BwfDNESDAY, JULY 7, 19? I and Mrs. Clarence Turner, ^B' I.-. Wolfe, Mrs. W. M. mhI son. Loon, all of Shcl. spending: a few days here Sir. rind Mrs. R. M. Wolfe. * * I Mi ami Mrs. J. P. Pnrpless, H, p i?-?t:h. spent the Fourth of hero with his parents. Mr. Mrs. Price Furpless. I m; and Mrs. Price Furpless, Mrs. J. P. Furpless and . it L. Furpless were ^B at Myrtle Beach and 1 . r.s Puntjny. m m m I > F. Watts, of New York, j ^B last week to spend his ^B i here with his family. 11 W. . Faulk and ehil- j ( Chester, S. C., are vis- L H ,m s.-ses Margaret, cklna and ^B I ad jfrs.* John W. Full- | ad sons, of Wilmington, j 1 st week-end here with Fthel Fullwootl. - I . I Mrs Elizabeth Pickens, of i is visiting Mr. and ; ^B Rebort W. Davis. I Swain, of Wilming^B a; last week-end with his | ^B Mi ises Vera and Dorothy! rain. a * i "so Coleman, who is em- s H at olds'ooro, spent last ( liere with his family. ( ? 0 B M l-uiu Lamb and two sons. \t arrived this week to \ H Mis. Elizabeth A. Finch. . iMier of Mrs. Lamb. | r I and Mrs. S. H. Bobbins children. of Washington, are1 Mrs. Athalia St. George. I, I". l.iliie Williams spent last!? I in Wilmington w itli rel-1i Li I ? a ? I" FK'h Mac Brown, of \ H U. and Arthur Brown. > H humbcrton. spent last !... n>! !??" ?> with their parents. Reverend and Mrs. A .L. j Hi': P I. Watson and dauphH Miss Iconise Watson are |v ndi . their vacation in Seven ; I H r H Mj O. C. Coleman and ehil >. visiting relatives in Eol- j ^B..i this week. s I \Amuzu ; THEATRE ], Southport s ! 1 -Salunlay. .Inly 9-10 "TIMK OFT FOR ROMANCE" (Comedy Melodrama) i I Claire Trevor and Michael Whalen ^B-hort? "RED HOT MUSIC" I with Kiko The Kangaroo o ^Monday-Tuesday, July VJ-13 "HER HUSBAND'S nr.i.'ini ' (Drama) r B Miiir. Beverly Roberts v and Warren Hull ^fthort?"Oklahoma As Is" ^ Ned.-Thiirsilay, July 11-15 DODGE CITY TRAIL" | (Western) I diaries starrett, Marion I Weldon ' ^Rh'Tt?"Fishing Thrills" |fcww** JST* i RMHRi, I For ! I Tobacc( I MADE T( Satisfaction G I Shallotte Ti Hobson Kit I SHALLOT 17 Charles Swain and Teddy McKeithnn. who are employed on a Government Dredge in Mississippi, are visiting relatives here. ? r Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weeks s :ind children, of Wilmington, are j visiting relatives here this week. ... Moses Potter, of Norfolk. Va., x is visiting his mother, Mrs. Eliza- S heth Potter. j ... ( Mrs. Elizabeth Southerland is spending this week in WilmingU>n with her daughter, Mrs. L. D. 1 Smith. j ... i Tom Meshaw. Slim Osborne, j. Irwin Rourk anil R. Taylor, em- s ployees on the I". S. Dredge Com- 1 stock, of Atlantic City, N. J., c ire spending their vacation here. 1 ... f Miss Josephine Wolfe returned home last week from Wilm- ^ ligton. where she has been visiting relatives. , . ? r Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cranmer, Jr., or Shreveport, La., are visit- a ng at the home of Judge and Mrs. E. II. Cranmer, Sr. ... ? Miss Mary Margaret Finch, of fehulon. is visiting her grandmo- 'v .her, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Finch. j ... p Mr. and Mrs. Earl Townsend . ind little son. of Elizabethtown, ? pent last week-end here with .'apt. anil Mrs. .1. I. Davis, parmis nf Mrs. Townsenil. \i (. Little ' Misses Annis Jean iVeeks and Barbara Weeks, ilaufilters of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. . A'eeks. are visiting relatives in Vilson. s' S ? , Mrs. Ed. Denbo and two ehilIren. of Indiana, are visiting ? ilrs. Sarah Garrett, mother of u tfrs. Dcubo. 11 ... f' Eddie Jelks left last week to isit Edward Taylor at Blaelc " ili.r.ntain. Sl ... Miss Frances Bellamy, who s spending the summer in Slip- a !spent part of this week here \:th friends. 1 H. W. Hood, of the bureau of " wights and measures, spent the week-end here with his fa- ' nily. ... >< Mrs. George P. Howey spent ilonday and Tuesday with her '' ion and daughter-in-law at Kures * ' leach. S' ? . - ,. Charles Parker spent the past 1 veek-end here with his family. 11 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Colctrane, ? if Greensboro, were week-end 11 isitors here. p ... v Mrs. S. M. Prouty and Stan- ' ey, Jr., of Boston. Mass.. are " pending the summer with her 0 nother, Mrs. Britta Johnson. . ? T Mr and Mrs Charles Orrer 1 ml son spont the past week-end j' "th relatives in Whiteville. t] H. B. Smith, who holds a portion with the Ethyl-Dow Chemcal Co.. plant, spent the past s< . eek-end here with his wife. J Robert Griffin and Mr. Raley, f Louisburg, visited the formr's sister, Mrs. W. C. Reece, ? ver the week-end. o . . h Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruark c< nd family, of Raleigh, visited tl elatives here during the past k reek-end. s] ... fl Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carr and tl ic CllPfkS Malaria S( bob e l iquid. Tablets HKAIIACHF, jt Salve. Noso Drops 30.Ml VITUS Try "Kuli-My'TlMif*?World's Ill-si 1.1 nihi ell I S< _ 'V ( Sale jj I ) Flues I )( ^ FIT? > ffl / j j * |j ai J ( 01 ua ran teed? ii fading Co. j | by, Prop. I jw j |'f? TE,N.C. j|w 1 vi ONE-MINUTE INTERVIEWS (By W. B. Keziah) Going On "Naturally, since he is in chat ;e of tlie project. I would like t efer all questions to Mr. Thorn is. I do not mind telling yo hat we expect to go steadily o rith .the reconditioning and de eloprrfent of Fort Caswell," sai >. O. Chase, of Santord. Fla iresident of the Caswell Carolin Corporation. Says He "Southport should be the N< resort town of North Carolin; Ve have all the natural advar ages of making it so. I am leav ng now. but it will always be nv lome and I am coming back, aid Dr. William S. Dosher as h eft Friday for Boston where h ntered the Boston City hospita or a study of diseases of wo nen. They Should "With all these visitors cominj o Southport, I think our peopl hould exhibit enough civic prid o clean up their property am nalce everything attractive. The; hould do this without waitinj ,nd forcing the city to call thei ttention to unsightly yards am ats. I rejoice in seeing so man; iouthport homes being paintei nd repaired and hope this wori .'ill go on." Tliis was Aldermai oe Loughlin speaking in respon e to a request for a one-minuti aterview on some matter ii hich lie was interested. Good Ones "Those rains we had in Bruns irlv wpvp rcrlninlv pond ftnPS oming at just the time whei iiey mean much to our farmers 1'ith things as they are now am ' we have a good growing sea on from now on. Brunswick i: oing to make a bumper cro) liis year." It is natural that thi onditions of the crops should bi ppcrmost in the mind of a far ler: hence the above result: rom a one-minute interview witl ounty Commissioner John Wan hich covered a most importan ubject. Caution ' There should be no wholesali nd heedless selling of timbei inds, just because now it is thi irst time in years that anyt tiing has been offered for it 'here are many people buying imber land who are much liki fiese pinhookers on a tobacci larket. speculators who worl he farmers into selling at thi iwest possible price and thei urn around and dispose of wha hey got from him at a hand nmo profit to themselves, hink our land owners should bi lore interested in growing i ood crop of young timber thai 1 selling it to the first pinhook r who comes along." This ad ice was from County Fire War en Dawson Jones and it strike: lis columnist as being worth; f some thought. You Bring The Ducks "Please get us some minnows know a place where there': ast lots and lots of red fii ' ?I T Yaskell. As I'snal "Wait until tomorrow, I go amething on my mind today."? . W. Ruark. ( lad He's Pleased "Southport offers the best sail 'ater fishing of any point or ur coast. I am coming had ere every time I get the chan e. It is Southport's loss thai lere are not more up-state fol s who know something of the pirt that can be had trolling >r blue fish and mackerel or re Cape Fear shoals."?Red Bo :e, of Whiteville. Same Here "It pleases me greatly to se( j many Southport people engag:1 in the work of repairing uilding or repainting homes. 1 ope the good work will continue ' it does it will not be long be rre our little city will be pre mting an appearance that w< ill all be proud of and which ill elicit the admiration of visors."?C. Ed Taylor. Helped A Lot "The Southport Civic Club ha.' sen helping a lot more than our >lks realize. You can easily see you don't purposely want tc j a knocker, how; much good ii as already done. I think that il >!ks co-operate with it, instead r finding fault, as a sort oi me of our older citizens would alize more fully that times are istly different from what they ere some years ago. This thoutit can be applied to some of the aunger folks also. Life is a ruggle, to accomplish anything e must get out and work. We imily, of Charlotte, visited retives here during the past eek-end. * * * Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Fulcher sited relatives in Southport dung the week-end. THE STATE PORT OPEN FORUM A column dedicated to opinions of the public. A mouthpiece for the views and observations of our friends and readers, for which we accept no responsibility. Contributions to this column must not exceed three hundred words. | ??? M July 5th. 193". 0 Editor State Port Pilot, i- Southport, N. C., u Dear Sir: With the Caswell Beach in full n operation and the opening of many of the fine buildings on the d reservation now only a short time off, some attention should a be given by somebody to the obsolete and allegedly dangerous bridge that spans the waterway >. canal. i. Canal traffic has grown into i- big proportions. Road traffic is - already ten times greater than y it has ever been. The bridge, an " unwieldy affair, can only be ope crated slowly and laborously and e often a car or number of cars il are waiting before the bridge i- tender gets it swung more than a foot or two out of its course to permit some slowly-approachr ing boat to pass, e The growth of Fort Caswell ine to a summer and winter resort j and into other things of extreme y importance to Brunswick county r and this section of the state is r very certain and very near. The ;1 old bridge is dangerous in more yr ways than one and it should be 1 immediately replaced with a < structure of the same type and i design as is used at other points - on the waterway. i> It is not just a matter of sai fety for cars and their occupants, i Costly boats are delayed and of! ten endangered by the fact that . the state highway commission i( chose to place nothing but an ob1 | solete pontoon type of bridge at i. this very important point, j Both automobile drivers and . ships officers are complaining s anil asking that the situation be -> remedied. In fact, it was the vi? gorous protest and request made > by Captain James B. Church . that inspired the above reference 3 to the Caswell causeway bridge. , We agree with the captain that j f the state highway commission t' should give us a new and better type of bridge. W. B. KEZIAH, ? Executive Secretary Southport r Civic Club. Shallotte News ' Shallotte, July 6?Mr. and Mrs. 1 Bill Swinson, of Sumpter, S. C., ' spent the week-end with Mrs. i S Vinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ? W. A. Rourk. 1 Mrs. J. A. Russ and daughter, 1 Agnes, were Wilmington visitors " Thursday. ' Mr. anil Mrs. Leon Kinlaw, of - Lumberton, spent Sunday with 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Danford. 1 It. I). White, Jr., and Win" I gate Swain, of E. M. D. Salem" j burg, spent the week-end at their homes here. 3 Mi-, and Mrs. James Stone anf I nounce the birth of a son Saturday, July 2. the Brunswick I County Hospital. Mrs. Stone was ithe former Miss Helen Solomon, '' of Kennapolis. i Reverend F. V. Spence, G. T. ^ Rourk and D. T. Long attendied the quarterly conference at t Dixon Chapel Sunday afternoon, j Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Teacney, of Greenville, spent the week-end ; here with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. t Swain. i Mr. and Mrs. Willie Stone of c Lumberton, visited relatives here ' - Sunday. t Leroy Mintz, of N. C. State - College, Kaleigh, spent the holi-! ? days at his home here. jj Mrs. A. L. Rabon and dau1j ghter, Mrs. Ted Duncan, were - j called to Goldsboro Thursday due 1 to the illness of their daughter and sister. Mrs. Harrell Fields. Mrs. Jefirette Bennett and small son. Gene Allan, are spending sometime with relatives here. Mrs. Earnest Parker has returned to her home here after having been a patient in Duke hospital, Durham, for several weeks. Elmer E. Long of Warsaw spent the week-end at his home here. D. Carl Andrews visited his j wife in Rocky Mount during the week-end. > Teacher: Smith, this is the ; third time I have seen you look ' on your neighbor's copy book. I Pupil: Yes sir, he writes so badly. i Workmen were making repairs i on the wires in a schoolhouse one , Saturday, when a small boy wan. Jdered in. i "What you doin'?" he inquired. "Installing an electric switch" . one of the workmen said. "Well" concluded the little feli low "I don't care, we've moved . | away and I don't go to this school any more." CARD OF THANKS The kind expressions of sympa- , thy are grcatfully acknowledged I and deeply apreciated by the j family of Mrs. M. C. Price, i 7-7-* j can't sit down and wait for any- j thing. If we do that it will have gone by and settled at some other place before we even hear of it. Instead of following the old ^ time passive, waiting attitude, jwe must be on the alert, watchful and ever ready for anything that may come along which may be helpful."?Mrs. W. C. Reece. ' PILOT, SOUTHPORT. N. C. NEWS 1 ! BRIEFS ; i ! WEEK-END VISITORS , Southport was filled with many upstate visitors during the 1 j past week-end. i i PAINTING The C. M. Crapon service station has been repainted during the past few days. HALF-HOLIDAY The county offices and several of the business firms observed aj half-holiday Monday because of j the Fourth of July. The bank and | the postoffice officials had the entire day off. I PROGRESSING Construction of the new J. W. Ruark home is making rapid progress. JAKE OR THE MAJOR? He did not say whether he was| supposed to be Jake or the Ma-1 jor, but a fine apeparing visitor; to Southport Monday smiled as j he introduced himself to the Civ, nied by Mrs. Hoople and their ansville, Ind. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hoopel and their two charming children. So far as is known neither the Major or Jake are credited with families in the famous cartoons. ! ^ | Grissett Town News Miss Gladys Mintz has returned home from Brunswick county hospital where she underwent an i appendicitis operation. Friends of; the community will be glad to know that the is improving ni-! ceiy. A teacher training class is being conducted at old Shallotte I church by Miss Lula Williams, of Wade. The book studied is! "When Do Teachers Teach?" Mrs. Polly Grissett is seriously ill at this time. We are sorry to learn that j Mrs. R. M. Hussey of Myrtle j Beach, is a patient at Conway j {hospital. I James Somersett of Oak Hill,j Fla.. is spending a few days! with J. W. Somersett here. Mrs. M. E. Piatt, of Myrtle' _ Beach, was a Grissett Town vis-! C itor Tuesday. Lee Andrews has accepted a e [position in Wilmington. jE fr S. L. BRAXTON, Chairman A LEA S WAREHOUSE TUGGLE'S WAREHOUSE NELSON S WAREHOUSE DEAR I Nov Tuesday ting fort are of v Firs have pa come to bacco h facts wh Wh ticular, forces. r to put s warehou their re] well est time it ready f< or specii Wh indicatic establish area is from otl Wh old-fash a vvelco || merchari stocked |i all that and we wishes f . - / Adell Somerset* of Camp Sa-! 30na. is spending the week-end ! vith Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Somer- ' sett. Mr. ana Mrs. Luther Thorp, Vlaudie Lewis, Charlotte Lewis ind Jimmie Jenkins, of Wilming:on, were Sunday visitors of H. > V. Mintz and J. R. Mintz and fa-'' nily. * I c 1934 Plymouth Co?.ch 7 1934 Ford Coupe J 1934 Ford Tudor 1935 Plymouth Sedan 1936 Dodge Sedau 1933 Chevrolet Coach 20 OTHERS a SPECIAL | 1935 Master Deluxe Chevrolet 4-door Sedan 7 with trunk. . . Driven 20,000 miles. This car is ? ' i clean in every respect? a Bargain $495.00 i II T)T\ X VWUT DK/iA lUfl 3 il Auto Service I > Whiteville, N. C. il WANT ADS ? w il.DSMOBlI.K Prices Reduced 5 passenger Sedan now deliver- ? d in Whiteville $875.00 1RAXTON AUTO SERVICE 7-8c " M. O. NELSON, Jr. i : Whiteville Tob M. S. SMITH, WHITEVILLE, NOR FARMER: v that the opening date fo , August 10th, we desire to :h many advantages of the W ital interest to tobacco growe it: We wish to express our s tronized this market, and ex be with us again this year, ere we wish to emphasize i lich make Whitevilie the outs iteville has SIX BIG WARE fully equipped and with c The warehousemen are men ales over to the greatest ad isemen have had years of e jutation for conducting clear ablished. Every protection i is unloaded until it is sold. )r sale will not be tolerated ilator violating this rule will iteville is a growing marke in that a new high record o led, due to the fact that the the best that it has been in rer sections recognize the ad iteville is "THE FARMER'S ioned, home loving, and God me here for you. You will its are wide awake, aggressiv with new up-to-date mevchai , Mr. Farmer, let us prove to we can write about our ma will convince you of our sino sting that 1937 will be pr or health and happiness to y Very truly WHITEVILLE Thurston Mintz, Elwood Gore ind Virginia Dare Hardee spent Sunday at Myrtle Beach, S. C. LEGALS XOTIl(K OF SI MMON'S $ late of North Carolina, i bounty of Brunswick. In The Superior Court Dalton Rupert Blanton vs. Janie R. Blanton ( The defentiant. Janie K. Blanton. i vifcl take notice tnai an action emit- i ed as above has been commenced in . he Superior Court of Brunswick bounty. North Carolina, by the plain- i iff for absolute divorce upon the i ; grounds of adultery as provided by | aw of the State of North Carolina. 1 laid defendant will further take no- 1 ice that she is required to appear < it the office of the Clerk of the 1 lupenoi1 Court of said county at the i "curihouse in Southport. X. C.. on i >r before the 19th day of July. 1937, \ md answer or demur to the com- i laint in said action, or the plaintiff : kill apply for the relief demanded in ? aid complaint. c This the 19th day of June. 1937. c M. B. WATKINS. Assistant v -14-c Clerk Su|>erior Court. j 1 NOTICE OF SIMMONS Uate of North Carolina. c ,'ounty of Brunswick. i 111 The Superior Court t Km ma Tart l vs. 1 Clyde Ta# ( The defendant. Clyde Tart. will t ake notice that an action entitled ,i is above has been commenced in the ! interior Court of Brunswick County. .] Corth Carolina, by the plaintiff for 1 bsolute divorce upon the grounds of \ wo years separation as provided by he laws of the State of North Caro- no. Said defendant will further tike lOtice that he is required to appear i the office of the Clerk of the !up?*rior Court of said county at tbe "ourthouse in Southport. N C.. on r before the L'9th day of July. 1937. nd answer or demur to the comilaint in said action, or the plaintiff bill apply for the relief demanded in aid complaint. This the 291 h day of June, 1937. M. B. WATKINS, Assistant -21-c Clerk Superior Court. ( OM MISSIUNI KS SALE OF I UFA 1. ESTATE III accordance with the judgment; eretofore rendered on the 19th (Lay ' f April, 1937. .In Re: South|K>rt tuilding and Loan Association vs. '. W. Spencer, et :?ls.. the undersigiid Commissioner offered for sale the ran of land described In his notice, ii Saturday, the 22iul day of May. 937. and an increase of ten per cent laving been made on the last and |1 ighest bid on the tract of land here- j luuer uescriuew, me uuueriMgutru 'ommissiotier will offer fur sale, in ,1 ouformily with the order of resale. 11 i public auction to the highest l>id-!(l er for cash at the court house door,s ii the County of Brunswick, on 1 'liur-olay, s day of July. A.M.. 1M7, t 12 o'clock noon, the following des- 'J ribod lot. tract or parcel of land. ' ring and l>eing in tlie State of ; .'orth Carolina, county of Brunswick. 1 'ity of Southport. and bounded and escribed as follows, to-wit; Beginning at an iron stake in the j .'orth line of Brunswick Street at 1 la* Southeast corner of what was rnmerly Casaudra Grissom's lot, " -hieh lot was conveyed to Anna . * tutler Thompson, runs thence north ' 3 degrees 10' west 704.0 feel to a j Lake;, which point 105 feet south- ' ardly from West Street: thence | estwardly parallel with West Street f) feet to a stake: thence south 13 i i egrees 40' east 402.5 feet to the orth line of Brunswick Street, to an i on stake; thence eastwrardly with orth line of Brunswick Street 30 r*el to the beginning, and being the 11 5. L FULLER PAUL TAYLOI acco Market Secretary TH CAROLINA r our market has been set write you a friendly letter fhiteville Tobacco Market, wl rs. incere appreciation to those tend to you a most cordial To those who have not sole nost emphatically the follo\ tanding market available to HOUSES, modern in every courteous, efficient, experiei READY, WILLING, and A vantage and profit for you. xperience handling tobacco t, high-class sales that satisf; s given your tobacco from Tearing up baskets of tob: on this market, and any bi be fined. v t and this year there is e f 25 MILLION POUNDS wil i tobacco crop in general in several years, and that fan vantage of this market. TOWN" made up of just j fearing people; and so thei feel at home in our midst, e, and their stores are clean tdise. you that all we have written rket is true. Come to White ere appreciation. ofitable for you and with ou and your family, we are, yours, TOBACCO MARKET, M. S. SMITH, Secretary. THREE I same land conveyed, to y, w. Spen- H cer by Anna Butler Thompson and M husband. May 29. 1922. by deed Muly B registered in Book 37. at page lti'j, jg records of Brunswick county. to 9 which reference is hereby especially Q made. KjH The said bidding will start at mm J495.G0. Dated and posted, this the 16th H da.' of June. 1937. B ROBERT W. DAVIS. B S-30-c Commissioner. KB FORECLOSURE SALE B REAL ESTATE B Under aud by ^virtue of the power B of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed, made and executed B the 27th day of February. 1928. by Jake McMJUon, to Richmond G&Jlo- B ?ay, and duly recorded in the ofTue of the Register of Deeds of B Brunswick County in Book 35. at page 401. to w hich reference is here- B by especially made. Default having B been made in tbe payment of the B lebt secured by the said mortgage. B [ will offer for sale at public auction B ;o the highest bidder for cash at the B ourthouse door in the City of South- B iort. X. C.. on B 4rtturtlu>, 17 day of July, A. P., 1987, B it 12:30 o'clock p. m.. the following B lescribed Lot. tract, piece or PAVcel H >f land lying and being in the State ?f North Carolina, couuty of Brans- B vick, in Lockwoods Folly township, B itill bounded and described as fol- B, to-wit: B Beginning at John Sellers' corner >n the Juniper Creek Road; running ibout West with John Sellers' line B o north corner; thence with Ova lankins' line to Elijah McMillons B ine; with his line to the Juniper Bfl 'reek road thence back the road to be beginning containing seven acres, B nore or less. B Dated and posted, this 16th day of tf^E rune. 1937. B RICHMOND GALLOWAY. Mortgagee ,B io!>ert W. Davis. Attorney for Mort- M gagee. 7-f4-c B FORECLOSURE SALE OF B It L A I ESTATE B Under anil by virtue of the power B f sale contained in that certain 88 nor t rage deed made and executed iB he 10th (Lay of June, 1927. by Riley iB lewett and Delphi* M. Hewett. hit B life, and duly recorded in Book 44, J^fl u page 7. of the office of the Reg- B ster of Deeds of Brunswick couuty, l^l o which reference is hereby eapeo B ally made Default having been made B n the debt secured by the said jB nortgage. I will offer for sale - at ublii auction to the highest bidder B or cash at the court house door in B he City of South port, X. C., on B kit.. 17th day of July, A. !>., 1987, B it 12 o'clock noon, the following des- B ribed lot. tract, piece or parcel of J^l and lying and being in the State of B Corth Carolina, county of Brunswick- B n Lock woods Folly township, and IB loumled and described as follows, B o-wit B Beginning at a pine stump. Wads trvant's lite, in :i branch, tuns then- f^H e with said Bryant's line about f^H lortheast to an oak. Governor Gore'e fl orner; thence about northwest with 9| aUl Gore's line to a Make, his cor- ! ier; thence about south to the run H i Oxpen Swamp; thuence up the run H ;if said, Swamp to the run of said H Jranch. tlance up the run of the H .ranch to the beginning, containing H ifteett acres, more or less. B Dated ami posted, this the ltith . lay of June, 1937. B tlt'HMOXD GALLOWAY, Mortgagee S tobert VY. Davis, Attorney for Mort- jfl gagee. 7-14-c H i recently have been H Commissioned as I Notary Public ' Susie Mae Livingston I t R Ml LEWIS B CRUTCHFISID S WAREHOUSE 9 NEW STAR WAREHOUSE I FARMERS WAREHOUSE 8 sethich '' who welI toeing you. par- : iced BLE l Our I and y, is the acco i uyer very 1 be our j ners food re is Our and j and ville best | i ii.