr [ in this country, will made the print Bailey will be presented and will alsc ve as master of ceremonies and Gener wreath on the World war monument. ' 3 bandsman, will conduct his orchestra ltry. Mans Postoffice ! n This Saturday E "Green light" Is Coming Here ER' "Green I'ight," best-selling novel for two years, and now trans ss lated to the screen as a Cosmo,i politan production, has been booked by the Amuzu Theatre, Moniday and Tuesday as a First Natj ional release. r a F.rrol Flynn, the young Irish K)n- star who made such a sensational of success with his first starring dol- r?'0, "Captain Blood," and followed it with another smash hit ser- in ,?|>|10 charge 0f the Light lay. Brigade," has the role of Dr. idor Newell Paige, a young surgeon 'if- who sacrifices his career to save the that of an older doctor, dis. Dean Harcourt (played by Sir ests Cerdic Hardwicke) is a cleric P with a broad and beautiful philosophy of life, and the confidanand to of these three young people.! W. Through him, Phyllis is made to the realize that Paige is innocent and 'on- she finally goes to him in the of Rocky Mountains, where he is of risking his life in the search forj ja vaccine that will control the. Lac-j dreaded spotted fever, for Arriving there, she finds him j >rm; desperately ill. He has injected' hir- 'himself with the deadly verus. lere j 5 L E G A L S the I iory .mohthack nai.f Under and by virtue of tho power ' of sali contained in that mortgage the dated June 4th, 1927. from Iticliard )15 Merrick, recorded in Hook 11, at j page 24. in the offh e of Register of (Deeds of Hrunswick County. X. C. iewi Default having been made since { '.tune .".0. 1927. in the payment of' Uiejsame, the undersigned will expose; Ltlor Ml public Hale to the highest bidder, , for cash, at the courthouse door,' ,aa- Southport. N". (*.. on Ltor Saturday, .lime lilli. IM7, r , the following described interest in riU ! real estate located in Sinithville will Township, Brunswick County, N. t\, i .. bounded and described as follows: Ail the lands owned by said Rich- j aid Merrick in Smithville Township.! I same being his interest in the Isaac: ! .Merrick lands on the C'ape Kearj lplh 1 BOYETTE HC jr. ? TOBACCO ? ja SMITH'S HAJN ac g ROOT I] OttC n] diss Arsenate of Lead z~ t ONE HORSE ,ov" 1 WALKING CI ""is 1 Plenty of Good Soi his S ! ! LL J g HARDWARE n I International F and 1 See Th INTERNATIOF On D Wilson Implex WIIITEVIl luilugjBfaHiafaramajaHfEramjBjan PILOT. SOUTHPORT, N. C ration L * .^Mfc --'^B R jggf B *' J?3 - - ? ? .x -.'.v.- ?_. SENATOR BAILET ./ '':5v :'4P"-JK - _ PAUL WHITEMAN ho will participate in the postof 29.' Ambassador to Mexico Joseipal address. Governor Clyde R i speak. Congressman J. Bayarc al Manus McCloskey, commandei To end the day, Paul Whiteman . for the dance, an annual event River, near the fish factories. Dated und posted, this the xth daj of .May, 1937. lF9c C. ED TAYLOR, Mortgagee. MOItTUAUt: SAI.K Under and by virtue of t lu* powei of sale contained in that mortgage dated January 4. 19245, Irom A. E Stevens. Default having lieen madi in the payment of same, and th< assignee of the note having deman ded foreclosure, the undersigned wil expose at public sale to the highcs bidder for cash, at noon, on Saturday, June r.'tti, 1937, at the courthouse door. Southport N. | at page 574. in the office of the ! Register of Deeds of Brunswick 5-2. M Dated and posted, this the 8th day i ' \ of May, 1937. i motin 6-9c C. RD TAYLOR, Mortgagee. ,?ber lOKKII.OSIItK HA I K | ?/rui? f Under ana by virtue of the power x.?. j of sale contained in that deed of v:,pj , trust from W. \V. Skipper and wife, of be I Agnes Skipper, recorded in Hook 24, \ | page 263. Default having been made, w j|| \ the undersigned trustee will expose (jer i , at public sale at the courthouse door. ,-unfit 'Southport. N. C., for cash to the n,,. ( I highest bidder, on allow Saturday, June ID. 19JI7, Thi nt twelve o'clock noon, the following x described real estate located in Bruits- S-26-r wick County. X. C., in Xorth West township, bounded and described as ( r follows: | By Thai new store, filling station and lor V lot located oti Highway Xo. 20. at ' pies ' Alaco, X. C? about fourteen miles i and west of Wilmington, X. c? lying on? .land facing Highway Xo. 20. one. ? I hundred (100) foot front. 100 feet j . Ideep, this lot being exactly one bun dred (100) feet square, and adjoinkug I the lands of James S. Scull on the AgJ .west, Mr. King on the South. I. D. | Potter on the east and Miss IJd Potter on the north, being the same "(land bought from J. W. Brooks. i Dated and iwsted this 13th day J of May. 1937. S& S. K. LOFTIX. Trustee. J' C. Ed Taylor. Attorney. 6-9-e MOKTiiAfiE 8AI.E |J|? Under and by virtue of the power! j of sale contained in that mortgage . dated December 31. 1924, from James I Edwards and wife, default having , ! been inade in the payment of the d< _ .same, the undersigned will expose I fat public sale lo the highest bidder py. ' I for rash, at noon on Saturday, June 12th, 1937. at the courthouse door. Southport. _. N. (\, the following described real c|j " estate, located in Xorth West TownI ship, iiounded and described as foli Iowa: tK* I Beginning at a stake on the W. C. p& _' & A. K. |t., now Atlantic Coast Line. 1 sjg} ami runs thenco with said road 87 Jo west 23 poles to a stake; thence, .. north 26 west 40 poles to a stump; Jo thence south 87 east 23 poles to a ^ stake; thence south 26 east 40 poles J? ^ to the beginning, containing 5 acres. ' more or less. i Dated and posted, this the 8tli day ysjJ ' of May, 1937. ; i? r 6-9c C. ED TAYLOR. Mortgagee, j (O.MMINKIONEK'M SALE 3?) By virtue of decree in the Superior Jfa) ' Court in an action entitled "Peoples oPo ' United Bank vs. Mrs. B.P. Finch." sign- a? ed April 26th. 1937. the undersigned , ' ..ill nff..!- t /. . ooll .>1 I j i lMiillimoii'iici nin unci i" nv in i Miq public sale at the court house THREE ? 55555555555^5B5555fiHSSH5K5!H5S55!555H55^VH^PS5SS? fl^H port, X. C.. 10 the highest bid-, April 26th, 1937. the undersigned B pr* cash, at noon on [commissioner will offer to sell at Monday, May 511, ?R37, public sp!e at the court house door. I^H allowing described real estate Southport. X. C.. to the highest bid- M ig :i part of the lands owned jer> jfor t.ash, at noon on lany years by \\ illiam Brown. \ Monday. May SI. 19.17. B ied. beginn rig at u black gum tpe following described real estate: [B in a small branch, said point Lying and being within the corpo- fB the end ot the bth. call in the rate limits of the City of Southport. |B rP j ^ai3e*rv an" County of Brunswick and State of B F. Drew, dated December -J., Xorth Carolina, adjoining the lands and registered in Book No. 1. 0I John H Mcftacken. Alfred E. fB 39-: runs thence ^'d Stevens and others. being further B aj\ meanders, about north, bounded and described as follows, st bb poles to a bay .tree in jVjz; Beginning at a stake in the line branch: thence still with the 1OI- ]{0\ve Street, eastern line 98 feet B lers ot said branch northwardly . .. . ? ..., 90 poies to ? poplar tree: - inches southward'} *rom its bH north 80 west 40- pole? to. intersection with the southern line of was formerly Dosher s, now | Xash Street, said point being former m's corner, a stake: thence with ly J. T. Harper's southwestern cor- B m's line south 5 west 00 poles nei running thence eastwardly with H other of Newton's comers; then- J. K. Mcliarken's line and parallel B nth 40 east bi! poles to the be- j with Xash Street 66 feet to the jine B ig. containing 10 acres, more or of lot Xo. 40; thence at right angles H unci being the same land con- and southwardly with the western B to Elizabeth A. Finch and, line of lot Xo. 10. 45 feet and 4 in- B Boyd Finch by !>. P. Finch, u-hes. parallel with said Howe Street. IB ed dated July 22. 1928, recorded l to the northeast corner of the ;lot B uok Xo. 50." at page Xo. 168,'owned by said Alfred E. Stevens; B Is of Brunswick county. X. C. thence at right angles and westward- B en iter cent deposit at the sale ly along the line of said Alfred. K. B t?e required of the successful Stevens, parallel with Moore Street. B to be forfeited in case sale is 66 feet to a stake in the eastern line DB med arid bidder fails to pay the of Howe Street: thence at right an- B use price, ten days to be al- gks and along the said eastern line B for raise of bid. of Howe Street 45 feet and 4 inches B April 27th. 1937. northwardly to the beginning point B C. ED. TAYLOR. said eastern line of Hovve Street. B Commissioner. 1 same being a portion of lot No. -39. B according to the official plan of the COMMISSIONKlt'S SAI.K city of Southport. X. C.. and also B virtue of decree in the Super-1 being a portion of the land conveyed B ?ui t iti an action entitled "Peo- to said T. H. Lindsay by O. A. Lewis United Bank vs. D. M. Davis and wile, by deed dated me 4in qay vife. Anna .Miller Davis," signed of October. 1925. and duly recorded -litli, 1937. the undersigned com- In the office of the Register of Deeds >ner will offer to sell at public for Brunswick county, X. C., in Book th * com the.use door. South- 42. at page 253. reference to said epnX. ('.. to the highest bidder for veyance and the record thereof being at noon on hereby especially made. .Monday. Muy 31, 1M7, A ten per cent deposit at the aale allowing described real estate: will Ik* required of the successful bidng and being within the corpO- der to l>e forfeited in case sale ' is limits of the City of Southport. confirmed and bidder fails to pay wick county. North Carolina, the purchase price. Ten days to be jelng mora particularly bounded].allowed for raise of bid. described as follows: Beginning! This, April 27th. 1937. le north west corner of Owen C. ED. TAYLOR. Howe Streets, runs thence about 15-26-c Commissioner. along the northern line of Owen i hilt feet to a ten loot alley: COM Ml SKI OK EK'tt SAL J! a about north parallel with: By virtue of decree in the Superior Street along the eastern line Court, in an action entitled "Peoples id alley lis feet; thence about1 United Bank vs. J. F. Coleman and purallel with Owen Street ICO wife. Lydla Coleman,'* signed April to the western line of Howej2ik 1937. the undersigned commissioner thence southwardly along the ] w ill offer to sell at public sate at the rn line of Howe Street !? ? feet ; courthouse door, Southport, X. C., to io Beginning, same being lots, the hiyhest bidder for cash at noon !1 and 32 in block No. 9 of the; on Monthly, Mu) 31, 19.17, and Weeks subdivision of the! the following described real estate: of SouLhpoit. N. (\. and being Adjoining the lands of John E. :iine land as was conveyed to j Wondside, deceased, and bounded and Davis and his wife. Anna Da-1described as fol|OWS: Beginning at u ?y Southport Investing and Pro- rock on tin- east side of Beaver Dam g Company by deed dated Del- Creek, it being one of the corners of 22nd. 1925. and recorded in the an original tract of land entered by of the I a gi>ter of Deeds for > Unbel t L. St Hers in the name of his wick county. X. ('., in Book I son. Charles h. Sellers, runs thence 2. at page No. 211, reference to 1 south 32 east about 517 yards to a conveyance and the record there-1 stake; thence west to the Beaver illg hereby .-s| >cci: I lly made. Da/li ('leek: I he I ice W it ll said creek (en per cent deposit at the sale to the Beginning, containing twenty?e required of the successful bid five acres, more or less, and being to be forfeited in case sale Is the same tana opnveyed to J. F. med and bidder falls to payIColeman and wife, by John R, Domrchase price. Ten days being slier and wife, te ul. by deed dated ed I for raise of bid. jtlie 17lh day of April, 1K9H. s. April 27th, 1937. A ten per cent deposit at the sale C. ED. TAYLOR. will be required of ttie successful Commissioner. bidder to be forfeited in case sale is confirmed and bidder fails to pay the i COM MISSION Klt'S SAI.E purchase price, ten days to he alvirttie of degree In the Super- lowed for raise of bid. i fourt, in an action entitled "Peo- Tills, April 27th. 1937, United Bank vs. T. H. Lindsey C. ED. TAYLOR, wife, Kate T. Lindsey," signed J5-2f?-c Commissioner. Extra Service J j A phone call will bring one of our ?? men to your home or office to get || your automobile for a wash job or for lubrication service. Use us for your f| ' convenience in matters pertaining to ?|. your automobile. ? Hood Service Station | ! Southport, N. C. |: i I El SALE j 1NE TIMOTHY HAY AT V 1 1 1 1 i ) per flunarea j D SOUND SHELLED CORN AT | > per bushel | j BACCO TRUCKS FOR SALE! I j Plenty of Good Mules, Hackney I agons and Harness j j| , Smith & Co. I 1 IITEVILLE, N. C. J