I wrnNESDAY, AUGUS1 i.j,,Si The News Reporter V*!,'?rek "i? K'VI' authorita;in,Hirs to questions oil V Sl? j;1| Seeurity Law. By j-t| arrangement with 1 t ft. Waile, Manager of ' V vieial Seeurity Board of- ! V,, nil s. Salisbury street 1 galeis!1- Sl"''al Security ' rj ha- eonsented to pass ' W'.j,.. H.uraey of answers to Lti.ii)" Social Security, 1 R j, ma* be asked by eniEer". employees, and others, K in l) The *ews Reporter. ' iMipiiries to the Edi- ' K' The News Reporter. An- ' B- "ill be given here in 1 unh r in whieh questions 1 V revived. This is an inforK.,U| -erviee and is not K;, adviee or service. In with Social Security ( Hjrj [Mliev names will not H |inllli"lleil. THE EDITOR. 1 No. IIC: Will you H whether regthe Social Secur- \ iptnsory, and if I inner my employer ' H imply relieved of , S c B .-rested in the latter t < in- ' H the one percent | now in effect is too ^1. . It in the family budget .iciical or desirable. v i: you arc engaged in o not specifically ex- | : Title Vlif of the So- a Act. and are under ] ngo your employer (i \ the Social Secur- p one percent of | paid, enipl >vcr pay one per- g H; v .iges to the collec- p H in'.iiual revenue each t B: T ry employer of one ns. who is engaged s specifically ex- tl Title \ 111 of the p * under die Social So- n is no way he . r.n be relieved of ti t --i one percent from your t paying; one percent a the Bureau of Internal h tr e.t.h month. You should s v Social Security Board R i t and get a Social t; A aunt number, and re- h your employer, who is ? - le for making the det required by the law. a e. y ". reach the age of 65. v s ve worked one day inn-i ; 'ive different calendar v i: i covered employment n . ir entitled to a monthly g payment. If you] before craching 65 j n : i-nts would be enti-ta lump-sum payment un- s <'M age benefits provis- h s : the Act. s I n .7: I employ a large c persons. In lite past b h ,s used metal work t t : i my employee's iden- t W Id the Social Scti e. at numbers of each placed on metal tags, s; - employee identifi- p strikers? This would tl ?: - ,'cify my records, and c " time give each one h tn iloyees a more dur- 1; i ; than the one they fi t ' the present time. a - The Social Security L iM liave no objection b h ing your employees' ii iiy account number b ' on metal tags, to be s entification work num- w ,nt number of each s is his own and of cour- c be used for anyone " ^B n employee left your 1 ^B numi)er is still his. It f' ^B irefully explained to t: that that is his So- d .!> account number for f' 1 that he should preserve ' mh Social Security acH ay not be used J cial way by any " :;v I exepect to get ^B' and change my name. ^B i h my social security 0 ' oided or get another | H-' : You should write to ^ Security Board Records ' indler Building, Balti- " ^B Maryland, giving your ac- ? B a .h, , your name in whi- J" H : was issued, and : e. Your number will but your new 1 appear on your Social P f Ledger Account in the q B'-5 Office. Ia eg e: H. w "w M arntng c Against Imposter ? August 9.?Officials * . sta-- Boar" of Charities W If are. taking cogn- t K : newspaper reports that ' K. Pope" of Washingis soliciting members B', is termed the "Pope B " ' Old Age Pensions"- at 1 is reiterated that no P necessary in this state " ^ Wicants to present their L Kr ;')r assistance under the P H) arolina program. w *'1 weeks ago, the Board, P j*;" Mrs W. T. Bost, Com- a " 11 .! that the pay- c 'j any sums whatever to s "'lividual or organization n 'quired in filing claims ? A' Glance through this state's L jH^ '"Ur'ty program. Trained s s"i every county of the e !m'''?yed by the Board and b affiliates, are prepared ^ (' ^ss'stancc applicants with- h 11, 1937 Places Open For Marine Fnlistwent Examination of 25 applicants 'or enlistment in the United States Marine Corps will be held it the Marine Corps Recruiting I District Headquarters, Post Of- j fice Building, Savannah, Ga., this uonth. it is announced by Captlin A. C. Small, Recruiting Of;icer. Young men between 18 and 25 rears of age. ranging in height , Tom 64 inches to 74 inches with ?orresponding weights, in good ihysical condition and of good noral character, eighth grade or ibove in education. The Savannah office considers ipplicants from Florida. North ind South Carolina and Southeaster Georgia. Southport Becomes Paradise For Hunters and Fishermen During Early Fall Months (Continued from page 1.) i whack at a clump of rushes vlth his oar or pole and a marsh icn arises for a slow and erratic light to some nearby point. Tf j he sportsman knows his busi- j less, there is a bang ami the | ourse of the boat is deflected o pick up the victim before con- ] inning its progress through the narshes with a full bag limit of | narsh hens as the goal. Other Game \bumlnnt The fields and forests of Brunswick are abundantly stocked with ;ame birds, everything from wild urkey on down. The sportsmen ifter quail or partridges generaly return home with a full limit luring the hunting season. Many portsmen from other states come o Brunswick for quail shooting, nd the fellow with an especially ood bird dog is a member of ; he tribe whom the others delight ! o honor. In this conjunction it may be | aiil that Southport has more | Iian its average quota of good i irds dogs. Many of our sportslen are not satisfied with just no animal, they have two. Someimes they boast possession of hree. This and that bird dog j nd his wonderful quality as a j unter begins to be an absorbing I ubjeet for discussion at all little i atherings several weeks before he beginning, and all during the i unting season. Deer and Bear There are a great many deer nd bear in the forests of Brunswick. The bear is not. naturally. I ated very high as a game animal worth hunting. But the deer furlish royal sport until the hunter ;ets the limit allowed by law. Squirrels (fox and catt are nulerous in all our woodland tracts nd it is a poor hunter who miscs making the full daily limit al>wed by law. Raccoons, 'oposums and rabbits are very numrous. Few care to hunt rabbit, lit the coons and 'opossums are he attraction on many a nocurnal journey through the woods. Plenty Of Foxes It can probably be truthfully aid that there are more foxes er square mile in Brunswick han in a like area in any other ounty in the state. Brunswick as about 80 per cent of its total rnd area in woodland, that is ields, woods and swamps that re uncultivated. In these areas the fox roams y the hundreds and affords the icentive for many a merry chase y a lusty pack of hounds. Many portsmen from the mountains of ostein North Carolina ami other j Lates have an annual habit of I cming to Brunswick for two I reeks or more of fox hunting, hey generally bring many fine ox hounds with them on these j rips and go home with their cars ecorated with the brushes of1 oxes that these animals ran j own. mproved Status Shown hi State Raleigh, Aug. 9. ?Improving mployment conditions, in indus y and business, are being reected almost daily in the reuests of employers in North Carolina for more blanks for taking their quarterly reports f payments to individual cmloyees for the second quarter , t 1937, Chairman Charles G. 1 owell, of the Unemployment ompensation Commission, reorts. Blanks are sent out uarterly for these reports in ccordance with the numbers of mployees reported for last year, 'ith additions for normal inreases. The many calls for aditional blanks indicate increases a numbers of employees over i 936 and the first quarter of f 1937. 7all On Employers For Payroll Items Raleigh, Aug. 9.?Notices and emands for payments of payall contributians have been sent ut to 135 North Carolina emloyers by the State Unemploylent Compensations Commission. Tnless the employers protest the ayments, request hearings on ,-hether or not they are due to ay, or pay the amounts, they re certified to the clerk of ourt and copies sent to the heriff for execution as of judglent. Executions have been erved on seven employers. ,'sually when execution is tarted by the sheriff, the mployer pays the contriution and accumulated costs.! ill of the executions so far j ave been for 1936 payments, with later 1937 payments added. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES BRUNSWICK CO. (Continued from Page 4) Mallette, Lucy 7 acres home. 0.76 Mallette, Maria 5 acres home.. 8.49 Mapson. Peter Est. 5 acres home 7.50 Milling ton. Dan Est. 2 acres farm ami woods 7.00 Miller, D. L. 22 acres home.... 8.00 Miller, James lo acres home... 3.00 Milchell, Alary Est. 5 acres home 4.20 Moore, Charles Est. 25 acres home 7.20 Moore, J. H. 20 acres home.... 15.71 Moore. John 37 acres home.... 9.80 A loo re, Moses A. _8 acres home 11.05 Moore. Rachel Est. 48 acres home ..s, 6.61 .Aioore. Satviv 37 acres home.. 4.65 Morris, Lavinia 30 acres woods and farm 6.66 Murphy. .Maggie o?i acres home 5.-6 Xeal. Dudley 33 acres woods.. 4.20 Nixon. Emma 106 Austin Holmes Rat 16.01 Nixon, tides 6 acres home... 2.51 Nixon, fan y Ann 15 acres woods and cleared -... 2.16 Nixon, .1. M. 2at acres home. 3.67 Owens. Evelina 8 acres cleared 2.40 I Villain. A. E. 15 acres woods 1.13 Pel ham. E. M. 80 acres home 17.49 1 Villain. Fred 33 acres woods 5.98 Pigl'ord, Annie 3>._. aires woods 1.50 Powell, tieorge 12b. acres home 5.00 Price, Eliza 2 acres home 2.86 Purdy. Charity Est. 5 acres woods 6.46 Purdy. tiilberi 2 acres home. 2.86 Purdy. Tom Est.l acre woods .75 Puniy. Winnie Est. I1, acres home 10.50 Quince. Sam Est. 2'i acres home 2.38 Randolph. C. R. 196 acres \V. H. Randolph Est 11.11 Randolph. Rufus. 60 acres woods 2.6 acres woods and farm 15.17 Reeves, Joe last 2 acres woods; t acres Home 9.23 Rohhins, Dolphia 6'., acres home 7.34 Robinson, Hat tie 25 acres home 4.S8 Rohiiison. Jake Jr. 5 acres home 5.13 Robinson. Jake Sr. 27 acres woods 3.70 Robinson, Jane IS acres Home 9.00 Rot linson. Lizzie 4 acres home 7.20 Kchiuson. Purcell 16 acres home 11.04 Robinson. Thomas Est. 3 acres farm and woods - 4.50 Kourk. Retly 30 acres Jack Hankins Est. 2.11; Rutland. J. E. 42 acres farm and woods 15.18 II Si I lei's. Richard 21 acres home 8.221 Shaw. Nelson S acres home 6.76 Simmons. Louis 10 acres home 10.00 I Small, James Est. 5 ai res home 6.30 I Small. Jane 26 acres farm and | woods 9.46 Small. Leroy. 50 acres woods 4.5o Small. Simon Est. 5 acres home 4.88 Small. Virgil Est. 5 acres woodq 2.63 Smith, Adam Est. 55 acres rice field: 100 acres home 25.80 Smith. Alice 5 acres home 2.63 Sliced. I sane 3 acres hotnc ... 2.26 Sneed. Violet 1'-. acres larm.. .46. Sliced. Willie 0<4 acres h.?nu 10 60 Sparrow. Edward 16 acres home 12.07] Spaulding. E. IS. 5 acres home 5.1V j Street. Ren 21-. acres home... 3.30 | Thoniwell. t'n-vin Est. 32 acres home 10.801 Thortiwell. Willie 5 acres woods .46 ] Thomas. Ned Est. 6 acres ^ ^ | nume ....> Vaiiu. Hilbeit 8 acres home . 4.54 . Vumt. Sain Est. 1 a< res cleared and woods 1.501 Vann, Susan 8 arras woods 4.081 Vi.ieen. .lames 13 acres home 10 acres woods 10.G3 Varecn. .1. C. 10 acres field and wocuis ;*. Yareeii. William 1 acre home 1.50 Waddell. Alex. % 1 acre woods 3S Waddell. Caroline la4 acres woods .38 Waddell. Cora 30 acres woods 1 acre home 2.40 Waddell. James W. 2 acres woods 30 | Waddell. Joe 5 acres farfh ,l and woods 2.SO , Waddell. Jolin 1 acre homo; 1 acres James W. Waddell .... 4. SO Waddell. Phoebe Ann Kit. 21 acres woods 2.20 Waddell. W. 13 acres E. H. < lore 1.3G Waddell. Walker 20 acres home 11.84 j Walker. Maggie 281 acres home 8.1!) Walker. Tony Est. 1 acre home 5.28 Wallace. l'eter Est., I acres woods 1.50 Wat kins. Willie. 25 acres woods 1.88 White. James & Diamond 20 8-lo acres farm & woods in.0.1 While. .Manly 10 acres home. 3.90 Williams. Andrew Est. 8 acres home 5.83 Williams. .Maggie 7 acres cleared 5.90 Williams. .Mike 30 acres cleared; 34 acres cleared 12.00 Wilson. Julius Est. 10 acres cleared 40 j Wright. Wilson Est. 130 acres cleared 18.00 ! Hendrix, Florence . 70 acres home 14.0" W A ('4'AM AW TOWNSHIP Andrews. J. !?.. Estate 30 acres home 8.28 Atkins. D. L\, 72 acres home and WO&ds 7.27 Atkins. J. It. and D. 44 acres, 1 share It. Little 3.15 l.ahson. A. E.. 20 acres woods and home 5.08 Kahson. (\ D.. 15 acres home 4.03 liahson, J. C.. 2% acres home ... 0.70 Hahson. .M. F., 25 acres woods 1.88 Hahson. N". L.. 2 2-4 acres Anson Babson ? 3.41 Hahson. S. 'K.. 17 acres New Home. 2 acres Koy c*liff 9.71 Hahson. .Mrs. S. K.. 2 acres Formy Duval 52 Bahson. W. It., 2 acres home 7.98 Hahson. W. W., 2 acres M. F. Hahson - 7.98 Hell amy. Ethlinel It., II acres Hear La mi 12.4" Dennett, H. II.. 11-?l? a< ivs home 1 Jt.lis Dennett, (I. A. Est., 100 acres home 9.83 Dennett. .J. L.. 1 % acres home. 13 acres J. A. Dennett, I acres A. M. Dennett 17.30 Dennett. N*. A.. 2 acres fann 1.13 Dennett. S. \V? 13 acres Hell Swamp 3.70 Denton. S. is.. 50 acres home... lft.10 Desl. All's. Kale, 15 acies woods 1.50 Drady. H. L. and Hroiher, 90 acres woods (W.I/.C.1 2.70 Drady. H. l. II.. 2 acres home 3.50 Cliff. K. Al.. 3% acres YV. Al. Smith Est 0.17 Cliff, Mrs. YVinnie, 20 acres W. Al. Smith Est 3.64 Coleman, Mrs. A. A.. 71 acres home and Atkins 2% acres farm and Little Field 33 acres A. F. ('. Est 0.71 Coleman. A. D.. 5 acres home, 22 0-10 acres Old Home, 3 8-10 Al. C. C. Est .. 10.71 Coleman. H. ('., 22 acres home 0 acres Al. ('. C. Est 15.5.2 Coleman, H. H.. 9 acres home, 0 acres H. ('. Coleman, 0 acres M. C. C. Est. 13J8 Coleman,, Lee, 18 acres home 5 ,sl Coleman, V. G., 0 acres home.... 1.90 Cox. J. II., 75 acres home 16.00 Carrie, A. L>., 101 acres Darker ..._ 24.98 Duncan, E. C., Est., 45 acres home 12.81 Detton. F. K., & J. II.. 1ftacres home, 3ft acres M. J. D., 50 acres Overflow, 35 acres Overflow 35.79 Edwards. Mrs. C. L., 4ft acres \V. Edwards 1.80 Edwards, Mrs. Ella, 15 acres home 4.42 Edwards, J. H. Est., 30 acres woods, 150 acres woods, 41 acres. Al. C. McKeithan 11.63 Edwards, J. F.. 48 acres home 9.15 Edwards. T. H.. 15 acres home. 15 acres II. Edwards. 15 acres Mrs. C. L. Edwards 13.23 Evans, A. S., list., 75 acres ^ ? THE STATE PORT farm and woods. 22 *? acres j M woods - 9.47 j Evans. Mrs. C. N., 23 ac res j M home 6.41 . s\ Evans, D. A.. 10 acres home. ; lo acres wood 8.30 j . Kvans, Mrs. D. M.t 25 acres , M I 20 acres woods 5.20 ' Evans. E. E.. 50 acres home, j 0 4-10 acres Hen Long 12.15 j M {Evans, Mrs. Ernma, 50 acres woods 3.oo | A\i Evans, (J. C., Est.. 1?>S acres G. C. Est - 5.59 M Evans. Mrs. Hatlie. 29 acres M I J. M. Edwards 4.57 ! M [Evans, J. E.. 22 acres woods... 1.91 . i Evans, Lonnie. 2 acres home 7.20 ; 'Evans, M. K.. 18 acVes home. M 2 acres woods 12.18 |M Evans, R., Ill acres home j 50 acres Old Home 26.021M Evans, \V. B., 14 acres home... 7.42 p Formy-Duval. A. B., 30 acres home 14.47 11' Furmy, Mrs IMant ie, 22 acres I home 18.83 1 P I Kormy-Duval. Mrs. Dessie, 13*4 I acre; home 5.0" . I Formy-Duval. P. I'., 6 acres 1' j Jessie I.. I.udlnm . 4.53 Fortny-Duval, P. !>.. 8 acres !F home. 15 acres Overflow 12.83, P 1 Foniiy-Oiival, T. p., 75 acres |P c tverflou . 4.5ft Cause, \V. !.. ic acres home 2.24! Core. IS. (I., 02 acres home. 100 acres Sclpio, 17 acres Pierce, i School House 33.16] iiSore. C. 1... 150 acres Over- . I' i I low &M < ere, C. I . and G., 25 acres P 1 Mrs. Ei blind Core 2.78 } Core. \\. P., Est., 28 acres j Coleman 61 E * it I***. Youth. 47 acres liomc 11.8* i Cray, J. IF. GO acres C. Lor- j F j ace. 9 at res Best 22.52 | F IErice. P. 14 acres home. F ft acres woods 5.05 ! P ! Harrelsoii. K. E.. 83 acres home 5.57 ! Herring. Mrs. L. A.. 23 acres I li home. 13 acres Florsc Pen 4.17 llrwelt, J. L., 19 acres \V. J. H HeweU 9.79 i llewctt. Mrs. L. II., is acres W004Is 1,3(f I! IllcWetl. W. J.. IS acres home, I 53 acres E. lioldcn 22.50 I! Holmes. James, 15ft acres Brooks ,11 J Woods, 150 acres Caw Caw 12.00 j , Holmes, W. H? 225 acres Deep I Neck lilf i Hughes. Alton, 18 acres li. Lit- , 1 I If LCI 1 F Hughes, C. P.. GO acres home . ltl.73 I Hughes. Mrs. J. L? I acres \. _ 1 h Coleman cs'-'to .75 Hughes. L. IF, 11 acres N. ! , li Coleman 1 acre, Li. C. Coleman. 7 acres home ... 8.98 I s Bauson, \\. ,\.. is acres home <\V. M. S.), 54 acres Horse IS Pen. 1 ;ii acres H. L. Smith . 8.23 * S Hughes. It. \V.. I acres L. H, s Hughes 5.22 Inmnn, Austin 15 acres home 9.06 s lumuii. Mrs Bessie, 11 j acres Jesse L. Tntiian Est 77 , Inmaii, C. H.. is acres L. H. S Hewetl . 1.42 j 8 Im-'un. h I... .'hi acres (J. W. i\. rsiuic/ ^u.^u > 111111.t ii, .1. (>., Kst., 226 acres home 2S.f?" | Inman. I.. 10 acres homo.... 11.88 s liiinaii. IX.. 6 acres J. A. I. ! s Kstalc i Coleman). 2 8-10 Jessie L. Inmaii Bet 4.88 s hunaii. Hosu K., 20 acres I J. K. ' s Inmun 1.20 j In ma it. Stephen. 8 acres woods 2.97 s Inman. \V. Ii.. is acres Jnman t.oS . i i.mull. W. 1... 125 acres heme 215.18 ! Inmaii. \V. T.. 3 acres .1. a. i. Kst.. 2 acres J. !.. I. Kst. . 1.44 Jenrette. C\ H.. loo acres I. ! Si Jenrette 30.20 j Jenrette, H. D., 52 acres home* Jo acres woods 82.7-5 igj Jenrette, Isaac, 25 acres home. i acres iamg. loo acres Ov- s ciHow. 03 acres Overflow. 100 acres overflow. 01 acres <>v- j Si flow. 70 acres farm woods ... 28.33 i Jenrette. John. 100 acres home, ! si 200 acres (iverfkm . 20.21 : ' Jenrette. .Mrs. John, loo acres Bvan*. 50 acres VVet Ash .... 36.83 g Jeiirettc. -I. I.. 81 acres home.... .1.75 1 Jenrette. John 1*1., 17 acres home 155.71 [ si Jenrette, Walter It.. 75 acres home 20.52 Jenrette. W. Kimhol. 100 acres I si t iveii'low 0.00 1' Jones. <5. B. ami J. (>., 67V& i Si acres home ... 12.85 1' Jones, B. i*'. and J. P., 10 acres home, 8 acres swamp 7.78 , ><| Jones, L. I*'.. 21 acres Milliken 5.07 [' Jones, M. J., 17-10 acres home 6.05! !\ell\. Mrs. J. L, 20 acres I oJ woods 1.50 King, Mrs. Bertha, 16 acres i c, woods X. K. S. Kst. .48 j' King, <\ A.. 17 acres C. (". King But. 12.20: King. C. 1Kst.. 16 acres home ! ami woods. 2 acres (lore, 7 acres woods 6.41 \ King. .Mrs. <'. 20 acres woods 1.71 , King, II.. 8 acres home. 8 acres John Woods. 21 acres woods, .! .acres J>. Simmons, 17 acres woods 12.67 I King, Kred 11., 3 9-10 acres ('. : B. Itiman 1J1 j King. Klroy. 1 acre home. l:?j acres C. King 7.09 I s;, King. Jack. I acres home, 10 acres Inmaii, % acres J. I). King 8.11 1 King, .Mrs. Jack 31+> acres Jesse L. Inmaii Bsl 77jgJ King. J. 15.. 20 acres woods, 180 acres home 24.92 | g, King. J. !>.. 5 1-8 acres home 5n I N ad Itiver, 1-8 Artesian Well. 50 acres Buzzard Bay 38.55 I King. J. K. Kst., 25 acres Jen- 1 s, nie 75 1 ;sj King, James \W. 56 acres bona-. 35 acres Milliken ? 22.66 j King. .M. K.. 35 acres J. W. I <, Eat 19.2s I cj King, N. M? 1S8 acres linino 14.(17 I' King, Mrs. S. ('., I acres Z. o, II. King Kst . 3.00 | King. \V. II., '4 acre home, 8 acres farm ami woods *. 3.07 King, W. 9 acres home... 23.23 Little, Mrs. Annie, 41 acres L woods 2.43 ' Li I lie, Mrs. A. J. Kst., 100 acres home 7.99 Lit lie, A. V.. II acres woods .... 1.32 ' ^ Little. 15.. 220 acres home, 2 ! ' acres .Myrtle Mead 19.08 .' Little. I'.. 15 acres Ronton 4.19, Little. Kxekiel Kst.. 100 acres woods. 70 acres wootlx, 100 ^ ' acres woods 12.15 Little. Nellie Kst., 44 acres I woods 3.15 8i Little, Mrs. I'lieiiie, II acres Ruftis Little 2.63 Si Long. P. I!.. 23 acres home, 15 acres Long. 27 acres \V. Sr li. Coleman 250 acres Old Home 32.50 Long, K. Y., X acres home 3.IS5 Long. C. (\. 85 acres home, 30 Sr acres Overflow 25.57 Long. Mrs. CJ. C., 30 acres A. Sr D. S. Kst 90 Long. H. I'., 271.. acres home R.6'* Long. .1. 15.. 97% acres home 11.70 SI Long. J. I.).. l.'J acres home, 1V. acres farm. 2 acres Jen- St rette, 20 acres .1. \\\ Long 12.84 Long, J. M.. 79 acres home 9.67 St Long. .1. P. Kst.. 30 acres Pretty Ihi.v 2.20 St Long, Mrs. Lovie Smith, 9 St acres M. K . S. Kst 1.13 Long. Marshall, 33 acres H. St J. Ridge 3.88 1 Long. . Simmons. 90 acres S. I. IV King .. 11.27 W Mot'timber. Hamilton, 20 acres Old Home 7. IS W Md'umhec. Mrs. M. I.. 11% acres home. 36 acres K. 1). Milliken 12.51 W M p fropsl. E I... 395 acres Over- b flow 7.50 I 'ruin. 11. M., 23 acres home.... 7.311 'ruin. u. L23 acres home .. 11.89 ip 'mitt. o. li., 53 acres home 14.33 Tuitt. Spurgeon. 20 acres O. 1 p L, Pruitt Est 1.501 lay, Mrs. Bessie. 30 acres | p home 12.89 J lay. Seymour, 35 acres B. ,1. .lenrette, loo acres B. J. J. j p < iverflow 11.331 p leaves, \Y. li., loo acres Overflow ... 8.001 loss, (>avid, I acre home . C.38' loss, M. T? 2C acres Coleman, jp IS acres home and woods 8.91 J Rubs, A. P., 35 acres J. W. H Brooks 2.63 p hiss, C. 'i acre, W. A. Bahson 50.58 mith, 11. C., 34 acres woods . 1.05 |> mith. H. W.. 1i woods 3.96 ?ilh lohn x 3-D acres Old I i> Hay. 26 acres home 9.111 ' nltn, f^aey, 2334 acres home.. lOOin nilli. M. II.. 17 1-4 acres M. (>, E. S. KM 5.83 nfHi. M. I27 acres home. I i> 75 acres farm anil woods 27.51 nil li. Olen. 12 acres home .... o.sijp, nil li. O. II.. II acres home 4.71 nilh. O. D.. 12 acres W. J. Pi While 5.7o nit it. P. D? 9 acres O. H. Alillikeu 4.25 1)< nilh. li. H.. .10 ai res home. . 7.99 nilh. Mrs. li. O.. 9 acres Over- D< flow J8 nilh. S. I... 50 acres home. 118 1>< acres fSalor 11.87 nilh. T. li.. 95 acre s Old Home. 11 acres woods, 50 D< acres T. Pa ml If 12 nilh. T. S.. 11 acres home '.... 4.70 nilh. W. P.. 18 aires home. 53 acres woods 9.95 nilh. \Vm. A., 95 acres home, s:.1 acres woods 13.28 nilh. Wlnson, 9 acres home 8.79 nidey. Byron. 7 acres home, 5 acres <". P. Stanley 9.23 D< ardey. J. W.. 30 acres home. 100 acres Overflow 18.38 D< anley. Mrs. M. P., 51 acres Di I'M wards 3.83 Di anlev. O. P.. 28 acres home 5.15 anley. W. P.. Sr.. Est.. 28 Pi ores home 2.48 |>i anley, W. P.. Jr., 9 acres Pi home 4.58 ? vens. Mrs. li. .T.. 77 acres Es homo 12.54 one. P. li.. 1000 Poty Tiranch 30.00 Ki out. Clyde, 20 acres J. P. Ei Andrews 1.05 Ei mil. Mrs. li. P., 8 acres Fh home 4.05 mmerselte. J. Ti.. 10 acres F.i Sam Sommersetle 5.55 illy. \V M.. 100 acres Over- F? flow. 147 acres Stanley Est 9.00 I Tpp, J. W.. 14 acres home... 3.80 Fi ard, Geo. 14.. 50 acres woods and farm. 1 acre School house, Fi 100 acres Puller Ray 20.97 ard, <5. R. 100 acres home, 371- acres Puller Ray 25.70 j ard. P. P.. 35 acres home.... 20.80 Fi alls. M. R. 1 acre Duval .... 5.18 < atls, Mrs. M. 1.. 1 acre home, Fc 8 acre Formv-Duval 11.11 Fc Mte. R. E? 20 acres W. J. White 4.0? Fill i i < . a. li.. 30 acres W. .T. Idle. H. Ti.. 28 acres W. J. Fo While .. 5.29 White 6.52 Fr hite. Pink. 92 acres F. R. < C'anady 12.55 F'i nulll. IT. P., 100 acres home 18.59 right Mrs. H. P.. 35 acres Fn Overflow, 10 acres woods... 7.20 I right, '/. F. 18 acres woods 1.36 Ft COLORED )wens, Henry 12'? acres home 10.57 Fr own, C. C.. 27 acres. J. 11. Brown 5.05 Ft own. J. P., 21 acres home. 25 1 acres John Marlowe, 2 acres F< R. P. Pahson 24.51 I irdon, K. E.. 50 acres woods 7.23 Ft ink. W. P.. 25 acres. J. H. Fx. Alilliken 5.32 ' >re, Elsie, 37 acres home .... 7.50 Ft men, Bessie, 2 acres home 4.03 ng. Lewis. 6 acres home, 3 acres Duval, 45 acres B. B. Ga Cliff 1.931 arlow, Frank. 25 acres, J. S. i Bennett 4.33 I arlow, K. E? 33 acres, Evans estate 0.57 arlow, Thomas, estate. 67 ac- ( res. F. X. Estate .? 11.63 ' arshburn, Frank. 11 acres i home ? 7.25 j i arshburn, D. J., 13 acres home 5.79 I Igford. Carey. 101 acres home. 3 acres old home. 0 acres Point, 50 acres woods ...? 16.80. I tatdey. X. A., 50 acres home.. 8.60; ' 'ashington, Henry, 3 acres , home 751 , SMITH Yll.I.K TOW N SHI I'?White dams, .1. J., Brown 1 lot 13.50 | . dkins, J. J., estate. 1 lot Plott 3.70 , Idridge. Mrs. L. B.. 1 lot Caswell 6 00 | J lien. Phillip. 640 acres, Prices Creek. 1 lot Water Skirt .... 843.751 , mes. John R, 10 acres Cape Fear Roan 4.50 j nderson. .Mae. I lot Brunswick 2.26. . mold, Mrs. Annie, estate. 1 lot Brunswick 12.00. , mold. George, 1 lot west 16.26 mold, James, 1 lot Brunswick 8.03 1, mold, J. C., 1 lot Brown... 20.15 mold. J. J.. 1 lot Spt. Hgts. .16 , mold. J. X.. 1 lot West .... 27.63 rthur. !?. E.. 1 lot Lord 34.25 tkinson. S. V.. 1 lot Spt. Hgts. .90 utry. Geo. W., 1 lot West Atlantic 22.59 j ank of Brunswick, 16 acres Finch 100 * ank of Hanover. 2 lots 11x12 2.261 ank of Southport. 30 acres RichDosher, estates, 25 acres C'lemmons, 1 lot Clouden 7.96 allard. Mrs. Betsy. 1 lot Brunswick 6.00 j eatty. John, estate 60 acres Swain 9.00 eck, Xellie and Annie Coley, 75 acres Smith. 60 acres Sorensoti 13.88 i ell. H. F., 1 lot Atlantic 3.00 erg. J., 1 lot Bay ami Moore, j j 1 lot Bay and Howe, 1 lot Xash, 1 lot Xasli, 1 lot West, 1 lot Dry, 1 lot Howe 142.36 ( erg. Xelson and Tohiason, 1 i ] lot Casw ell 2.63 j j iagie. James. 2 acres home 7.00 n loyette. Mrs. Aleatto and Ruth 86 2-3 acres. Drew. 1 lot Lord 14.19 | loyette, William. 43 1-3 acres Drew 2.60 hooks. J. W. McKoy and Vau- j j ghn. 1 lot Brow n. 1 lot Atlantic, V? lot C. X. Phillips, ! | 1 lot Spt. Hgts 16.831 irown, Alfred. 30 acres home 10.28 Irown. Dr. F. L.. 1 lot Atlantic .751 H own and Crouch, 360 acres j Evans 22.83 ! j luckman, P. J.. 1 lot Spth. Hgts 8.58 f | urrls. T. G.. estate 1 lot Brunswick. 1 lot College. 1 lot West 20.26 ; ussells. I. M., estate, 2 lots Messlck 3.00J; ai\ T. B.. estate. 1 lot Brunswick and Caswell. 1 lot Burlington 19.50 |; avenaugh. K., 11 acres Stevens 2.49 j entral Commercial Co., 1 lot I , St .(Jeorge 1.50 i j hamblee, Mrs. C. H. and Marsh, 87 acres, S. K. and j ; F. land, 1 lot Moore and Howe 56.24 j hurcfa, J. B.. 2 acres Buck Island. 1 acres Fritik, 7ft acres White Springs. ICO. Taylors place. 1 lot .Moore and Lord, 2 lots S. & \V? 3 lots % interest Spt. Hgls 37.36 j hurch, J. B.. Co., Wharf and j Packing House 15.001 leminons, A. W., 75 aeres. O. ; j W. Smith 18.0ft i J lemmons, B. G.. 158 aeres home 17.60!j lemmons, Mrs. Dot ridge, 9 ac- ^ j res. home - 5.78 < lemmons, 121 wood. 75 acres Clcinmons. 55 acres woods (R. D. C.) 12.99 lemmons, Garfield 1ft acres \ home, 1ft acres woods and cleared 24.25 j lemmons, Julius. H.. 57 acres woods. 50 acres Clemmons .... 10.75 ; lemmons. L. B., 13ft acres home. 56% acres Mill Fond, ; % interest Frivitt 34.20 lemmons, Ralph and Thurston. 126% acres?interest cleared land and woods 17.98! ; olemaii. J. F., 24 acres Beavver Dam 9.72 ooker, Mrs. Sahra, 1 lot Bruns- j wick 10.73 orlette. ii. <\. I lot Bay. l ha Water Skirt 23.00 ox, Asa. 25 acres Beaver j Dam. l lot Brown 10.59 ox. Mrs. Katie. 1 lot Allan- j tic 11.26 ox. Marcellus, 200 acres Wes- I cott, 1 lot Atlantic, 1 lot Atlantic and Brown, 1 lot At- ? lantic. Leonard 35.54 nx. Mrs. Mary, 1 lot Bruns- ] wick. 1 lot West 5.26 r>x, W. F., 46 acres Barnhill 15.00 ; ratimer, K. H., 2 lots West 12nd. 1 lot Moore. 1 lot At- > lantic, 1 lot Nash, 1 lot Moore, 1 lot Brunswick 142.84 j raniner and Davis, 4ft acres j wood#, 1 lot Moore 40.50 i rapon. C. M? 1 lot Moore i j and Howe 20.50 j rawfortl. J. N. V., 1 lot near | f J. A. Arnold 2.26; reech. B. 11.. 16% acres, Lewis, j; 1 lot Howe and Brown 33.15 row ley, J. S.. 1 lot Brunswick 9.001 alias,'Mrs. Adia Arnold. 1 lot (j Bay 12.00 c avis. D. M., 2 lots Howe, 1 lot. Bay 67.13 ( avis. Robert W.. 1ft acres Galloway. 1 lot Rhett, 1 lot Bay t and Lord. 1 lot Clarendon, 1 lot Howe, 1 lot Spt. Ilgts. 1 I 1~. .,,,,1 I'l'.i-an.loil 99 62 a via, Mrs. Robert W., 1 lot I Hrown ..r. - 8.26 avis. S. P., 1 lot west and ' j Atlantic -7.oo. ixon. Lucy, 1 lot Sot. Hgts. .75 j j Dsher and Bussells, 50 acres w OOdfl 8.00 ! osher. Asa estate, 20 acres I Beaverdam 3.001 psher, Ceorge. estate 1 lot | I West and Caswell 13.05 osher, Dr. J. Arthur. 30 acres j j home, 1 lot Howe, 1 lot Moore , } ami Atlantic 158.07 f ^sher, John P., 40 acres f Beaver Dam 8.81 3sher. John R., 04 acres Bea- I ver Dam 11.58 >sher, Mary A., estate 2 lots ('asu>ll. 2 lots Smith and If Weeks. 1 lot West 7.50 )sher. Richard, estate, 1000 j acres Dutchman, 24 acres Owen Field. 1 lot Clarendon. 1 1 lot Boundry and Brown. 1 lot Bay. 1 lot Water Skirt. 1 I lot Dry. 1 lot Rhett. 1 lot Rhett. 1 lot Boundary and ! I Clarendon. 1 lot Swamp Carden. 1 lot Smith & Weeks... 221.03 , | isher. T. Hoyle, 1 lot Bur- ; f lington 150; >sher. Edwin. 1 lot Nash 8.70 j rew. Byron C.. 20 acres home 11.731 ew. Mrs. Cert rude, heirs, 1 1 I lot Lord 12.00 -ew. H. L., 1 lot Leonard. ... 1.13 If rew, J. B.. 20 acres Wesoott 5.291 j ew. Mrs. M. E.. 100 acres I woods. 70 acres home 13.96 1 date Corp.. 1138. Eliza Lewis F 314 acres A. S. Hewett 126.97 iinan. T. M.. 1 lot Hmvp 5.36 f ans, Joseph. 1 lot. City 53 ;ans. M. A.. 10 acres home 2.37 rans. Archie H., 20 acres ho^ie ? 12.20 irids. Mrs. Joseph, 1 lot Spt. Hctl 1.13 j rguson. E. E.. 50 acres old homo 5.93 nch, Mrs. B. P., 40 acres Drew's place, 2 acres home 28.96 f nch. F. P.. 60 acres Alfred Brown. 72 acres Smart F Moore. 5ft acres Alfred Moore F Moore. 50 acres Alfred Brown 5.53 F nch. J. Edgar 125 acres Purine place ... 50.76 F dale Bros. Water Skirt 40.50 f irrester, Mrs. Almiro, 1 lot Atlantic 2.25 itmtain. W. B.. 1 lot Spt. S Hgts .. .61 s mntnin. W. B.. 1 lot FFowe, I lot Sawdust Trail 51.46 s ench. Mrs. W. A., 1 lot St. Ueorge 2.26 S richer. D. W., 50 acres Bobie Branch 1.50 s ilcher. Mary E., estate, 1 lot Dry 12.00 s iltwood. Mrs. Eliza, 1 lot A lac Swain 10.96 dlwood, Mrs. J. W., 1 lot S West ? .. .. 8.70 dlwood, I^ewls. 1 lot Burlington 8.38 dlwood. Thomas. 1 lot Clarington 5.76 dlwood. W. T.. 1 lot Drv .. 12.07 irpless. James, 1 lot Fkirling- S ton .. .46 irpless. Price. 109 acres Fra- S ziers Neck. 1 lot Howe. 1 lot Howe, l lot Caswell 17.17 s lloway, Dr. W. C., Water Front Cottage .? .. 5.26 3arner. Leslie. 1& acres home 12.12 Sarner. Wallace, 12% acres Half-Hell. 15 acres HalfHell - 3 9(1 3ause. Chas. E., 50 acres woods. 200 acres Marsh ... 22.00 Say. W. M.. estate. 1 lot West 7.5(1 Gilbert. J. E? 185 acres home.. 31.02 Hart. James F.. estate 10% acres Governor's Creek 1.90 Hart. O. B., 35 acres Moore's Creek - 17.00 Hewett, John. 1 lot Howe Hewett. S. H.. 250 acres Staffi it Place ? 12.65 Hill. J. E. 37 acres woods .... 4.?U Holden, John estate 1 lot Spt. Hrts - -75 Holden. O. H.. 1 Spt. Hgts 12.17 Holt. Josiah, 1 lot Howe 7.87 Hood. H. \V., 1 lot Atlantic, 1 lot Moore. I lot Moore St. (Store Building) ? 151.45 hood. James H., 1 lot West .... 41.78 Hornsby, B. M . 104 aires Lewis, 100 acres Spencer .... 43.40 Hornsby. Mrs. Cora. 100 acres Creech 13.13 Howey. Mrs. Hatlie L, 1 lot Bay 40.67 Hughes, Dr. T. E? 208 acres woods and land 15.61 lenrette. Mrs. John, 1 lot Atlantic . . 1-50 lorgenson, Niels, estate. 1 lot Dry 14.26 locelyti Co., 1 lot West 6.00 Ichnson. J. X.. 1 lot Caswell 7.63 lohnson, Mrs. L. J., 60% acres Trashier 76 I ones. Johnie. 1 lot Back Alley 2.26 tones & McKoy, 1 lot Spt. Hgts .75 Jones. Rebecca, estate 1 lot l 14.55 l-ewis, W. E.. 1 lot Spl. Hgts. .75 Lindsey & Berg 1 lot Howe 7.88 Lindsey. Mrs. Kate. 200 acres Dutchman 15.00 Lindsey, T. H.. 28 acres Vineyard, 25 acres Swain, 1 lot Atlantic, 1 lot Howe. 1 lot Howe and Alley 69.38 Love; M. I)., 7 acres woods .... 1.05 Lucas, Mrs. Ruth, 1 lot Brunswick 19.50 colt ' .. 18.00 M? -Donald, Mrs. Dora. 49V* acres Governor's Creek 8.91 McKeithan. Mrs. A. T., 1 lot Howe, 1 lol Howe, 1 lot Spt. Hgts U.M McKeithan. A. T., estate, 15 acres Reynolds 405 McKeithan, J. \V.. 1 lot Howe 34.38 McKeithan, Al. A., est., 1 lot Brunswick 11.26 McKoy, .1. J., 50 acres T. C. H. H. U A 2.26 M< Kackan, John H., estate, 090 acres home, 1 lol Spt. ligls., 1 lot Howe and Moore, 1 lot Atlantic and Nash. 1 lot Howe 189.60 McKay, J. E., acre Highland i'ark '108 Mariow, Bertrati, 1- acres Heaver Dam 7Viarsh. L. A.. I lot Spt. Hgts. .46 Martin. Medonla. 70 acres rrices Creek 13.50 Maultsby. K. II., 438 acres Chamblee, estate. 145 acres J. A. Kourk, 1 lot Atlantic 1 lot Howe j ? 63.63 Meader. Mrs. Maude, 70 acres l'rices Creek 13.50 Mercer, A. H.. 75 acres woods l lot Spt. Hgts. 3.86 Mercer, Mary L., heirs, loo acres Bucky Bay 4.50 Mercer. Mrs. Oliver J.. 40 acres Green Tract 3.40 Mints, Al. B., estate, 1 lot Swamp Garden, 1 lot West 19.96 Moore, Mrs. Minnie S., 1 lot Atlantic 30.09 Moore, Dr. T. V., 1 lot Caswell 13.00 Moore. W. B., 1 ol Clarendon .... 11.70 Neighborhood Store, 1 lot West (store! iN Newton, B. K, estate, 4 acres Bobbins Bay. 35 acres 1-ong Neck, 50 acres Dutchman .... 3.99 Newton. Ed. Crammer, 1 lol Leonard ~ 3.61 Newton, John Richard, 1 lot West and Caswell 35.50 Newton. J. K.. heirs, 1 lot Nash 15.16 Newton, Lottie Mae, 1 lot Caswell and Nash 17.36 Newton, Mrs. S. D., estate, 1 lot ( as well 16.50 Newton. Walker, Est., 1 lot Moore & Lord, 1 lot West 51.30 New ton, Mrs. YV. J., 1 lot Alooie 46.50 Newton, W. J. Heirs, 3 lots Newton, W. J. Heirs, 3 lots Owens, 1 lot Brunswick 8.36 Nicholson, G. 11., 1 lot Spt. Hts 61 Northrop Funeral Home, 1 lol Caswell 36.00 Northrop, Mrs. Lucy, l lut spt. Hgts., 1 lot Caswell. 1 lot Aloore 116.70 Northrop, M. A., 1 lot la>rd .... 30.70 Htison, Mrs. I,.. 60 V4 acres r raziers - o.io nioway W. T. Est.. 8 acres Dutchman 75 Jut law, K. K.. 1 lot Howe. 1 lot Nash 36.24 'almetto Island Co., l*38t> acres Baldhead Island 800.00 'arker, Mrs. Annie D.. 1 lot Lord ? 17.55 'eadrick, T. It.. Me acre Sawfrail 75 Copies United Hank, 1 lot Moore, 1 lot Howe, 1 lot S. & W? 1 lot Atlantic 78.76 'epper, Mrs. L. J., 1 lot Atlantic 1.50 *erry, C. JO. Est., 1 lot Howe & West 36.00 'erry. Nelson. 1 lot Spts. Hgts 2.26 'hillips, H. H.. 1 lot City 6.00 'igolt. M. M.. 1 lot Howe 30.76 'inner, Mrs. Mat tie, 1 lot West, 1 lot Owens & Atlantic 10.50 'inner, W. T., Kst.. 1 lot Dry 1 lot Howe & Dry, 1 lot Spilt, Hgts. 11.40 'otter, Mrs. J. C., 2 lot Split. Hgts '. 75 'rice. Hen II., 130 acres Wescott 14.33 'rice, Dillard F.. 200 acres Brown, 100 acres farm 36.09 'rice. Jesse D.. 1 lot Atlantic 6c Brow n 15.00 'rice, Mrs. W. A.. 14 acres Old Home 10.48 'l ice, W. K., 40 acres Reid ... 11.26 'ridgen 6: Davis, 8 acres Prices Creek 1.80 'rivitt, Avon, 120 acres W. H. Long 15.00 'ulley, W. D., 22 acres home, 1 lot Atlantic 6.53 teeoe, John, 1 lot Nash 9.38 tinnebuig, Edward & Sons, 6 acres Fish Factory 18.00 lens, Edward. 1 lot Atlantic . 6.00 lice, A. M. 1 lot St. George & Atlantic 2.26 tobbins, A. J. 225 (Ms) interest acres Waldon Creek, 24 acres Heaver Dam. 1 lot West, 1 lot Howe.l lot Howe, 1 lot Nash & Howe. 1 lot Nash & Dry. 1 lot Howe & Leonard, 1 lot Howe & I^eonard, 1 lot Howe & Leonard, interest home, 1 lot I^ord, Owens & Howe 178.14 tobbins, S. M. Est. 40 acres Prices Creek 3.76 tobbins. G. D. 1 lot Atlantic... 24.88 lodgers, Harvey 1 lot Howe .... 13.88 tuark Sc Carr interest C. H. Drew, Cape Fear Kiver Kd... 3.00 tuark. C. G. 1 lot Nash 24.00 tuark, J. W. 1 lot Nash & Atlantic, 1 lot Dry, 1 lot Caswell 53.88 icabarozi, Harry 40 acres home 22.50 ichenibbin. Martin 50 acres Corbett .. 6.76 tellers, A. W. 12 acres Beaver Dam 72 tellers, Luther 1 lot Dry & Brown 9.00 tellers, O. D. 50 acres woods. 15 acres home 11.76 tellers. Hi ft en E. 3M? acres Laura McFtacken, 22 acres Wescott 30.44 entell & Peterson 706 acres Mercer, 75^ acres Piggott. 25 acres T. C. Lancaster. 72 acres .Smart Monroe, 62 acres Alfred Hrown, 50 acres A. Brown, 200 acres T, & A. Brown 35.71 hannon. H. M. ?,?. acres Browns Chapel. 2 acres Gray House.. 21.46 Jiepard, Mrs. Eva Mae 1 lot Nash 25.50 limmons, David 60 acres Gover PAGE 5 I nors Creek ...? ?... 12 m | I Singletnry E. F. 1 lot Atlantic.. S#k1 Skinner. S. K. I lot Bay 1" WT Smith. A. W. I lot Clarendon \47 Smith. E. H. 80 acres home & Matthews 4*13 Smith. H. H. 00 acres Temple. 11.50 Smith. Isaac B. Est. 1 lot Moore & Nash 31.50 j Smith. John E. 1 lot Atlantic.... 1.13 I Smith. J. C. -10 acres home .. 34.46 {Smith. Mrs. Minnie 1 loi Howe -.26 I Smith, P. A. & L. B. 233 acres home. 68 acres Beaver Dam.. 34.08 I Smith. \V. C. 50 acres home 12.30 Smith. W. L. I lot West 3.38 Snell. Mrs. Annie 10 aires Wards . 75 Southerland. C. G. 1 lot Water Front ? 5-26 Southport Fish St ran 6c Oil Company Factory Site 75.00 Spencer. Airs. Fannie Est. 1 lot Atlantic 6c Leonard 1.50 Spencer, F. W. 175 acres Le*-h 13.110 Spencer, Harry 1 lot Atlantic.... 2.2* i Spencer. Lee 6 acres woods.... 2.38 I Spencer, M C. 1 lot Brown 17.30 i Spencer. Mrs. W. F. Est. 15 I acres home - 8-29 I Spencer. Mrs. S. L. 6 acres woods -38 j Stanley. Geo. E. y acres home, | 14 acres woods .... 7.80 | Stanley, W. E 5 acres home 3.80 Stevens. A. E. 13 acres River I Road. 1 lot Brown. 1 lot j Atlantic, 1 lot Howe, 1 lot ] Howe, 1 lot Burlington. 1 lot i Moore ?.< Weeks 65.78 ' Stevens. E. B. Est. 80 acres Cottage. acres Brown, 75 acres Governors Creek, 148 acni Dutduaan 21.84 I Stryon. W. Al. Est. 1 lot West 12.76 Sue. W A. Est 1 lot Lord 300 Swain. Alex 100 acres Fall Bay. 72 acres home 25.43 Swain, C. C. 200 acres home 35.70 Swain. Ernest 27 acres woods 5.40 Swain, G. F. 10 18-20 acres home 10.65 Swain. J. D. Est. 100 acres Davis Creek : 76 Swam, John P. 177 aires home 20.00 , I Swain, Mrs. Mamie 1 lot Moore 18.00 I Swain, Mrs. Martha Cox. Est. j 10 acres Beaver Dam 61 Swain, P. L. 245 3-10 acres j Jones Field. 184 acres C. C. I Swain, 93 3-lu Long Beach, lo acres home, 1 lot Spth. Height- 29.01 {Swain, R. Clyde 5 acres Sea ! Shore 5.65 St. George, C. B. Est. 1 lot Spth. Hgts 38 St George, C. B. 6c D. F. 1 lot Nash & Dry 5.26 St George, R. D. 1 lot Howe & 11 .i, St George, Russell 1 lot West 8.881 Tharp. P. C. 1 lot Brunswick 1 lot home 30.09 {Thompson, J. W. 830 1-3 acres l Worthan. 1 lot Swamp Garden 34.68 . rhompson. Al. t;. l lot Bay 1 lot Brunswick. 1 lot Howe, 1 lot Moore. 1 lot Dry 48.09 Thompson. T. Al. Sr. Est. 8oO acres Willard Tract 38.46 Torguxon. E. D. 22 acres Rob am* 62. i 'S ' I Van. Amringe S. 1 lot Hay H| 1 lot Hay. 1 lot Bay & Allan- HH tl?.', 1 lot Hay, 1 lot Hay, ^9 1 lot Davis, 1 lot Bay, 1 lot |B Dry ft Nash 353.38 B Windsor. Millard 15" a?-ros I*'. bH I Ward, Mrs. Alary l" acres woods and farm 7.50 B Ward. Mrs. Velma i lot AHai ti. IMD B Waters, Mrs. t'. S. acre j9H Filling . 2JW B Watts. S. W. 1 lot Lord 35.05 B Weathers, .1. W. 1 lot Lord ? SO Caswell, I lot Moore & Hruns- B wick 60.61 !B Weeks, Harry l lot Moore ... 37J8 Weeks, Alary Louise Kst. 1 lot SB Moore ? Ho?v 45.00 pM Weeks, w ) Est i lot Moore 3-1.50 B Weeks, Win. M Kst. ?4 acre n9 interest Taylors Place. 90 jjB acres Prices Creek,! lot Leoiiard. 1 lot Suamp Harden, 1 nn lot Owens Field ... 20.2S B Wells, Joe 1 lot ,S|>th. llgts. . .61 HH Wescott.'John Kst. 1 lot Atlantic 0.36 IS Wescolt, It. M. Kst. 1 lot West "MB End 38 B Wescott, T. J. 24 acres Beaver Dam 6.81 B Williams. Mary S. 1 lot Howe 31.30 B Willis. Mrs. E. O. l lot Davis 36.00 B W. H. ? S. It. It. Co. 1 lot B Hay. Rliett ? Moore 30.00 B Wolfe, Mrs. Kva 1 lot West . .. 8.65 KB Woodside. M. K. Kst. 300 acres B woods 156 Xantlios, D. P. 30 acres Frazier B Neck, 1 lot Moore 37.50 B Vaskell, I,. T. 1 lot Moore 15.50 IB Yaskell. Mrs. L. T. 1 lot Moore , B ? Caswell B SMITH VII I.K TOWNSHIP?Colored H AI ridge, Lewis 6 acres woods. .. 1.50 H Allen, J. D. Est. 48 acres Marsh Branch 6.46 Banks, Ada Est. i lot Lord.... 4.88 B Barber, Nancy Kst. 13 aires B home 3.38 B Bell, i-'!.,-si.- l i..' Caswell I 13 B Hell, Henry Kst. 317 acres Old B Home 33.09 B Bell, Itoddie H acres home . 3.13 19 Beileiity, H. \'. 1 lot Clarendon 9.30 Bellamy, Jasper i i"t Clarendon 9.50 Bellamy, Susie 1J* acres woods 3.36 H| Berrjawd, H. H. 13 acres home 5.49 19 Bernard, F. H. 1 l* 1 _ acres home 6.65 Bernard. W. H. Kst. 35 acres Old Home 10.30 9fl Berry. Aggie 1 lot ithett 6.90 B Berry. Hurtran 1 lol Lord ? Wk ]' B Berry, Henry 1 lot St. (Seorge 5.36 B Berry, Sam 1 lot Swamp Carden. 1 lot (5rid Iron 6.00 EH Metts, Alfred 6 acres woods, HI 17 acres woods, 18 acres home 7.13 Belts, Sam 1 lot Caswell, 1 Nit Lord I B Hlount, Phillis 1 lot Caswell 3.36 Bower, James Kst. 100 acres Bogie Branch. 1 lot West 6.00 |H Hrewington. Kllen 16 acres t Dark Branch 1.80 Hrenson. Calvin I lot- Howe, 1 MM ha Dwells, 1 lot Brow n 31.09 |Hj Brown, Hill 7 acres home . . 3.0Q. J| Brown, Calvin VI- acre M. Jack- g| . OUM -.10 Brown, Elizabeth Eat. 1 lot R Brown 9.76 R Blown, June Est. 1 lot Grid R Iron 4.50 R Brown, Mary 10 acres woods.. 1.50 Brown, Olivia 1 lot Clarenden. 3.76 Kj Brown, Sally 1 lot Clarenden 4.36 R Brown. Williams Est. lo acres R home 3.09 brown, W. H. 1 lot St. George R 1 lot f